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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 161 KB, 717x940, Course Schedule 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3466796 No.3466796 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ let's talk courses for next year.

Going into 4th year physics, but I'm a math enthusiast so I've got a few math electives. I'm excited for Cosmology. Can't wait to learn some GR and study black holes etc.

>> No.3466807

>I'm excited for Cosmology

Only fags use make-up.

>> No.3466825


Dumbfuck that's cosmetology

>> No.3466832
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Hurr durr derp

>> No.3466842
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>> No.3466851

Its my last semester. I'm taking
and doing an REU in reconfigurable computing

>> No.3466853

Engineer here,

I suck balls at math so trying to avoid taking any math courses next year. Still gonna make more ca$$ than you physicists & math geeks LOL!

>> No.3466857

>Engineer here,
>I suck balls

That made me lol.

>> No.3466859
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fall semester:
Microprocessors 1
Modern Physics (atom to the big bang)
Electronics 1
Signals and Systems

spring semester:
Microprocessors 2
Electronics 2
control systems

>> No.3466866

>mfw i'm fine with that
atleast i'll enjoy what i'm doing.

>> No.3466882
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Enjoy having real analysis fuck you hard in the ass and drop your GPA like crazy

>> No.3466894

>Going into 4th year physics, but I'm a math enthusiast so I've got a few math electives. I'm excited for Cosmology. Can't wait to learn some GR and study black holes etc.

You have no idea how jealous I am.

>> No.3466897

Fuck yeah I love timetable threads

Term 1:
>intro to business
>linear algebra I
>comp sci I
>calculus I
>reasoning and critical thinking (arts req)

Term 2:
>intro to business
>intro to stats
>comp sci II
>calculus II
>reasoning and critical thinking (arts req)

>> No.3466906


Same I fucking love cosmology. Tried learning some GR from a textbook but it was way too hard. I'll stick to the conceptual stuff

>> No.3466912

Freshman physics.

Fall semester:
-General Physics
-General Chemistry
-Phys. Ed.

>> No.3466924


I really liked psych when I took it for my social science credit. I never realized people could be so irrational and wierd

>> No.3466934

I wouldn't be interesting in having a major in Psych, but I'm excited to take a basic class on it. It should be good.

>> No.3466946

3rd year of an Oxford BA in Physics.

Topics next term/semester are Fluid Flows & Complexity and Atomic Physics

People doing the MPhys have to do Symmetry and Advanced Special Relativity. I chose to do Fluids instead :)

>> No.3466947


Yea me too I'm happy with my physics major but psych was my fave non-science course.

>> No.3466953


FYI fluids is really fucking hard. There's a 1 million dollar prize just for proving existence and uniqueness of solutions to Navier-Stokes equations

>> No.3466956
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3rd year chemistry, taking thermo and pchem, organometallics and intro psych.
>mfw I GPA boost with psych
its a requirement

>> No.3466962

I don't fucking know. I'm thinking about changing my track (I'm a biology major and there's ten different routes at my uni) or possibly my major (gogo gadget chemistry).

I'm going to ninja my way into and out of some stuff when add/drop opens again in the fall. My advisor will be pissed about how I fucked my schedule up when registering earlier but whatever.

>> No.3466965


Same I got 98 in psych boosted my average. The exams were all MC, easy shit. Pretty interesting material too so it wasn't bad reading and memorizing.

>> No.3466975


I got 98 in psych, and it DROPPED my average. You mad?

>> No.3466995

Oh, I'm really looking forward to it, its just notoriously easy,
Winter is chemical biosynthesis, quantum chem and linear algebra
Spring: Computational chemistry, inorganic and latin.
Motherfucking latin

>> No.3467023


Latin is hard for a lot of people who only know English. But if you speak polish the grammar is almost identical so it's not too hard.

>> No.3467114

Really? That's very interesting. I was never good with languages, but latin is my nemesis

>> No.3467128
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2nd year com sci + math.
I think I managed to balance the courses pretty well.

>> No.3467144
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3rd year comp sci + math

>> No.3467193

>Graduated 4 years ago with a degree in finance.
>$80k from job + 60k in passive income from investments
>Growing my asset base every year

How's it feel to know that you chumps will be begging me for funding one day?

>> No.3467199

Computer Science and Engineering, 3rd year

Concurrent Programming (siiiiigh)
Control Systems (we'll see, I guess ok)
Mathematical Statistics, basic course (yiipee)
Algebra (normally called 'algebraic structures' at non-engineering schools, YIIPEEE)

>> No.3467227


I hope your investments tank

>> No.3467239
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>math phd
>300k starting, any job I want

>> No.3467245

if i beg right now can i get some?

>> No.3467252
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Let me come over and rape your anus

>> No.3467268

Hows pennsylvania?

>> No.3467271

hot, very hot

>> No.3467280

HS mathfag here. Is a math phd a good path in college? And Why? I can't decide what I want to do, but I do well in my math and physics courses...

>> No.3467281
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Fall sem:
Surface Coating techniques
IC test structures.
Analog IC layout

Spring semester:
(Dunno lol)

>> No.3467284

>PH D. in math
why would you do that

>> No.3467287

Yeah? My brother thought about Kutztown for biology, went with Texas State instead. Cool area though.

>> No.3467294

choose one

>math phd

>> No.3467295
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I will just put this here.

>> No.3467301

>American Education System

No, thanks.

>> No.3467304

In high school and enjoy mathematics.

I understand, I need to narrow down my choices for college and the future, and since /sci/ is full of people who share interests with me, I assumed it would be a great place for advice. (We all know /adv/ is just people telling betas to man up)

>> No.3467314

>mfw best in the world

>> No.3467318


> Galois
> never got through easymode entrance exams to some french school.
> one of greatest mathematicians ever

>> No.3467321

I sincerely hope you don't believe that.

>> No.3467326

No child left behind. Jelly?

>> No.3467333

Of the American Education System? No chance in hell, my friend.

>> No.3467340

Aww, Eurofag is a child left behind.

>> No.3467352

Which degree is more universally renowned? One from Cambridge, or one from Harvard?

I rest my case.

>> No.3467360
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>> No.3467371
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>> No.3467376

Who's trolling The glorious Euro or the Amerifat?

>> No.3467382

*Who's trolling? The

>> No.3467408

Ask most any teacher in America about the current condition of the education system and they'll say its shit. Its underfunded, undermotivated, and ridiculous in its goals.

No child left behind just made it worse. I think that if you cant keep up in a modern classroom, you deserve a shit job for the rest of your life.

>> No.3467462

Calc III
Physics II
Honors Chem I
Phys Ed

Matlab shit
English II
Biology I
Honors Chem II
Thermo I

>> No.3467483

going into 3rd year masters in physics and astronomy. doing a monster research project at the moment solar x-ray astronomy. the good thing is after my 6 weeks my supervisor just said i should stick around see how far it goes. its a great opportunity but i may not get a summer, and go a bit mad.
can't wait to get buck to normal uni (shorter days) but nothing particularly new is coming I've played with pretty much piece of equipment we have so nothing new in labs.

>> No.3467484

Harvard, easily

>> No.3467499

Just finished principles of electrical engineering... got an A- and brought my gpa down :(

>> No.3467553
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Organic Chemistry I
Modern Physics
Diff EQ
Organic Chemistry II
EM Physics
Linear Algebra

>> No.3467603
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i dun goofed
i miscalculated my required hours until graduation, thinking i needed to completely 62 hours in two semesters, which was impossible. so i extended my graduation date by another year

i just re-ran the numbers to build a class list for this coming semester when i realized my blunder, i didn't need 62 hours in 4 semesters, i only needed 33!

so now i'm stuck with a 2013 graduation date, and only three classes per semester required.

fortunately this gives me lots of extra time for reading all kinds of extra books, learning more languages, making a fuck ton of projects on the side, and in general making my portfolio amazing. perhaps even delve into my more treasured topic of nuclear engineering

is this good or bad?

>> No.3467657

Bad. An extra year for no reason? Are you sure you can't just take all your classes next year?

>> No.3467663

>Molecular Biology
>Biology Lab
>Physical Chemistry: Quantum
>Physical Chemistry Lab
>Inorganic Chemistry
>Cultural studies of Pornography, Erotica and the Taboo in America (Yes, we have this course)
>Independent Study (Research)

Yep, I think i'm going to be busy.
Fuck all you aspergery people.

>> No.3467714

it would be nice, but having lots of extra time each semester opens up a few possibilities;
*making my thesis absolutely top notch long before it's due
*taking lots of interesting electives to broaden my professional horizons, and in software development, being a mile wide and inch deep is very important
*taking on a full time job on top of my course load without too much trouble
*much more opportunity for an actual fucking social life
*lots of wiggle room in the face of unexpectedly difficult classes

then again i might be over glorifying this

>> No.3467732

Behavioral Neuroscience
Calculus 2
Latin 1
Cognitive Psychology

>> No.3467768

AE first year

>calc 2
>psych 101
>CATIA 101
>physics 2 (basic optics/thermo/waves)
>communication 101
>calc 3
>literary & film monsters (lulzy humanities)
>literature & war (more humanities)

>> No.3467774

General Physics 1
General Chemistry 1
Calculus 1
Statistics 1
+ some shit tier required class

Meh, I'll have plenty of time for 4chan.

>> No.3467797

It seems like you know what to do with the extra year, so it wouldn't be a waste of time. I guess it depends on your course load and major, as well as whether you are willing to pay for an extra year of school. If it will pay off in the end, by all means....

>> No.3467818
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im a faggot

>> No.3467822
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Third year EE

Fuck yeah free time

I'm too lazy to post the title of every class

>> No.3467833

>21 hours over four days
good luck with that
also good luck with tests in any of those classes which are close together, no last minute studying

>> No.3467834
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>physics for life sciences
>pic related

>> No.3467844


U of A much?

Anyways nice 6 course semester. Which one you gonna drop first??

>> No.3467846

Godspeed to you, good sir.

>> No.3467850

....so much peoplesoft

>> No.3467849

>4chan anon
>that schedule

choose one

>> No.3467858

>6 course semester
>4 of them with labs
>22 hours
>free time

>> No.3467859

My uni uses Oracle Peoplesoft and Blackboard, too. Seems to be pretty common.

Shitty Web 1.0 software IMHO.

>> No.3467863

I've posted my schedule here a few times and there is always some UofA person who comments. I don't know how many browse /sci/ but it's pretty fucking weird.

Apparently EE 387 is statistics for electrical engineers so I'll likely drop that and take some regular statistics class during the spring instead or some shit.

>> No.3467864

meh i dont go to class, i just watch the lectures online at my own leisure

>> No.3467868
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I am a poorfag and my tuition is not paid. Won't allow me to add/drop courses.

>> No.3467869

Going into last year:

Some class about pharmaceutical industry/practice that covers a shitload of topics
Statistical Decision Theory
Monte Carlo Simulation (independent study project)

already did an internship at industry, so I should do pretty well

>> No.3467879

>posting schedules with room numbers

Prepare your anuses. I'm coming, and i'm bringing lubrication.

>inb4 how will you know which one was the anon?
believe me, it's pretty easy to tell.

>> No.3467901


I recommend stat 265/266.

Be very good at math though. These courses are pretty hard but worth it. You'll know a lot more about probability and statistics than you would have ever thought to be practical.

These are pure theory stats classes though, nothing wrong with taking 252 if you want to do some applied stats. This will probably be much more useful as an engineer.

>> No.3467909

