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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3487097 No.3487097 [Reply] [Original]

problem, athiest faggots?

>> No.3487103

Hey Atheists if trolls aren't real then why is OP sucking so much cocks right now.

>> No.3487118

Did't know you like thinking about guys sucking dicks

>> No.3487126

Hay guys if you think jesus died for your sins, how come he doesn't exist?

>> No.3487123
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Problem OP?

>> No.3487134
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mfw no one can prove OP wrong

>> No.3487136


One day I will go to page 0 of /sci/ and there will not be a thread regarding religion. We see enough of this stuff in the real world, no one likes seeing it on here.

One day.

>> No.3487138

he doesn't exist because he died you moron,

>> No.3487144

I find the trolls on /sci/ leave much to be desired. It's like that don't even put any thought into it. I could create a better troll thread even if I was currently having a stroke.

>> No.3487151
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>> No.3487159

Not the guy you were referencing, but I hardly see that as an angry statement. Maybe a little tired, but certainly not angry.

>> No.3487160

he didn't exist to begin with

>> No.3487163
File: 890 KB, 5000x4068, trollface_ftw_by_6661_apocalyptik-d3apyms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP

>> No.3487166


finally someone admits that if he existed, then he died and stayed dead and nonexistent because he was not god, just a decent magician at best

>> No.3487165

How do you know he even existed to begin with?

>> No.3487174


>> No.3487175
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>> No.3487176
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i seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.3487183


fucking timestamps how do they work

>> No.3487185

if jesus died for our sins, how ppl still sin.

>> No.3487187

Why, this is quite a sound and persuasive argument. Why did I not think of this before. You have changed my mind, good sir! I'll just go change my facebook page right now and let everyone know that I've found OUR LORD.

>> No.3487199
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he died so that they would be forgiven, he sacrificed himself so that God would forgive humanity. its actually a pretty complicated theological issue that doesn't seem intuitive at first - why would God sacrifice jesus when they're both the same person etc etc

>> No.3487216


If God has forgiven humanity, why is humanity still being punished?

>> No.3487219

Jesus isn't God.

>> No.3487228

Jesus is God and got butt-fucked by the holy ghost.

>> No.3487229
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basically before jesus there was no heaven - jews dont believe in heaven for example.

>> No.3487245

God does not tell us to kill people...Men with power twist his words and let this kind of crap happen to us...

>> No.3487253

If true statement, How come false statement?
The error you're making is saying one implies the other.
F->T is true
T->T is true
T->F is false
F->F is true
I'm guessing you want to show a contradiction, thus you want to take the T->F case, where first is assumed true and second is assumed false. An atheist assumes first is true and second is false (your statements), thus you appear to want to say:
"God isn't real"->"Jesus died for our sins"
which is not problematic if we assume the second statement is false. The problem is that you assume it's true. Not that any statement follows from the other. They are unrelated and inference does not follow between them. You just think it does. This whole thing is nonsense.

>> No.3487264


true forgiveness would not need a lifetime of repetitive pain and suffering inflicted on billions

of course god doesn't tell us to kill anyone ... he is the one who kills everyone

>> No.3487288
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>> No.3487611
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bumping for epic debate

captcha: cemen party

>> No.3487622

this is /sci/ stop all the religion threads ffs

>> No.3487630

If he died for are sins doesn't that make sinning ok?

>> No.3487636


>complain about religion thread on front page
>bump religion thread to front page

>> No.3487640


I think it makes it necessary otherwise he just died in vain

>> No.3487652

Quit bringing this shit upon yourselves, /sci/.

Report, ignore. Sage if you have to respond.

>> No.3487653 [DELETED] 

>complain about religion thread on front page
>bump religion thread to front page

Its already on the front page cause of the retard replying to the obvious troll anyways.

>> No.3487676
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>> No.3487683


because fiction is a powerful tool?

>> No.3487691
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>advise saging
>forget to sage

>> No.3487695


>> No.3487723

why would someone die for a trig function?

>> No.3487766

DUh. He did exist so he does exist. Just because someone is dead doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.3487768

why would someone ever think your post is funny

>> No.3487812
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>> No.3487854
File: 59 KB, 600x800, 109978987_5e17cdc92f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its fuckn hilarious

>> No.3487876

Jesus died because he was a faggot, not for our sins.