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3494878 No.3494878 [Reply] [Original]

The year is 2151. Where is the United States in space?

>> No.3494884

70s hair styles return in 2151?

>> No.3494905


At least attempt to control your ADHD and answer the question.

>> No.3494910

the us has long fallen. did you mean where is china in space?

>> No.3494917

How do you know that normal country borders will still keep on existing by 2151? Things over such a large period of time are unpredictable, especially given one of such rapid technlogical growth.
As for space... Maybe some mining operation and a few very smart "drones" send out to explore.

>> No.3494952

Humans aren't in space. We realized that cable is better than satellite and so we stopped making them. The rest of the solar system is either worthless rocks, noxious gasses, or a gigantic hydrogen fusion reaction, and we still won't have the technology to get outside of it, so we'll give up on space (it's already happening, there are still just too many butthurt spacefags who want to beat a dead horse).

>> No.3494970

> we still won't have the technology to get outside of it,
> 2151
Unlikely to get outside yet simply because we have most resources we need on Earth, but I'd imagine setting up some contingency plans would be nice.

>> No.3495006

A large collection of old long dead artificial satellites in gradually decaying orbits around a dead planet.

>> No.3495014

I doubt there will be a United States in 2151. Why even ask that question specific to a presently existing country?

>> No.3495023

what is the united states? ahh that country that collapsed due to capitalism and christians talibans I remember now

>> No.3495040

I would go past imagining and just say "We should have a contingency plan." Anyway, the amount of resources on our planet has nothing to do with whether or not we will be able to leave our solar system in 150 years. Seeing as how our space technology hasn't fundamentally changed since we started (by that I mean we still use chemically-propelled rocket engines, the technological improvements are, in general, more for economic reasons than getting better at into space), and theoretical physics seems to currently be at a standstill (string theory has been around for decades now and is still unproven, can't find the Higgs boson [if it even exists], etc.), I think it is highly unlikely we will be colonizing the galaxy within our grandchildren's lifetimes.

>> No.3495047

Fuck space.
Seriously, fuck that bullshit.

First, we harmonise humans, we unite them, we make peace here. When we get our shit sorted out down here, then we have the right to go out into space. Space is shitty enough, it doesn't need another retarded-ass civilisation. Plus, what'll the aliens think when they see our stupidity? No, no, we need to be brilliant.

>> No.3495049
File: 122 KB, 683x683, terraformed_mars_2_0_by_77mynameislol77-d30m9ng.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

United States dissolved into separate, smaller nations in 2088. Remarkably, all the new nations benefited from decreased meddling from the other side of the former nation. They all have thriving space programs, however what you would call the West Coast nation has teamed up with Martians on a terraforming project which is drawing many great members of the space industry.

>> No.3495068

The Grox totally fucked our shit, humans don't even exist past the year 2039.

>> No.3495069

America will fail and as the economy crashes and people go through hard times more and more will turn to religion. History shows us this is what usually happens. Just like the arabs, their culture and science used to be excellent (from the 800 to 1200ish), but then when falling behind, instead of trying to catch up, they retreated to their religious belief (that the fall of their society was due to falling from the true path of god). And now the islamic world is more or less still at the same standards (generally speaking, there are of course some exceptions, but they do not really matter).

In the same way I predict that murrica will spiral into religious zealotry, egged on by unscrupulous politicians who find an uneducated, religious populace much easier to control (as they fear everything).

The future is in asia. Unfortunately most asians (and chinese especially) are very, very racist. Until now they have been accepting of western, white people because we have been richer. But just wait and see what happens when murrica (and most of eurabia) crashes.

Fun times will not be had for a loooooong time.

2151 murrica will not be in space. You will be busy cleaning chinese toilets.

>> No.3495103

A much less likely, but way cooler outcome is that Islam becomes the world's largest religion, has a HUGE youth revolution, goes into an Englightenment and then, finally, into a new Golden Age, just like the times of Omar Khayyam and Ibn-Sina. Sciences, maths, and philosophy will flourish and the non-Muslims under Muslim rule will feel alright (Christians, Jews, and everyone else will be treated with tolerance, as the Qur'an prescribes). Many countries will join a Global Islamic Community State and those will be the centre of progress for a good couple hundred years. People will finally be at peace and reach the stars.


Well, a man can dream, can't he?
It's better than your outcome anyway but, again, so much less likely.

>> No.3495203

Having studied the qur'an and the history of islam quite extensively in uni (for a BA). I completely disagree with you.

The "golden age" of islamic science have very little to do with islam (other than that it happened in an islamic context). Also even is islam itself claims to have treated other religions with respect, that is usually not the story the other religions have to tell.

In fact the islamic occupation of northern india is one of the greatest cultural and ethnic cleansings in world histrory. We don't even know how many people were murdered, but according to letters by muslim-officials they prided themselves on murdering hundreds of thousands each year.

>> No.3495393

tl;dr muslims are bad, mm'kay?