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3476582 No.3476582 [Reply] [Original]

Hey atheists ...this question is about fruits !?
Is the banana the only one that fits to your hands ?

How about the pineapple...

Why is it not fit to your hands ?

>> No.3476586

> 254 posts and 12 image replies ommited

>> No.3476596

I know right? And don't forget to tell them darn atheist about the "easy open tabs" on the top, and the color code, and perfect shape bananas are to accommodate the human hand.

>> No.3476614

god doesn't want you to eat anything but nanners.


>> No.3476638

only christians peel from the stem. Even monkeys know the other end is the correct end to peel from.

>> No.3476647

>wild banana genetically manipulated over decades
>evidence of god


>> No.3476661

God cannot exist, if he did he wouldnt make coconuts impossible to open.

>> No.3476675
File: 114 KB, 927x720, mao stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China: 100,000,000+
Soviet Union: 60,000,000+
Cambodia: 2,000,000+ (1/3 total population!)
Vietnam: 1,000,000
Tin Pot Dictatorships like Cuba, Angola, Nicaragua: 1,000,000

Spanish Inquisition: <4,000
Salem Witch Trials: 24

>> No.3476677

if GOD wanted humans to eat bananas .. they why do they only grow naturally in a select few countries hmm?

no nannas for norther monkeys hmmm?

>> No.3476678

>implying there arent wild, un-modified, banana strains that fit in your hand as well

oh wow, atheists are the dumbest people on the planet

>> No.3476680

no nannas in my country, god must hate us

>> No.3476688

- implying a diet of nothing but fruit wouldnt kill you.

Oh God, why you mess with our heads?

>> No.3476693



> implying that Christianity is the only theology

>> No.3476703

atheists =/= tyrants

some tyrants are members of the set of atheists.
not all atheists are members of the set of tyrants.

0/10 it's babby logic bro

>> No.3476704

You now realize that OP didn't mention god in his post.

>> No.3476706

But it is the only one that will get you into Heaven.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, and whosoever believes in Him, shall have ever lasting life.

>> No.3476712

And GOD thus spoke : "I will give my children delicious fruits of the Earth, yet I wont place them fairly around the Earth, I will favor a few countries with them all and some with none, for this pleases Me."

And Lo! .... children starved to death.

>> No.3476730


you'd think God wouldnt be impotent wouldnt you? the almighty creator of everything, cant make his dick work. hmmm.

>> No.3476762

"Happy is he who taketh and smasheth thy little ones against the stone." Psalm 137:9

Even God says Christians are dicks.

>> No.3476788

pineapples just don't fit in my hand, but i can still tear it apart to get to the sweet inside

>> No.3476793

>i can still tear it apart to get to the sweet inside

That's what engineers say about goatse.

>> No.3476802
File: 97 KB, 418x384, 1236160344457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a new attempt at trolling

>> No.3476810

i fail to see what you are implying

>> No.3476821


>implying there is trolling on /sci/

No, this is a serious scientific discussion about fruit.

>> No.3476843


>That's what engineers say about goatse.

>Implying Engineers are cannibals


>> No.3476849

>implying eating shit is cannibalism

>> No.3476858

shit isn't sweet and engineers don't eat shit

so what were you implying?

>> No.3476866



>> No.3476865 [DELETED] 


>Implying the only innards humans have, are feces.

>> No.3476878

wat is dat monkey doin


>> No.3476879
File: 56 KB, 294x375, 1296538368696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying coconuts fit in my hand and you can still tear them apart to get to the sweet inside
>implying manchineel fruit fits in my hand and you can still tear it apart to get to the sweet inside
>implying osage-orange fits in my hand and you can still tear it apart to get to the sweet inside

>> No.3476909

i don't understand, what are you trying to say?

>> No.3476947



>> No.3476956

i can read just fine, but i still don't understand

please outline the basis for whatever you are saying

>> No.3477081

>Chinese atheists killed 100 million people
Why haven't I heard of this? What is this even called?

>> No.3477090

Except he wasn't implying any of those things... God why are people so stupid nowadays?
Oh yeah, that's why.

>> No.3477095

Atheists are awesome because they have superior K/D rates - is that your point?