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File: 76 KB, 300x300, apollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3476490 No.3476490 [Reply] [Original]

>Thinking 12 men haven't walked on the moon

>> No.3476497
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yeah it's sad

tinfoilers gonna tinfoil

>> No.3476508

>implying it's not 13

>> No.3476509

1) NASA didn't have the technology to send a man all the way to the moon AND bring him back alive
2) The solar flares would've fried the spacemen instantly
3) There's a C on one of the pictures of a rock. You'd have to be lying to convince yourself that it's anything other than a stage prop.
4) No stars in any pictures
5) Flag waves, there's no wind on the moon
6) You can't make footprints in a vacuum due to the lack of water molecules in the air needed to hold the sand together

>> No.3476516

Oh boy here we go.

200 posts of retards replying and saging.

>> No.3476521


>> No.3476522
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>> No.3476523

Systematic deconstruction of all the hoaxer's arguments.


>> No.3476520

I'm glad I know enough to know exactly where every single one of your objections is wrong, and what evidence there is to support it.

But let's see if your trollbait catches any fishes.

>> No.3476524

>not thinking "apollo series: the walk of man" wasn't one of kubrick's best sci-fi docs

>> No.3476534

If you're going to troll at least have the decency to use claims that haven't already been debunked a gorillian times already

>> No.3476536
File: 236 KB, 653x1730, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) Really? There's video footage that proves you wrong.
2)True. I mean, we definitely couldn't have timed the mission to avoid peak solar flare activity.
4)Yes, I can't imagine why being surrounded by the glare of solid WHITE DUST, coupled with the sun being in the sky, would prevent a camera from seeing stars.
5)No, it doesn't, not to any degree that can be attributable to wind. I've watched the video. This is just absurd. Have you considered that it might just be gravity pulling the flag, and leftover momentum from him planting it?
6)Sand doesn't need to be held together if there aren't any forces acting on it, like wind, or earth-level gravity.

Do you honestly think that NASA would just release video footage with these obvious flaws? do you really think that the soviet Union WOULDN'T jump up and down to tell everyone that it was faked.

>> No.3476540

>any year
>implying Kubric wasn't a hack

>> No.3476542

lold at the explanations.
I'll just add
[citation needed]

>> No.3476545

Wow, one engineer. Do you know what an appeal to authority is?

>> No.3476546

>anon's crackpot arguments are legitimate
>named source's counterarguments are not, just because

>> No.3476548



>> No.3476547

>I'll just add
>[citation needed]
Add that to >>3476509, too.

>> No.3476549

Academics agree:
Moon has been visited successfully.

>> No.3476550

Wait, was that post supposed to convince us that you're NOT trolling?

>> No.3476552
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> thinking the government have never lied to you and never will.

>> No.3476554

Oh fuck, this post is going to get serious replies, isn't it?

>> No.3476555

- neil armstong
- 1 photo of him on the moon ... ONE.
- he's only done one TV interview ever ... ONE
- he went into seclusion after the missions

kinda strange for the worlds most famous man dont you think? He must be a bad liar.

>> No.3476556

>says he's right
>still doesn't give any evidence

I bet you're religious too, aren't you?

>> No.3476557
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>> No.3476559



>> No.3476562

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

Gaybe Lincoln

>> No.3476564


Hey, stupid person. look over here!


>> No.3476566

>1 photo of him on the moon ... ONE.
There are thousands of photos of Neil on the moon, retard.
>he went into seclusion after the missions
He became an administrator for DARPA, and then a spokesman for several companies, and served on the board of directors of Marathon Oil, Learjet, Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, Taft Broadcasting, United Airlines, Eaton Corporation, AIL Systems, and Thiokol. That's hardly being in seclusion.

>> No.3476567

Tons of audio recordings and video recordings, 12 witnesses, and the fact that there's equipment left on the moon by the apollo orbiters is evidence that we went to the moon.

At this point you're making the claim that it's all fake. So what's the evidence for your position?

>> No.3476570
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he saw ancient aliens
on the other hand Aldrin slapped someone's shit when they said that missions could be faked

>> No.3476571

>So what's the evidence for your position?
b-b-b-but the GUBBERMINT!

>> No.3476576

Here's the long version. Fucking CLASSIC

>> No.3476609

Somebody here didn't watch the mythbusters episode.

Every single one of the myths was debunked

>> No.3476618


lol bart sibrel u mad?

u mad cuz you looked like a bitch in front of the world?

Buzz is a king among men.

>> No.3476633

Would somebody please tell me WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER if it's fake or not.

>> No.3476637
File: 18 KB, 400x324, Yuri-Gagarin-Moscow-_7137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling someone who was willing to FLY AWAY FROM EARTH with possibility of never coming back COWARD and LIAR

holy fucking shit I wish I could hate that guy to death

>> No.3476639


You don't give a shit either way? Whether we've walked on the moon, or there is a massive impossibly-convoluted conspiracy to lie to you?

Because I don't see a third option. I mean, sure, we walked on the moon, but not giving a shit about the question at all?

>> No.3476640


because if its fake it means the government are treating its tax paying citizens as morons and are stealing their taxes instead of spending it on the things they promise, so are criminals who should be in jail.

you fucking retard.

>> No.3476645

>the government are treating its tax paying citizens as morons and are stealing their taxes

well it's not like they don't do that all the time
but I doubt moon missions were fake

>> No.3476683

>citing a comedy TV Show

You cant even appeal to authority properly

>> No.3476711
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>My visage when Russia eventually goes to the moon, about a mile away from where USA supposably landed. Walk there so as to not disturb the footprints, the flag, that metal spider thing, and footprints only to FIND NOTHING.

"Oh no dude you must have miscalculated"

>> No.3476796
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why is this thread still here

>> No.3477183

People still think we went to the moon? Oh right, it's summer.

>> No.3477219


>> No.3477231
File: 14 KB, 294x196, 1311973516273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post conspiracies as if they are true

>> No.3477240
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>implying we wont go back before that to fix this, if it is true
>implying anyone in here isnt actually not trolling and may be just retarded

>> No.3477287


>> No.3477392


Um, you know we've put mirrors on the moon before we visited it, right? You know Russians have put mirrors on the moon without having gone there, right? Of course you don't. Sit down, kiddo, the big boys are talking.

>> No.3477597
File: 212 KB, 1024x681, gir vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To the moon

they couldn't do it when they were a soviet powerhouse and world superpower; what makes you think shithole third-world Russia can do it?

>> No.3478133

Americans didn't put mirrors on the moon. The Soviets did.

>> No.3478211

Come on conspiracyfags, surely you can troll better than this?!

>> No.3478223

You know America is buying their rockets, right? No, of course you don't.

>> No.3479034

buying their rockets? why the fuck do we want a bunch of shitty commie rockets?

>> No.3479051

The same reason your shitty country is out of money. Great country you have there.

>> No.3479059
File: 170 KB, 400x400, wtf am I reading mexican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America buying rockets from russia
>america no longer sending people to space so nasa not sending anyone out anymore

>> No.3479071


Still has the highest GPD of all the world.

>> No.3479072

Russian spacecrafts are the replacement for the shuttle program. Try and keep up.

>> No.3479082

Every country is in debt and out of money.

>> No.3479078

Doesn't mean anything if you owe more than that to China.

>> No.3479098

Sweden isn't.

>> No.3479112

China isn't

>> No.3479114


Yeah, but Sweden isn't really a country.

>> No.3479119


Only because they keep printing more money and fucking up the West.

>> No.3479123

Canada isn't

>> No.3479124


why doesn't the us do that too then?

>> No.3479126

France isn't

>> No.3479128

You don't have a clue what you're talking about, do you?

>> No.3479149

All too easy.

>> No.3479204

yeah they are idiot. Almost every EU country has an external debt of at least 100% of their GDP. France is about 200%

>> No.3479231

I kind of like debt. World War III will never happen so long as everybody owes money to everybody else.

>> No.3479235

WWII happened during the depression

>> No.3479253

We don't. China only accounts for a portion of our debt. I think I read somewhere about 18-22%. The US foreign debt is 100% of its GDP. If you live in any decent country that isn't a 3rd world shithole, you're country likely owes between 150-400% of its GDP to other countries.

>> No.3479258
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romania isn't.

are there any pictures from satellites of the moon landing site?

>> No.3479261

It's not really about debt so much as trade relations.

For instance, the US and Japan care a lot about how each others' stock markets are doing, and we import a lot of stuff from Japan.

>> No.3479265

No, honestly I don't think its as bad as everyone says it is. If you look at the countries that don't have crazy debt they're usually countries with worse off problems and economic situations than debt. Like absolutely no good resources or workforce.

>> No.3479266


Yes there are, but any moon landing hoax conspiracy theorist worth his salt will call them fakes.

>> No.3479267

Every nation in the world suffered the Great Depression. I don't believe the Great Depression was due to one side of the world being in debt to the other and as such doesn't relate.

>> No.3479268

>are there any pictures from satellites of the moon landing site?


>> No.3479270

It's not exactly difficult to be a conspiracy theorist and just deny all evidence.

>> No.3479275 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3479291

A fair point. One nation wouldn't borrow money from another nation if that other nation was not a close trade partner. But perhaps a cycle of debt within groups of trading nations helps keep those nations even closer? I for one care more about those around me if they owe me money. I suppose that is somewhat beside the point.

Hooray for globalization!

>> No.3479295

Thats what they all do inevitably though. It always comes down to that one piece of evidence that they have to deny.

>> No.3479299

Yep, only thing that's got a chance to prevent a full-blown WWIII.

>> No.3479311

I think theres a pretty good chance the US would have gone to war with China at some point over the last 35 years or so if both sides weren't afraid of the economic consequences. Probably over Taiwan or something.

>> No.3479335

But globalization only took off because of the ease of transportation due to the prevalence of fossil fuels. Once cheaply accessible oil dries up humanity may wipe itself out. I don't like that.

>> No.3479352

Guess its time for nuclear powered cargo ships.

>> No.3479364

You may already know this, but we almost did during the Korean war. General MacArthur, the commander of all allied forces during the war, said that the West should start bombing China. I believe it was his public disapproval of the Senate decision not to go to war that got him removed from command.

I think the prospect of the US and China all but disappeared once Taiwan lost all hope of regaining control of mainland China. That was probably realized not long before 1971 when Taiwan was replaced by communist China on the security council.

>> No.3479370

That would be cool. The ecological risk is something to worry about though, plus I'm no fan of creating radioactive waste that we have to pay for the storage of for thousands and thousands of years.

>> No.3479381

Oh, i agree with you, there are definitely things that would need to be worked out, but if the alternative was that large amounts of goods could no longer be shipped across the oceans, well I think that would be worth a bit of risk.

>> No.3479438

The cost would be almost nil if they would fuckin open up yuca mountain. Would make nuclear energy so much safer than it already is. The bigger problem with nuclear energy isn't spent fuel, but plants that become radioactive and structurally unsound after 60 years of service.

>> No.3479569
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>US foreign debt 100% GDP

wrong, you fucker.

and Japan's % is 225 and NOBODY GIVES A FLIP

fuck I hate liars