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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.3495273

Ehh, might work. Likely not as much as they'd like.

>> No.3495276

If the only reason to go there is because there are other scientists to brainstorm with.... eh, it's a draw, but not enough. You need to actually have labs and research funding. Scientists go where the research is, not just where the other scientists are.

>> No.3495280

>throwing 4500 geniuses together

The only thing people hate more than people who are dumber than them are people who are smarter than them. I give it 2 weeks till the first homicide

>> No.3495289
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>> No.3495309
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This diagram illustrates the flaws int the program

>> No.3495311
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>> No.3495312

Yeah, you're not one of the 4500. Smart people know they can't all be #1 and get the fuck over it.

>> No.3495325
File: 52 KB, 423x548, brain_implant3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your right, cant see this happen in the near future.
Humanity needs to mature first..

>> No.3495329
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>> No.3495330

>he's never had a theory "peer tested"

>> No.3495340

I like that you excluded me from the group without also dismissing yourself. Now get 4500 people with your ego together and try to accomplish anything

>> No.3495346

> Now get 4500 people with your ego together
You don't get it. I don't feel threatened by talking with people smarter than me. It's thrilling, really.

>> No.3495350

Generalization of the day.

>> No.3495357

Again, your saying one thing while also trying to undermine me. People with self confidence dont have to rely on verbal put downs (and also hilariously cliche: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KoKWf6pLs8&feature=player_embedded ) things like "you don't get it"

>> No.3495362

I can help you develop a more accurate sense of the actual value of your contribution. Coddling you wouldn't do you any good.

Like right now. You're just trolling.

>> No.3495367

Still having to rely on coersion? YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!

Also the whole "yuz trolling" thing was another great attack on character rather than logic. Totally unnoticeable at all

>> No.3495371

>I can help you develop a more accurate sense of the actual value of your contribution

Again, 4500 people all saying this to eachother.

And I'm glad you feel thrilled talking to people like me

>> No.3495380
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>> No.3495388

Doesn't a city require people to actually interact with eachother? Scientists don't tend to be big on the whole social aspect of society

>> No.3495390

I can't help but feel you're getting even more dismissive. Your lack of being able to remain rational is somewhat disheartening

>> No.3495395
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>> No.3495402

I love that video, watched it from start to end and laughed the entire time

>> No.3495404

That is the stereotype, and it isn't true.

>> No.3495409

Guess you've just completely given up at this point. Cant wait to see a society as embittered as you

>> No.3495414
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At no point in this entire conversation did you attain an accurate perception of my state of mind.

>> No.3495415

All I have is my own experience but as far as I can tell if South Park didn't exist then engineers wouldn't ever speak to eachother

>> No.3495420

I can't speak for engineers, but scientists talk all the time.

>> No.3495423

No I did, you just have a distorted view of yourself shrouded in your own assumption of superiority. Inside is just a sad and inarticulate man.

>> No.3495428

Enjoy your fairy tales. Nothing I say can possibly reach you now.

>> No.3495431

Again, it would be nice to talk to you and not your shield

>> No.3495430
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Think of it like a nerd prison, instead of guards there are social helpers.

>> No.3495438


Shall we both stop spewing ad-hominems and stereotypes?

>> No.3495449

I never started. And also being dismissive isn't helping you look good. Ending every post with "im leaving now" and then always responding just betrays how desperate you are to not actually engage me.

>> No.3495462

>I never started.
>The only thing people hate more than people who are dumber than them are people who are smarter than them. I give it 2 weeks till the first homicide
You're just saying that all scientists are full of themselves and hate talking with other scientists, and are driven to acts of homocide by threats to their egos. Your entire string of posts then continued to apply this stereotype to me personally.

>And also being dismissive isn't helping you look good.
I don't give a fuck. See above.

> Ending every post with "im leaving now"
No it doesn't.

> how desperate you are to not actually engage me.
This is YOUR egotistic delusion.

>> No.3495471

>You're just saying that all scientists are full of themselves and hate talking with other scientists
>I don't give a fuck
>This is YOUR egotistic delusion.

The homicide thing was a joke that apparently went over your head, and you fit the stereotype to a tee as indicated by your own posts (and also your clever use of laughing dog pictures, very professional)

>> No.3495478

>The homicide thing was a joke that apparently went over your head
>and you fit the stereotype to a tee as indicated by your own posts (and also your clever use of laughing dog pictures, very professional)
You fit all of your own criticisms "to a tee".

>> No.3495489


>You're just saying that all scientists are full of themselves and hate talking with other scientists, and are driven to acts of homocide by threats to their egos, Your entire string of posts then continued to apply this stereotype to me personally.

>I don't give a fuck

You are contradicting yourself.
Maybe its time for you to just leave.

>> No.3495490

You're either both manchildren, both trolls, or some mixture.

Fuck off.

>> No.3495493


>No u

How clever.

>> No.3495497
File: 123 KB, 780x683, troll_orgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3495499

Ha, I don't know who you two are. But I think I love you. Also since you don't know my euphamisms http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/to-a-t.html

>> No.3495522
File: 4 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


love em crazies

>> No.3495524

>Also since you don't know my euphamisms >www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/to-a-t.html
>"to a T", not "to a tee"
I smiled.

>> No.3495538

Read the article idiot, it explains why it can be either and also why it's a euphamism when spelled tee

>> No.3495545

More smiling reaction pics as rebuttals.... World class intellectualism

>> No.3495555
File: 164 KB, 638x827, 1287292278990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the butthurt flow through you

>> No.3495561
File: 1.45 MB, 320x232, derp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fun, can I join in guys?

>> No.3495563

I don't even know what that means, some sort of gay joke? Or am I just not smart enough again?

>> No.3495566
File: 5 KB, 251x241, 1291484547548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or am I just not smart enough again?
Beats me, but either way...

>> No.3495569

Why does that guy look like Mark Hamill?

If it is Mark Hamill, can anyone explain to me why Mark Hamill is dancing around with a non-Yoda muppet?

>> No.3495571
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1289677899019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.3495588

Mark Hamill was in an episode of the muppet show (it was a terribad episode)

Oh look, more dismissal, well at least you're consistent in your idiocy.

>> No.3495590

It looks like it IS Mark Hamill. Here's an article on the scottish muppet.

>> No.3495591



>> No.3495593

>Oh look, more dismissal, well at least you're consistent in your idiocy.
OK, I'm going to take pity on you here.

You're being trolled.

>> No.3495595

Oh man.

>> No.3495598

Oh I realized that after like the second reaction pic. I just post here while not busy in other threads to see how far his ego will take him into this thread.

>> No.3495603

>his ego
>being trolled
Either you didn't read what I posted, or you're counter-trolling.

I'll be generous and say the latter.

>> No.3495607

No he still has to get the last post in, his ego wont let me go unresponded to.

Im just dragging it out until it becomes a chore for him, or you stranger

>> No.3495612

What if he's just as bored as you are?

>> No.3495621

im not bored, im posting in like 5 threads on 3 boards right now (not counting this one)

>> No.3495625
File: 190 KB, 400x283, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so cool

>> No.3495730

sorry it took me so long to respond, was busy