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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 350x280, 350px-IQ_curve.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3490914 No.3490914 [Reply] [Original]

dear people of /sci/
wennever i see a thread where one is asked to post his or here IQ i always see IQ´s of astronomical proportions i my self have a modest IQ of only a 118.

now i was wondering if you yourself have ever lied about your IQ here on /sci/ if yes what is your real IQ
or if you are in the conviction of having such an high IQ where did you have it tested

it is time to come clean

>> No.3490922

i never took the iq test because it doesn't mean shit

>> No.3490934

your comment made no sense

if you never took it, its becuase it MEANS shit, not "doesnt mean"

>> No.3490968

IQ doesn't mean shit, ive taken several different IQ tests with scores ranging wildly from 107 to 138.
thats far too much spread to be accurate IMO.
apparently an 'official' IQ test ranked me at exactly 130, but its probably only slightly more meaningful than the other IQ tests.

besides, having a high IQ says nothing about whether someone will be good at practically applying their knowledge, and says nothing about their memory skills or reading capability or anything else for that matter, its just a huge collection of aspie puzzle solving, and seeing as IQ can be increased by repeatedly doing the tests allowing you to practise and get better at them, it isn't an inate static thing that is unique to the person, it is free to vary, which pretty much shows how meaningless IQ tests are.

if asked, i usually say 130, seeing as thats the 'official' one.

>> No.3490979

another retard
why are you using double negatives if ur IQ is 130?
fake fake fake fake

>> No.3490980

THIS, fucking this.

>> No.3490994

lol, that was done on purpose hun, i said the same thing as the other guy on purpose as kinda an obvious troll. as in, too obvious that i didnt expect you to fall for it. the rest of my post is serious.

>> No.3490999

>be stupid
>get told
>"hurr durr I was trolling"

>> No.3491007

fail way to try to explain your error

>> No.3491013

hah! i really was! don't you think it is a bit of a coincidence for 2 people in a row to both start their posts with 'IQ doesn't mean shit' just by coincidence?

>> No.3491028

No point in lying about IQ, it's not important enough.

My IQ is 130 average across the various tests I've taken. Low end is about 125 an high end is about 133

>> No.3491035
File: 254 KB, 398x360, 13645647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite a narrow spread of results, considering how flimsy IQ tests tend to be. how many did you take?

>> No.3491058

personally i am happy to meet smarter people than me
in school kids always acted like i was a genius or something but i always felt average
so when i meet people who are more intelligent than me i do so humbly and respectfully

>> No.3491063

Like 10 and I threw out anything absolutely ridiculous, like the 180 I got.

>> No.3491067
File: 1.34 MB, 1585x1221, Bartagame_fcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for derailing this troll thread, but did anyone of you ever realize how fucking cute lizards are?
I would totally fuck one of them, if they were only a little bit more furry and if they weren't amphibians.

>> No.3491074

ah, not counting anomalies. that better explains the narrow spread i suppose.

>> No.3491080


>> No.3491096

what kind of tests did you do

>> No.3491109


if one is only "official", why bother mentioning the other ones?

if the other ones weren't "official" then they don't matter, and it would explain the varied scores.

>> No.3491111

people who browse /sci/ are a self-selected population and not a properly randomized group of individuals.

on a message board that brags about IQ, it would be unlikely for the average /sci/ browser to have a 100 IQ, let alone admit to it.

>> No.3491142

meh, there are loads on the internet, and theres this one every year i think on the TV.
...or at least there used to be. hosted by that woman who presents 'the weakest link' i forget her name...
anyway i was pretty good at those.

>> No.3491151

IQ tests on the internet are not accurate at all.

get an IQ test from a psychologist, doctor, etc.

>> No.3491159

doctors do IQ tests?

>> No.3491344

Why would somebody lie about their IQ on an anonymous image board?

>> No.3491353

lol, why do you think? to troll, obviously.
"114 IQ, 300K starting, 4 PhD's 7 fuckbuddys, come at me bro, u mad, u jelly?
atheists: 0
me: >9000"

>> No.3491363

Shit isn't a negative. It's a flexible obscenity, capable of indicating either the presence of quality and meaning or a lack thereof, depending on the context.

>> No.3491399

uhh... can you leave? Seriously, I didn't think anyone over the age of 12 still thought those online IQ tests were even remotely real. You bragging about your IQ and forcing your self worth onto others really doesn't do anything for you because we are all anonymous.

I had a friend whose IQ was 143, tested at birth. Everyone was his friend, he didn't need to tell me his IQ for me to tell he was a genius. Like you don't need to tell me your IQ for me to know you're as average as you can get.

>> No.3491400

I took one when I was 14... got a 136

Read something that says IQ contributes about a fourth to the degree of success you'll see in your life... other contributing factors include socioeconomic background etc etc

mebe so :3

I'm 20 atm and my net worth is about 26 million USD... my parents are rich too ^^

>> No.3491425

i wasnt bragging about it, i have no reason to brag on an anonymous image board, it was just related to the thread.
if you read my posts, you will see that i don't value IQ, and i hold it to be meaningless.

>> No.3491426

my iq is higher than 90, but less that over9000!

>> No.3491427

i was taken to a neurologist when i was in 2nd grade because of my excessive hyperactivity and inability to follow "rules." diagnosed with ADHD, mild aspergers and an iq of 163

>> No.3491433

i was actually quite serious in that thread. i bet you're a soar atheist

>> No.3491434

>tested at birth
oh really

>> No.3491448

Really? I think we would match perfectly together

>> No.3491457

you're making the fallacy of assuming "shit" is a negative.

the colloquialism "doesn't mean shit" is accepted as the person saying "X is so worthless in meaning is a categorized beneath shit".

a double negative would be "doesn't know nothing", which when accepted literally implies the person described knows "something".

the word "shit" in this context is defined as "something of little value".

So, by saying he "doesn't mean shit", you're saying that the subject is below insignificance.

If you're going to wax intellectual online, at least realize that language is only as concrete as the majority acceptance of definitions, and that colloquialisms exist.

>> No.3491463

>Like you don't need to tell me your IQ for me to know you're as average as you can get.
In this thread: Pretending faggots, who thinks they're better than anyone else because of their seemingly high IQ's. Fyi, Plato said that in a perfect society, everyone knows their role and is happy with it. So, in those terms, you, with your high IQ and shit, is just as important as another Janitor.
Also, I'm always agreeing with EK

>> No.3491475

I seriously hope you are playing

My IQ is 147. I've lied and said it was 152 before just for the over 150 factor.
You aks where I had it tested. Does location matter. It was an actual IQ and was very long. It was used as a placement test.

>> No.3491490

The only IQ test I took was when I was baked out of my mind and I got a 117.
To compensate for my pot brain mistakes I say it's about 125 because I believe I'm smart lol

>> No.3491496

You got me, my IQ is only 132, did an Official mensa test.

But on 4chan i often say 140...

>> No.3491505

this thread is stupid as hell

>> No.3491522