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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3491395 No.3491395 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that instead of discusing the wonders of science most threads are different forms of dick waving. If it isnt IQ its major. Then we have the asine religion vs science crap, I mean when did science became something to be compared with religion. It makes as much sense has having sports threads here.

>> No.3491401

To answer your first complain most people in here are either college undergraduates, underagefags or neckbeards living in their mother basement. This is not a place where you could find people that really love science.

>> No.3491408
File: 41 KB, 799x626, sciencevsfaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes sense for science and religion to be at opposition to each other. science is the persuit of knowledge and truth, scientists value evidence and amend their theories so that they have the best understanding of the world they can possibly have with the current evidence they possess.
faith is belief without evidence, believing something to be true just because you have been told to believe it, you do not have any previous knowledge to help you decide whether you have placed your faith correctly.

>> No.3491420
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Yes I know that but disusing it in here is a waste of time. Most of us know the fact that religion is bullshit we should discus more interesting things like space.

>> No.3491431

I. Will wave my dick wherever and at whomever I wish. At any time.

>> No.3491432
File: 57 KB, 500x391, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we often do, but the nature of a board where anyone can make posts about absolutely anything means that there will inevitably be threads that you do not like, and threads and posts that are irrelevant. deal with it

>> No.3491450

Simple, really. Science contradicts literal interpretations of peoples' religious texts, so they feel obliged to argue every chance they get.

>> No.3491459

me 2. am waving it in your general direction currently.

>> No.3491471

>Simple really. Science is always wrong, and it is fun to point that out to the current crop of scientists who think that they have it right this time.

>> No.3491481

I hope that you're just a troll and don't think that's what I meant

>> No.3491485

whatever gets you through the night, bub

>> No.3491497

Okay, now you've lost me. Did you think I meant what you greentexted? Because I abhor that sort of view.