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3474790 No.3474790 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the whole fucking race thing to me. We classify people by where they originate from. However, people migrate and interbreed constantly. The only way to stay what you are is to breed with your own kind, but there is no such thing as your own kind because you yourself are a compilation of thousands of individuals. Plus females are designed to breed with males as different from them as possible.

>> No.3474796

TL;DR: race doesn't make any fucking sense

>> No.3474822

Come on /sci/. Discuss race intelligently.

>> No.3474824

people didnt migrate and breed together as much as you think, thus races. women dont seek out mates completely different from them. basically you need to go to chimpout.com more

>> No.3474827

Let's not and say we did.

>> No.3474833 [DELETED] 

nigger fuck baboon make babbies

>> No.3474834

By melanin levels. You could argue that its relative but then there everyone in the world would be considered black except for whites.

>> No.3474837

Is that a troll site?

>> No.3474844


>> No.3474851
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>females are designed

>> No.3474866 [DELETED] 

We all know we came from Africa, why is it so important to hate niggers 24-7? Isn't that just a genetic impulse we're acting on?

>> No.3474867

>However, people migrate and interbreed constantly.
No, not really.


>> No.3474868

do melanin levels cause flat noses, fat lips and violent behavior?

>> No.3474873


oh boy here we go...

>> No.3474876

Well if being white is the best -- then what is the whitest of whiteness I can possibly be? Pure irish... german?

Just because I'm white doesn't mean I'm not a fucking mutt like everyone else.

>> No.3474888

Out of Africa Theory doesn't hold much water these days.

>> No.3474890

>what is the whitest of whiteness I can possibly be?

As it happens, the Nordic countries are the closest things to utopia on Earth.


>> No.3474892
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Sure is engineering in this anthropology thread.

>> No.3474894

OP gets told.
Tries to turn this into a racism thread.

>> No.3474904


you cant be this retarded

>> No.3474910 [DELETED] 


Still, we all came from the same damn thing unless white people evolved solely from Neanderthals. Which still... we all had to of came from the same source seeing as a nigger can still breed with a white.

>> No.3474918 [DELETED] 


>with a white.

You mean a snow nigger.

>> No.3474921

I'm just stating the truth.

All solid, verifiable, scientific evidence suggests that the Nordic race is the supreme example of H. sapiens sapiens.

I don't even have any Nordic blood (as far as I know) and I can admit this.

>> No.3474927

You could have turned that into a pretty good troll bit but you fucked it up hard.

>> No.3474932

we arent suppose to point out the differences in race, because race is apparently an "illusion".
But already its proof of natural selection (skin colour, nose width, hair type etc) to match the surroundings, but clearly natural selection has an affect on how we think, our hormones etc.

So if your white, its because your ancestors have evolved in a vitamin d deficient area in a cold climate, which changes how you would hunt for food in a hot country, and would pressure your brain into thinking differently.

>> No.3474937

I correlation=/=causation but it does seem awfully convenient that the Nordic countries are doing so well while Africa and the Middle East are complete shitholes (and South Africa, ruled entirely by whites for a long time, is doing much better than much of the rest of Africa).

>> No.3474941

Troll? Why would I do that? I only lie when the subject of discussion is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and dishonesty allows for more stable interpersonal relations in the immediate future.

In this case, I'm only interested in spreading the truth.

>> No.3474950

I'm going to save /sci/front some time and point out that melanin levels are an adaptation and adaptation isn't speciation.

>> No.3474951

Not to mention that intelligence is inversely correlated with average temperature... and the Nordic countries have significantly low average temperature.

>> No.3474959

Someone explain Jews.

>> No.3474967

People not realizing white people are neanderthals and will always be distinguishable.

>> No.3474970

Melanin levels are an adaptation to the intensity of sunlight. The intensity of sunlight is directly related to average temperature. Increased intelligence appears to be an adaptation to decreased average temperature.

By far the most likely conclusion is that whites are the most intelligent.

>> No.3474971

I'm tired of always being politically correct when its like an elephant in the room how black people are always flash mobbing convenient stores hooting and hollering like fucking monkeys.

Its not a bad thing that white people are smarter than black people unless we try to act like its not the truth.

>> No.3474972

>melanin levels are an adaptation
Its a dominant trait.

>> No.3474980
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>> No.3474983
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Clearly Jews are the best.

>> No.3474993

what? if a black person and a white person have a child, their child's skin color will be in between the parents'

>> No.3474998

There's something you need to keep in mind. Exceptions exist. Prejudice will always be logically unsound.

However, the facts are sufficient to conclude that policies such as affirmative action should be eliminated. Instead, other measures should be taken--measures such as preventing communication of race and sex in the hiring process, for example. This would give potential employers no option but to select employees based only on qualifications.

>> No.3475004
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I beg to differ

>> No.3475007

I dont think you understand what a dominant trait is.

>> No.3475019


easy now, civil rights was only 50 years ago and people on both sides are still fiddling with how the world works.

I'm black and I still get turned away at gas stations sometimes.... Doesn't happen often but I live in California. I can only imagine what its like i'm Alabama or something like that.

I'd say another 10 years before we get rid of it.

>> No.3475026

Do you understand why affirmative action exist.
If i steal everything from your father and give it to my child giving him more opportunities than you would you say its fair.

>> No.3475041

Affirmative action allows underqualified minorities to steal jobs from qualified individuals. It is not a functional solution.

>> No.3475048


>underqualified minorities

I'm sorry we didn't have 400 years of job training that isn't relevant to farms.

>> No.3475060

I'm sorry you are less intelligent than whites on average and therefore have no hope of matching them even given the same environment and privileges.

>> No.3475078

Can someone explain the whole fucking breed thing to me. We classify dogs by where they originate from. However, dogs migrate and interbreed constantly. The only way for dogs to stay what they are is to breed with their own kind, but there is no such thing as their own kind because they themselves are a compilation of thousands of individuals.

TL;DR: breed doesn't make any fucking sense

>> No.3475079


Whats your measure of intelligence, skin color? lo

>> No.3475090

>I still get turned away at gas stations
Wait turned away? As in "no we will not serve you because you are black"?

>> No.3475095

hurr durr are Russians considered Asians?

>> No.3475096


>> No.3475106

>Stealing jobs
More liked earned them after slaving in fields. Long over due.

>> No.3475117

Really? Name a black person alive today who was formerly a slave.

Oh, you can't? Hahaha! Stop posting.

>> No.3475127

>Cant into reading comprehension
You say stealing jobs as if we are stealing opportunities you deserve more while you are ignoring that those opportunities you stole from blacks.

>> No.3475140

well i then kook black white said she then because her do

Learn to type intelligibly and we will discuss the matter.

>> No.3475217

>judging people based on skin color and not on individual merit
>i seriously hope you dont do this

>expecting compensation or special privileges because of slavery or civil rights movement when you were involved in neither and everybody else

>> No.3475223

>>judging people based on skin color and not on individual merit
I hope you're not implying that all of the white "supremacists" in this thread are guilty of that, since I specifically pointed out that I do not support that behavior, either.

>> No.3475224

Fuck where is that picture of blacks in america versus blacks in africa.

Your ancestors may have suffered but you have directly benefited from slavery

>> No.3475227

Then why are you spending so much time and effort to prove whites are superior to blacks as whole. What are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.3475259

Uhhhh. Africa was raped over and over by whites. Slavery is just one of the forms of raping that was used.
Imagine if all that labor from slavery was used to build africa up.

>> No.3475268

I am motivated by a desire to communicate what I have come to be convinced is the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.

Aside from that, I would also like to create a society which does not attempt to enforce equality between races and sexes, but instead attempts to eliminate race and sex entirely. This would allow for truly equal rights for all people much more effectively than a policy which erroneously presumes functional equality.

>> No.3475270

Sorry I cant hear you over the millions of dollars in aid sent to africa every year. Maybe if they took the medicine that was sent to them instead of smoking it to get high they could get something done.

>> No.3475272

Asia was raped over and over by whites. It seems to be doing a rather better job of recovering than Africa, doesn't it?

>> No.3475273

Do you believe those millions of dollars even begin to cover the damage.

>> No.3475275


troll thread dude.....stop talking to these guys lol.

>> No.3475277

>I am motivated by a desire to communicate what I have come to be convinced is the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why not pursue something that you can enlighten people to the truth and improve society at the same time? All you are doing is giving support to racism.

>Aside from that, I would also like to create a society which does not attempt to enforce equality between races and sexes, but instead attempts to eliminate race and sex entirely. This would allow for truly equal rights for all people much more effectively than a policy which erroneously presumes functional equality.

You are doing exactly the opposite by trying to prove there are difference between races. Again all you are doing is giving support to racism.

>> No.3475278

Was asia robbed of its people. Had its assets stolen.

>> No.3475298

There is no fucking "deserve". It's qualify or don't. Affirmative action is supposed to make sure that everyone gets the opportunity to qualify, not reserve some positions for those that 'deserve' them.

>> No.3475302

>You are doing exactly the opposite by trying to prove there are difference between races.
Incorrect. If races are equal, affirmative action is a slightly flawed, but logical solution. If races are not equal, affirmative action is fatally flawed and illogical.

I am providing evidence for the elimination of a construct which has negatively impacted society.

Aside from that, your argument is rather similar to a common argument against atheists: "Religion is OBVIOUSLY good, so you should stop trying to point out why it's false!"

The truth of such an important matter cannot be safely ignored.

>> No.3475309


>> No.3475313


Races are not equal, correct. I agree its kind of dumb to even entertain the idea because then what would the category 'race' be trying to describe in the first place?

But your claims are not only obviously fatuous, they are seeping with jaded speculation.

I'm getting trolled.

>> No.3475331

Can you strawman harder? I said nothing about affirmative action yet you went on a whole rant about it.

>> No.3475341

>purple prose, poor diction
Right... I'll assume you surrender, then.

>> No.3475347

Can you strawman harder? I never said you said anything about affirmative action, yet you just keep screaming about how I did.

>> No.3475359


I'd really like to hear you explain this bit

>All solid, verifiable, scientific evidence suggests that the Nordic race is the supreme example of H. sapiens sapiens.

>> No.3475408

What about it? It's proper use of English.

>> No.3475416 [DELETED] 

I suggest reading "Why Race Matters" by Michael Levin if the barbaric nature of niggers isn't immediately obvious.

>> No.3475423


Thats true. I was more interested in the false dichotomy though.

The fact that you chose to describe the Nordic as a 'supreme' example of homo sapiens is something I just cant wrap my head around, being that Asians, Mexicans, Whites and Blacks are all homo sapiens.

What scientific evidence paints them as a prime example of homo sapiens?

>> No.3475481

The fact that they are observably less prone to destroying their environment, each other, and themselves.

Of course, exceptions exist...

>> No.3475545


I see, so this is a personal thing.

I could have had some respect for your views had you not tried to abuse the name of science.

>> No.3475570

That's easy--there is no such thing as race.

We thought there was until, genetically, we realized that no one gene determined whether you were 'black' or 'white' really.

Yeah melanin determines our 'skin color' but it does not define 'race' because there is no such thing.

We are, at this point, one species and what that means (species) can vary depending on what scientific journal you read. Some say being the same species is determined partly by the ability of breeding animals to be able to breed successfully and produce fertile offspring, in the wild.

I suppose you can say that we are in the 'wild', or in our natural habitat all over the world in our respective countries/cities/ etc.

Anyway, the best way to look at us, humans is that we are one human family and our phenotypes reflect the result of lots of factors such as gene mixing, genetic drift, environmental effects,mutation etc.

We are the same creature but affected by upbringing and culture. So, see we have plenty things to argue about besides so called 'race'.

>> No.3475601

>I see
No, you don't. Not at all.

>> No.3475620

I remember when we were learning about natural selection in science class in 6th grade I asked why chinese people have slanty eyes and the teacher gave me detention for being racist.

>> No.3475626

That sums up the race deniers pretty well.

>> No.3475650

wait hold the fucking phone. because every scientist ive heard says we came from africa, if you refute that you best have a damn good source.

>> No.3475659

what you responded to there was perfectly legible. lol evasive procedures

>> No.3475674

Sakaruda you seem to be making your arguments based upon scientific fact and not personal prejudice so I think you're just about the closest thing to an intelligent individual here.

I'll be cantor with you; I don't understand affirmative action enough to form an educated opinion about it. What precisely is it made to do? Compensate for past wrongs by giving minorities unfair advantages? That's the best I can figure from what I'm hearing. If that is the case, then I don't really think I believe in it and do agree that gender and race should be removed from the equation so that true equal opportunity can come about in the sense that everyone has the opportunity to attain a job given they are qualified (and beforehand they would have the same opportunities at attaining said qualifications given our shared environment) Does that sound about right? Again, I'm really not certain about the whole thing.

>> No.3475684

Same poster here with a follow up if you would be so gracious as to read and answer it;

If average intelligence is inverse in proportion to the average temperature then what occurred with early Asian civilizations? China and Japan were fairly innovative for their time from what I understand (Although admittedly I understand very little so feel free to teach me some things if you are so inclined) and those regions are somewhat above temperate.

>> No.3475695

I'm all for love and communion and such but there are just so many conflicting views with this that I'm uncertain of what to believe anymore. At the end of the day though I'd prefer to be a cold rationalist instead of an idealistic, yet ignorant individual.

I was always of the mind though that because we can successfully interbreed and create fertile offspring we are a single species. A friend of mine used to state that there was no such thing as a black or a white race, but that we are instead a human race and our genetic diversity strengthens us as a whole. There will always be exceptions to established notions of the tendencies of people belonging to each race group so no one race can be heralded as the superior to the others because that is giving credit where it is undue as the upbringing of the individual and the environment they are in are just as, if not more important than their race.

I didn't ever honestly think being a few shades lighter or darker would have too much of an effect upon a person so logically it should be entirely irrelevant and looking upon it so closely would be nothing more than idiocy and a waste of time.

But that is simply what I used to/ presently do believe. I'm here to learn though so at the risk of having my own ideals torn apart I'd like to ask if anyone would like to dispute this in a rational manner.

>> No.3475696

Intelligible. Legible is something completely different.

>evasive procedures
Evasive manoeuvres. Procedure is something else entirely.

Now, that, I could correct. That other shit? Unintelligible.

>> No.3475703

I think we should really just let slavery go. In the first place black Africans had been busy enslaving one another and selling themselves out to the highest bidder for a countless number of years before whites even tried pulling that shit. They invented the craft, the Europeans simply did it on a far larger scale. But even then, African kings proceeded to sell their people to whites in exchange for weapons and supplies.

On top of that, bad shit has happened to just about every race ever throughout history. Japanese people aren't banging down America's doors for reparations for Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Let's just put the slavery card down and move on for the sake of humanity.

>> No.3475717


>Evasive manoeuvres. Procedure is something else entirely.

Its called maneuver.
And you are incorrect.

ma·neu·ver (m-nvr, -ny-)
A movement or procedure involving skill and dexterity.

Learn English before you correct others.

>> No.3475743

From what I understand, the intention is to "create equality." Groups which are perceived as being at a disadvantage (such as black people) are supposed to be represented proportionally to their population.

In other words, if a business is located in an area where the population is 60% white and 40% black, affirmative action requires about 40% of the employees to be black. This becomes a problem when, say, 80% of the most qualified applicants are white--many qualified white applicants are cheated out of a job while many unqualified black applicants get a job anyway.

It would be a good (though somewhat flawed) idea if the average abilities of both groups were equal, but if that is not the case, it is decidedly unfair.

>If average intelligence is inverse in proportion to the average temperature then what occurred with early Asian civilizations?
I don't know. I actually wonder about that, myself, and I'd like to learn more about it.

I'm not sure I quite agree with your reasoning, but I do agree that trying to discriminate based upon race is a terrible and unproductive idea. Regardless of any genetic predisposition or lack thereof, a system based entirely on individual qualifications is pretty clearly the best.

>> No.3475755

It's a French word. Maneuver is an English misspelling so common that even dictionaries endorse it.

>movement or procedure
Key word: OR.

"A procedure is a series of actions or operations which have to be executed in the same manner in order to always obtain the same result under the same circumstances (for example, emergency procedures)."

They're far from perfect synonyms. Learn English.

>> No.3475777
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>People not realizing white people are neanderthals
Not this shit again, please be troll. Realise that all fucking non-Sub-Saharan Africans have that "Neanderthal genes"; that includes aboriginals, mongoloids, caucasoids etc.

>> No.3475800

gentlemen, may I offer some of my observations, I'm an imigrant myself, I've studied, work with all sort of people. I've studied lived and work with all race. There are significant different. I've gone to school with some of very tallented and intelligent black people, sadly they are the minority. The hard working, smart black are almost always born and grown up in a different country, most likely in Africa, they lack the entitlement attitude and have good work ethics, complain little, however, as the time gone on, they could change (when they stard dressing like the rap star they see on TV, it's hard to deviate when all your friends dress, talk act that way). Black people who were born, grown up here (North America or moved over from EU), some are bright and very polite, very normal in sense of white, Asian people standard, I asked and most of the time their parents are of academic related field, they emulate the lifestyle. Only one or two I have met said they think the style of rap stars made them want to be normal kind of deviate from the norm. Most of them are like the stereotype, can't help it, when their parents work often 2 jobs to keep the family afloat, don't really pay attention to what they dress, talk or school, it's incredibly hard to swim against the stream (friends, neighbors).

>> No.3475805

cont'd >>3475800

Asian, same thing, imigrant are bright, polite, no entitlement. Banana (yellow outside, white inside) are annoying, entitlement, some are bright, some are fucking smart (not so much on entitlement, this is because parents often give them the believe that they only have themselves to rely on), majority are doing well in school due to dilligent. Most of the time, parents are the deciding factors in Asian family, if the parents are on welfare, the chance is high that kids would have the same entitlement attitude, not doing well in school, and annoying little shit. About 20% however seem tobe ashame of the family and actually strive for better, I've seen it as well, damn if they aren't smart, they work very hard compared to surrounding peers, although nothing comparable to new immigrants.

>> No.3475808

cont'd >>3475805

White people, same shit pretty much, parenting, country of origin. Mom dad on welfare or minimum wages, kid often turned out pretty shitty. Hang out with black kids, very shitty. There are exception cases, I'm friend with the parents and I admire their efford, they are somewhat comparable to strict Asian parents. Kids from middle class parents are mildly annoying (whiny and somewhat out of touch) but generally bright and polite.

I came from place where it's pretty homogeneous, but still you have regional differences.

TL;DR: race doesn't make sense, if you have to blame, blame yourself and your parents, people you associate with.

>> No.3475819
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>> No.3475844


>It's a French word, Maneuver is an English misspelling
>Learn English.

Do you even realize how idiotic you are now, with that statement of yours?

>> No.3475883

oh, I forgot, people from small town, white parents, it could go either way. They either are from farming or services (other than farming) oriented families. Farming very sociable, very friendly, no attitude, bright, very polite, could change with time, often taking something social or science, haven't seen one yet in engineer, but the ones I know put Mech Eng to shame on practical knowledge on car & all thing moving (or they make some Mech Eng eyes lit right up since they know what each other talk about). The one parents in services or non farming, are generally nice, friendly and bright, they don't mind working, but detest minimum wage work, while middle class and farming families' kids don't mind.

TL;DR: again, race is nonsense, upbringing and environment are very important factors.

Sorry for grammar and spelling, I could have done better, I hope my point get accross.

>> No.3475914

>race is nonsense
>One of your points in arguing how environment determines how children turn out is that if white children associate with black children the white children turn out shitty by default

Alright then. Cool contradictory points

Check em'

>> No.3475917


Not idiotic at all.


>> No.3475924


>Do you even realize how idiotic you are now, with that statement of yours?

Ok just wanted to ensure that you are idiotic.
Thank you for your confirmation.

>> No.3475931
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If race doesn't exist, then how does forensic medicine recognize the race from skeletons in 85-90% of cases?


>> No.3475932

>ensure he is idiotic


>> No.3475937


that Sakurada is an idiot is arguable; what is certain is that he / she / it is a pedantic ass

>> No.3475954


You dont need his confirmation, its evidential that he is an idiot just from reading this thread alone.

>> No.3475989


sorry, my bad if it's not clear, it's not by default but since the majority of black kids where I live fit the stereotype (entitlement, attitude, gang style etc) and the white kids who hang out with them, usually, doesn't matter what the upbringing, sort of turned out shittier (dealling, attitude, talk like idiot, kind of like whigger). That's the environment factor, I believe.

>> No.3475993

So you got big dogs, small dogs, white dogs, black dogs. They're all dogs. You give em a bone, pat them on the head and they all act like dogs.

When dogs look at dogs they don't see dogs. Dogs don't have good sight, so far away it might be a badger or tiger. Dogs don't see color.

But if you put a pack a dogs together, they all know they're dogs because they can smell each other. They all smell the same and group in a pack. You might call them different "breeds" but dogs don't care. Maybe a different pack has a different smell, since they eat differently. We see the two packs fight since both packs want the same things. Because they're both packs of dogs.

Now put a pack of humans together. They all have the same body ratios. Females have hips wider than waist and males shoulders wider than hips. One pack of humans gets more sunlight and has darker skin. Dogs can't tell much difference, they're color blind and both packs of humans smell the same. The dogs see the two packs fight since both packs want the same things. Because they're both packs of humans.

>> No.3476001

Autistic and hypomanic. A nasty combination.

>> No.3476021


funny enough, even the middle class kids, once associate with the ghetto black kids turned out pretty bad, sometimes, parents didn't know, or kids hide it well, they think it's ok, individuality and all that jazz but the kid often is on slippery slope. Same with Asian, but you don't see Asian and black very often. Again, it's hard going against the stream, you hang out with a group, you will want to mimic what the group do, dress, talk, kind of branch out, now it's pretty hard to be nice polite and such when peer pressure is all on you. Most of the time it's view point too, they all want to look tough, been through more bad shit and such, bragging right, I guess. Does that make more sense?

>> No.3476052
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Must. test. idea.
Dogs aren’t colour blind, they just don’t see the range of colours that other species, like humans do. A study of dogs concluded that they see a range of colours predominantly made up of yellows and blues.

So rather than a rainbow of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, a dog sees an arc of very dark grey, dark yellow or brown, light yellow, gray, light blue and dark blue.

>> No.3476073
File: 62 KB, 400x300, DogsBigSmallMinPinShilohShepherdSpace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an 80-pound German Shepherd jumps up on a human, everyone agrees that this behavior needs to be corrected. Everyone sees this as a problem and the owners would seek help from a trainer, and/or read up on it on the Internet to remedy the behavior. At the very least, the dog would be locked in a separate room when guests arrived to protect the guests from getting hurt.

Now picture a little 8-pound Miniature Pinscher jumping up on a human. You look down and I’ll be darned, it's kind of cute. It does not hurt and people think "The dog likes me!"

But what does it really mean? If dogs were human this would be true ... but they are not. Jumping has a totally different meaning to a dog than it does a human. It's a dominancy and respect issue. For a dog, space is a sign of respect and when you allow your little dog to jump on a human you are allowing them to disrespect a human. You are allowing them to display pack leader behaviors.

>> No.3476083

My dogs know to stay away from me until I invite them to come closer. Feels good, man.