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3496920 No.3496920 [Reply] [Original]

Slowing, halting and even reversing the effects of aging.

Audio: http://www.freetalklive.com/files/degrey.mp3
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXnLQGTKZbg
Text: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aubrey_de_grey

Thread doesn't necessarily need to revolve around Dr. De Grey, links point to him solely because he's the biggest name out there when it comes to bio-gerontology.


>> No.3496943

They say the first person to live over 200 is already alive today.

Adults 30 and under are expected to live to at least 150.

However, de Grey's plan is to prolong life into the hundreds of years. As new technologies, methods, cell/genetic manipulation, and surgical procedures progress, so will lifespan.

It's an interesting topic. Surprised I don't see it here on /sci/ more than I do.

>> No.3496942

That guy is the spokesman for stopping aging? Unless hes a scribe from the 1400's im not too impressed

>> No.3496947

really? this is all you have to say on the subject?

bugger off. halfway through the audio. wish these radio hosts would stfu and let the doc speak.

>> No.3496950


He's not really a doctor. I wish more people who talk about these subjects had actual degrees.

Maybe there's a reason that they promote this and they don't have degrees, what do I know?

>> No.3496957

>bugger off

Ohhh sick burn. Also lol at the thread focused on celebrities and not telomerase

>> No.3496960

sorry... /sci/

this is my first introduction to the guy. i haven't even thought about this stuff in ages.

>> No.3496963

I don't think Dr De Grey is serious, he managed to piss off and ostracize the very people he needed to help him. If you were after immortality you'd be a silver tongued politician, diplomatically worming your way into everyone's hearts and minds, not indulging in your own emotions.

>> No.3496964

>I wish more people who talk about these subjects had actual degrees.

Actual scientists are too busy doing science. We have to rely on the other "scientists" to package and sell things to us

>> No.3496966


>> No.3496990


It's okay, I just try to keep a policy of disbelief every time good things are announced.


>> No.3496998

post mitotic cells pretty much fuck over any "natural" method of life extension. We'll either have to create synthetic ones or use something like stem cells to keep pumping new ones in

>> No.3497008

I like the idea of living to be 150

>> No.3497033

It isn't too far-fetched.

Damn straight.


Anyone familiar enough with the subject to fill us in? Too razy to rook.

>> No.3497038

The only reason I would want to live that long is because I have so many things I want to learn and accomplish in life.

>> No.3497041


>> No.3497064

Spoken like a true /sci/entist

>> No.3497068

I'd rather be rebuilt as a cyborg, fuck the haters

>> No.3497082

How would they maintain the integrity of the brain?

>> No.3497085


I'd rather be uploaded and then have the ability to create my own reality with my own allotment of space and matter.


>> No.3497104
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I'd rather be uploaded too, but that's not for immortality.

The immortality is just a side effect.

>> No.3497109 [DELETED] 
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>mfw Dr. De Grey dies in a car crash in the next five months

>> No.3497279

I don't know that I'd do the cyborg brain data transfer.

>> No.3497308


I'm skeptical of mind uploading...all it does is create a copy, it doesn't preserve the original you. You still die.