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3480219 No.3480219 [Reply] [Original]

what do intelligent /sci/entists think about buying gold at $1600?

will it rise more, or is it a huge bubble?

also, is the rising dollar price relative to the USD reflecting high demand in gold or low demand in USD?

> I heard some investors are going long USD right now as they think the USD might bounce temporarily
> and I heard some investors are buying even more USD because they aim for crazy numbers like $3000-$5000

>> No.3480223

Buy land.

>> No.3480236


This. Because they don't make the stuff anymore.

>> No.3480258

sounds like a plan but I have no idea about it, and I assume it's a big topic and lots of hassle involved.
is there some kind of fund for that? same like 'paper gold' where you kind of buy gold but not physically.

>> No.3480257

I think dold will skyrocket very soon. The crumbling US dollar will create huge demand for gold. Gold price is inversely proportional to dollar value.

>> No.3480265

you pay taxes on land

land is a bad investment unless it is generating revenue

>> No.3480269
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Herp derp I'm going to buy lots of DOLD. Hurr.

>> No.3480272

true, but what if the US just settles for a solid debt plan and fixes all the problem it has on paper?

everybody seems to be bullish on gold, that might be an indicator that it's a bubble.

and honestly, it's expensive as fuck at $1600..

>> No.3480273

Gold won't be worth shit in an actual collapse.

Guns, money, medical supplies, food, water, liquor, tobacco, and bullets will.

>> No.3480279

Fun fact:

Most gold ETF's and securities don't actually own gold. The fund holds other securities and replicate the gains/losses of gold.

>> No.3480291

Gold is in a bubble right now. Its happened before and will happen again. Once all this glen beck tea party madness fades away people will realize it was a waste of money and try to get their money back

>> No.3480294

explain, gimme some pessimistic gold thesis

>> No.3480297

If you want to survive the post economic hell, i'd suggest you buy a gun and take other people's food.

>> No.3480301

/b/tard detected

>> No.3480304

Money? You mean the money that's only given its value by government?

Gold IS money, pal.

>> No.3480308

I am convinced that gold price will come crashing back down.

However, once it does, do you think it will be a good idea to buy it once it looks bottomed out? I mean, Gold's gone up in price ridiculously fast twice now. Maybe it'd be a good idea to buy it on the cheap.

>> No.3480317

Actually its given value through people using it to exchange for goods and services. That "gold" most people are buying is actually this >>3480279. They dont actually posses the gold.

>> No.3480319

of course
everything that is cheap is probably a good buy.
everything that is expensive probably isn't
I also thing gold is a bubble, you can ride the bubble a bit more eventually, god who knows, maybe it goes up to $2000, but the hard core pro-gold guys will stay in the boat and sink with it

>> No.3480323

I has question:
Does the ETF trading influence the actual gold price?

>> No.3480328

does someone have a robust theory besides 'hurr durr it's a bubble' why the gold price will sink?

you could argue that the US is doomed and there seems no way out, US will decline and the more it declines the gold price will rise.. doesnt that make sense? so gold really could hit $2k, $3k, $4k,...

>> No.3480331

>"buy" gold
>dont even posses the gold
>shit hits the fan
>think the people that are holding your gold if it does exist will give it to you
>think gold will become the main currency even though the vast majority of people dont posses any gold forcing people to trade with something else

>> No.3480339

Gold is in a massive bubble, but it can be very profitable right now if you do it right.

First thing is that if the dollar collapses, gold will be worthless. If our economy tanks and civilization gets chaotic, bottled water will be far more desired, while gold will be essentially worthless.

Secondly, buying gold only works if you buy it under market retail and have physical gold.

It's no secret now that the gold market is a giant ponzi scheme right now, and if you don't physically own the gold, your paper gold is worthless and won't make you any money if the dollar collapses and everyone tries to cash out.

>> No.3480343

Hey if you're up for a fucking gamble that might actually pay off you should probably look into tech stocks. They've been doing fantastic this year.

>> No.3480354


if you buy gold, make sure you buy the actual metal and keep it in a vault, don't buy paper gold. with paper gold, you don't actually own the gold, you only own a promise to receive physical gold.

>> No.3480378
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There are better things to buy IMO but gold is a much better idea overall than say, real estate. I can't believe the world fell for that shit.

>> No.3480382

so let's talk about physical gold, u really think it's a good investment at $1600?
but I think in case of a total collapse gold wouldn't really fall, because you could still cash out in other currencies, I mean if the US fucks up the world isn't done.
Besides that some end-of-the world scenario is really really really unlikely to happen

>> No.3480384

I estimate gold's real value at about $850/oz atm.

buy all you want. be ready to hold it for 30 years to get your money back, or to do like most will and get raeped.

>> No.3480395

Gold is a bubble and here is why, in a down economy people buy gold because it is a safe investment. It temporarily drives gold prices up. In a booming economy gold is not so desired, and it keeps gold rate down, although they still somewhat rise along with inflation. Once our economy comes back gold prices will level then drop suddenly as more investors leave gold to invest in other more worthwhile stocks. The people who profit off the plunge will be those that sold their gold right before the plunge.

>> No.3480396

can you tell us more how you come up with such valuation?

>> No.3480408

>Once our economy comes back

I'm afraid of that being too much to hope for

>> No.3480412

pulled it out my ass based on observations of the metals bubble of the 80's.

a bubble in which I lost most of the little bit of wealth I had at the time.

>> No.3480418



I said that it can only be a good investment if you get it under retail price, and I mean significantly under.

How useful was gold during Hurricane Katrina?

If the world fails, people aren't going to be buying things, they're going to be looting.

Using gold as some kind of doomsday fail safe is a guaranteed failure.

It can only be used by getting it cheap and taking advantage of the high price of the current bubble.

>> No.3480444
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Sounds like you want to invent a fresh water stock.

>> No.3480449
File: 16 KB, 540x300, M&P-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of buying an ounce of gold, you need to buy an M4, 10 mags and 3000 rounds of ammunition.

No, I'm not kidding. In the slightest.

>> No.3480459

for once most scientists agree.

rifles and ammo are a decent investment right about now, as are bunkers and food/water.

>> No.3480475

I have no experience running a gang. How can I effectively operate a successfully post apocalyptic raiding party? Even the best guns wont protect you when you're asleep.

>> No.3480490

Exploration geologist here.

Gold has no true value, it's purely speculative since industrial demand for gold is negligible.

Don't buy gold at all. PGEs are where it's at. Look at the prices recently of strontium, osmium or rubidium...

>> No.3480491

/sci/ agrees on something? Shit, it must already be the apocalypse.

>> No.3480535
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>buy an M4

Not in the U.S.
Though one could get a comparable semi-automatic AR-15.

>> No.3480544
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>rich dad poor dad

>> No.3480548
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No burst!!! Better have a quick tirgger finger, there are 330million Americans.

>> No.3480551

Gold's industrial demand is "negligable" because the price is inflated. It has plenty of industrial uses. The only reason we use copper in wiring is because gold is too expensive.

>> No.3480553
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Where the fuck is the buffer tube and what the fuck kind of handguard is that?!?

>> No.3480556

If it's not a bubble it's still ridiculous

>> No.3480564
File: 38 KB, 268x265, 1311646304356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copper is more conductive than gold. (gold is used for contacts and the like because of its corrosion resistant, not its conductivity)

>> No.3480576

You've got to be kidding me...

>> No.3480583

What about silver?

I went to the mint yesterday to buy gold and silver bullion but you can only buy it on weekdays, maybe I was lucky.

>> No.3480617

so much conspiracy about silver
like jp morgan suppressing it

how does one short gold?

>> No.3480620

The only reason gold is so high atm is because of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe/Debt problems in the us, once the debt is under control gold will plummet.

There are no safe investments atm, there is more uncertainty in the markets now then there were at the height of the recession. Except Apple...they are probably a safe bet

>> No.3480622

disney seems pretty reliable as well.

>> No.3480623

You speculators are the worst
there should be a law that prohibits people from investing on things that have legitimate uses

>> No.3480645

Google is better solely based on the fact that their entire reputation isn't based around some guy who isn't long for this world.

>> No.3480671

Buying gold if fucking stupid. It's price fluctuates with the market to maintain balance over other currencies such as paper and electronic. If you want to invest in something, invest in either properties or antiques. They will raise in value over the years above the flat rate in which gold and paper/electronic currencies equal one another.

All this talk about buying gold is fucking dumb.

>> No.3480676


Almost all the guns we bought a few years back have doubled in value, they aren't going down.

Find an SAR-1 for $350 today, I dare you.

>> No.3480679

I would suspect its a bubble. But I dont really know. Just because the price has gone up a ton and I have no explanation as to why. I might be wrong, but it seems like its value has been pretty stable for the last century. So its pretty peculiar that is value has gone up so much in the last 5 years (?).

Glenn Beck.

>> No.3480689

when do you expect that to happen?

>> No.3480696


I can't afford to live on my own (student), and my mother won't allow me to keep a gun in the house, so I can't buy a rifle.

Or, actually, I could just keep it at a friend's house if he's willing. What guns do you think are good investment? Was considering, if I ever was able to keep one around, a Russian SKS. Good investment?

>> No.3480699

[retard needed]

Oh wait a sec

>> No.3480737

Who says she has to know? Just hide it or keep it in your car.

>> No.3480743


Is something wrong with what I said?

>> No.3480763

[slower ability to detect sarcasm especially when someone points out how retarded you are needed]

Oh wait a sec.

>> No.3480789

No, its just a troll with my tripcode.

>> No.3480808


Oh I see. Howd they get your tripcode?

>> No.3480821

Most import guns aren't too bad an idea, some things (like mosin nagants which there's 100 million of) will pretty much never be valuable.

"Scary" guns hold (or gain) value easier than more generic "hunting" weapons. Machineguns, if you can swing the cost ($8000 is about as low as they go) are pretty much GUARANTEED to never go down, they're not allowed to license new ones and haven't been since 1986. A true MP5 goes for over $25,000. Only problem is, they're probably harder to liquidate. True machineguns need to be federally registered, unlike other guns.

Decent ones:

AK variant weapons (SAR-1, WASR 10, etc). As of now these range from $600-$900
G3/FAL/CETME, $500-$1200
AR15/SCAR (expensive Western guns), $800-$3000. Probably less prone to fluctuation as they're manufactured locally.

When in doubt, bullets are a really good buy as well, I haven't seen them fall (9mm prices went up 2.5x in the past 5 years). Surplus won't last forever. Corrosive ammo (commie bloc) lasts hundreds of years. Non-corrosive, 40-60.