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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3471449 No.3471449 [Reply] [Original]



These are the basic senses.

This is wrong.

There is only one sense and it is Touch.

Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste. These are all more specialised versions of Touch.

Sight is signals process from light impacting the retina. A physical interaction.

Hearing is signals processed from pressure waves impacting sensor hairs. A physical interaction.

Smell is signals processed from particulate matter interfacing with specialised receptors. A physical interaction.

Smell is signals processed from particulate matter interfacing with specialised receptors. A physical interaction.

Our eyes are feeling reflected energy and producing data which can create an image of a work of art.
Our ears are feeling pressure differences in the air and producing data which can create the sound of your favourite song.
Our Nose and Tongue are feeling tiny samples of matter and producing data which can create the scent of a beautiful flower or the taste of a strawberry.

Every basic sense is just a form of touch, the difference is only in the equipment used to detect that touch.

All we have is touch. That's the only sense we have. But it can be interpreted in so many wonderful ways that the information collected just from the briefest physical contact collates into the vast experience of reality that we are currently experiencing.

If we didn't have touch we wouldn't have anything, it is the single most important evolutionary trait in all life as we know.

>tl;dr Every sense is touch and it is wonderful, appreciate it.

>> No.3471451

Horrid troll.

>> No.3471457

Sage. Get this shit of /sci/

>> No.3471466

Correct me then, explain how each sense is an entirely different system of experiencing outside influences without using touch.

Sight can be argued but taste and smell certainly can't, neither can sound.

>> No.3471473

>so much effort

>> No.3471482


the word depends on the attribute being interpreted, not on the method of interpretation.

i hope this is a troll

>> No.3471484

No, please, I understand that you think I am trolling /sci/ with this but I am not, at least have the common courtesy to explain your objections to me.

>> No.3471494


Read >>3471482

Semantics up in dis bitch.

>> No.3471502

I see.

So I am correct but in such a way as everyone already knows so it was tantamount to saying "The sky is blue"?

>> No.3471514

>look at me using stretched definitions of agreed upon terms to make common knowledge mean whatever I want it to mean

There are four 'senses', visual, auditory, tactile and chemical. They are all formed of many more senses, but all have more in common with one another than those in the other 'senses'. They all have different areas of the brain, and different nervous equipment to move the data to the brain.

And even if we wanted to call all senses really just one sense, that sense would be chemical. It is the first sense and better describes all the others.

>> No.3471529

I see.

Thank you for explaining this to me. I feel very stupid but I am glad that I at least wrote something, now I know more about it.


>> No.3471532

You are not correct.

Your statement is complete bollocks, both from an evolutionary viewpoint (since smell and vision were there first) and from any biologic or biochemical viewpoint (their receptors and signal processing are entirely different and they also follow completely different processing in your brain)

Plus your argument does not hold together, using that line of argument you could claim that all senses are basically hearing or sight too.

>> No.3471642

Your statement OP implies that you can see with your ears and taste with your eyes.

And you obviously can not do those things.

P.S. Everything in the universe is physical. Even things like happiness.

>> No.3471651

>P.S. Everything in the universe is physical. Even things like happiness.

Your rabid materialism has totally depleted my happion reserves.

>> No.3471665

There are about 20

>> No.3471670

Well it shouldn't.

>inb4 happiness isn't physical.

>> No.3471700


I win

>> No.3471838


>Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, These are the basic senses. This is wrong.


Sense of Taste
Sense of Smell
Sense of Hearing
Sense of Sight
Sense of Touch
Sense of Balance and Acceleration
Sense of Temperature
Sense of Pressure
Sense of Pain and Pleasure
Sense of Kinaesthetics (body position)
Sense of lung stretching
Sense controlling Vomiting
Sense of Gastrointestinal tract Stretching

Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera...

>> No.3474112
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then all senses are EM radiation

>> No.3474119
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>> No.3474132

Smell and taste are chemical receptors not tactile. Vison is narrow band electromagnetic receptors not tactile. You might have a something with hearing.

>> No.3474148

OP its pointless to look at the most basic form of anything because its the same for everything. Maths. The universe is made entirely of maths.

>> No.3474158

Define "touch" .

>> No.3474159

No it isn't. However, it can be explained by maths.

The only place were the universe is maths, is in your head, Mr Solipsist.

>> No.3474166

Hew doesnt know what senses are.

>> No.3474177

Define, 'define'.

>> No.3474183
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Define, "define, 'define'"

>> No.3474207

Shhh I know I'm just trying to shut him up.