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File: 14 KB, 375x356, world_income.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3488431 No.3488431 [Reply] [Original]

Why does anybody have to work when they can just start a business? Most of the people don't realize that, that's why they're poor assholes who are mad at everyone because some people are less lazy than them and actually bother to take the risk with is associated with starting a business.

>> No.3488438

If everyone owned a business, who would serve my fries?

>> No.3488440

How does "start up a business" imply "doesnt work"?

>> No.3488441

I'm with you OP, starting your own business is the way to be. But it takes a lot of work and good sense. And assloads of money helps.

>> No.3488436


>> No.3488446

Word. :D

>> No.3488458

Starting a business is a lot of work. That being said, it is the best way to make money.

>> No.3488459
File: 58 KB, 251x251, 1307920777458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you OP. God bless America.

>> No.3488467

>implying there's any risk in starting a business

>> No.3488477

well you need a decent amount of money to start one, and the Illuminati keep the masses in an endless cycle of working for the right amount of money to last them until the next pay check

>> No.3488484

>starting a business with no money in the pocket

That's a small flaw, I give it to you, but the rest of the idea is fucking brilliant!

>> No.3488520

have you enslaved some alien race that will work instead of us OP?

>> No.3488529

Yes. The sub-human working asshole majority and those lazy asshole 3rd world uncivilized assholes who can't even get themselves proper drinking water. The funniest thing is that there are billions of assholes like them. Indeed, humans suck for being so lazy.

>> No.3488530


>> No.3488533

Create a business plan.
Convince investors.
Start a Business.

>> No.3488562


>> No.3488604

Every moron can start a business but the real challenge is to keep it alive.

>> No.3488606

I made a poll to see how many support capitalism here.


>> No.3488687

beep beepy

>> No.3490737


Yeah but capitalism means different stuff to different people.

>> No.3490747

Start a business in what?

>> No.3490909

I think the best is to start a business helping people start a business.

>> No.3493250
File: 31 KB, 228x243, 1309147391476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3493265

that looks like a vagina.


>> No.3493268

what about a business to help people start businesses helping business start?

>> No.3493279

No, you need a corporation to do that.

>> No.3493331


OP, judging from "that's why they're poor assholes who are mad at everyone because some people are less lazy than them", you are on the political right.

As such, you believe that anyone can set up a business no matter their resources and succeed if they work hard.

No doubt the idea that most of the worlds' population is made up of undeserving lazy people feels wrong, given that you are even asking the question.

So I will give some answers for you to consider. The reason will undoubtedly vary from person to person.

-They might be trapped in a poverty cycle, spending all their income and hours just to survive. They may have families (even be a single parent) or have substance dependencies. Very few in such a deep hole can dig themselves out. No one will give them a loan or invest in them, they lack education and skills, and are probably too exhausted to muster the energy.

-They might be unwilling to take the risk. In actually existing capitalism (as opposed to the idealistic crap that seems to exist in the heads of libertarians), most businesses fail hard just trying to get off the ground. This is because markets become polarized over time as a few companies grow large and dominate the fuck out of them. Startups can't compete in such circumstances, and anti-competition laws don't help much.

-They may be as above, but because they have already tried and failed.

-They may be self-employed as a matter of principle, or because they enjoy it more.

-They may be trying to suck (in some cases, literally) their way up the corporate structure of an existing company.

-They may be in a country so shit that they have to spend all their time searching for food, be displaced, etc, in refugee camps or on the move.

-They may be subsistence farmers.

That should cover a large proportion of reasons.