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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3490666 No.3490666 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you meet people smarter than you

>> No.3490672
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>> No.3490691
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>> No.3490694

It can't happen.

>> No.3490702

Really? When I meet people smarter than me, I become reassured that the world will be in good hands

(Just kidding, I usually cry myself to sleep. There's this one girl in all of my classes who doesn't know what common sense is, but she makes better grades than me and never ceases rubbing it in. That is enough to make me suicidal. I never should have gotten IQ tested as a child)

>> No.3490707

The one time it happened, I was thrilled. Don't be a faggot, OP.

>> No.3490718
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It's good to know not everyone is so stupid

>> No.3490725
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>mfw I meet someone good looking, rich, and smarter than me

Can't you let me have this one thing?

>> No.3490733

usually pretty happy; i'd rather be the dumbest person in the room learning things than the smartest person in the room teaching things.

>> No.3490739
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>> No.3490742
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Why would I make a sad face, is there a disadvantage to the situation? I can ask questions and get smarter, right?

>> No.3490745
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It's nice to meet smarter people

>> No.3490750

My professors are more knowledgeable than me, and I don't get upset over it. As long as the person has a personality that I like, it really doesn't matter.

>grades indicative of intelligence
>IQ indicative of intelligence
>feeling superior or inferior because somebody is "smart"

>> No.3490757

wow, i'm not sure thats ever happened to me.

>> No.3490785
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I ask them how they feel about the fact that humanity has visited worlds beyond our own, and then we could proceed to have a conversation related to either astronomy, astrophysics, or cosmology.

Why would I feel sad? I'd be overjoyed to finally have someone to talk to about my interests. The worst thing is living here in North Carolina, where everyone is so stupid that they tell me that I'm a genius who should go work for microsoft just because I'm able to install windows. I never get to talk about space with these fucking people.

>> No.3490786

>IQ indicative of intelligence


>> No.3490798

This face doesn't exist.

>> No.3490832

I'm that guy you always meet who's smarter than you.

>> No.3490850

i'm sure telling yourself that you're smart and everyone else is dumb justifies your isolation.

well, maybe in that genius little head of yours.

>> No.3490876

>yfw you realize intelligence doesn't work that way


>> No.3490883

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetoric = The solution in those situations.

>> No.3490898


>> No.3490902

>This thread
I don't really have much. So when i'm exposed to people that have the edge over me in what i see as my one single validating aspect of me on top of having all the other usual advantages over me, i fall to pieces.

Sure, it makes sense to be happy that there are people smarter than me because it means the world isn't screwed etc. etc.

But for me coming across a smarter person is like if i was some starving homeless guy and someone stole my one piece of bread i had left.

>> No.3490906

>well, maybe in that genius little head of yours

Pejorative remarks like this are what make you stand out as a somebody who believes that he himself is the smarter one.
Your disparaging of people makes you a hypocrite.

>> No.3490920

You guys are not science material, the first thing you learn is humility, if you cant stand being outsmarted and proven wrong this is not the best place for you

>> No.3490933
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But I came to science to prove that I'm smarter than everyone. If I met somebody who's smarter than me, I have failed my goals.


>> No.3490942

schoole is stupid cuz it doesnt apreciate smart people but the hard working

>> No.3490943
File: 416 KB, 2340x2349, AS17-134-20471HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actively seek people who are smarter than me. I actively seek people who can hold an intelligent conversation.

I just want to talk about space.

>> No.3490956

jokes on you, op. nobody on /sci/ leaves their basement

>> No.3490967
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Why would i don't like seeing others do well? Stop being so envious, faggots.

>> No.3490969

>doesnt apreciate smart people but the hard working
Sadly, that's the general world as it is, especially the employment realm.

>> No.3490973

Intelligence and hard work are both factors to academic success. I don't know how she does it.

Everyone consoles me by saying that everyone hates her for being such a smartass and I'm fun to hang out with, but I'd honestly rather be her

>> No.3490974


Same here. Why would you want to converse with someone seemingly inferior? What's the point?

>> No.3490976
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>> No.3490993


what is wrong with that? Hard working people are infinetly more valuable that people about whom you can just say that they are smart,tho, at one point or another a smart persone is hard working when he is accomlishing his goals(or he isn't all that smart is he?)...

>> No.3491018

talking with people smarter than you is instant proof that solipsism is wrong, so everyone should do it atleast once.

>> No.3491022

The world should value intelligence more than anything else. Without us, you'd have no ideas or goals to work towards. We provide the framework for which you can contribute to.

>> No.3491047
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okay you sucker, then let's talk about space.
>have a conversation related to either astronomy, astrophysics, or cosmology.
Although... astronomy feels like biology on a big scale to me - watching what's there and classification of things. And cosmology is too much of a guessing game to me. So I'm more into physics than there I guess.

>> No.3491059

That's not true at all. The goal that sparked civilization came from the very basic need to eat. We set a goal to be able to feed ourselves. No intellectual was needed to get the idea into people's heads that eating is a good thing. We learned over time that if we plow and work the land, we will produce a crop, and with that crop, we will know that we will be around for another year.

This gave us the ability to have intelligent people sit around and plan for the future. When you know you're going to be around for at least another year, you can plan for that year.

>> No.3491073

do you mean "imagination", "ingenuity", or "innovation"?

>> No.3491097
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That shock and unexpectedness experienced when conversing with someone smarter than you is just what you feel when you access your subconscious that you normally couldn't in your conscious state and thus don't know jack shit about.

What now, brown bovine?!?!

>> No.3491113
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Hasn't happened much (small pond syndrome, I imagine), but I have serious self esteem issues, so I feel immensely threatened whenever someone does better than me on ANYTHING. I'm trying to fix this, etc.

>> No.3491116
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>> No.3491124

What is this effect called, to believe one is smarter then the ones around you? There is a wikipedia article, it's names after someone or so..

>> No.3491140

Dunning-Kreuger effect

>yfw knowing about the effect makes you think you are smart because you might be able to spot your own bullshit but that very knowledge makes you smug about the fact that you know more about other people's follies and thus you become more susceptible to the effect....

>> No.3491160
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Most of the people I hang around with a retarded as fuck. I tried to explain time dilation to my best friend. Instead of calmly saying "I'm sorry, I don't quite understand this. Could you explain it a little simpler?", he shouted that I was making it up and just trying to make him feel stupid. Someone smart to converse with would be glorious! I have this one friend who is more intelligent than me and it's fucking glorious.

>> No.3491165

>psychology bullshit

that kind of stuff only applies consistently to the general population. Has any historically recognized genius ever been insufferably egotistical?
indeed, so if you had real intellectual ability you wouldn't let dunning and krueger tell you how to perceive the world.

>> No.3491182

I appreciate your offer, but I already use 4chan to talk about space. What I meant was that I would greatly enjoy to be able to actually converse with someone in real life about the topics that interest me.

>> No.3491190
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OP's face is mfw I meet smart bullies/aggressive people/autists with a chip on their shoulders/philosophy students. They are just there to be sophists/trolls and try to bully everyone else to make everyone else look dumb so they can look smart.

This is mfw I meet nice smart people.

>> No.3491195

>Not thinking intelligence inst irrelevant.
Intelligence, is the ability to filter, create, and use knowledge. However a much less intelligent man can have better or more useful knowledge the most intelligent man in the world.

A random redneck right now could know the answer the all of life's problems, while the most intelligent man still loses sleep trying to answer them.

Intelligence as a concept is relatively silly.

>> No.3491197

The only people I've ever met who I felt were in a higher intellectual echelon than me were much older than me so it just gives me hope that by the time I'm their age I'll be just as stunningly intelligent.

>> No.3491214
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so in conclusion this is >mfw

>> No.3491216

OP isn't talking about people more knowledgeable than you; he's talking about smarter people. I remember once talking to a guy, he was teaching me to play a game called conquest, while playing against two other people while organizing a magic deck and doing a sudoku, holding a conversation with the other two guys, watching the news and soccer game in the adjoining restaurant. And beating all three of us while outwitting us in our conversations cracking jokes and winning arguments. We were all four of us on the deans list at the time. I think he was some kind of super-multitasker in retrospect.... it was so cool to watch him think, never seen someone think so clearly, quickly, and cogently. It made me very excited to see, and very very jealous.

>> No.3491224


no. school doesn't require intelligence. it requires memory. that's about it.

>> No.3491228


see,you say the world SHOULD,you don't think how you would accomplish anything,you just sat how it should be,that stems from your lack of character that stems from your lack of hard work/involvement.
You see,problems are met by day to day activities,not by some smart people imagining them
In other words,get of your fat worthless ass and make something of yourself if you claim you have potential.

>> No.3491236

As i understand it, it's just a bias. Not a contradictory thing like if you're straight out A you'll think you are B.
Just that you might tend to think you are smart-*er* than you really are.

>> No.3491252

but more specifically it's saying that the tendency to think one is smarter than one actually is is correlated with actually being ~below average~ in intelligence. That's a much stronger claim than what you're saying.

Personally I go through periods of either high or low confidence in my abilities because I'm constantly self re-evaluating.

>> No.3491259

The fact that such changes in self-evaluation occur at all show you're probably not in the bottom half of whatever aspects you're referring to.

>> No.3491265

which is precisely why I think this dunning-krueger thing is a useless proposition. also it's kind of trolltacular for /sci/

>> No.3491324

Yes, I have met people who know more than me. No, I've never met anybody who's smarter in me in my entire life.

>> No.3491345

only dumb people think in terms of "this person is smarter/dumber than me"
It's really more of "this person is better/worse at memorization/mathematics/ect. than me"

>> No.3491374

>To paraphrase Stephen Hawking, "those who boast about their result of an IQ test, instead of questioning it's legitimacy, are insecure."
Don't you feel better now?

>> No.3491397


If Stephen Hawking posted that on /sci/, there would immediately be ten "butthurt low IQ haver detected herp a derp" responses.

But of course he's right, and a/sci/pies are in general the most insecure people I've ever encountered.

>> No.3491404

I like his original quote more: People who boast about their IQ are losers.

>> No.3491424

Steven Hawking is a poorfag; therefore, he is a loser and doesn't know what he's talking about!

>> No.3491429
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mfw for every man smarter than me there are at least 7,5 dumb bitches like the one depicted.

>> No.3491447

Just yesterday I explained time dilation to my gf. She said: Yea, that makes sense.

Can I be more happy? I have a smart girlfriend and can talk to her about that stuff... not that she is too interested in physics, but she is studying chemistry, so that's something.

>> No.3491507
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thats what you all look like