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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3495568 No.3495568 [Reply] [Original]


>Russia and its partners plan to plunge the International Space Station (ISS) into the ocean at the end of its life cycle after 2020 so as not to leave space junk, its space agency said on Wednesday.

>"After it completes its existence, we will be forced to sink the ISS. It cannot be left in orbit, it's too complex, too heavy an object, it can leave behind lots of rubbish," said deputy head of Roskosmos space agency Vitaly Davydov.

No more shuttles either. FUCK

>> No.3495578


>> No.3495587

the fuck is this shit

>> No.3495596

The end of an era.


>> No.3495610


>> No.3495611
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>> No.3495641 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, we're working on the united leftist front for the return of the left and the end of capitalism.

>> No.3495657

I have no reason to live any longer

>> No.3495662 [DELETED] 


>> No.3495687 [DELETED] 

Don't worry you leftist pieces of shit.

You've done enough damage to the economy.

YOU are the reason we can't pay for this.

Kindly DIE.

Nobody here wants you.

>> No.3495697 [DELETED] 


31737 members already and ever growing. Join our cause!

>> No.3495696


>> No.3495712 [DELETED] 

Your post is pretty dumb. Capitalism is the main reason why this project has been canceled.

>> No.3495719

cnjoined awarcu

>> No.3495721
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>> No.3495725 [DELETED] 

31,739 members now.

>> No.3495734


The shuttles were outdated bricks. As is the space station.

>> No.3495739

wow, you're another one of these posers who complain about everything yet do nothing

You should be like me and study and employ science harder, the faster humanity's technology advances the better. Face it, one glance at history proves infallibly that technology has been the major mover and shaker over the past 200 years, wars are decided by it, the socio-economic conditions that allow for democracy and welfare checks are impossible without it, a minimum wage earner is 15 times richer than a medieval peasant because of it, so anyone who is objective, logical and with the right temperament should instantly realize all available energy must be directed towards research.

>> No.3495744

why don't you explain why?

>> No.3495751 [DELETED] 
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Because the surplus value is appropriated by the capitalist which leads to the wealth being accumulated in the hands of the few through capital accumulation.

>> No.3495750

Fuck this gay earth. Space exploration provided some of the best advancements in science and technology that benefited everybody.

Kinda expected it when the cold war ended, but was pleasantly surprised for a while that governments were willing to keep it going. I guess space programmes are now too socialist and blocking out the "free market". Fucking dumb shit.

>> No.3495753

why not just leave it up there if they're so goddamn stingy? what the fuck else is it going to bump into?

>> No.3495756 [DELETED] 


Stop waiting for things to change magically, join our cause and end this bullshit.

>> No.3495755

Imbeciles United
The best example of the superiority of capitalism over your left-faggism is that I have the money and you don't, because I am smart.

>> No.3495757

LEO is quite crowded, and possibility of a debris cascade is very real.

Also, that close to the Earth your orbit will degrade fairly quickly anyway if you don't maintain it.

>> No.3495758

I'll vote for a lot of things. Universal healthcare and education, better unemployment, strongly progressive taxes, etc.

But not your bullshit. I'm sorry, I'm just not that naive anymore.

>> No.3495775 [DELETED] 

Mind elaborating? There's nothing naive about it.

Under socialist worker self-management, Yugoslavian economy grew faster than after switching to capitalism. Workers got paid for the products of their labor. Not only that, but there was free healthcare and education.


>> No.3495771


Not that poster, but will explain.

Space Programmes require significant investment for extremely little return. There is barely any profit into it, you simply do it for the scientific knowledge and in the cold war era, maneuvering to see if it can be used as a deployment space for the defense weapons. Sometimes you wouldn't even get significant data and their were huge risks in going up. Challenger for example.

Problem is, leaving it to the "free market" is disastrous because there is no profit incentive. Companies are just going to go bankrupt bankrolling missions. They won't do anything without a profit motive, no matter how altruistic they seem.

tl;dr: Space programmes absolutely need an entity that can put money in without repercussion like a government. They cant survive otherwise.

Alternative tl;dr: fuck baby boomers.

>> No.3495782

I recommend you to read the report of the British Labor Party Foundation about social policy they ran for 30 years. This report shows how the market has been deregulated, how unemployment and gray area grown and how much patology it created.

>> No.3495783

So we spend billions of dollars decades of manpower to put it up there, then we bring it down as soon as we finished "cuz we're bored now".
How many elderly people (who aren't already billionaires) contribute anything of worth to the progression of humanity? Since when was keeping the unfit alive as long as possible a larger beacon of progress than exploring motherfucking space?

>> No.3495790

>he thinks capitalism is to blame for everything
Most of those people live in shitty totalitarian regimes, capitalists can't exploit them and if they could then in 2 decades the country would be a developed egalitarian democracy like Argentina, South Africa, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia etc... etc...

Read more books and quit it with the faggy hipster cliches.

>> No.3495791

>"cuz we're bored now"
That's not the reason you shitfaced niggard. You have just shown an incredible amount of ignorance, go shoot yourself in the stomach.

>> No.3495792

There will be more space stations, it's inevitable

>> No.3495796

Its better than leaving it up there for Dr.Evil to put a nuke in. But dont worry, they wont crash it. Most likly they'll commercialise it.

Just you see.

>> No.3495799


Which ocean and how deep is it?

Kinda feeling like learning deep sea diving...

>> No.3495802


Yeah, they will be put up there by China though who will control the Space Race once they get their space programme in order because they can afford to spend the money on it and not worry about seeing a profit come back from it.

Any budding physics/astrophysics students should seriously consider taking Mandarin Chinese as their minor now.

>> No.3495805

Great, 10 years of success! This is sooo long time!
USA got capitalism from 17th century till now. They created the most powerful economy and achieved the highest GDP.
Why it doesn't happened in any socialist country?

>> No.3495822


It's the end of an era, and the beginning of a new one.
The shuttle was great and all, but expensive as fuck.
This isn't the end of spaceflight, quit whining about it already.

>> No.3495828 [DELETED] 

But this is exactly when it ran worker self-management socialism, you fucking retard. People got paid according to the work done. This proves that this type of socialism works great in practice and benefits the majority. It's also called market socialism, because it uses the market price mechanisms to attain an equilibrium, but doesn't have private property of the means of production, but instead WORKER ownership of the means of production.

USSR and most Warsaw Pact countries ran central planning which can't be effective until we have better technology to calculate all the economic inputs and outputs, and NOT worker self-management Titoist socialism model as Yugoslavia had during that time-frame, which allowed it to prosper.


"With the exception of a recession in the mid-1960s, the country's economy prospered formidably. Unemployment was low and the education level of the working force steadily increased. Due to Yugoslavia's neutrality and a leading role in the Non-Aligned Movement, Yugoslav companies exported to both Western and Eastern markets. Yugoslav companies carried out construction of numerous major infrastructural and industrial projects in Africa, Europe and Asia."

>> No.3495832

>Implying space exploration will cease with stagnation of USA
>Implying this isn't the Chinese millennium and glorious technocrat scholarly China will let you autistfags down

>> No.3495838

>Implying this isn't the Chinese millennium and glorious technocrat scholarly China will let you autistfags down
Is this supposed to be an insult?
It doesn't feel like one.

>> No.3495842


>China will let you autistfags down
>Implying Chinese arent all inherently autistic insecure racists

Troll Harder

>> No.3495860
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>iTunes on shuffle
>Rocket Man comes on

>> No.3495895

Go fuck yourself category B commie traitor scum.

>> No.3495901 [DELETED] 

I'm a market socialist. I support worker-ran means of production which use the market price mechanisms. I don't support slow command economies which can't yet be operated effectively due to the fact that all the economic inputs can't be allocated to the outputs effectively with the current computation technology we have, the consumer demand is not properly fulfilled and the price system is fucked by the state monopoly.

>> No.3495906 [DELETED] 

PS. Please note that even free-market socialism can exist. Socialism doesn't imply government-owned means of production - means of production can be worker-owned and managed, and decentralized, without a huge government which often ends up abusing it's power.

>> No.3495908 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3495918

Just like anarchy is possible if everyone gets along and nobody steals/kills, right?

>> No.3495923

Why the fuck do people worship Lenin and Stalin? They were two of the biggest mass murderers in history.

>> No.3495925 [DELETED] 

I'm not an anarchist. I support a medium-sized government.

>> No.3495933

emm.. yeah the actual translation of the statement said "sometime after 2020". the ISS is soon to be inspected so it will be extended through 2028. its not going anywhere for a long time. bush wanted to scrap it in 2020 but is has been extended. the Russians are just stating the obvious, once its too old and too unsafe it will be destroyed. This was the plan from the beginning.

>> No.3495941

So, what happened between 1961 and 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell? Or 1991 when the Soviet union officially disbanded? And what about between 1989/91 and 1995?

Bad graph is bad. You can leave out facts and make any implications you like. But what you're not saying destroys your argument.

>> No.3495946 [DELETED] 

>All companies are worker co-operatives
>Most of the people profit

>> No.3495944

great, some shitty forecast. btw. according to weatherman in TV today should be sunny, but well... its fucking raining.

you mean lean management?

>> No.3495954

They don't see the connection, they think because Lenin and Stalin weren't "true marxists" that this doesn't mean totalitarian dictatorships thrived by using it as a state religion. You don't see dictatorships based on free speech and multi-party democracy.

>> No.3495988
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>ITT Communism rising in America

I prepare the popcorns

>> No.3496076

>implying Lenin ever killed anyone
>implying that you are not brainwashed and haven't read Marx works because of "socialism hurr durr they taking ma liberty"

>> No.3496113

wlel i dont think he killed anyone directly but he certainly marginalized the menchviks, established the cheka, fought the whites (and interventionist forces) and crushed the Kronstandt rebellion.
The political system before War Communism and NEP was great, it just did nothing for the economy

>> No.3496124

>You don't see dictatorships based on free speech and multi-party democracy
Margaret Thatcher was a text book dictator; almost never refered to cabinet, didnt have a deputy PM for almost her entire time in office and took personal control of most issues.
She was more dictatorial than Hitler for the most part

>> No.3496153

The US political system is totalitarian and dictatorial.

>> No.3496263 [DELETED] 

I think Marx has mentioned that the advances in the communication technology worldwide is a huge advantage to the workers (that is, most of the people) to carry out their effort globally.

This is apparently what's happening now with the Internet.

>> No.3496270

I recommed you to read more history and political economy books, because you speak shit.

>> No.3496280

I recommend that to you too, since you fail at perceive reality.

>> No.3496305

Every politician is a machiavellian sociopath, the point is to create a system where the options of the power-hungry elite are severely limited. Thus far liberty has done a good job at keeping them contained, the US has been a superpower for 50 years, it could well have taken over the world by now if it set it's mind to it but all it's done is start a few coups and minor wars.

>> No.3496314

>few coups and minor wars.
Fuck you don't know what you are talking about, or just badly trolling.

>> No.3496324

How, exactly, is the US dictatorial? You aren't one of those folk who actually believe Obama is responsible for everything the government does, are you? Not even going to address the absurdity of the totalitarian claim...

>> No.3496341 [DELETED] 


>> No.3496345

Not at all, I belive the bipartidal system is made for distraction while the real leaders are unknown and operating in the dark, possibly corporation and banks CEOs.
The US is dictatorial because of the policial state persecution of their citizens, using war to get resources around the world for the last two hundred years and many many other things that you should be aware off. I'm not even american.

>> No.3496347

War in Libya wasn't approved by congress.

>> No.3496355 [DELETED] 

BTW, this is my post, and I'm not the same guy who made the previous post.

>> No.3496449 [DELETED] 

soceelism is the enemy of the us citizens cuz it takes away our fredom

i dont know wt socialism is and never read marx but o well i was well informed by other fear-mongering idiots like me

>> No.3496513 [DELETED] 

>Old /sci/
>Dood the congress just cut NASA's budget

>New /sci/
>Dood the space station is being deorbited and sunken

Jesus niggers, I'm super left winged but this is just ridiculous. It's like I'm in /new 2.0/ instead of /sci/.

>> No.3496544 [DELETED] 

>old /sci/
>super naive child-like sandbox-like dream games
>lol, "Hey, let's buy land and start our own country with our own production and shit and sea bases and rockets. After all, that would only cost a few bucks and we are all top 0.00001% billionaires."
>unrealistic and naive child-like bullshit

>new /sci/
>reads more
>reads the overview of the Das Kapital by Karl Marx
>realizes how much capitalism fails
>/sci/ faces the real world

>> No.3496558


If you REALLY think that Karl Marx had any clue about what he was talking about, you're a deluded child.

>> No.3496561

It's minor compared to nuclear war and totalitarianism which were possibilities considering human history. I expected less naivety from someone who confuses cynicism and realism, I guess you will make snap judgements and reject these ideas now just because they contain original inferences. Oh well.

>> No.3496569
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>> No.3496579

>suborbital flight

>> No.3496584


That's only the beginning.

>> No.3496601

In the same way building a paper plane is the beginning of achieving cross-Atlantic flight.

>> No.3496611


False analogy.

>> No.3496630

I don't see the problem.. it's not like they're saying they'll destroy all information that the ISS has given us. they are just getting rid of stuff when they are finished with it. This is a good thing since it means they'll be putting other things into space and into orbit even after 2020.

>> No.3496633 [DELETED] 

If you think that Karl Marx had no clue of what he was talking about you're a deluded idiot who got his opinions about Karl Marx' work from other fear-mongering idiots.

>> No.3496646
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>> No.3496647

One of the first powered airplanes flew only 200 feet. There's no way that could lead to flying faster then sound!

>> No.3496663
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>Karl Marx had no clue of what he was talking

>> No.3496687

This just means they actually have the intention of sending things into orbit and into space even after 2020 when they are finished with the ISS. This is good news.

>> No.3496699
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>> No.3496701
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>> No.3496710 [DELETED] 


Companies funded by the working classes tax dollar:
Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)

>> No.3496718


Thanks Keynesian!

>> No.3496735 [DELETED] 
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A queer socialist movement - what's your point?

< Here are queer free market capitalists.

>> No.3496739


All banks are funded by the people who pay into them.

Put down the Michael Moore book.

>> No.3496740
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>> No.3496742 [DELETED] 

Capitalism in action. We could set up colonies on the Moon, Mars or asteroids for fucking 16 trillion.

>> No.3496750


Much of those funds bailed out socialist european countries you tard

>> No.3496758 [DELETED] 

>socialist European countries

>> No.3496759
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>> No.3496770


The majority of European countries are socialist.

I don't understand what was wrong with his statement at all. Countries failed and Germany, Britain and the US propped them up.

>> No.3496772


how would you define them? Because i would agree that they are not socialist. they're more mixed capitalist with heavy social infrastructure. But if i ever say that, people want to argue to the death that they are socialist.

>> No.3496783 [DELETED] 

Free-market socialism is the best system out there.


Ricardian socialism refers to a branch of socialist economic thought based upon the work of economist David Ricardo. The Ricardian socialists reasoned that the free-market was the route to socialism, and that rent, profit and interest were not natural outgrowths of the free-market. The central beliefs of Ricardian socialism are that all exchange value is created from labor, and that labor is entitled to all it produces.

>> No.3496777
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>> No.3496778

>retards, retards everywhere
Russia is working on the second ISS now to deploy by 2020-2025.

>> No.3496785

Those are not socialist countries at all.

>> No.3496788 [DELETED] 

Economic freedom with 95-99% of the companies being worker co-operatives for the win.

>> No.3496796 [DELETED] 

inb4 dumb libertarians mad because free-market socialism exists and their property will be owned by workers and yet the system will be free-market, so they can't use free-market as an argument anymore

>> No.3496802


Have you actually experienced the real world? Like, with real human beings that work those unskilled jobs? I certainly don't think you have. Those few years working those minimum wage jobs changed my perspective on capitalism very sharply.

>> No.3496804

And what percentage of the total money supply does that 1% have?

>> No.3496808


Sounds like you're buttmad over facts and logic. It's ok though, cling to your ideology in the face of data.

>> No.3496812
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>> No.3496817 [DELETED] 

Lol at this graph. It says that top 1% income earners paid most of the tax percentage, and yet made it look like these 1% were the poorest 1% and not the big capitalists who own most or a large portion of the wealth.

>> No.3496827 [DELETED] 

What data? Maybe the Yugoslavian economic growth, which was the closest to free-market socialism, and which grew faster than after switching to free-market capitalism?


>> No.3496841
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>> No.3496853
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>> No.3496860

lol at the graph retard.

>> No.3496880 [DELETED] 


Obviously a troll, he's using a French actor drinking tea to represent an American.

>> No.3496916

Reconfigurate it in orbit (add landing gear and shit), get a soyuz to tow it to the moon. Instant moonbase, just add rockets.

>> No.3496918


american actor born in wisconsin

>> No.3496933 [DELETED] 

It's Piere Richard, not the actor you linked to. That actor barely looks like Piere Richard and has dark hair.

>> No.3496946 [DELETED] 
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< Here's Pierre Richard.

>> No.3496968 [DELETED] 
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Hey Americans, kiss my French ass and learn what socialism is!

>> No.3496970 [DELETED] 
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< American consumerism which is characteristic of the degraded ape-like American culture

>> No.3497004

Actually the soldiers they commanded were mass murders.

It's funny how people always forget that a dictator can't do shit with out a willfully ignorant or equal sociopathic military under them.

>> No.3497054 [DELETED] 

>implying you don't like this Soviet military song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfNM1WbANLY

>> No.3497072

Holy fuck, did you intend that to be a defense of Lenin and Stalin?

>Hitler wasn't so bad, it was all the SS's doing

>> No.3497075

what? the original picture is gene wilder

>> No.3497077

What was so bad about Lenin?

>> No.3497080

The Federal Reserve has been operating outside its charter for some time (no loans to foreign entities), so the report on the "slush fund" is no surprise to us cynics out here. "Capitalism" as we know it is a joke: rigged via insider-trading, packed corp boards, for sale congressmen, stolen elections (Diebold), several impeachable SOTUS members (corp personhood), corrupt rating agencies, and an imbecile business media where it isn't inside dealing itself (Cramer, et al) and the privatization of public utilities (Enron vs Calif. PUCs). I don't see how any rational human being, especially anyone who calls themselves a scientist and pays even the slightest attention to the real world thievery going on, can honestly argue against a government based on social democracy (Sweden, Finland, Denmark models) with iron-fisted business regulation, or defend the 2 party system vs. a parliamentary form.

This whole thread is just full of Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.3497081 [DELETED] 

What was so bad about George Bush? He just slaughtered around 1-2 million.

>> No.3497083

I don't have as much of a beef with Lenin as Stalin, but still.

>> No.3497087

He was a communist.

>> No.3497094

Psh, that's like saying Jesus was a Mormon.

>> No.3497097

If neccessary.

The point is solid, a dictator can't do anything without a military trained to follow orders without thought.

>> No.3497111 [DELETED] 

Every American president from Washington up to arguably Eisenhower was complicit in the genocide of the native American population.

This country would exist in its present form with some form of mass murder.

At least the space program doesn't involve murder, that I'm aware of.

>> No.3497113

This does not lessen the crime of the dictator.

>> No.3497119


Every American president from Washington up to arguably Eisenhower was complicit in the genocide of the native American population.

This country would not exist in its present form with some form of mass murder.

At least the space program doesn't involve murder, that I'm aware of.

>> No.3497124

*would NOT exist


>> No.3497144

It does if only to the extent that such a wide-spread crime would not have been possible without the military force. Stalin could have killed a few thousand people at best if he had to do so with his own hands.

Military power and obedience is the enabler to a dictatorship.

>> No.3497155

The fuck is this?

Guys an we, like, start Cold War 2 to get another space race going? Cos this has actually pissed me off.

>> No.3497179 [DELETED] 

Or get a better system, like market socialism for example.

>> No.3497186

Not that guy, but I'd be fine with that as far as I understand it. What's the difference between market socialism and welfare capitalism?

>> No.3497198 [DELETED] 

That the means of production are owned by the workers and the profit made by these companies is paid back to the workers, so it benefits the vast majority of the people and doesn't accumulate the wealth in the hands of the few. As in, all companies are worker co-operatives.

>> No.3497409 [DELETED] 

but then those shitty workers will own my business and i dont ant thtat

>> No.3497460

>hurr lets not pollute space lets pollute our oceans instead durr

fuckin russian

>> No.3497510 [DELETED] 

fucking commies russian assholes

>> No.3497584
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I hear ya man. We have to recover the C.O.L.B.E.R.T.

>> No.3497593 [DELETED] 

USA is finished

>> No.3497613
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I support this. Market socialism for the win!

We should be hiring and electing our managers, as befits a democracy.

>> No.3497652

Alright guys
Get ready to set up a reeaaaally strong net.

>> No.3497990

Boy, this announcement sure gets taken out of context a lot.

For "2020", read "planned end date of the ISS". It could always be extended, just like lots of other NASA missions.

And this is simply announcing that Russia has chosen not to disconnect its sections for their own use after 2020. That was one option they were recently considering, when it looked like Europe and the USA would run out of ISS funding before they did. I guess they'd like to focus funding on other things, like planetary exploration or their new Angara launch system and new domestic launch site.

This is as expected as the announcement that they would dorbit Mir. Shit gets old and worn out in time, and deorbiting it is the responsible thing to do.

>> No.3498067

It is sad and ironic that the most expensive architectural artifact of all time will leave absolutely no trace after it is decommissioned.

This is why I support a Moon colony instead. Once built, it will last a billion years in the vacuum of space. Can you imagine a better testament to human ingenuity than a base anyone can see on the moon with a telescope? Hell, it should even get funding as an ARTS project!

>> No.3498101

fuck sake why is this thread still active?

this story tells us that they plan on doing more stuff in space, thats why they dont want rubble interfering with that.How is this news depressing?

>> No.3498106

why are they not putting it in a museum? Loads of people would pay to see the ISS, especially since they couldnt exactly see it when it is in space.

>> No.3498124 [DELETED] 

Суки, такую страну развалили. Но подождите немного, расплатитесь вы за ето.

>> No.3498146

How the fuck are you going to get it into a museum?

>> No.3498151

just separating the modules

>> No.3498241

And then construct massive heat shields, retro rockets and parachutes for each one? It would be far less expensive to just build it all from scratch on the ground.

>> No.3498771

would'nt this polute the ocean?

>> No.3498920

It takes a great deal more than a heap of space junk to pollute the ocean on a significant level. now if this happened, say, once a week for the next 20 years, you would see some effects.

Just like the radioactive runoff from Fukushima Daiichi II didn't pollute the greater ocean. It temporarily polluted the immediate area, but once diffusion occurred, it was a non issue.

>> No.3498967

Are you retarded? Almost every structure mankind has boosted natural underwater growth. Just look at that giant concrete Jesus they put in Mexico. In just a few years, it became covered in coral. If they dismantle and dump it properly, nothings gonna get harmed unless it squishes something on the way down.

>> No.3498971

Almost every structure mankind sinks into the ocean*

derp derp

>> No.3500020

If there really is no incentive to go to space because there are no profits then there really is no reason to go to space, but of course this isn't true. Commies have been saying this for ever about every innovation cars, planes, computers. Just shutup and realize you are always wrong, marxism is shit and you are a bunch of deluded retards.

>> No.3502411
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>> No.3502416

Rank the following methods as most effective to least effective for getting the stranded astronauts out of the international space station since all funds have been cut:

1) Giant slide. A rocket would be used to propel a giant rubber slide (similar to one used on an airplane) into space and all astronauts would have a limited amount of time to board the slide and ride it back to earth as it slowly deflates.

2) Free fall. This method being one of the more dangerous. At a time when the station is positioned at a predetermined location, they would free fall from the station onto a specially designed trampoline which would safely bounce them into the ocean.

3) Balloons. The astronauts would use helium balloons to descend to Earth. The balloons are coated in a special material to prevent birds from pecking them.

4) Space station free fall. Another fairly dangerous method. The astronauts would command the station down to Earth in free fall. If all goes as planned, it would safely land in the ocean.

5) Animals. Animals would be placed into a rocket and sent up to the space station. From there the animals would get onto the space station and the astronauts would get on the rocket and safely descend back to earth.

>> No.3502508

i'm really not sure if you are trolling or just massively retarded.

>> No.3502549

Its easy to tell. Nobody that retarded has spelling and grammar that good.

>> No.3502552


You forgot:

6) Space station free-fall/jump off. Same as 4, but the astronauts, precisely calculate, to jump off the station 10 meters above the ocean surface to dampen the impact and secure their survival.

>> No.3502563

also forgot "lock tractor beam on distant immobile object, let earth slip out from under you"