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File: 362 KB, 500x376, God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3488263 No.3488263 [Reply] [Original]

Last fucking year I told my family I didn't want anything for Christmas because it was a bullshit mental fantasy. But my fucking grandmother who's like 70 and is a typical Christian trying to convert me. She got me a gift card from best buy so I could get some games EVEN THOUGH I told everyone I didn't want anything. She tried to give it to me in a card with a bible verse it. A fucking bible verse.

I was so pissed, I told her in front of every one that if she wanted to believe in Jewish zombies and her cannibal cult she could but not to try to brainwash me. And I threw the card on the table. She started crying and my dad got pissed and grabbed me by the arm and told me to get my ass to my room and not come out until everyone else had left.

I take every possible opportunity to rationally break people from their religious shield of hypocrisy. If they get hostile I just ask why they so mad. Whenever me and my parents get into a discussion about religion I just blow their minds with truth and usually the conversation sidetracks somewhere so they can fell less crappy about having their shitty belief system turned upside-down.

Well they learned their lesson last year and they didn't get me anything. They didn't even ask me to come with them to my uncles this year so I got the house all to myself. Weed and my xbox is all I need. Feels good to be atheist and have a clear head.

>> No.3488275

Wow, dude...hardcore

>> No.3488278

bumping to troll the beta non-militant pussy atheists on /sci/

>> No.3488286

You are totally retarded. I can't find words for your retardation and ignorance.

Christmas is a time to spend with your family and friends regardless of belief in fairy tales or not. I would say Christmas is one of the few positive aspects of all this Christian charade.

>> No.3488297

Apparently some teenage butthurt atheists do surf 4chan. Grow up, and stop giving us "real" atheists a bad name.

That or I'm being trolled. Fair odds on both.

>> No.3488320

Better luck next time, OP. I'll give it a 7/10

>> No.3488333

I'm about as militant as they come without being teenage butthurt. OP is a retard.

>> No.3488337


I can tell it's a troll. I can tell by the sentence structure and after seeing a few trolls in my day.

>> No.3488445


>> No.3488448

You're a disrespectful little shit.

>> No.3488464
File: 4 KB, 97x126, trollthred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3488473

OP's story is too good to be true but just for the thought and idea I'll rate it four stars.

Fuck religious people.

>> No.3488499

>disrespectful towards religious people

Oh no!

>> No.3488524

Dude you're an idiot. I was an atheist for as long as I can remember, and I can tell you that christmas is a time for everyone, not just christians. And seriously, who could say no to delicious meals and presents?!

You must be really COOL&REBELLIOUS&DARK

>> No.3488543

I turned atheist at 13 and I still have bibles all over the house. I used to read it too but reading the bible is basically wtf am I reading as I just don't know what half the shit that goes down in that book is supposed to mean

Why would I throw out or get mad at undeniably one of the most important texts in human history I don't get it

>> No.3488549
File: 135 KB, 1280x1024, BANNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Athiesm is racism.

>> No.3488553

>not to religious people
>his family
>you don't turn your back on the family
>fucking liberal hipsters

>> No.3488554


Religious or not, there's something wrong with you if you enjoy the thought of elderly women having gifts thrown back in their face from their grandchildren. There are so many things in there that are wrong.

I am, and was raised, an atheist. OP is a terrible human being.OP, if you were capable of getting one, when you got tired of your girlfriend would you break it off by leaving a tape of you fucking her best friend on her doorstep?

>> No.3488663

Obvious troll.

>> No.3489168

The answer is simple. We must kill the batman.
You're a socially inept fucktard who belongs to be alone. That is all. kthxbye

>> No.3489176

I hate you and everything you stand for.

>> No.3489183

dude, why not just enjoy free games?

>> No.3489200

OP just because you're no longer a theist doesn't mean you can't set aside your differences to enjoy time with your family. it's not like you'll get to in an afterlife.

I'm an atheist but I find the notion of christmas, religion and God to be quite beautiful. Not because it's all true and commands my belief but because humans invented it. The ontological argument for God is a poor argument but the idea that people can even conceive of something so powerful is remarkable. God is and has been the symbolic embodiment of all that different societies throughout history find to be good in the world. I don't think you need to respect every belief equally, but I'm as amazed by the overwhelmingly human notion of the divine as a biologist is amazed with how the heart pumps blood around the body or as a cosmologist contemplating the size of the universe.

>> No.3489244

EWWWWWW console gamer....

>> No.3489251
File: 27 KB, 600x450, 1310988675140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have refunded the card to get some cash for hot topic

>implying im christian

>> No.3489263

>it's not even the christmas season
oh come on OP, this isn't even GOOD copypasta