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3495821 No.3495821 [Reply] [Original]


Legit survey

>> No.3495824

look at all those prices

that'll make me in debt with a mortgage without even having a house.

>> No.3495830

poorfag is poor

>> No.3495833

using this logic I guess you're saying anyone who takes out a loan on college must be a poor fag

and I guess FAFSA and Pell grants are just like welfare too.

>> No.3495834

Most of those rating were for business related jobs.

>> No.3495840

why does the republicans want to remove these fafsa and pell grants? all they'll be doing is hurting people from getting educations and jobs

>> No.3495845

Republicans are social darwinists. They are OK with this because they are rich, or imagine they will be.

>> No.3495854

>we aren't going to give you an education that everyone deserves because you are poor

sounds legit, thanks repubictards

>> No.3495855

UF #9.
But if you decide to go there, beware of the joke student government and the potential for block tuition to make you pay for something you're not buying.
Glad to be graduating in the fall.
Gainesville is a crazy city anyway.

>> No.3495857

Fuck this. There should be no barriers to education, anywhere.

If you want to avoid people getting "unnecessary" education, just make universal zero-interest student loans.

>> No.3495868

democrats have higher incomes and net worths than republicans, but you keep on spewing out those libtard lies...

>> No.3495870

[citation needed]

>> No.3495874

Then why is it that republicans are always trying to cut social welfare, while democrats want to increase it?

I never suggested that democrats are poor. Just the republicans either are or imagine themselves becoming rich.

>> No.3495899

google, motherfucker, do you use it?

...And here is another thing: On average, Republicans are poorer than Democrats! Just go figure. When it comes to economics, it should be pretty simple. There are two basic political attitudes, and you would expect them to correlate with how rich a person is: you would expect both the rich and the poor to vote their pocketbook. The rich would vote for lower taxes and for the government to butt out, i.e. Republican, conservative. The poor would vote for more re-distribution of wealth, more government services, i.e. Democratic, liberal. But, lo and behold, it’s the opposite! Even though there is a lot of overlap, the statistics are clear: The average income of the 100 million or so Republicans is LOWER than that of the 150 million or so Democrats!

>> No.3495900

...and, reasons:

In addition, consider the following factors:
1. Education: Those with a college education are more liberal than those without.
2. The stars of popular culture (Hollywood, pro athletes) are both rich and liberal.
3. Public employees at the managerial level, politicians, lawyers, all make good money, and of course they are overwhemingly Democrats (think of Marxist university presidents making over a million a year).
4. Brainwashing: Republicans, the media and other opinion leaders have been able to divert people’s attention away from economics and towards cultural issues - abortion, gay issues, religion, flag waiving, race, etc. Smokescreens, you might say. Come to think of it, this is related to #1: It’s easier to brainwash dumb and uneducated people.

>> No.3495902

we aren't talking about families or people who claim republican, we're talking about republican politicians and officials

>> No.3495904

>2. The stars of popular culture (Hollywood, pro athletes) are both rich and liberal.

Yeah that Rupert Murdoch guy sure is liberal. And don't even get me started on that communist Charlton Heston or that Ronald Regan guy

>> No.3495911

>makes a claim
>I ask for source
>asserts that I should find his source

bitch please

>> No.3495913

senile, dead, and dead

george soros who?

>> No.3495922

George Soros was a celebrity/sports star?

Also being conservative is a form of dementia to begin with, so you can hardly blame Murdoch

>> No.3495945

There are two types of republicans. The rich and the poor. The poor eat up all the rich lies about supply side economics and their "good ol' american" rhetoric. Its sad as hell to see how many poor have been manipulated into voting against their own interests.

>> No.3495998


Republicans just voted for 17 billion more dollars for pell grants in the bill that just passed.


Republicans donate more to charity.


Everyone deserves something that has a cost. lolkay

>> No.3496000


There are two types of democratss. The rich and the poor. The poor eat up all the rich lies about the "evil" rich people all in a conspiracy together to take away from them things that should be "free" to all. Its sad as hell to see how many poor have been manipulated into voting against their own interests.

>> No.3496004

>zero-interest loans
This is why we glorious master-race finance majors laugh at you scifags.

>> No.3496007


Official interest rates are officially low.

>> No.3496043

You are just talking out of your ass and making shit up.

Most people's issues with entitlements are likely due to the fact that they have been forced to pay into them.

Its not actually free, nothing is. You will understand when you are old enough to work and read what has been deducted from you.
And when you are forced to pay into something and then that service you have paid for is reduced while the same people still manage to field hundreds of billions of dollars to bomb the shit out of little brown kids around the world (also with your money), you might be somewhat irritated.

And who cares what the dems think anyways? The real issue is all of these retarded republicans that think hating gays and abortion makes you a conservative yet their party NEVER talks about ballanced budgets when they are in power, spends taxpayer money like vally girls with their first credit card and doesnt even try to fund their programs. They whine about socialism and then turn around and vote in lockstep for subsidies and incentives (again with your money.) that benefit their districts.

>> No.3496047


Theft of labor is usually a frowned upon activity by those that labor.

I do not support any statist, republican or democrat. I simply admit that democrats want to take more of my labor.

>> No.3496089

Yeah because being a slave of a private corporation and taking less than 1% of the corporation benefits is totally the interests of the poorer, and totally fair also.

>> No.3496098


Corporations are the children of the state. They cannot be attacked without attacking the state. The state is the problem.

>> No.3496137

No, corporations are private entitys which are protected by the state, but a free market economy make those corporations to take political power and thus controlling the state making a corporate fascism.
That way they can still make great profit and leave the workers with just enough to survive.

>> No.3496142

And that's what is happeing in the US and many other capitalist countries, and people still belive that is liberty. Obvioulsy the media (also controlled by private corporations, usually responding to the same individuals) plays an important role in this.

>> No.3496156

>forgot to apply to u of i, because I didn't know when the deadline was
oh well, at least ohio state is on the list and I can do jew magic to get instate

>> No.3496216


There was never a corporation in a free market. They cannot exist without the state as the state created them.

>> No.3496248

It doesn't surprise me that statement coming from you, since you are retarded.
Private corporations are the reason of the market failure, since you fail to recognize them, you fail to recognize the flaw. You should really educate yourself.

>> No.3496257


> thinks private companies means free market
> claims to be above age 5


>> No.3496265 [DELETED] 
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>mfw businesses motivated solely by profit don't choose the ivy leagues and place MIT at 25

>> No.3496268

oh you are so smart
not really, you are retarded.
or maybe you just make profit of this corrupted system, if so, you are also an asshole.

>> No.3496278


Speak english please.

>> No.3496281

First learn economy, then I let you argue with me.

>> No.3496285

>I let you argue with me.
You're not that important.

>> No.3496294

In a thread earlier today, Liberty claimed that all governments are equally bad. Anarchist ideology is a religion for him, and as such reasonable discussion will not get you anywhere. Just ignore him.

>> No.3496310

Yes I am.

>> No.3496320


> lrneconomy

I only know economics.


I argued that corruption is corruption. Who denies such claim?

>> No.3496326
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Oh HOOOO, we've got someone with an extreme sense of self-importance here!

>> No.3496332

Some corruptions are worse than others.

>> No.3496331

You only know Chicago-School economics, you are biased, stop deluding yourself.

>> No.3496333

Nobody is looking at you troll.

>> No.3496336
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>> No.3496348

If you're taking under 15 units a semester you're a lazy piece of shit anyway, block tuition just means you get to take a free joke elective if you want.

>> No.3496354
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So the ruling class is democrat. Why do you think that is?

I'm not implying republicans are angels, just because I disagree with you doesn't instantly mean I'm a hick who wants the south to rise again and black people returned to the plantations in shackles. It's not as though it's impossible for a rational humanist to think you're a fag and criticise you anyway, we're not a tribalist ideological religious group, we're logical, or at least that's what we're supposed to be. Seems as though ideologies just like to claim they are the calm voice of reason and muddy the water.

Just saying.

>> No.3496383

>live in south dakota
>don't have access to any of these awesome schools since my parents aren't rich


>> No.3496389


I learned what failed first, socialism/communism/. statism/fascism.


Corruption is corruption. Your personal preference for some corruption is silly and based entirely upon emotion.

>> No.3496392


If everyone went to college it would mean almost nothing.

This just in: debt limit raised, dow drops 200 points.

>> No.3496404

>Corruption is corruption. Your personal preference for some corruption is silly and based entirely upon emotion.
No. You are dodging the necessary qualification of different economic systems. By entertaining this "all-or-nothing" view, you say "my view is perfect, all others are perfectly evil".

For instance, the current system is better than state-controlled communism.

>> No.3496405

why did you quote my post of all posts to say that

>> No.3496409


There are several ways of attaining Liberty. None of them include corruption.

>> No.3496412


Why not? You were socialist bitching.

>> No.3496417

You are evil.

>> No.3496422


No, I simply understand simple concepts liek supply and demand.

>> No.3496427

I was complaining that nearly all states have some kind of good university you can go to and pay with in state tuition, if you're from south dakota you have to pay 3x as much to go to a better school while most other states don't have to

then again, you are a tripfag, so I can see how you would get confused

>> No.3496478
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>There are several ways of attaining Liberty. None of them include corruption.

>> No.3496492 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 425x611, 15_1305838047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The state is the problem, eh?


> mfw

>> No.3496563
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>got a m.sc. in scandinavia
>no debt
>decent job

>> No.3496686

yes, the state is the problem, because there are maybe two decent schools in this entire state. The US is known for having its great universities, but too bad you will never be able to go to any of them if you're not from that state or aren't rich

>> No.3496752
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The obvious thing to do would be smart.

>> No.3496803

Of course if you have the luck of borning in the right socioeconomic conditions.

>> No.3496831


> environment can overcome extreme retardation

You must be 4.

>> No.3496836

not sure what the obvious thing to do is

>> No.3496838

>most people have extreme retardation.
You must be a extreme retad.

>> No.3496861

I live in South Dakota, have far from rich parents, and had access to all those schools. It's easier with good grades and test scores, so stop blaming your "situation" and try harder in school.

>> No.3496888

I am attending Penn State.
I will enjoy getting any job I apply for over those MIT grads

>> No.3496908

except for the fact that youre still going to have to pay out of state tuition

>> No.3496921


> agreeing that retardation cannot be overcome by good "socioeconomic" factors

Good work.

>> No.3496925


Not if you are intelligent.

>> No.3496936

I know that you're trolling since that's all you have been doing since the start of this thread, but go ahead and explain how you're going to get around paying out of state tuition

>> No.3496941


> has never heard of scholarships

Why do you even come here? It always ends in complete and total rape of you and your claims.

>> No.3497390

That's how I did it.

>> No.3497650
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>Liberty !!nQrIRh+JHbs

>> No.3498896

Pell grants just end up increasing the price of tuition. We're gonna see the same bubble that we had with housing except with tuition.

>> No.3498906


>> No.3498942

there are not 2 types of Democrats. The Demos are a polyglot mix of independents, centrists, liberals, leftists, progressives and some small beer libertarians even. Republicans are social paleoconservatives where they are not fundamentist christians, Libertarians anarchists or Fascists

>> No.3499067
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>mfw i'm attending a top 10 school