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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 795x595, brilliant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3471501 No.3471501 [Reply] [Original]

If your IQ is above 120: post ITT without saging.

If your IQ is below 120: sage this thread (or ignore/hide it).

>> No.3471506
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>> No.3471519

im in

>> No.3471524

Smart enough to know this is a troll thread and not to take IQ measuring seriously.

>> No.3471525
File: 111 KB, 1280x800, IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120 is EZ mode.

>> No.3471545


>Low IQ detected

>> No.3471562

Best place to take an IQ test?

>> No.3471568

I, like the OP, believe IQ is a meaningful measure and I'm going to base my self-esteem around it.

>> No.3471575

122 reporting in

>> No.3471604


>> No.3471612


>> No.3471616

Heh. Fags.

>> No.3471621
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>> No.3471625

IQ is for fags..

we should compare GRE scores.

>> No.3471633
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>> No.3471666
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>> No.3471765

sage. My IQ has been measured as over 120. And I'm still sageing. WHAT NOW OP??!?!?!?!?!

>> No.3471781

why are you here?

>> No.3471785

120 isn't that high

>> No.3471790

my iq is above 150, you jelly dumbfags?

>> No.3471803

Yours and that of at least half of the rest of /sci/.

>> No.3471882

i am 192 iq fuck mother

>> No.3471892

My penis is 9 inches long

I have an IQ of 200

I make one million a year

etc. etc.

you can be anyone on the internet

being proud of your IQ is foolish

>> No.3471902

155 reporting

>> No.3471906
File: 60 KB, 459x449, 61f5eda6-2e49-4492-930e-c0bf09a0f5c3_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic unrealted

>> No.3471929 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 663x350, 1311559047562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw most people on /sci/ have a higher IQ than that of Richard Feynman, yet they are all infinitely stupider than him.

>> No.3471937

Alternatively, Richard Feynman's IQ was not recorded in a way that the test result was representative of the score he would normally get.

>> No.3471939 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, niggas, I am moar intelligent than all of you but I'm too drunk now to prove it, so fuck you and suck my goddamn dick while you think of sucking your mother's dick and prepare to be anal raped by a sandnigger.

>> No.3471951
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>> No.3471967

Drunk 138'er reporting in

>> No.3471975

I have an IQ of 192. I have a PhD in Protocistical Physics and can fluently speak English, German, African and Polish.

Fuck all of you. You don't know jack shit if your IQ is less than 160.

>> No.3471980

Whats it like banging your supermodel girlfriend with your 9 inch dick?

>> No.3471982

21-inch dick, actually, you fucking loser! RAAARGH!

>> No.3471983

>bragging anonymously on the internet
i would say this is a new low, but i'd be wrong in a few ways

>> No.3471985


>implying "African" is a language

>> No.3471986

in the Ferrari factory he owns.

>> No.3471988

I actually laughed out loud at that mental picture, thanks anon :)

>> No.3471991

Sup. And I actually had my IQ taken by a qualified pyschometrist.

>> No.3471995


I GUESS it counts.

>> No.3472011 [DELETED] 

140fag here.

Awesome at chess, always win sudoku competitions and have a warcraft profile to put you niggers to shame.

What's best is i have used my superior intelligence to smotionally/psychologically manipulate my mother into providing for me for life so i didn't need to finish school or get a job.


>> No.3472022
File: 87 KB, 972x863, 1309258648790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


203 here

>> No.3472026

it WOULD be if I weren't 24 and world renowned in my (albeit slightly narrow, but that's more because I have unusual interests than anything) field.

I am proud of my 156 in spite of brain damage from epileptic seizures.

>> No.3472031

>a warcraft profile
nothing to be proud of

>> No.3472037

142 here,
I'm the best damn human calculator you'll ever see.

>> No.3472042

Beta virgin faggot detected

>> No.3472057

120 is low
I have a low IQ but still above 120

>> No.3472077

IQ of 220 reporting in

>> No.3472078

I have an IQ of 436.

I have 12 PhDs; my first PhD (which I earned at the age of 8) was in Augmented Photo-Engineering, while I achieved my most recent PhD (in Polish) just under a month ago (I'm currently 17).

While I'm bragging, I may as well mention that my penis is 19 inches long and barbed like a mighty armored whale.

I have 6 girlfriends, all of whom are highly-paid supermodels and all of whom each fuck me thrice daily. I often engage in wild orgies with them.

I'm fluent in English (obviously), French, German, Polish, Spanish, Hebrew, Yiddish, Norwegian, Mandarin Chinese, Italian, Arabic, Swedish, Russian and Korean.

I make over $40,000,000 per annum. Every night, while I sleep comfortably in my bed, my company earns me over $80,000 dollars.

I'm an expert in mixed martial arts, with black belts in karate, Kung fu and judo. I'm also a world champion in boxing and wrestling.

I play guitar, bass, piano, drums and sing, all at Grade 8 level. In addition, I play but am ungraded in mandolin, sitar, harmonica, flute, bassoon, violin and saxophone.

Fuck you guys. You are nothing.

>> No.3472085


>> No.3472089

>Getting a get of 2011
>Get McGettly Gettington Get Gumma-Gumma Get

>> No.3472105

>getting a get of 2089
>oh wait, gets don't matter on /sci/

>> No.3472108
File: 78 KB, 500x586, LOLITROLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3472113

no way do you sleep with all that awesomeness going on. no way.

>> No.3472118

suck my dik faggits

>> No.3472194

I like science
I'm not smart so I'm glad i can be around you guys becasue you teach me new things every day

>> No.3472220

I score well enough on IQ tests. More importantly, I'm a math PhD - with this I can get any job I want, 300k starting.

>> No.3472242

598,332 reporting in... my god you humans are morons

>> No.3472281

Only 598,332? The difference between that and the average human IQ is negligible when you consider the average IQ of a Grès'Proziac like myself.

I, however, have an above average IQ for a Grès'Proziac. My IQ is currently 964,034,346,234,111 and - thanks to Grès'Proziac technology - I am able to increase it daily by ~46,000 points.

>> No.3472285

Sweet, dude, you got IQ trips.

>> No.3472286

Finally, a club I can get into.

>> No.3472289

Oh, i didn't know this was /soc/ time.

>> No.3472296

>Mocks others for showing off
Negroid, please.

>> No.3472303

>598,332 IQ
>my god

>> No.3472315

>implying i'm a trip fag
>Implying i'm mocking anyone
>implying these threads are worth anything while posting anonymous.

>> No.3472353

>not >130
Enjoy your below 2 standard deviations above normal stupidfags.

Mensa > you

>> No.3472362

Mensa would be the best way to take an IQ test. They keep their tests up to date, and actually exclude people from even having the option to join if they lose.

Only problem is Mensa doesn't release scores, you just get a pass or fail.

There's probably universities where you can sign up for an IQ test as part of a psychological survey or something.

>> No.3472363
File: 59 KB, 427x662, 1290990190472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a wizard?

>> No.3472365
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>> No.3473750

135, my nigga.

>> No.3473764

150 reporting in

I'm a retard for posting my IQ.

>> No.3473765

130 hell yeah

>> No.3473768
File: 2 KB, 107x126, iseriouslyhope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's best is i have used my superior intelligence to smotionally/psychologically manipulate my mother into providing for me for life so i didn't need to finish school or get a job.


>> No.3473773

136. Looks like I'm relatively average around here.


>> No.3473779
File: 2 KB, 210x187, cjs9gf72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mensa DO release scores to you in your invitation letter.

>> No.3473782

You're pretty much the average /sci/ user, gratz.

>> No.3473783


uh. they told me my score.


>> No.3473789

181... psychopath and [recovering] underachiever-- reporting.

>> No.3473792

Why you no fluent in brazilian?

>> No.3473808

doesn't matter what I got unless I'm using it.

/sci/ is a like a box of virgins with 9inch cocks.

no sage for supersmart yada yada

>> No.3473818

136. I'm not the smartest among my friends though they think I'm quite smart. Most of my "knowledge" is regurgitating what I've read in books, watched in Carl sagan videos or listened to from the Feynman Lectures of Physics synced to my iPod.

>> No.3473823

I suppose you only speak American.

>> No.3473824

>Friday night
>Posting on /sci/
I rest my case.

>> No.3473837

>"181 IQ"

looks like you can add delusions to your list of mental illnesses, mate

>> No.3473847

is it friday already?
I don't keep track of hours, days, months, or even years any more. It simply doesn't matter.

>> No.3473849

>Feynman Lectures of Physics synced to my iPod

where did you dl it by the way? torrent?

>> No.3473866

My university's hub on DC++.
You can find torrents though, I'd think.

>> No.3473878

I have an IQ over 120 and I don't give a shit about you or your IQ
>IQ threads
Stay classy /sci/

>> No.3473905

I'm taking the highest score from 4 IQ tests that were administered to over the course of my life-- all in a professional setting, by medical professionals.

Age 4-- 144

Age 10-- 172

Age 17-- 156

Age 22-- 181

I admit that it's likely closer to 165 or so on an average day.

There is also, to be honest, a not-insignificant debate as to whether I am a 'true psychopath.' IMO, it's irrelevant whether I am or am not, as the label affects neither my attitudes nor my behaviour. It is, however, a concise way of conveying that my IQ certainly doesn't make me successful or pleasant to be around.

>> No.3473933

So...which IQ test are you dumbfucks using?

>> No.3473934

Your fucking face when mensa means dumb female in spanish hahahahahaha

>> No.3473939

>implying I didn't know this

>> No.3473950

Do you have schizoid personality disorder?

>> No.3473993

mhmh. 138.

>> No.3474007

It's okay. :)

>> No.3474020

the usual

>> No.3474095

If any of you should learn anything its that IQ its self does not matter. In fact, after a certain point (around 115 or so) you are no more likely to end up "successful" in life that anyone else of a 115 iq or higher. So even though i have an iq of 120 im no more likely to be more or less successful of someone who has an iq of 115 or even of 180.

>> No.3474104


It is one of the possibilities. The debate has been fuelled by inconsistencies in my appetites and inclinations that, I am the first to admit, are perplexing.

For instance-- for the first 8 years of my life, just as now, I was bright, voracious w/r/t knowledge, and creative, though the presence of others made me uncomfortable, and I found their emotions at best confusing/fustrating and at worst contemptible and weak.

Between the ages of 10 and 26 I was all of the above, plus cruel, narcissistic, and manipulative, though I was charming and good with words, allowing me social and sexual success when I desired it. However, socialising was difficult-- I did kt well, but it was exhausting and I became filled with hatred for myself [for not 'being myself'] and for others [for not 'letting me be myself'].

My doctors and I seem to think that my propensity for cruelty and violence during that period may have been a response to both forced socialisation and the abundance of sex hormones in my body during those years. I am 28, now, and have become 'gentle' again. It's hard to say why, though, because I became self-employed [which permits me to never leave my flat] at the same time that a great deal of my sex drive disappeared [which ALSO permits me to never leave my flat].

tl;dr-- it may be that I am only 'psychopathic' when I don't get enough 'alone time.'

>> No.3474120

Do you have a study to back that up? I mean, I believe it; it doesn't sound wrong, but I'd love to see statistics to that effect.

>> No.3474133

Greetings, gentlemen. 121 IQ reporting.

>> No.3474224

iq 94 reporten n

>> No.3474519

130+ school test for gifted classes

tests ive taken myself (probably dont count) 150 and 152

>> No.3474530

I got 180-something on an online IQ test. They definitely are not accurate.

>> No.3474708

I took a legit IQ test in elementary school to get into the gifted program. I had a 129 IQ. The requirement is 130, but they let me in anyway because my family was poor as fuck.