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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 1347x134, teacup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3484939 No.3484939 [Reply] [Original]

If any of you guys see Teacup tonight, could you give him this picture for me? Thanks!

>> No.3484967

He died. Possibly suicide.

>> No.3484985

I'm liking these rumors.

OP, please delete that.

>> No.3484988

>OP, please delete that.
Oh, that has a snowball's chance in hell of occurring. Haven't you heard of the Streisand effect?

I didn't even read it, but now that you want it gone, I'm going to read it.

>> No.3484989

How the hell are you always here? Do you ever go out?

>> No.3484990

>letting us know you don't want people seeing something

>> No.3484995


Hahaha, oh wow, that was funny.

Also, I liked your post earlier today where you said turtles don't have a spine. Good times.

>> No.3485004

schizophrenia in action

>> No.3485009

I hadn't ever heard of it, actually. But fine then, DON'T delete it.

I'm not always here. But most of the time I'm here. I read every post on the main page. Ever image. I stalk every thread. I find it relaxing.

OP could be a decent person, who knows. I mean, decent enough not to spread my experiences with the other realm.

Turtles DO NOT have spines.

>> No.3485015

>Turtles DO NOT have spines.

>> No.3485024
File: 24 KB, 597x340, turtle_side_view1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard.

>> No.3485025

They're vertebrates, mang.
And if you didn't want people watching your posts like a hawk, you wouldn't have a trip.

>> No.3485026

I'm not a schizo.

They have shells.

OP, I'm asking you again to remove that picture.

>> No.3485027

Teacup, tell us your secrets!

>> No.3485029

>OP, I'm asking you again to remove that picture.
Ooooooh, I sense tension

>> No.3485030


Vertebrate = Bones
I use a trip so people don't claim to be me. Some of my posts are a bit controversial, and I wouldn't want people saying things just to furhter bring down my reputation.

>> No.3485034
File: 80 KB, 400x643, TurtleSkeletonLabel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have shells.
And spines. And ribs.

>> No.3485037

>I'm not a schizo.
Please get an EEG and an MRI and post it here. I'll pay the medical bill.

>> No.3485039

>Vertebrate = Bones
There is no depth to how good an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect you are.

And no, "vertebrate" does not mean "it has bones", you retard.
>Vertebrates (pronounced /ˈvɜrtɪbrəts/) are members of the subphylum Vertebrata, chordates with backbones and spinal columns.

>> No.3485040

>Vertebrate = Bones

I think I'm being trolled. Vertebrates have backbones and spinal columns.

>> No.3485041

I already told more than I should, so I'm not telling the other encounters with other realms.

Not tensions, just being polite.

No. Their "spine" is their shell. That's why they die if you crush their shell.

>> No.3485042

Don't bother, hes as sure of himself as a lunar lander hoax believer.

>> No.3485043
File: 11 KB, 679x427, 1290296593377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm calling troll.

>> No.3485045
File: 46 KB, 446x388, 1298000005808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolldar is off the scale

>> No.3485048

I'm not going to let people shoot beams into my brain :/

Then their shell counts as their spine. One thing I know is that they don't have spines.

I have proof.

>> No.3485050

Who is teacup and why should I care? Is he the latest resident attention whore akin the EK or more like a mastercraft troll such as aether?

>> No.3485051
File: 96 KB, 1347x134, 1312151123735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want this one down?
I'll let everyone know

>> No.3485057

definitely more of an EK then an aether.

>> No.3485059

At first I thought it was the former, but now it's looking like he's becoming the latter.

>> No.3485062

>Then their shell counts as their spine. One thing I know is that they don't have spines.
Sorry, all of mankind says you're a dumbass.

>> No.3485063
File: 57 KB, 469x428, 1296765843403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you believe in Illuminati?
Who did the 9/11?
Does God exist?
Ancient Aliens?

>> No.3485071

You don't actually believe they cut a turtle in half just to find its "spine", do you?... That'd be awfully sadistic

I'm a tripfriend. Don't let these liars deceive you :)

Take that down too... Please

I'm part of mankind, and I don't. Teacup 1 You 0

>> No.3485076

Who did the 9/11?
Does God exist?
Ancient Aliens?
>Am one. Lesser beings.

>> No.3485078

>I'm part of mankind, and I don't. Teacup 1 You 0
Oh, I doubt that. Trolls aren't people.

>> No.3485080

So can you tell me what your definition of a spine is and why a turtle doesn't have one?

>> No.3485082

Hey look, the retard who doesn't understand scientific notation is at it again.

>> No.3485084

Sorry, Teacup, you're trolling TOO hard now. It's boring again.

>> No.3485097

I'm not a troll.

The spine is that long bone in our backs that has the ribs growing our of it.

>Make question on /sci/

Alright, I'll bite. How do I "troll"? Since so many people want me to do it, I'll do it.

>> No.3485108

I asked nicely. You refused to take down the images. Enjoy the curse I'm putting on you both.

>> No.3485110

>The spine is that long bone in our backs that has the ribs growing our of it.
Turtles have that.

>> No.3485113

>thinks the spine is one long bone

Other then that, yes, the spine is a bone structure that anchors the ribs. So then why wouldn't a turtle, which has the same bone structures, not have a spine?

>> No.3485116
File: 71 KB, 360x360, 1307375004917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy the curse I'm putting on you both.
OK, now it's funny again.

>> No.3485122

Well this is something new, doesn't believe in god but does believe in curses and demons. Very interesting,

>> No.3485130

That spine is photoshopped.

The only "spine" turtles have is their shell itself.

Laugh too much and a curse may find its way to you too... You do not want me to go on /x/ and ask for help, do you?

>> No.3485133
File: 3 KB, 188x128, 1289457462722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy the curse I'm putting on you both.
What do I do now, HELPS.

>> No.3485135

Don't worry bud, I'll be sure to repost that image every time I see you on /sci/.

>Enjoy the curse I'm putting on you both.
3/10, I know you can do better than that.

>> No.3485136

Guys I posted the second image I'm scared will I die

>> No.3485143

Laugh all you want... Call me a troll... I don't care. You'll still be cursed and I'll be laughing.
And no, you won't die, since that would come back to me threefold.

>> No.3485147

Except that if you actually look at the skeleton of a turtle, you will clearly see the spine and rib structure.

>> No.3485152

why, we all die some time.

>> No.3485157

>I'm not going to let people shoot beams into my brain :/
Most patients with mental disability affecting conscious function behave in the same manner.

You should really see what your brain structure looks like. It's who you are. You're experiencing an altered perception of reality that's very different from any other person on this imageboard. Embrace it, and take into account your lack of axonal connections and associated cognitive impairment is due to social evolution, not aliens and people trying to fuck with you.

>> No.3485158


>> No.3485163

omae wa mou shindeiru!

>> No.3485164

He already astutely pointed out that the pic is photoshopped, and frankly, I don't see how we could contest that point. It's obvious, really.

Besides, he'll curse you if you disagree.

>> No.3485172

I didn't say look at a picture now did I.

>> No.3485174

>>3485136 here

What does this curse entail exactly?
Do I get sick?
My girlfriend stopped texting me back, maybe it made me unlovable?

>> No.3485175

Turtle's shells count as their spine.

Turtles have shells

Ergo, turtles have spines.

Fuck you, trollcuntfaggotfuckface

>> No.3485177

Challenge: Find me a NON-photoshopped picture of a full turtle skeleton showing the same area.

I think you'll find that there is a massive conspiracy! All the pictures and diagrams are lies!

>> No.3485184

No. No beams inside me.

Don't tempt me...

I can't go out and cut a turtle in half...

>> No.3485194

But radios do this to you all the time, man! Just try it! Cover a radio with your body, and the beams still get through!

You need to cover your house in chicken wire and tinfoil.

>> No.3485197

>Arguing with a troll

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

The fact that his only response after being defeating in an argument is "photoshop" should be evidence enough that he is a troll. I think I speak for all us when I say go get fucked and then kill yourself from the shame of it.

>> No.3485198
File: 129 KB, 500x375, 2725613743_93afe627ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spine of a turtle is attached to its shell.

>> No.3485201

Guys, this guy's a bigger troll than EK.

>> No.3485203

So with out bothering to find out if a turtle has a spine or not, you are declaring that they do not, where as I have actually seen a turtle skeleton in person and know for a fact that they do have a spine.

>> No.3485204


>> No.3485209

hahahaha what

>> No.3485213

Beats me bro, but I'm laughing my ass off.

>> No.3485215

Crysis averted.

You're sick, but you proved my point.


>> No.3485216

deleting posts?

what is this /x/?

>> No.3485217

>but it'll be ironic and break your TVs
First off, I don't own a TV. Secondly, how exactly can a curse be ironic? Is it some kind of a hipster curse? Are traditional ailments too mainstream?

>> No.3485222

I accidentally said what the curse would do, which would make it powerless.

>> No.3485226
File: 6 KB, 560x136, teacup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against that first sentence?
I have 4chan plus by the way so posts don't get deleted

>> No.3485227

>but you proved my point.

How? If a turtle has a shell which stems from its ribs which in turn stem from it's spine, how does it not have a spine?

Why is a turtle spine the only one to be considered in quotes?

>> No.3485225

I thought sci would be better when we got rid of EK. it's only been replaced with teacup. this will be my first and last post to and/or regarding teacup.

>> No.3485231


>> No.3485233

I greentexted it too.

>> No.3485237

The energy of the x-rays is nothing compared to the constant bombardment of high energy photons from cosmic background radiation and solar wind you experience on a daily basis.

If you don't want those inside of you, invest in slices of lead at least a 1/2 foot thick and surround your house with them. The EMF off your wall outlets/appliances/wiring and radioactive particle decay from soil under your house will still get to you, though.

>> No.3485239
File: 136 KB, 428x510, 1273978859882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on in this thread.

>> No.3485240

Fuck off hipster.

>> No.3485241

>but it'll be ironic and break your TVs

>> No.3485242


>> No.3485247

It does not matter if it is attached to the shell, it is still there. If I bolted metal plates to my spine, I wouldn't stop having a spine now would I?

>> No.3485250 [DELETED] 

Confirmed for attentionwhoring niggercuntfaggotfucker.

Also, there's no such thing as the supernatural. U MAD?

>> No.3485255 [DELETED] 
File: 2.91 MB, 210x108, 1311988348705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this isn't the real teacup

>> No.3485253
File: 64 KB, 614x374, lookatthatbaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't laughed so hard in years

>> No.3485254


>> No.3485258

As someone who used to frequent /x/ (yeah, I know, but Newton did it too), I find you absolutely pathetic.

>> No.3485261

CNS and other students of cognitive neuroscience need to get the fuck in here.

This, my friends, is very evident symptoms of a wide variety of mental disorders. It's very fascinating.

>> No.3485270

How do I stop a curse

>> No.3485275

Very carefully.

>> No.3485276

No, it is. I'm double checked on greenoval. Unless you meant someone cracked his trip.

>> No.3485279

The supernatural doesn't exist.

Paranormal phenomena are entirely fictitious.

u mad?

>> No.3485285

Come on man don't be like this ;_;

>> No.3485286

>I'm double checked on greenoval
I meant "I".

>> No.3485293

Well, fuck you very much /sci/. I'm going to break my own TV now. Fuck you, I can't buy another and I don't even want to go close to it. Fuck you.

>> No.3485300

Well for starters you need plenty of SAGE.

>> No.3485306

You make a cross in your left hand and spit on it three times. Then you close it with your other hands, like praying, and put them above your head, sort of making a triangle( you know, the triangle of equilibrium)
Then you spin three times and say "Arschloch" (it means forgiveness in ancient tongue) three times.

>> No.3485308

TVs are cheap, would you rather break your TV or lose your life?

>> No.3485309
File: 128 KB, 483x533, 1295612895772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody hold me please I think I have an seizure

>> No.3485312

This was a fun thread.

>> No.3485318

There is nothing wrong with your TV. except form the fact that judging from your personality you probably have terrible taste in programs.

>> No.3485320

No, the shell is the spine...

I meant as in my encounter because it had to do with TVs ands you guys laughed at it. And now? Now I'm going to break my own TV ;_;

Not funny.

>> No.3485328

Neither... I can't afford another one. And worst is it'll break randomly, I won't know when. Because of you.

>> No.3485338


>> No.3485334
File: 16 KB, 220x200, deadserious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not funny
I'm being serious.

>> No.3485337

aren't hallucinations enough occipital stimulus for you? why do you need television?

>> No.3485340

You're going to need approximately 1 tablespoon of finely grounded francium. Pray the prayer to St. Michael, then swallow the francium in one gulp.

>> No.3485341

>mvq when he thinks a spine is no longer a spine because it has extra shell bits fused to it.

>> No.3485342

Just do it, you'll pull through. Trust me.

>> No.3485343

>the shell is the spine

Wrong. if you look carefully you'll see that the shell comes out of the ribs, not the spine.

>> No.3485349

Now where the hell is he gonna get that much francium?

>> No.3485357

... I'm not an idiot I don't want fireworks inside me.

If my friends are hallucinations WHY CAN I TOUCH THEM


>> No.3485366

It is possible to see turtle skeletons with out being sadistic or photoshoping anything.

Also, you'll be fine with the francium as long as you don't let it touch water.

>> No.3485374
File: 119 KB, 580x444, 1310060410357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys, you're forgetting one very important detail here.
This moron actually believes in DEMONS! And he talks to them and places curses on people!

Come on dude, place some more curses, then freak out over telling us them!

>> No.3485377

You shoot beams inside the turtles like you wanted to do to me, why?

Acid is deoxygenated water.

>> No.3485447

>Acid is deoxygenated water.

>> No.3485534

>If my friends are hallucinations WHY CAN I TOUCH THEM
Tactile hallucinations, bitch.

>> No.3485541

Why? Because its fun, obviously.

>> No.3486364

OP here. This is fucking awesome. Please continue.

>> No.3486378

>still being trolled by Teapot

>> No.3486385

ionizing turtle neurons is awesome, so fuck you

>> No.3487425

Person who got cursed here bumping an old as fuck thread
My tv isn't broken Teapot, what giwes?

>> No.3487545

he killed himself after he was forced to curse his own TV.

hallucinations weren't enough to entertain him, i guess