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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 376 KB, 596x340, faiiiill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3490964 No.3490964 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3490977

thats the motto dude, its on money too. Its all the communists fault

>> No.3490982
File: 349 KB, 1296x968, vdW3H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britfag master race reporting in.
we dont have 'in god we trust' on our money, we have motherfuckin' DARWIN!

u jelly, amerifags?

>> No.3490991

A nation that trusts in an imaginary being instead in reason and science is doomed

>> No.3490990


>> No.3490996

Not really, I wouldn't put much faith in trusting in man either.

>> No.3491038

what is that the congress or a church ?

>> No.3491050

I hardly see why I should trust institutions that put america in such a situation today by permitting the influence of political interest instead of science.

>> No.3491057

god is our excuse for amoral behavior.

it's good to have an excuse. watch your ass, god may tell us to invade you next.

>> No.3491065

well you gotta trust someone, and Darwin is almost certainly far more trustworthy than most, he was a pretty cool guy.
and keep in mind that putting your trust in 'god' isn't actually trust in god, as fictitious being never speak. it is still putting your trust in man, but men who mere bronze age desert nomads with no knowledge of modern science or modern values.

>> No.3491066

Blame Eisenhower, who otherwise, wasn't that bad of a president. He did warn us about the military industrial complex but it keeps happening.

>> No.3491076

Fuck Darwin, I'm trusting Bob.

>> No.3491089

God is more an ideal image of Man's potential. He is not what created us, he is what we are meant to be.

>> No.3491088
File: 485 KB, 597x447, tropmoche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get the fuck out, EK.

>> No.3491098

so hot

>> No.3491105
File: 307 KB, 760x761, gauss12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaussmark uber-master race.

>> No.3491108

Don't be mean to EK. I like her, and besides she contributes more to /sci/ than you silly trolls do.

>> No.3491114

the fuck are you talking about? god is a shit role model, jewish god is an asshole, christian god just as bad, muslim god even worse, greek/roman gods just as bad

>> No.3491119


>> No.3491121

I think not. I'm anonymous, and still, I contribute. Maybe not as efficiently as Josef, but still more than that thing.

>> No.3491122

yes, when judged by modern standards of morality.

>> No.3491126

thankyou :)

>> No.3491128

she/he/it is not gonna fuck you, dude

>> No.3491141

/sci/ loved EK long before you jackasses from /new/ arrived.

we love her even more now that we've seen her pictures.

fuck off and die homofaggot.

>> No.3491172


>> No.3491177

still not gonna fuck you, dude

so sad

>> No.3491185

not trying to get with her, just enjoying her being here.

the first sign you don't belong here is you think with your dick...

>> No.3491189

>implying thats even what they want.
not everyone is as simple and narrow minded as you, they probably just agree with some of the things i have to say.

>> No.3491196

What pictures do you speak of?

>> No.3491199

please, you're not the real EK, and everyone (except for the /butthurt faggot above) knows it.

your trip is different, your gender is different, your posting is different....

odd that a thread called "fail" would be about you

>> No.3491204

I'm not talking about the Abrahamic God, I'm talking about the modern concept used in Money and Government.

>> No.3491225

we recognize EK if she wants to be recognized, doesn't matter what trip or name.

nobody on the pre-/new/ version of /sci/ cared enough about her to save all her reaction pics and odd little shoops. Real EK is real.

>> No.3491230

I live in a country far away from hers. So that is not really an issue for me, or a goal worth striving for (although I can't deny that I do find her attractive enough that I would have no problem with it).

But the core of the matter is that she posts things that reveal that she has a functioning mind (even if I do not always agree with her), which is more than your posts do.

>> No.3491239

i.e., i fap to pics of fat chicks on the internet

cool story bra

>> No.3491246

Amateur porn is the bees knees.

>> No.3491247


In Atheism We Trust

>> No.3491249

>hasn't visited /soc/ lately

errybody here faps to fatchickpics.

>> No.3491250


No. Not really. EK was called stupid long before the deletion of /new/.

>> No.3491253
File: 22 KB, 427x355, all_true_warriors_strive_for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trip checks out, >2000 posts, and counting.

>a goal worth striving for

>> No.3491256

I called her stupid a few times myself, so you're right. Doesn't mean I didn't like her.

If you've been here that long I've almost certainly called you stupid a time or two also...

>> No.3491258

i wonder what would make a gay dude pretend to be an annoying chick on the internet

any insight?

>> No.3491266

Depression and fear, for the most part. Ive seen it before.

>> No.3491270

i was thinking denial and a longing for acceptance, plus the need to deceive, but yeah


>> No.3491274
File: 236 KB, 550x436, 550px-Whiteknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You liked her because of her intelligence? No.
You liked her because of her appearance? No.
You liked her because IRL you are lonely ugly nerd with no chance to get laid? Guess what.
How I hate white knighting.

>> No.3491282
File: 140 KB, 580x347, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3491287

i'm #1 and #3, not #2

and you're not the "real" EK

>> No.3491293

nah dood, I'm married and 40.

if anything I imagine most of you fucks as my retarded children. Lots of potential, no accomplishments.

EK has a playful sense of humor and a kind heart. Those are reason enough to like her.

enough talking about her already though. say what you gotta say and then fuck off.

>> No.3491310

you keep confusing the person you think EK was with the person who is pretending to be EK now

you might be gay

>> No.3491317

>a kind heart
ha, that varies considerably, my mood fluctuates a lot, but thankyou for the compliment anyway. :)

>> No.3491318

Internet tough guy and white knight. You might even like anime. As was already said: still not gonna fuck you, dude

>> No.3491322

is there a live stream of congress voting on teh bill;?

>> No.3491326

The only reason I like EK and am glad she is back is because she causes every thread to derail, intentionally or not. When I have had enough of science vs religion, engineers are gay, or communism vs capitalism, it's nice to see a thread destroyed by EK. Keep it up.

>> No.3491328
File: 34 KB, 809x339, EK_postcount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do not believe me to be the real EK, then either I have been impersonating her for an incredibly long time, or i have somehow managed to acquire her tripcode.

>> No.3491335
File: 38 KB, 322x311, 1301426032455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is a EK?

>> No.3491336

wow, neither one of those possibilities is even remotely possible!!! you must be the "real" EK!!!


have fun pretending to be a chick, homo

>> No.3491342

>it's nice to see a thread destroyed by EK. Keep it up.
not sure if sarcastic, but seeing as this was basically just a religion thread anyway (in god we trust) then i feel no guilt.

>> No.3491339


>> No.3491341

a tripfag turned realfag

>> No.3491347


EK post something on facebook to prove it's you.

>> No.3491348

why would an atheist feel guilt?

why pretend to be a chick on the interwebz?

all these questions and more, as /sci/ turns...

>> No.3491350

lol it's on FB it must be true!

>> No.3491351


I just meant in general

>> No.3491352

This makes me want to have a tripcode as well.

>> No.3491358

tripfags make baby Jesus cry

>> No.3491359


>implying we don't know EK's facebook account.

>> No.3491365

still holdin' your breath, dude?

>> No.3491368

>implying FB is unhackable

>> No.3491391

>tripfags make baby Jesus cry

Oh, now you are just teasing me. I will just have to start using one.

>> No.3491394

you could pretend to be NotEK

>> No.3491402

or maybe just

>> No.3491405

ya, i fucken jelly, i got a 10pound bill here with fucken Charles Darwin

>> No.3491407


>> No.3491414


>> No.3491417

kinda like this one

>> No.3491430

Blame the soviet union.

It's also their fault that we view the free market as an ends in itself, rather than a means to a greater economic end.