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3472121 No.3472121 [Reply] [Original]

If humans are supposedly the superior species, why did they "need" to evolve, obtain intelligence, invent shit, migrate, ect.? Aren't other species more advanced, in the sense that they can survive and get by with less?

>> No.3472128

because the other humans. they can be tits, you know.

>> No.3472134

Because we're vastly superior, mentally.

And greatly inferior, physically.


>> No.3472209

That didn't answer the question at all.

>> No.3472214

They didn't need to evolve, they just did and modern humans are the result.


>> No.3472227
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I will give you the most simple answer you can get OP

other animals have natural predators and are vulnerable to enviromental changes.

humans can tell those things to fuck off with technology

>> No.3472243

The question doesn't make sense. We're a pretty cool species because we involved intelligence. If we hadn't evolved big brains, we would be significantly less significant.

However, besides maybe dogs, few species would agree that humans are the superior species.

>> No.3472270

I don't really understand what you mean by "superior". The term is pretty meaningless, anyways, as it depends on what traits you consider important.
We are just a different evolutionary path that proved to be succesful. Humans, as a collective, are much better fit for survival in almost every environment than all other species. The ability to wipe out our natural predators helps a lot, too.

>> No.3472274


>implying humans never attacked other humans

>> No.3472312

>If humans are supposedly the superior species
By human standards we are superior

>why did they "need" to evolve
There is no reason or goal in evolution

>Aren't other species more advanced, in the sense that they can survive and get by with less
If we change the standard we change who/what is superior. Insect is superior to humans in different ways than human is superior to insects.

>> No.3474117
File: 19 KB, 461x403, 1727160-asdasd_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3474145

Through our technology we're able to kill any other life form on this planet, making us superior. Thats what power is about right?

>> No.3474172
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then rocks are superior to all life
>not being a rock

>> No.3474228

Humans are the shit tier of life. They die early around 70 earth years of age, most are fat - to really fat, they rely on others for sustenance, they stink, and they are moody little fucks. Fuck'em and let them die off so we can see some real progress.

>> No.3474277 [DELETED] 
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>die early around 70 earth years of age
>early around 70
>mfw insects live 2 weeks

>> No.3474289

Yea and they still live a better life than most people. You faggots can't even fly without machines.

>> No.3474309

Stop focusing on the imperfect body. Just take the human mind, abstract the hell out of it, move beyond biological existence and be whatever the hell you want to be (be it conquering the stars or merely living in whatever state of existence one prefers). Humans are "superior" in that we have the potential to transcend the need for evolution to give us things that might be useful to us - we can make those things and we will eventually transform ourselves to be whatever we want (this might be unstable, but damn it, it's worth it).

>> No.3474314


are you a cat?

>> No.3474328 [DELETED] 


Need to invent? Intelligent. Nope.jpg. Look at niggers! They do the same shit for 2000 years and they good!

Fat, moody? Only 70.

GTFO Americunt

>> No.3474348

Because we aren't the superior species.

No species is "superior" to others. Some just suck.

>> No.3474352

Humans are superior because we can trump our physical limitations in a way that eliminates the need for our evolution...

Lets say an ice age sets in. Obviously this happens faster than animals would be able to adapt to the cold. Mass extinction would happen and only a few members of a few species would be likely to survive.

Humans would be able to survive it though. Maybe not all of us, there would still be death, but without and physical adaptation we'd be able to construct buildings and clothing that is much better at shielding us from the cold than any evolutionary adaptation would allow for.

>> No.3474351

Evolution doesn't have a will of it's own, retard. Nothing needed anything, it just happened.

>> No.3474361

Other species all hit an evolutionary dead end (considering that the only reason almost any of them are still alive is that we have laws protecting them).

Humans went beyond the impossible to become Master Race.

>> No.3474372

It's the little things that bother me about you creatures. Shit like people dieing during a Christmas sale at kmart. I should be able to scream "STOP EVERYONE" and you creatures should freeze, shutup, and listen, dead in your tracks. Some people are so big, and so tall, and so fat they can't control their own movement and they end up breaking things and hurting others. Some people can literally not see the ground they walk on! And another thing why do you humans tuck the shirts in? My biggest problem is the flying issue though. Evolved my Ass!

>> No.3474386

>eliminates the need for our evolution...
Except that humans are actually still evolving.

And very rapidly, at that.

>> No.3474390

Devolving maybe. Enjoy your flightless, meatbag bodies!

>> No.3474393

>why do you humans tuck the shirts in?
I would also like to know this.

>> No.3474402

Problem of physical existence and on average humans can be stupid (also tragedy of the commons, etc).
Give them immortality (such as mind uploading, for example) and a non-physical existence and they would just be general intelligences which can have all their needs satisfied without hurting anyone. Suffering is merely due to the nature of human existence (embodied, body centered, ...)

>> No.3474414

> Devolving
Whoa thanks for proving you know shit about evolution.

>> No.3474418

Fascinating response, but people have no excuse to step and crush others for a sale at kmart. What physically need does a dvd of die hard 2 @ half off hold on a human's well being.

>> No.3474420

>8 hours later
>still responding to this thread

>> No.3474426

its a movie reference that your tiny little human brain most not have ever scene.

>> No.3474429


>> No.3474440

>Most not have ever seen
Nice England.
Also this isn't the film board I don't see why you think watching a film equates to being more intelligent then someone else and I apologize for the misunderstanding in judging you falsely.

>> No.3474443

That did answer the question (not the poster who wrote it).

Other animals have innate abilities/instincts that help them survive. A human's best attribute is his/her brain.

We don't hear well like other animals.
We don't see well like other animals.
We don't smell well like other animals.

Our brains/intelligence can, arguably, be attributed to our survival.

>> No.3474454

Ha! Not only do you have to inhale fresh air hourly, but also you have to: ingest animal meat, sleep, have a heat source at all times, and then after all that you still spend most of "your time" sitting!
humans 0/10

you got ripped off!

>> No.3474456

I never actually encountered such things in my life, but I hear they do happen in certain countries. Where I live, markets are overcrowded during holidays, but it's still mostly orderly, oh, and actually prices tend to bere higher here on holidays due to increased demand.

>> No.3474468

I don't claim to be anything mate, also apology accepted.

>> No.3474502

Wow I never realized that prices should be higher because of the demand. I guess you have to also figure that income is increased during those times as well and income can affect demand in a good or bad way. That aside though, unless people are drowned out by a loud noise they never shutup, like a during a fire drill so it wouldn't matter. They will also step on you and probably never even notice because the fatness numbs their legs and feet.

>> No.3477538

everything varies, and the competition is not singular, there will always be a bigger mountain, and a smaller hill..,

evolution, migration etc, aren't something we needed, it naturally occurs, and we integrated it into our lives, it was rather a necessary reaction to certain stimuli.., evolution for example, is what we called the random mutations of a species which interact with an environment, the timeline of its survival can be recorded, and this was evolution..,

most of what we say are explanations merged into a single word, to be connected with others, to make communicative sense..,

as there will always be something far superior, and something far worse..,

>competition is futile

>> No.3477565

first of all, evolution is still happening.

secondly, it is a 'remnant process*' because we came to dominate through evolution, which is actually a fact of any competing, self replicating process given to mutation.

thirdly, we are not a collective; we compete with ourselves.

*evolution stabilizes when it reaches an optimal adaptive strategy.

>> No.3477582

I'm a fucking shark, I haven't had to evolve for twenty million years.