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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3492596 No.3492596 [Reply] [Original]

Do you belive in aliens Discuss

>> No.3492614

> Huge ass universe.
> still haven't counted all the galaxies.
> Not ONE other scenario similar to earth.

They might not be grey matter big head aliens, but I can say with 99% certainty that life exists outside of the solar system.

>> No.3492611

inb4 /sci/ believes in aliens despite evidence because of the high probability of them existing, but at the same time won't believe in God because there's no evidence

>> No.3492622

Yeah high probability of a guy with a beard would be floating around in heaven? is like a fantasy.

>> No.3492631

>implying a guy with a beard floating around in heaven is the only possibility for God

You can't be serious.

>> No.3492653

>implying that im serious

Yeah im serious. Look at churches a guy with white beards with rings around their head. Fantasy

>> No.3492652
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I was trying to debate someone yesterday about the gold standard and during my internet research I discovered that Aliens want our gold. WHY do they want our gold?

>> No.3492656

This is about extraterrestrial life, not god. Fuck off.
Let's try to keep the religion shitspew out of here for once

On topic now, yes, I do think that life is likely to exist outside of the earth. Quite possibly even within our own solar system.
Even if the conditions on earth are extremely rare (Which I don't think they are), life may not need those conditions to exist. There's so much we don't know about what else could be out there.

>> No.3492670

To rebuild their atmosphere that was collapsing

>> No.3492686

>accepts aliens without evidence
>won't accept god without evidence

Welcome to /sci/

>> No.3492706

What do you mean no evidence?

>> No.3492720
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He's a fool. Ignore him. The evidence of Aliens is all around us. It reveals itself in nature

>> No.3492736
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I do. Plenty of fucking illegal aliens running around Florida.

Pic related

>> No.3492738

From a biological standpoint it's very very possible
What's so hard to understand about that? If abiogenesis and evolution can happen on one planet, it's almost certain that it has or can on others In this vast universe
God on the otherhand is outside the realm of reality, that's already enough to kick that belief out the window

>> No.3492742

Yes thank you for saying that and i belive you whatch Acient aliens?

>> No.3492752

I mean there is no evidence that aliens exist. Period.

>> No.3492759

>From a biological standpoint it's very very possible

That's not evidence.

>> No.3492760


Aliens, if they exist, are simply a form of material life that exist inside this universe. We already have proof that a form of material life exists inside this universe: Earth and its inhabitants. It is a reasonable inference to suspect that where there is one planet proven to have life on it, there may be others.

The proven number of forms of omnipotent consciousness that exist outside this universe in some vague and unspecifiable way is still zero.

>> No.3492773
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Why yes. /sci/ needs to educate itself about the origins of human civilization.

>> No.3492775

explain how we have aircraft. Computers and Television without some outside help.

>> No.3492783

we've only begun our search into the creation of humanity

>> No.3492793

The god from the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions is absolutely false and it's just as false as greek or egyptian myrhology. All the human-made gods are false.
On the other hand, the possibility of a Intelligent Creator could be true, but it's not something we could comprehend, so it has to be taken agnostically.

>> No.3492822

The probability is more than enough evidence

>> No.3492826

implying green text doesn't already mean implying

>> No.3492837

No, it's not.

>> No.3492848


Curious. Can you prove there is a creator (God) through probabilities too?

>> No.3492888


>> No.3492896

Alien life exists somewhere out there. Just not the anthropomorphic Hollywood type.

>> No.3492897

No, probability is not evidence. But the fact that life exists on Earth IS evidence.

Man, learn to argue our side better.

>> No.3492901
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if there was observable magic fairy dust sprinkled all over the universe which were the components of a god, then yes. but no, there are the right compounds/elements or components necessary for life to exist sprinkled all over the universe.

>> No.3492921 [DELETED] 
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>mfw people think that there is no physical evidence that alien exist when our history is full of undeniable evidence.

There have been hundreds of thousands of alien sightings in human history. Only one needs to be real.

>> No.3492924

The fact that there is life on earth is evidence that there is life on other planets? No, that means there is a high probability. High probability is not evidence. Are you listening to yourself?

>> No.3492925

What are the chances that something came from nothing.

>> No.3492930

There have been hundreds of thousands of alien sightings in human history. Only one needs to be real.

There have been hundreds of thousands of bigfoot sightings in human history. Only one needs to be real.

There have been hundreds of thousands of lochness monster sighting in human history. Only one needs to be real.

There have been hundreds of thousands of chupacabre sightings in human history. Only one needs to be real.

>> No.3492933

Saw that coming
God has no information to back him up.
By probability I mean the fact that we have life on this planet come from natural sources (abiogenesis) and pushing through in a trial and error-like manner (evolution)
When that can happen on one planet, who's to say it can't on any others?
God, as I said before is outside reality.
There is no information we can gather through any sort of scientific study to gain a deity any sort of place on the list of information we have about our universe
Life outside of our planet however we can

>> No.3492936

Science depends on probabilities. Science cant actually prove anything 100%.

>> No.3492947

>There have been hundreds of thousands of bigfoot sightings in human history.
>There have been hundreds of thousands of lochness monster sighting in human history
>There have been hundreds of thousands of chupacabre sightings in human history.

>implying these are true statements

>> No.3492949 [DELETED] 
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>there are about one sextillion stars in the universe
>mfw people think Earth is the only planet with life

>> No.3492952

We are evidence that life can exist in the universe.
We have evidence that under the right conditions, life can arise (We've done it in a lab).

We have no evidence of a god existing.

>> No.3492958

I am about as confident that alien life does exist as I am that God does not exist.

>> No.3492960
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>Not believing we are constructs in a computer simulation created by an entity we perceive as all powerful.

>> No.3492961
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Now, could the aliens be faries?
it doesn't make sense to say that aliens from another planet go about lurking in the dark, or that they come around during the night and hide in the closet or under the bed.

>> No.3492963


Still can't proof aliens exist

>> No.3492969

ITT: Atheists who use theist-like probabilistic logic to justify their delusions.

>> No.3492975

>The fact that there is life on earth is evidence that there is life on other planets? No, that means there is a high probability. High probability is not evidence. Are you listening to yourself?

Hmm, seems you need help here.

>The fact that there is [life, made from stupidly common elements] on [one planet] is evidence that there [can be] life on [any of the billions of billions of billions of] other planets.

There you go. You're welcome.

>> No.3492974

meeting adjourned

>> No.3492977

We are evidence that life can exist.

It's ridiculous to say it cannot exist twice. I don't need to "proof" aliens existence.

>> No.3492983


Which requires more faith? Belief in aliens or belief in no God? No evidence for either

>> No.3492992

>Can't proof
That's about all the information I need

>> No.3492995

But there is evidence that alien exist. Just like there is evidence that black holes and dark energy exist even though we cant directly observe it.

>> No.3492998


There's a chance it never happened any where else, however how small.

>> No.3492999

I don't have faith for either because I do not claim certainty. My only claim is that the possibility of god existing is infinitesimally small, just as the possibility of alien life NOT existing is infinitesimally small.

>> No.3493007

>we've reproduced the origin of life
What? Sauce?

>> No.3493015

That would be some kind of vain delusion, time paradox, bullshit or whatever.
Next thing they would say is that, in the far future, man himself created the whole thing on a computer.
Which, in a way, goes back to the old concept of god as an old man with a white beard etc...

>> No.3493016
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>But there is evidence that alien exist.

Show me that evidence.

Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press in 1440. We have evidence he created the printing press. The conditions required to create the printing press existed on other parts of the planet in 1440; thus, someone else probably also create the printing press in, or before, 1440.

>> No.3493018

If you ask me to speculate:
Yes i think there is a huge number of civilizations alien in relation to this planet.

I dont know. Don't have any legit proof.

This is /sci/, so i'm trying to be /sci/.

>> No.3493026
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What if what aliens are what we consider gods? That make these gods more likely?

>> No.3493034

Traditional idea of "god" means he created the universe.

Aliens would have to arise through natural process.

You can't create the universe before you exist.

Bad troll is bad.

>> No.3493035

The aliens would still have needed to come about through natural processes
They may be god-like by our standards, but they still aren't deities

>> No.3493046

IF God existed he would be unknowable as an all powerful being created the entirety of the universe. We are incapable of comprehending things which defy our reality. An all powerful being who created our Universe would not be subject to the same laws as us or even the same dimensions. I use the Computer simulation as an analogy. I could create a simulation and even if the entities in the simulation became sentient they would be limited to thinking within the bounds of the simulation. But they could never understand my reality unless I told them.

>> No.3493049
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aliens are real and Kepler telescope is supporting this hypothesis

>> No.3493052
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> An all powerful being who created our Universe would not be subject to the same laws as us or even the same dimensions

Sure is presumptuous faggot in here.

>> No.3493054

Still need to explain the WHY of everything.
Scientists mix up this concept very often and go on about the HOW. Explaining, even simulating processes. I mean, that could give us a hint of something.

>> No.3493055

>You can't create the universe before you exist.

Existence - The fact or state of living or having objective reality.

>Implying an all powerful being who created everything we know would be considered to be in an "objective reality"

>> No.3493057

He means that the gods of every ancient religion could be aliens because primitive man would confuse advanced technology for magic (Clarke's Third Law).

>> No.3493061

>Implying its not a logical statement

>Implying you could logically explain how an all powerful being would be unwillingly bound to the laws it created.

>> No.3493067 [DELETED] 
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Alien life would arise naturalistically after the universe was created. Since they did not exist at its inception, they can not be the creators of said universe. An effect can not precede its cause.

>mfw basic logic

>> No.3493074
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hey guys I word at Area 51 here is a candid pic I took

>> No.3493075

>Implying you know for a fact whether or not an omnipotent being would be bound by the physical laws of this universe
>Implying you're not making a massive presumption based on no knowledge whatsoever

>> No.3493082

>bound by the physical laws of the universe
That implies he didn't make the universe

>> No.3493094

If I create a computer simulation I have become all powerful withing in the reality of the simulation. I am bound by my own reality. Like wise God is create our Universe including our physics and dimensions, but he is bound by his reality not our reality.

>> No.3493100

good job stopping any sort of argument against your view, christianfags would be proud

If this simulation creator is outside our laws and reality then there isn't much either of us can say to tip either side of the scale

>> No.3493103
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Well I obviously can't type anymore tonight

>> No.3493105
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But what if the Aliens escaped into a different plane of existence before the Big Crunch and came back after the Big Bang exploded again

>> No.3493114
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>> No.3493115

Sounds like Galactus.

>> No.3493122

Yeah pretty much but that fact that our universe is so ordered is enough to say with high (not absolute) certainty that an intelligence is behind its creation. Too keep with the analogy. You find a computer simulation which you assume was made by a human. Even though you never actually witnessed the person creating it.

>> No.3493129

Hows the pay there? Also private sector or military?

>> No.3493153
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>> No.3493166
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>> No.3493168

>order, order everywhere
Well you struck me as an intelligent guy at first, despite the fact that you were arguing for a creator
Now you're just bringing up what every other theist shits out their mouth
I am disappoint

>> No.3493199

What other logically conclusion should I reach? That the very laws of the an reality of the Universe is born from nothing more than a predicate of its existence. Ignoring the whole "Is existence itself a predicate?" arguement

>> No.3493267

I think to believe in a 'domestication-like' scenario would be even more sensible than this cyber-fantasy.
What we think of as god would actually be some kind of interplanetary organism living in a higher ecological niche than our own.

>> No.3493288

Yes but they haven't visited us.

>> No.3493304


>Yes but they haven't visited us.

You don't have evidence for either

>> No.3493309

I used the word niche but I don't mean they would be necessarily preying on humans

>> No.3493315

I don't need evidence to believe they haven't visited us. I would need evidence that they have and probability is on my side with the existence of other self replicating things out there.

>> No.3493317

That there was no sentient being involved with the creation of this universe
Also if this god is in restriction to HIS own universal laws where did those laws arise from?
If I create a computer program, and any sort of beings comes about from it, they may be inside of their own universe with their own laws, that I am not a part of, but I am still a result of thousands of years of evolution I wasn't always there to make the program

>> No.3493354

Also if your argument is that the universe is so complex it had to be created, then that would mean that this god would also be complex, if the universe is to complex to have arisen without help from a deity, then so is the deity itself