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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3472805 No.3472805 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/. Did you ever feel you are too dull to achive your scientific goals? I feel that and i'm so depressed.

I just lurking my "ideals" or "icons" (i hope its the right word in english) biography and i saw they started their profession very early. I mean they were only 13-16 and they were doing special math classes, or did go to math club or doing other scientific stuff. i think in the early ages you can pump up your head and give you a great start for academic career. Everything, problem solving, IQ and much more. That's where i feel im fucked up. In my early ages, I never went to special math classes and i didnt even fucking care about anything I didnt study etc etc. Now im at uni studying my profession (3rd year). I'm just dreaming about to invent something new, going teach, R&D.

I don't have IQ over 9000 i don't know can i ever achive something cool like "ideals" achieved. They started the hard work early, me not.

What does sci think about this? For nice academic career, do you need to start things early?

Am i getting trolled soon (for my english grammar)?

There is no other place where i can ask REAL scientist anonymously. (i know its a troll board but there are many real research scientists here im sure)

>> No.3472850

Don't worry OP.
It's not about how early you start or how much you know, it's more about being interested in the field you study.
You don't need to be a hypergenius to publish scientific content.
I for myself know some researches which I would consider to be total idiots.
And still they are respected in their field.

>> No.3472857

No you don't have to be a child prodigy op
there are you happy now?

>> No.3473217

I'm not talking about child prodigy. Just look at the todays scientists, researchers. They are all started early but most of them not child prodigy.

Maybe you are right. So i should just keep up work.
I hope this bad feeling go away forever. Not for a little time. I have these depression waves every time when i study something, and i don't "get it" for the first-second-third time.

Thank you Sir. (you cant belive how important your "researcher-scientist" reply for me)

>> No.3476129

Not with that attitude. Say you can do it and start working hard.. I mean it, If you put your mind to it, you can achieve.

>> No.3476143
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>dem concentric circles

>> No.3476163

Sirius post now:

Just be yourself. If you like something go for it. If plumbing the depths of the cosmos is cool to you, why not? If it's something else, do that. Even art history gets interesting when the all the details and depths are worked on.

>> No.3476175

The emotional issues you have are holding you back far more than whatever your inherent intelligence is. Hard work matters more than talent in virtually every field.