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3500403 No.3500403 [Reply] [Original]

>Still thinking a space program is necessary despite our current limits with technology.
I bet a few of you still believe this. Anyone else glad that relic of the Cold War is gone?

>> No.3500405
File: 79 KB, 605x840, gaddafi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking the Shuttle was anywhere near the limit of space technology

>> No.3500409


>Still haven't colonised Mars

What the fuck have we been doing?!

>> No.3500413 [DELETED] 

Fighting sandniggers for rotten biomass which will prolong our dependency for a few years before we have to find alternatives anyway.

>> No.3500414

dat feel when you take a look at all the amazing space research that was cancelled to fund manned space programs

>> No.3500415
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NASA was intending on having man on Mars in 1981, with a Mars base in 1988. Oh, then Nixon fucked everything up by cutting NASA Future Reference missions.

>> No.3500433

fuck you OP, you dont see the value in knowlege
fuck. you. OP.

>> No.3500450
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>Still thinking we're going to Mars this millennium

People ITT sure think it.

>> No.3500455
File: 73 KB, 545x529, tharsisaersoapcemars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge accepted

>> No.3500462

>still thinks there's any scientific merit to a manned mission to mars

>> No.3500468

>This millenium.
>We went from christian retards dying of simple diseases, to superior beings, on the brink of inventing 4chan, in the last millenium.

>> No.3500469
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>thinks rovers can do all the science
>thinks that humans should stay cooped up on one planet with nowhere else to explore
>thinks that people on Mars isn't FUCKING AWESOME

>> No.3500473

1. rovers CAN do all the science
2. yeah, why would we go to a planet like mars that's constantly bombarded with radiation instead of staying on a nice planet like ours
3. ok, then say you want to go to Mars because it's awesome, not because there's some scientific reason for going there

>> No.3500480
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>1. rovers CAN do all the science
The most distance one rover has traveled has been about 20 miles. It cannot upturn boulders, it cannot descend into lava tubes to check for microbes, and we cannot witness the effects of those relatively harsh environments on humans, or rather, how effective our shielding is.

>2. yeah, why would we go to a planet like mars that's constantly bombarded with radiation instead of staying on a nice planet like ours

Besides, this can be changed.

>3. ok, then say you want to go to Mars because it's awesome, not because there's some scientific reason for going there
No.1 and 2

>> No.3500484

3/10 since I wrote out a response, then realized you were trolling

>> No.3500486

The problem is that research is a zero sum game, if you want to send faggots to Mars it means you're cancelling a lot of other space programs

Just one example, Nasa had to cancel a satellite that would search for asteroids that might impact earth in order to keep the space shuttle / space station running

How the fuck is a space station more important than protecting our planet from asteroids?

>> No.3500497
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Some people have just lost the instinct of exploring the unknown.

If I can compare this to age of empires.

>Some people just stay in one place, using up all their resources, without exploring, so keeping all the area completely black and you have no idea if there are any resources close by.

>Some people want to explore the black fog of war, revealing what is there for future reference.

>> No.3500496
File: 226 KB, 900x740, amurrka_by_pokketmowse-d2xsa1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the U.S. government would shut down the space program immediately it would have 2 more days to finance killing civilians in unnecessary wars oversees and help greedy banksters get their 7th private jet after they just put us into the deepest crisis since the great depression. Shutting down the entire department of education would give them 3 more days by the way.

But as we all know, increasing the taxes on the super-rich elite (sorry, job providers) by 3% is socialism and communism. Helping most of the population is very bad.

And yes. Exploring space is soooooo useless. We have to deal with local problems on earth, like killing each other and "fixing the economy" that is built on unsustainable grounds anyway. Most of the technology you use now was invented and tested by NASA ages ago.

All I really want is an own spaceship so I can get the fuck off this planet. Because if we keep destroying it in the rate we do it now and everybody that tries to invent something sustainable, cost-efficient and environment-friendly is disregarded as a fucking hippie by corrupt politicians that are merely the puppets of large corporations, we won't be around much longer.

tl;dr: Space exploration is more useful than 80% of what we spend our money on. The problem is that the people that run this world are old and they don't give a fuck about future generations. All the want is more and more wealth.

Education, health care and very generously founded science and space departments. That's all humanity needs.

>> No.3500500

Also, space is fucking awesome.

Like literally really goddamn fucking awesome.

It would be a shame if our species would be stuck on this planet until it

a) kills itself
b) gets buttraped by the planet because we fucking ruined it
c) gets killed eventually by a meteor or solar flare or whatever


>> No.3500505
File: 17 KB, 496x384, 1289024674020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.3500515


In AoE you need one peasant/scout to explore the map.
In reality you cant do that.

>> No.3500520

I don't know. It seems roughly the same cost proportional to the defense spending in AoM.

>> No.3500544

Those living now are that one scout.

We are the minority of those who will live on the earth due to the dead being dead and already lived on the earth, but the future, the future inhabitants of the earth may/will benefit.

>> No.3500549

Except there is no fog of war, we know we can't do shit on mars until we've advanced some other technologies first. You forgot to mention the players who spend resources on scouts and try to rush you only to find your economy has grown to the point where you can churn out archers and wall shit off.

Deal with it.

>> No.3500559

we cant live on mars, we cant shield ourselves from the radiation

and any inhabitable planets we find will be lightyears away, by the time we arrive there thousands of years will have passed

gotta focus on earth and space research that benefits us like satellite and telescopes, not sending faggots out to play golf and play with skittles in zero g

>> No.3500574
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>we know we can't do shit on mars until we've advanced some other technologies first.

I was going to respond to you until you implied Mars has zero gravity.

>> No.3500593

i was talking about fags on the space station and shuttle, not mars when i talked about skittles

>> No.3500595
File: 37 KB, 814x497, ocomeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send me a zeitgeist style youtube video as proof
Isambard Kingdom Brunel didn't lay around dildoing his asshole to his dreams of engineering feats, he embraced the real world and took responsiblity. This is the attitude needed to get to Mars, not faggot hippy fantasies.

>> No.3500611

Why the fuck would we want to go to mars now anyway?
The world's falling to shit, it'd cost trillions that could be so much better spent, and it'd accomplish nothing.
Maybe in a century or so it'd be worthwhile, assuming we get over the energy crisis we're plunging into now.

>> No.3500618

I like your attitude.

>> No.3500621

We still have a space program. Why wont anybody actually read up on this subject. Its not like NASA hides its future plans, godamn!

I see so many posts moaning about this, why cant you go and take a look at least?

I'm a retard drop out that has spent the past 20 years driving a pickup truck that literally has a gunrack and spending almost all of my disposable income on watered down draft and rye in shitty bars and I have had the drip 8 times.

And I still try to read up on things I want to discuss. What the fuck is your excuse?

>> No.3500640


If you were female I would kidnap you and force you to bear my children.

>> No.3500642

Would you like me to send you the e-book link to The Case for Mars, which is Zubrin's book on Mars Direct? If you don't like music and watching a six minute video, I'm sure you'll like reading page after page.

55 billion over 10 years, which can be done within NASA's existing budget.

Because of Apollo, enrollments in science and engineering courses doubled. America (and much of the world) is still benefiting from this.

>> No.3500646

an xray mission and an upper atmospheric probe for mars. wow

captcha: astrophys oksnce