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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3498477 No.3498477 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/, I come to you because I assume you guys would have knowledge about these things.

So, I took organic chem during the summer at a public state uni (I go to a private school) and I got railed hard the second quarter. The last day to drop was a few days ago (The date was actually AFTER the class officially ended but before grades were released, which I thought was odd.)

Now, is there any way that I could still argue dropping the class or have it somehow erased from my record through some legitimate means? I know that these things generally stay on your record but there must be some way, right?

inb4 you're fucking stupid, why didn't you just get a higher grade, etc. Yes, I'm stupid but please help a stupid person out. That shit was hard btw, fucking whole quarter of ochem in 9 days.

>tl;dr: how to erase a grade from transcript/record.

>> No.3498493

Also, I want to apply to graduate/professional school at some point so it needs to not show up.

I haven't yet transferred the classes I took to my school yet, and won't until I figure something out.

>> No.3498504 [DELETED] 

They won't let you drop it unless you broke your leg or some sort of emergency.

>> No.3498530


Is there some secret way around it where I could have records removed that I was ever at the school or something? I did ok 1st quarter so I'd preferably want that transferred but not the second shit.

>> No.3498566

>not swirling your mixture as you add drop wise

>> No.3498604


I know, then when you finally swirl after like 5 drops you find out your shit just turned dark fucking purple.


>> No.3498811

bamping for help.

>> No.3498894

>how to erase a grade from transcript/record

No one can do this. You just have to absorb the grade, or you can try really hard and see if you can squeeze by with a C or a B.

>> No.3498902

No. Transfer everything or transfer nothing. Public state uni isn't going to baby your privileged private school ass.