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3462374 No.3462374 [Reply] [Original]

>Associated Press Writer — A group representing atheists says the installation of a cross-shaped beam at the Sept. 11 museum is unconstitutional.

>The American Atheists filed the suit in Manhattan State Supreme Court on Wednesday, days after the cross was removed from a temporary post at a church near the World Trade Center site, blessed by a Catholic priest, and transported to a spot north of the memorial where it will become part of the museum's permanent collection.

>The group says the museum is a public institution and should not reflect a specific religion. It asks for a judge to either order the cross removed, or order that other religions be represented equally.

>Memorial President Joe Daniels days the museum's mission is to tell the 9/11 history through artifacts like the cross.

Stay classy atheists.


>> No.3462385


>> No.3462400 [DELETED] 

>mfw there's nothing wrong with this

Why should only christianity be represented when people of all religions died?

This has nothing to do with atheism.

>> No.3462411
File: 3 KB, 126x91, blank stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the face

>> No.3462419

Yeah lets put up some Muslim symbols in a sept 11 museum.

>> No.3462421


Or, you know, none at all. Like what was suggested.

>> No.3462431

The symbol will be for the people who died, not the people who killed everyone.

Only retarded and arrogant Americans would have any objections to it.

Didn't Americans already show theirintolerance and stupidity when a mosque was being built like three blocks from the 9/11 site?

>> No.3462432


America is pretty much a Christian nation for the most part. If this event occurred in a Hindu/Islamic/Jewish nation, then the correlated religious insignia would be used.

I'm an atheist too, but it really didn't bother me at all in the slightest. It's not a big deal to me. I don't even know why this group came forward. Has any other religious institution come forth?

>> No.3462443

>If this event occurred in a Hindu/Islamic/Jewish nation, then the correlated religious insignia would be used.

I disagree.

>> No.3462450

They have my support 100%.
Toss that blatant religious icon in the garbage where it belongs

>> No.3462455


they're still barring other groups from putting symbols there and it is public.
not a big deal to me, but they still have a point

>> No.3462462


So, you're saying that if a terrorist attack occurred in India at a tourist location, a symbol representing Hinduism wouldn't be used to strengthen faith and/or empowerment?

Alright, I guess I can be cool with that.

>> No.3462483
File: 78 KB, 765x626, donotwant 1182466191586 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Memorial President Joe Daniels days the museum's mission is to tell the 9/11 history through artifacts like the cross.

>> No.3462492


They're barring other people? Link it? I want to read that. Not even being an asshole, I just want to read that article. That's interesting.

Also, check this out:
>The Rev. Brian Jordan, who was instrumental in the preservation of the cross, celebrated Mass under the twisted steel beams and said people from other religions came to pray collectively. He said the 2-ton, 20-foot-high T-beam provided comfort to hundreds of suffering people — and continues to do so.
>The cross is being displayed in the museum not because of its religious value, but rather the role it played in the tragedy, and other religions would be represented, museum officials said.

>> No.3462495

Yes, because I'm sure icons from all religions will be represented even though the main religion of the country will stand out the most.

What's wrong here is that they're only trying to represent christianity.

I don't believe in god, but I can see the problems this will cause, it's highly disrespectful to the families and the people who died if they are not christian. This should not be accepted.

It is fine if the cross is the main sybol being represented as I'm sure the majority of the people who died are christians, but all religions need to be represented, even islam.

>> No.3462508


seriously, for a religious stance of "not believing" you guys sure spend a lot of time and effort giving a fuck about it

>> No.3462506


Are they actually barring it, though? If that's the case, then that is fucked. Also, have other groups come forth and stated, ''hey we want so and so.''

I see no proof of this.

>> No.3462518

So just because I don't believe in god I shouldn't discuss religion at all?

How's that ignorance treating you?

>> No.3462523


It's a science board and religion shouldn't be here, hence why I continue to sage whilst giving replies.

Where does it state that this museum is BARRING other religions, by the way? I want to read this.

>> No.3462527

>Implying atheism isn't the belief there are no gods

>> No.3462539

I never implied that at all.

I'm saying that only one religion should not be represented.

>> No.3462541


>> No.3462549

I see OP has only contempt for secularism.

>> No.3462553

These are the kinds of atheists I hate...

I'm an atheist sure, but I'd much rather work towards goals with the swathes of religious people than arbitrarily attack every symbolic gesture on their parts I can find. For all of their pandering to some higher reason a rational motive behind these kinds of efforts can't be found.

Let them put a cross at the memorial. A very healthy portion of the dead being honored were christians, so let them be honored by a symbol that they would consider suitable.

>> No.3462556


I'm referring to this post:

>they're still barring other groups from putting symbols there and it is public.

That's a powerful accusation. So, I just want to read the source of that.

>> No.3462557

Why so bigoted, OP?

>> No.3462563

And to add:

The reason why nothing should be put up is because of ignorance and arrogance form the general public.

If one religion is to be represented, in this case christianity, then all other religions should be represented too. But once an icon of islam goes up there will be uproar from the idiots.

So rather than trying to do smething nice that retards will ruin, why not just avoid the shitstorm in general.

>> No.3462569

I don't care what other atheists do to further atheism.

much like I don't care what religious people do to further religion.

when I say I'm an atheist, I mean that I simply don't give a fuck about the entire cultural and economic debate. It doesn't mean a thing to me. It's irrelevant, doesn't even register on my radar.

have a nice day if you want.

>> No.3462577

Well I didn't post that.

I'm arguing that this will just cause trouble & that everything should be represented (but can't due to the big issue on islam)

>> No.3462601


Secondly, have other religious groups come forth and spoken about this issue? If they have and were barred from placing their religious symbol, then I could see an issue. If no other religious group came forth, then why is this an issue? The other religious groups aren't complaining about this. At the very least, not one link has been linked to discuss the museum barring other religions.


A few blocks away from the 9/11 site, there's a community center which houses a mosque and while there was an uproar, it hasn't been shut down.

As I stated before, have other religious institutions come forth to discuss this issue?

>> No.3462647

I'm the same person in both of your post links, and I didn't make that post about other religious groups being barred from putting something up nor do I know anything more on this issue.