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3498702 No.3498702 [Reply] [Original]

So I hear you all understand a fair amount about academia, and you may be able to answer a few questions.

I'm ready to accept any and all insults regarding this post, so don't hold back!

I'm a 23-year-old retarded kid that was homeschooled and got my GED around the age of 17. I had been in and out of a local community college since then. During my times there, I fucked up royally and basically didn't attend any of my classes racking a grand total of 8 F's(I'm a pro at this) on my transcript. You see, I didn't quite understand what a transcript was, since I was a retarded homeschooled kid with a GED I never had to worry about transcipts--I mean, lol wut the fuk r thos n y shuld i car rite boys???

So, anyway, at that college I had taken a total of 15 classes, 8 of which are F's, 1 of which is from an actual withdrawal, and 5 of them are A's. All giving me an accumulated, WHOPPING GPA of 1.64.

After I actually decided to get an education, I thought that I could maybe retreat from my GPA and go to another community college to get a good GPA, since I never had a problem with doing well in academics and getting A's (all of those F's were from absences), so I enrolled, transferred my transcript so I didn't have to retake classes, and I find out the transcript for both of them are linked and all GPA would remain permanent. So now I'm still stuck with making up for that 1.64 GPA.

The question is: am I fucked? Or am I SERIOUSLY fucked?

Would it even be possible for me to push that GPA to at least 3 by making all A's?

>> No.3498761

Hey bro lemme give you the best advice here: go to another district. Computer systems between districts (in california at least), are not linked. My sister got loads of F's, then started at another community college in another district and is at UCLA now. just dont ever mention those other grades, or ever list that school on anything.

>> No.3498801


I made a thread similar to OP's about fucking up a summer class.

Don't professional/grad schools have ways to do checks on other schools you might have gone to?

>> No.3498796

I'd fucking love to do this, but I'd have to pretty much go to another state to it.

Also, isn't it required by the college to send in ALL previous transcripts? I heard you could get expelled if you don't.

>> No.3498825

I read that there was no national database for transcripts or anything, but there were ways for them to find out if you've been to another college before, and at that point I'm sure they would either request it from you or expel you on the spot for lying.