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3502262 No.3502262 [Reply] [Original]

so /sci/ if some one was to kill them self with helium. by placing a plastic bag over there head and using tubing from the helium tank to the bag. would this kill the person?

also seeing how there is no build up of co2 there should be no side effects. like body move ment puking into your lungs ect ect right?

>> No.3502270

Just use CO its more pleasant, He is running out.

>> No.3502280
File: 378 KB, 1239x795, 1292789913181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally i get to use this pic

>> No.3502283

why is it so easy to buy at a party store then?

>> No.3502289

What would happen if you used that mask/tubing to make a mask to inhale smoke from various herbs

>> No.3502291

masks do not work. they leak when you turn the tank on. you have to use a bag

>> No.3502290

Because its a byproduct of natural gas/ oil drilling

>> No.3502296


>> No.3502304

Doesn't matter if they leak, so long as you have positive pressure there won't be an oxygen flow in

>> No.3502305

come on guys i just want to know of any ill side effects besides death. i do not want to end up in the hospital brain dead becouse i started to do the floppy chicken and the bag comes offs.

>> No.3502310

Asphyxiation by displacing all the oxygen in the air is hard to do. You're better off with CO.

>> No.3502313

>also seeing how there is no build up of co2

>> No.3502315

brain damage is certainly possible with any asphyxiation attempt. Which is why I advise CO, it'll kill way faster at lower partial pressures.

>> No.3502319


What is the difference between being brain dead in the hospital and being brain dead in the morgue? Either way you've successfully reduced your I.Q. to 0 and become a non-entity.

>> No.3502325

the issue is if you get an IQ of about 60-90. Then you'd just feel bad. Lower than that and you're too stupid to care.

>> No.3502324

heluim kills you in about 5-10 mins CO is faster then that?

>> No.3502343

Yes, CO aggressively replaces Oxygen in the blood, its actually a poison but a painless pleasant one.

Anyway 5-10 minutes if EMS arrives and they get you to a hospital you could be revived possibly with brain damage.

>> No.3502371

CO is harder to get then helium. also could kill some one else. helium is the better choice i think

>> No.3502403

Its not hard to get, its exceedingly simple chemistry, order some formic acid and sulfuric acid off amazon. As for danger to others, that can be managed by ventilating the room and using a similar device the exit bag to deliver the CO

>> No.3502442

that is a very sad pic you posted there, op

>> No.3502461

>lives in a country that spends the majority of its money on making killing devices and training killers
>think a dead mouse is sad

>> No.3502498

>4.7% of GDP
>/sci/ - Science & Math
Never change

>> No.3502524

There were those NASA scientists that walked into a area filled with nitrogen and just collapsed dead.

So I think you're right that if you're body doesn't notice it's not getting carbon dioxide out, it doesn't care that you're dieing.

>> No.3502591

I have had the oisha confined spaces training and they scare the hell out of you. When you hold your breath you can remain conscious for ~2 minutes, when you replace the air with an inert gas and take a deep breath you can loose consciousness in 15 seconds.

I have had hypoxia training too, that is some fun stuff. They put you in a chamber and suck out almost all the air. The moisture in the air condenses in front of you and its like fog but the droplets quickly fall. Then you get loopy and have a big dumb smile on your face, tunnel vision, slow responses and stupid logic also happen. We only had our masks off for ~5 minutes but you could see yourself quickly deteriorating (we got to see the video afterwords).

I gotta say hypoxia is not a bad way to die.

>> No.3502632

I aim to use nitrogen induced hypoxia myself.

>> No.3504839

For those who don't know:
CO2 levels in your bloodstream are what let your body know when it needs to take a breath. If the CO2 levels don't rise, you wont feel the urge to breath. This is why divers can sometimes pass out while swimming if they take too many deep breaths and then dive.

Anyway, yea. Replace the O2 with an inert gas and youre gone without realizing.

Why are you killing yourself, OP? Just curious.

>> No.3505338

Isn't typically a lack of motive to live?

In which case it's easier to ask why you are not killing yourself and then suggest a few entertaining things op might try before he self-terminates.

I highly suggest skydiving and shooting off some form of high explosive, >2lbs if you can find some place that will let civilians have a go at that.
Otherwise make some slower burning fun compounds like thermite and play with those for a bit.

I contend if you have not tried these things yet then you may want too, they have a tendency to make life worth living for a lot of people.

>> No.3505351

People so often say these things, but it shows a fundamental failure to understand what depression is.

>> No.3505355

Use N2, don't waste He

>> No.3505359
File: 82 KB, 348x278, sad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.3505370
File: 16 KB, 500x500, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know bro
i know

>> No.3505400

I know what depression is, you are being presumptuous. Op has been here for around a month asking about this. He is apparently not depressed.
He is interested in suicide however. Believe it or not this is entirely possible and tends to happen more often then actual depression.

The mere fact that op is so interested in the method, it's effect on others, and possible side effect for him are indicative of the thought op has put into this. (also indicative of op's unwillingness to actually kill himself but I'm not here judge)

Anyway, whether or not op will actually self-terminate, the things I mentioned are great experiences for anyone and can give a new spin on life. Even if he is clinically depressed, it's highly unlikely that it is severe enough that he will not feel anything after jumping out of an aircraft or being in close proximity to a large explosion.
This is why I choose to mention those activities.

>> No.3505418

You can't cure depression with adrenaline. Furthermore anhedonia is exceedingly common with depression. Not to mention the lack of motivation that tends to show up, you're unlikely to be able to convince them to try.

So yes, you seem to have a critical misunderstanding of the nature of depression.

>> No.3505434

nigga you just got told by

>> No.3505442

go back to /b/

>> No.3505441

I did not claim to have some method of curing depression. Again, you are assuming too much of op and of me.
Read the thread for what it is.

I propose a couple of things to try in the case that op simply does not really see a reason to live.
I can understand that perspective, which it seems you are incapable of comprehending, and so am addressing that possibility.

tl;dr - stop assuming that everyone who contemplates suicide is clinically depressed, or even psychologically depressed.

>> No.3505453

>is butthurt about getting told
>tries to weasel out of it

>> No.3505458

I was not addressing the other stupid things you said, I was addressing the statement:
>Even if he is clinically depressed, it's highly unlikely that it is severe enough that he will not feel anything after jumping out of an aircraft or being in close proximity to a large explosion.
Which seems retarded given that if OP were depressed, he's depressed enough to be contemplating suicide.

>> No.3505476


>implying every helium suicide thread is made by the same person

durp, i bet half those OPs are dead

>> No.3505500

wow did'nt expect to see my thread back on the first page.

but any way to answer your question. life fucking sucks. i see no meaning in it any more. to be honest i'm not depressed at all. i'am quite happy at the moment.

as i was saying there is not meaning to life. every living thing dies. i will not live forever and sure as fuck would not want to. life would get quite dull.

i really do hope there is no after life of any kind that would get quite dull. very quickly. no matter how great it may seem at first. i just want nothingness i can not think of anything greater.

also i have some health problems, in dept. ect ect but thats under the life sucks part.

>> No.3505509

dude, if you don't like the department you're in just switch its not a big deal.

>> No.3505517

If he is depressed, his synaptic response is not necessarily slowed to the point where he will not even sense a massive adrenaline dump.
This is the foundation of the least important statement in my post, which you apparently choose as the most important instead of considering that I may simply have been looking at this from a different perspective.
If I am in error even in thinking that, so be it, I am not a psychologist and I do not study mental disorders. I do, however, understand that depression has to do with retarded synaptic response resulting in a literal inability to feel anything as strongly as you should. I also understand that clinical depression most likely requires medication and, as I stated, I do not presume to advise anyone otherwise.

However, if op is not depressed as his behavior on this board may well suggest as a possibility then my suggestion may be useful to him.

Has you opinion of /sci/ dropped so low that you now see every post as written out of complete ignorance, inability to even run a quick google search, and total arrogance such that you now choose to respond only as if this is the case all contrary statements be damned?

>> No.3505523

i'm unemployed. and highly uneducated. no worryes i have had quite a good life. and have seen quite a few things i'am ok with dying very soon

>> No.3505537

I was mocking your spelling (i assume you meant to write "debt"), I wasn't trying to talk you out of anything.

>> No.3505542

synaptic response is only one element, you reduce a complex system like the brain-mind interaction too far.

>> No.3505544

lol o ok. funny thing, as much as i want to die i'm still scared shit less just thinking about it.

>> No.3505551

Cool, so anyway, if you feel like it try skydiving and playing with large quantities of high explosives sometime. Might actually be interesting for a minute.

I've been thinking almost exactly like this off and on for a while now.
Not sure why people try to assign so much arbitrary meaning/value to life.
Regardless of what one believes about the afterlife, there is little justifiable argument for continued life.

The only thing I continuously come up with for a motive is having some fun before you kick it. I guess if I ever really run out of fun shit to waste time on I'll try this helium thing too.
Although I suspect it would be just as well and more expedient to put a couple of short sticks on the left and right arteries in your neck then strap down good with a belt.
If you can get a good tourniquet that works too.
Just make sure the pressure stays without touching it. 8secs and you pass out 15ish and you are on your way to brain death.

>> No.3505562

I was in a similar rut once. Plus I was tens of thousands of euros in debt.

But with some pushing from my sister, I got some free and some not-so-free education, then a job, then my own business. Then I managed to pay off my debts.

In the meantime, I've even had a chance to be married a couple of times and had some kids.

>> No.3505570

Don't be afraid in death we shall come to know the lord and be embrace him and his eternal love, wherein he shall say "depart from me you cursed to outer darkness for you have committed the blasphemy of suicide" and he shall send you out to join your brethren of the slothful and there will be much wailing and the gnashing of teeth. Yea, the lord is good and merciful. So do not fear.

>> No.3505572

not sure how that would work the arteries are very close to your wind pipe. i,m preatty sure you would choke your self out and start puking tummy acid. and that would be unpleasant

>> No.3505576

Okay, at this point you are about 49% troll so this is the last time I will venture to spell it out.

I don't study the mind, so naturally I have a simplistic view of depression, but not a completely ignorant one. I know enough to know that I cannot presume to treat it, especially not by a mere change in activities.

Op has already chimed in and said he is not depressed at all. Keep telling yourself otherwise if you wish but he seems to have nearly the same perspective as I was attempting to address.
Not depression but more akin to nihilism try to understand that this is possible, it might just help you out in actually communicating with people.

>> No.3505579

lol yeah that could be why i would be scared of death. having that BS drilled into me head from time to time

>> No.3505582

There's an old adage: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"

>> No.3505583

Works the same way a figure4 blood choke works, or any variation for that matter.
You have to take care to allow a space in front for the windpipe since you are not going for an air choke and those take much longer to drop an opponent.

>> No.3505590

Ignore the religion troll, he can't support anything he says. Also, try to imagine heaven. As you say it would get dull fast and it is supposedly eternal, sounds like it would be just as bad as hell after a while.

This is why both are a logical impossibility.

>> No.3505594

obvious sarcasm =/= troll

>> No.3505600

Ah, another anon who's studied anatomy for the purpose of murder...

I counter your figure 4 with a reaching eyeball gouge and a shoulder throw followed by a face stomp.

>> No.3505603

to be fair that was already one more than the "last time"

>> No.3505601

hmm ic to bad there was not a easy way to just put small clamps on the two arteries and be done with it.

>> No.3505598

You are such a pompous dick.
I cannot put it any more plainly than to say that I realize that and do not presume to act from ignorance.

Not kindly fuck off, you'll get no more from me.

>> No.3505604

> If someone was to kill them self
> them self
> If someone was to kill (their self)... would this kill the person?
> move ment

>> No.3505606

Sarcasm is not obvious on the internet.
(no one can see your face so it is left up to the initial disposition of the mind upon reading the statement)

>> No.3505609


>> No.3505616

Of course.
LINE ftw

>> No.3505620

If you're gonna kill yourself, you might as well go for the good stuff and kill yourself with xenon. It has an anesthetic effect similar to nitrous oxide.

>> No.3505623

ANYWAYS i really do not know why but i have been thinking about streaming it live on the internet when the time comes. seeing how you guys have helped me. i'll be sure to post the link on /sci/

>> No.3505632

heh, /b/ will love you for this. Not too many people think about it enough to stream video.

>> No.3505638

and where would i get that? and what is so wroung with using helium? i do not think i would feel pain.

but i am geting to the point where i do not give a fuck if i feel pain or not

>> No.3505650

also if i do stream it live killing your self with helium is not illeagal so do not bother trying to contact cops or paramedics

>> No.3505658

You can buy xenon from airgas.

I'd get a tank of nitrogen or co over helium though. There have been a couple cases where people have twitched and managed to rip off the bag after losing consciousness. They've survived with severe brain damage.

>> No.3505675

god damn it. that is what i was looking for. so you do move when using heluim. hmm but to be honest i,m sure you will twicth using any kind of gas. i will just have to make a bag that i can put my arms in like a shit so it will not come off i guess.

>> No.3505678

OP, life gets better.

however if you're set on killing yourself you've got nothing left to lose. You might as well go do a few things you've been wanting to do but hadn't the guts for. Rent a ferrari on your parents' credit card, wreck it. Put the moves on some chick in a bar and then fight her jealous boyfriend... lose. Walk into a bank and hand the teller a note demanding a million dollars. see if you get away with it. Light things on fire. chop down your neighbor's cherry tree, pour brake fluid on somebody's car, walk off into the sunset and see how far you get. Live under a tree on the courthouse lawn. break into houses and steal bread. Whatever, go crazy. It's quite liberating, and relieves the boredom. It takes far more courage to live than to die.

We know you've got the guts to kill yourself. We doubt you've got the guts not to.

>> No.3505693

You can't twitch from nitrogen, because nitrogen narcosis blocks nerve signals.

Can't twitch from xenon either and it stays in your lungs better.

>> No.3505695

yeah not working i lising and read alot of alan watts. only thing i need to do is see the ocean.

>> No.3505707

also going to jail and getting raped is not for me.

>> No.3505718

>We know you've got the guts to kill yourself. We doubt you've got the guts not to.

We don't know someone has the guts to kill themself until they kill themself. We know they have the guts to not kill themselves because they've been doing that their whole life so far.

>> No.3505727

why so scared? Not like you can't kill yourself in prison if you want. If you're feeling really adventurous you could probably get a cop to shoot you pretty easily anyways.

>> No.3505742

geting shot does not always kill you. trying to kill your self in prison would be painfull. i don't like pain

>> No.3505767

pain doesn't matter if you don't live to remember it.

it doesn't even matter much if you do. But if you're that afraid of getting hurt, the pain might just kill you.

If not, well hanging yourself with a prison bedsheet doesn't hurt any more or less than what you've got planned.

>> No.3505768

When I get cancer I'm going to sit on a gigantic pile of high explosives out in the desert. Everything else is too slow and not reliable enough.

>> No.3505775

I'm planning on taking a bottle of whiskey and a .45 to the top of a mountain for some mental masturbations.

>> No.3505782

hanging yourself causes carbon dioxide buildup, which is painful. The few taped hangings I've seen, people appear to have second thoughts after it's too late.

>> No.3505784

Not if the prison gets wind of it, suicide watch in prison is brutal.

>> No.3505791

never been to jail and i'm not about to go there. quit trying to troll me. anyways i,m going to bed. if you see the same picture as the one i posted u will know i'm still alive or i'm streaming my death so keep a eye out for it.

don't want to die alone :)

>> No.3505814

second thoughts are entirely normal. Moments before we an hero we realize it's a bad idea. some methods allow us to back out, others leave us dying in horror. The conscious person may not want to live, but the animal it resides in sure as fuck does.

most of the pain of gentle hanging comes from increased blood pressure in the head. Doesn't matter to a dead guy.

>> No.3505818

we all die alone

>> No.3505827

Not if you die in an a-bomb blast, then lots of people die with you

>> No.3505829

I think this looks like a fairly easy way to go.
