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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3460805 No.3460805 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see where /sci/ stands..


Economic Left/Right: -0.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.44

>> No.3460818

inb4 everyone is left liberal

>> No.3460822

We've done this before. Most people are lower-left quadrant, but also say the test is biased.

>> No.3460824

bump for inrerest

>> No.3460833

>implying right liberal isn't god tier

>> No.3460850

People should be able to do whatever the fuck they want at home

giving people economic freedom is another way of saying economic anarchy - I.E. biggest and baddest stay biggest and baddest deal with it.

thats my viewpoint. I just want shit to work, I want technology to continue to progress and I don't want manipulative fucks buying everyone and ruining the planet.

libertarian with reservations about human interest.

>> No.3460876
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I like how they managed to test Stalin AND Ghandi with this.

>> No.3460900
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come at me bro

>> No.3460902
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I'm like a square to the right of Gandhi's estimate

>> No.3460907


How's it feel being so hipster?

>> No.3460910


>Zeitgeistfag detected

>> No.3460922

More like rational and compassionate idea of the world.

>> No.3460923

Socialist libertarian here, strain the black flag and slit throats!

>> No.3460930


Reality has a liberal bias.

>> No.3460956
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feels rebellious man

>> No.3460958
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I am you

>> No.3460971
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the test is shit with stupid questions.

oh well.

>> No.3460976

yea, i believe your heart is in the right place.


>> No.3460983

I got slightly left and near the bottom.

I don't think that describing political beliefs in two dimensions tells you much, though.

>> No.3460988

I liked the questions about abstract art and not thinking about your problems.

>> No.3460989

yes it does.

>> No.3460991
File: 44 KB, 500x691, anders_behring_breivik_podozrivy_utok_teror_norsko_11_dailymail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultural Marxists everywhere!

>> No.3460995


No, it doesn't.

>> No.3460999

yes it does.

>> No.3461004


No. It does not.

>> No.3461007


- economic freedom
- social freedom

what more axes do you propose?

>> No.3461008

yes it does.

>> No.3461011

yes, it does

>> No.3461015


Nay, it does not.

>> No.3461018

yes it does.

>> No.3461022

but it does. locked. throwed the key into a lake.

>> No.3461034
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>> No.3461036
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"Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers."

>> No.3461037

>what more axes do you propose?

The problem is not "not enough dimensions," it is describing things dimensionally in the first place. If I'm militantly anti-abortion and militantly anti-war on drugs, that would put me in the same place on the "social freedom" access as someone who is totally indifferent to both. And that's even without getting into people having the same position on a given issue for completely different reasons. The whole thing is absurd.

>> No.3461042


Um, axis. Axis is what I meant.

>> No.3461045


I'm afraid not, sir.

>> No.3461067

the hell is "right liberal"?

you mean libertarian?

>> No.3461074

i mean, in the lower right square*.

"libertarian" applied to the whole lower section. my bad.

>> No.3461075

If your political views do not tend towards centre/centre-left libertarianism then your political views are wrong (unless you're ok with being a selfish dick, in which case i guess i can't say they're wrong, but you are a selfish dick).

>> No.3461082
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>> No.3461084

>(unless you're ok with being a selfish dick, in which case i guess i can't say they're wrong, but you are a selfish dick).

i'm just selfish. although you can throw in "inhumane" or some shit like that i guess.

>> No.3461085
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>> No.3461089

you know...I'm actually pretty socially conservative too....

>> No.3461106
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>> No.3461110

>militantly anti-abortion

so you would kill to stop an abortion?


>> No.3461113

so what does it mean if your dot is towards the bottom left corner? i has confused.
seems like a decent amount of people that posted are like that

>> No.3461123


it means you're a hipster faggot who smokes pot all day

>> No.3461125

it means you believe it's okay to force people with wealth to cater to the needs of the poor.

enjoy being as evil as republicans that send troops to iraq to die.

>> No.3461133


It means you are a socialist (leftwing).

>> No.3461136


hey, i don't smoke pot ALL day >:(

>> No.3461137

has anyone tried retaking the test but only choosing the "strongly" options?

i did and my dot moved further up and to the right.

but ideally my dot would be as far down and to the right as possible. i don't like the way the questions are phrased.

>> No.3461151
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Well, would you look at that.

>> No.3461154
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>> No.3461158
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Welp, about what I expected, however I didn't like the way the survey formed some of their questions. Though attempting to sound neutral, I believe it's agenda were to fish for and exploid predominantly liberal results. It did this by detailing a neutral, inspecific question for Liberal-related questions so it sounds reasonable, while then over simplifying Conservative-based questions so it sounds unreasonable.

Then again, asking these questions, followed by a detailed explination from the participating member would be a more accurate means of performing this test (although it's impossible for a simple survey, it's the right way of doing it).


"Is it ok to spank your children for the sake of discipline?"

Yes, however it's also important for the spanker to communicate why their child is getting spanked, so the child can associate (Insert bad action here) with negative consequence through physical pain (aka spanking). This way, when they grow older and actually become suseptible to societies' consequences which could ruin their lives if wrongfully done, they have developed at an early age to respect, or if nothing more tolerate, not doing something that would receive punishment. A simple "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree" is unacceptable, and non-representing.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it. It did the best with what it had.

>> No.3461200

I will love to see all the capitalist retards cry and cry when the socialist revolution shows itself as the path to human greatness.
Cry more, faggots.

>> No.3461225


Yes of course.

Socialism is what's gonna bring enlightened happiness amongst the masses, especially in America.

You are right and in time the real world will prove you so.

>> No.3461233


Nah, America has no chance. Everywhere else in the world though will prosper.

>> No.3461235


Or perhaps conservatives are just unreasonable.

>> No.3461253

I think America will reach socialism thru civil war, and i don't think it's too far away, like less than twenty years.

>> No.3461256
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And now this one:

its just 10 questions..

>> No.3461257

That feel when by the time you have kids spanking them with be punishable by death

>> No.3461261
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>verifying his point

>> No.3461286

>Yes, however it's also important for the spanker to communicate why their child is getting spanked, so the child can associate (Insert bad action here) with negative consequence through physical pain

hahahaha shut the fuck up. no physical abuse (and that's what hitting is, since it involuntarily causes pain) is necessary.

>> No.3461318
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Who would have guessed.

>> No.3461328

If you have emphaty and simphaty for the production of knowledge better than profit, then you are a socialist. If not, you are capitalist and should be punish for selfishness.

>> No.3461333
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>mfw I'm Nader.

>> No.3461355

nice face you have

i was -3.75, -3.74
basically the Dali Lama

i wonder how mad china is at me.

>> No.3461362
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>> No.3461371
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heres mine

everyone too far off the mid is ignorant

>> No.3461402
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Yes, I'm a Libertarian.

>> No.3461452
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This guy is spot on.

>> No.3461479
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This is where I was prior to going to college.

>> No.3461483
File: 3 KB, 480x400, april72011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me after going to college (and I am still in college)

>> No.3461485
File: 3 KB, 487x407, political2011-07-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, current, I've gotten more to the left.

>> No.3461486

That explains why you have such a biased worldview, you have been brainwashed.

>> No.3461490


How does that suggest Ive been brainwashed?

How is my "worldview" biased?

>> No.3461493

We have all been brainwashed since birth.

>> No.3461506

For reference:

Bottom right: economic freedom, social freedom
Bottom left: no economic freedom, social freedom
Top left: no economic freedom, no social freedom
Top right: no social freedom, economic freedom

>> No.3461510
File: 88 KB, 360x351, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly liberal thought Correlates with IQ. And people who mean well but are right wing don't understand that private tyrannical caused by undemocratic economic forces are nearly as bad as the authoritarian dictatorships.

Green FTW

>> No.3461511

You went to college trusting less in capitalism and out more, thus you have been manipulated to defend this flawed system.

>> No.3461516
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>having an Authoritarian/Libertarian score of >-5.00

>> No.3461518

Oh fuck no, get away faggot, no one wants your siniester worldview.
And still you haven not given me that last option from last night.

>> No.3461526

>Thinks 1 man owning 1 billion dollars and having economic power over thousands is freedom.

Libertarian socialism is expanding democracy to the workplace, so fullretard managers can't be assholes to get a bonus without the majoirty support.

>> No.3461530
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anarcho-commie here

can someone explain this one:
>When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.

>> No.3461533


Two things:

I dont think my education in economics has consisted of professors talking about how glorious capitalism is. That isnt what my education has been able.

Second of all, I dont think I sit around here defending capitalism. Nor do I really think I favor it more or less than before I entered college. I'd say, I spend an equal amount of time promoting and criticizing free market ideas (which dont equate to capitalism I think).

>> No.3461536


That is the actual description of the quadrants.

Link to what I did not answer.

>> No.3461538

Sticking to the status quo, basically being in red or blue, more blue though

/b/rofist , libsoc/libcom here

>> No.3461546


>>When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.

Fuck that shit!

>> No.3461547


> thinking democracy does not mean majority force rule

I hope you are not doing this.

>> No.3461551

It has already 404'd, for your convenience.
And stop thinking that your definitions of systems are correct, because there are not. You don't understand how capitalism, socialism or anarchism works.

>> No.3461559

Not if the majority is brainwashed by the corrupted media, then it's not fair.

>> No.3461564


where do you score liberty

>> No.3461565


What did you want answered?

Stop thinking your personal and emotional hopes of what capitalism and socialism is, are accurate, factual, logical, or rational.

>> No.3461593

You are the one with emotional hopes that capitalism is working, or maybe is that you make profit of it, which would explain a lot of things.
But for more than 90% of the world, capitalism does not work and you definitions are flawed.

>> No.3461610

I wish there was a "Don't give a shit" option.

Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries.

They might be, but I don't really care.

>> No.3461625


Extreme bottom right.

>> No.3461629


Capitalism isn't practiced anywhere, so that would be impossible.

>> No.3461634

fuck yes my brother.


>> No.3461637
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>> No.3461641


Good to see support for Liberty. It is very rare on this board.

>> No.3461644

I wanted your exact values.

>> No.3461645

i strongly disagreed. your feelings are trying to tell you something is wrong.

and if something is wrong, you should find out what it is and change it.

>> No.3461664

Your use of the word liberty as a trip disgusts me. Conservatism can never be pro-liberty.

>> No.3461669


How do you define conservatism?

>> No.3461680

Economic Left/Right: -9.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.77

>> No.3461701

Politics, like culture, beliefs and history, aren't two-dimensional. You graphs are invalid.

Stop trying to fit in. If you want to define yourself, do it yourself.

>> No.3461708

I'm glad you asked.

Conservatism: Holding to traditional attitudes and values while being cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics and religion.

An example of a conservative opinion: Homosexuals should not marry. This is not very liberal. Am I wrong?

>> No.3461719
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>> No.3461726

some of the questions were a bit fishy to me.

like the one asking whether the interests of the corporations or the people were more important.

i answered "people", but the interests of big business in a free market (to a lesser degree, a corporatist market) would benefit that of the people.

>> No.3461731


Given that vague definition, I am not a follower of conservatism.

In terms of marriage, the state has no part in marriage. Marriage is a contract between two individuals. I do not support any state banning marriage contracts between people. Keep in mind, faggots are not banned from marrying, they are simply not allowed to get government approval. I repeat, it is NOT illegal for fags to marry.

>> No.3461735


>i answered "people", but the interests of big business in a free market (to a lesser degree, a corporatist market) would benefit that of the people

I dont believe free markets imply better-ness. Free markets have the potential to fail.

>> No.3461750
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Go away, you obtuse leninist.

>> No.3461755

The definition is supposed to be vague. I am not talking about the conservative movement in the United states, but conservatism as a general ideology.

It follows that you would consider yourself a libertarian, yes? Because if so I have no quarrel with you.

>> No.3461756

Heh, the questions were bad. I ended up halfway down and half way to the right when I'm an anarchist.

>> No.3461761


Thats tough taking these when you are an anarchist. I remember when I was in high school, in AP government. We took a test like this. I was an anarchist at the time. I got "Moderate Conservative." I remember I raised my hand and just told the teacher I thought the test was wrong and that "anarchist" wasnt an option.

>> No.3461770

haha, similar thing happened to me. as an anarchist i always score as an "extreme conservative".

>> No.3461784
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"Economically socialist, socially moderate" pretty much sums me up.

>> No.3461789


"The reflection of nature in man’s thought must be understood not lifelessly but in the eternal process of movement, the arising of contradictions and their solution."


>> No.3461808

I have left-wing views on economic issues, but despite thinking that I'm socially conservative I always turn up centrist on these tests. Dy'think it's because I'm a britfag and therefore don't understand what real (US) conservatism means ?

>> No.3461814


Did you know Leon Trotsky's ashes were stolen by anarchists and baked into cookies?

Its true.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.3461822

Great anecdote, and i'm not even a full anarchist.

>> No.3461839
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Lol. Seriously, this is just funny, I don't worship him, I just admire his work.

"As long as I breathe I hope. As long as I breathe I shall fight for the future, that radiant future, in which man, strong and beautiful, will become master of the drifting stream of his history and will direct it towards the boundless horizons of beauty, joy and happiness!"

>> No.3461858

His work can be split into two parts. The squashing of any hope to master the drifting stream of history outside of the bolchevik party. The obfuscation of the failures to master the drifting stream of history through the bolchevik party.

>> No.3461860
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And you are trying so hard Lenin is not even amused :/.

>> No.3461873

>implying he didn't save October Revolution, and that the latter would have happened without the bolshevik party.

>> No.3461890

Sure, bolsheviks provoked the october revolution and made it through. That doesn't change the fact that they also provoked its failure.
Maybe a revolution in may would have gone further.

>> No.3461902


I also liked that Trotsky once said that communism without democracy is impossible.

Whenever people talk about communism and democracy like they are opposite forces fighting each other I like to throw that quote out there.

>> No.3461918


OK, I didn't get your opinion right.
Trotsky wrote a book about the daily life of soviet cityzens, and also the life of the typical member of the Party, describing its bureaucratisation, which was one of the factors which lead to the failure of October, which wasn't predetermined. And as he says, the first lightbulb of Edison wasn't perfect.

(Yes, we know, he didn't invent it.)

>> No.3461927


"freedom of discussion, unity of action."
Do you remember your exact quote? I caoont find it on Wikiquote.

>> No.3462089
File: 3 KB, 480x400, Leftist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Libertarian
Post-left Anarchist

>> No.3462140


I was pretty sure it was "Communism without democracy is impossible" and I thought it was from a book. But I could be wrong.

>> No.3462149


Wait, how is that guy a post-left anarchist? That cant get any more left. Im like the post-left anarchist. Look at me, Im so low yet so not-left.

Also Im not actually an anarchist.

>> No.3462190

I would think post-left anarchists would be as libertarian (south) as possible, like that guy almost is, while still being on the left.
After all the "Left" in this chart is talking about economics not government size.

Post-left means without the authoritarian aspects of socialism.
Anarchy means libertarian on the social scale.

>> No.3462211


I used to be a post-left anarchist. Post-left is just means "Lets not have anything to do with communism or socialism"

Anarchism by its nature is really leftist. Every kind of anarchy is like socialism without authoritarian aspects.

>> No.3462221
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I'm Gandhi apparently.

>> No.3462226

At the end of the day,
Post-left doesn't really mean anything at all.
What, did they get tired of calling themselves Individualist Anarchists and listening to Max Stirner.
Bob Black is a radical Individualist.

>> No.3462233


Yeah, you are right. None of this stuff means anything. I "used to be" an anarchist. But what that really means is I "used to be" a person who called themselves an anarchist.

>> No.3462250
File: 3 KB, 480x400, politom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social democrat open to the concept of free market capitalism within a sandbox.

>> No.3462331


I think it also involves the immediate destruction of State, without intermediary step, contrary to socialism.

>> No.3462334


Ha. I got the same thing.

>> No.3462336

What about the most plausible system of anarchy, anarcho-capitalism?

>> No.3462346

If you mean "possible" then yes. If you mean "Good" then no way. Not at all

Public road systems would break down, the internet would stop working, and the education system outside of a few estabilshments independent of the government would break down. All regulation against false advertising and all safety standards would cease to exist. We'd essentially regress to a point of feudalism, until a theocracy established itself and things got moving again.

>> No.3462414

>he thinks that when you take rocks out of a river, the water still flows around the hole left by the rock.

Obviously if it happened in one day it would be bad. If the government took 20 years, firing everybody slowly, auctioning assets, giving entrepreneurs time to get deals together for replacements, the society would be the most prosperous on earth within a few decades.

>> No.3462436

I really don't see any reason to believe that. I really like the idea of slowly easing into it though; Haven't heard that proposed before.
When we remove regulation in the current US system, recessions and depressions happen due to the lack of integrity within it. I don't understand how it would be possible for this to be avoided, given it would be possible for any corporation to behave fraudulently without any threat of legal reprimand

What's used in place of currency? There isn't enough gold for a country the size of the US

What do you think would happen when people are raped/murdered? would some kind of fair court come into existence?

>> No.3462440

argh, I used really twice. Sorry :s

>> No.3462456
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Superior political compass test taker reporting in.

>> No.3462479

Economic Left/Right: -4.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.56

>> No.3462480

Anyone have a three dimensional version?

>> No.3462531
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>/sci/ - leftism

Q: If all scientists have "left" political views, does that make the right wing retarded?

>> No.3462535

Implying that Anarcho-Capitalism would not eventually evolve into Libertarian-ism.
People pay for protection from private police company.
Police company gets so much power that it extorts money from businesses.
Police company becomes new government.

>> No.3462536


That is hilarious given that Trotsky is basically the father of the neoconservative movement.

>> No.3462550

but hes commy

>> No.3462576

A number of Americans who had briefly been Trotskyites as youth rejected the left and became intellectual leaders of conservatism. They include James Burnham (1905–1987), Saul Bellow (1915-2005), Irving Kristol (b. 1920), Gertrude Himmelfarb (b. 1922), and Seymour Martin Lipset (1922-2006).

>> No.3462586

STFu hes a commy bastard

on a more serious note, can someone sympathetic to anarcho-capitalism respond to this?

>> No.3462607


Neoconservatism was born out of the left.

>> No.3462624

are you sure they don't *really* want to distance themselves from the current US right wing? Most new political movements have support from former members of the left wing, counter-authority golf club

>> No.3462632


No, neoconservatives are born from the left, from Trotsky.

>> No.3462633

I think Neoconservatism was influenced just as much if not more from the Nazis and Fascism as it was from Trotskyism.

>> No.3462643


Fascism is the socialist and communists almost perfect wet dream put into action. The National Socialist German Worker's Party simply added in a nationalist aspect.

>> No.3462650

Neoconservatism is regular conservatism with added religious moral law.

>> No.3462651

Economic Left/Right: -4.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.10

Essentially just a little to the right and down of Gandhi.

>> No.3462661

The Nazis were not communists.
"Trade unions were abolished, as well as collective bargaining and the right to strike. The right to quit also disappeared: Labour books were introduced in 1935, and required the consent of the previous employer in order to be hired for another job."

They sure seem Populist!

>> No.3462693


That is obviously the position of a person unfamiliar with neoconservatism past msnbc.


They enforced strict government unions, with wage controls, price controls, etc.

>> No.3462703
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That's right, bitches.

>> No.3462706


>> No.3462711

Apparently I'm Ghandi.

>> No.3462726
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>> No.3462735

The difference is, my position is mocking your position towards fascism and socialism.

>> No.3462754
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>> No.3462757
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>> No.3462763

mis-spelt it. The correct term is "soshlesm" and anarchy is a subcategory of it.

>> No.3462764
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luk im liek gandie

>> No.3462782
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Anarchy = Socialism
So Somalia is the same thing as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union?

>> No.3462787


Seems true.


It is the literal truth.

>> No.3462788

exactly like it
in a non-literal sense, yes.

>> No.3462792


Somalia has a government.

>> No.3462796


Factually only.

>> No.3462799
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3462800


keep your hands off my shit and I'll keep mine off yours.

>> No.3462802

within the confines of your mind and fox & friends

>> No.3462806


This is the actual truth, it has nothing to do with me.

>> No.3462808

Nope. I'm a socialist, and I disagree. By that fact alone, you are wrong.

>> No.3462812


It is well documented that socialists support theft of labor and are thereby not relevant.

>> No.3462815

The official government does not have control over all of Somalia.
If it did then where do the Pirates dock and trade?

>> No.3462821

That's a completely different (also wrong point). You asserted something. You are wrong. You are too small to admit you are wrong, which I'd consider worse than the error itself.

>> No.3462830
File: 3 KB, 480x400, polticsandstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I'm part of some kind of master-race.

>> No.3462833
File: 53 KB, 1051x994, 1233622373855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you use the term "theft of labor"
Don't you mean "theft of capital."
Where did you pick up that term, or did you just make it up?

I ask because theft of labor sounds like Marxism to me, when Marx attacked what he called "Exploitation of labor" by the owners of property.

>> No.3462834


The government of Somalia just this week banned the U.N. from giving food to people inside the country.


Nothing I have said is wrong. And socialists despise economic freedom, and that is why they support theft of labor.

>> No.3462837

I am a socialist
I do not despise ecconomic freedom
I do not agree with the statements you are making
You are wrong.

>> No.3462841


Labor, actual labor. Capital and other labor traded for items are also looked down upon by socialists.

>> No.3462842
File: 335 KB, 310x420, Franco0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this test can be easily demostrated to be bullshit.

Try to score in the upper left hand corner. Basically, it scores general economic lefty positions as socially libertarian, even well... when they aren't.

>> No.3462848


I believe it.

Then you are not a socialist.



>> No.3462864

the personality types are also all ridiculous. Pretty much the only well known "good guy" on there is Ghandi, and nobody is positioned anywhere near him. At least half of the political spectrum will fall into the category of "like ghandi" in all likelihood.
I'm not willing to continue this discussion, you seem like the kind of person who refuses to learn. It's not your fault, I just can't be of any service to you.

>> No.3462868


I appreciate you giving up.

>> No.3462880

I don't feel like taking it again, but I believe it was something like -10, -9.

>> No.3462888

have a link to that test?

>> No.3462894

Think about it.
You're denying my I believe something I do. You *can't* do that unless you know more about me than I do, which I am almost entirely certain you don't. You're therefore doing this for some other reason.
It could be because you take pride in your beliefs and don't want them challenged. If that's the case, then you clearly want politics to be important to you. By stifling opposition like this, you're making a big mistake and putting pride above rationality.

The fact you disagreed also shows that you think this conversation is important enough for you to reassert your beliefs. I can either be cynical and call that purely egotistical or I can suppose that it's because you want to educate me, in which case explaining what you believe, and why you feel socialism and communism to be kinds of fascism when perfectly put into action, would be a good idea

You're either claiming special knowledge, being intellectually dishonest, or restraining yourself for some other reason.

>> No.3462896

>I am not willing to continue this discussion
You should have stopped there. Anti-Liberty isn't worth your time.

>> No.3462897
File: 19 KB, 119x126, brainfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3462898

>economic freedom

pick one.

>> No.3462903

>economic freedom
Pick one.

>> No.3462904


If you told me you believed the world was flat, I would do the same. What you believe has no bearing on the truth.

Why would I attempt to point out the flaws in utopian socialism or utopian communism? That would go against the definition of a utopia.

>> No.3462908

A++ Response! /s
Everyone's worth my time. Hopefully, vice-versa.

>> No.3462907 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 381x327, Left-Libertarian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't a test.
But here's another one.

>> No.3462917

That wasn't a test.

>> No.3462918

>If you told me you believed the world was flat, I would do the same. What you believe has no bearing on the truth.
I never asserted that my belief had any bearing on the truth. If you asserted that there are no British people who believe the earth is flat, and I said there were, would you claim I was lying?

>Why would I attempt to point out the flaws in utopian socialism or utopian communism?
I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to evidence the claim
>Fascism is the socialist and communists almost perfect wet dream put into action.
Which seems sensationalist, hyperbolic, and false.

>> No.3462931

well fuck it and fuck you.

>> No.3462934


Of course not, I do not know.

You said perfectly put into action -- a utopia.

The fact that the National Socialist German Worker's Party shares a lot of political wants with communism and socialism is, well, mere fact.

>> No.3462946
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3462956

So you admit that by asserting that I wasn't a socialist, and/or that all socialists were fascists, you were wrong. Thanks.

the NSDAP wasn't socialist, it was opposed to both socialism and capitalism (though it took money from capitalists and had the help of a number of corporations). It was initially infiltrated by Hitler as a corporal in the weimar's military, but was then taken over by him and used for different purposes. Socialists, among others, were also taken to concentration camps during the war.

>> No.3462965


Of course not, I was answering the question you asked in the post I responded to. Did you forget you asked one?


The National Socialist German Worker's Party was indeed socialist. They strived for and put into action the public ownership of the means of production. They told businesses what to produce, when to produce, how much to produce, who to sell to, how much to charge, and where to buy goods from. Again, a socialists and communists wet dream.

>> No.3462966

problem with this test is that it assumes you would take political action based off your beliefs.

i don't believe women or niggers are equal to white/asian males, but i support giving them equal rights because i still sympathize with them.

>> No.3462971

hitler got germany out of a depression and became an economic powerhouse.

therefore socialism works.

u mad?

>> No.3462972


That is a very odd position to take.

>> No.3462981

how so?

>> No.3462983
File: 6 KB, 256x106, HP-Gryffindor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this test.

>> No.3462988

What do you mean by 'not equal'?
Surely there is still the posibility that a woman or black person could contribute to society and should be given the oppertunity to do so?

>> No.3462989


I do not deny that theft of labor can "work" for a short period of time. I am not silly enough to support things that work if they aggress others, or steal the labor of the workers. This is why I do not support socialism.

>> No.3462992

I was assuming that in a convoluted way you had responded, given the two scenarios were Identical.
You assert that all socialists want fascism, I come forward as a socialist and tell you you are wrong, you deny it. I pose a hypothetical situation in which the same thing happens, and you don't deny it. I took that as agreement you had made an honest mistake.
In preparation for war. I have yet to see any reason to doubt that given their stark opposition to communists and usage of concentration camps on far-left political supporters they were anything but far right fascists.

>> No.3462993


I have never heard it before.

>> No.3463004

on average, niggers are definitely more stupid than whites.

there's no evidence to show that women are dumber than men, but based on what i've seen i think it's true.

i don't support equal rights because there's a few women or a few niggers that aren't stupid. i support it because i sympathize with any pain that discriminatory laws could cause.

hell, i sometimes i feel guilty about eating beef or pork.

>> No.3463010


Of course not, I was answering the question you posed, not another question.

You made conflicting statement about your alleged socialism, you said you are one, then changed your mind and said you were against theft of labor. The two are not separable.

The National Socialist German Worker's Party sent rightists, leftists, nazis, commies, etc to concentration camps.

>> No.3463018

Huffelbro master race

>> No.3463025
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This "test" has several biased questions with no real variation of answer choices and not enough of them to balance the broken questions out.

>> No.3463026

Liberty take my test!
What house did the hat put you in?
(Probably Slytherin.)

>> No.3463027

This is the last post I will make untill you re-address the claim you made in >>3462643. I am a socialist. I disagree. You are wrong.
I never said
1) Socialism was the theft of labour
2) I was against the theft of labour
Both were asserted by you.
>NSDAP sent their own to the camps
They didn't send their own to camps because they were their own, they sent them for perceived crimes. Socialists and Communists were sent for being socialists and communists.

>> No.3463029


i got slytherin.

>> No.3463032

There was a large study done by Philippe Rushton that showed men, on average, have about 3.6 IQ points more than women. It makes sense too, because the man throughout history has always had to be the provider(which takes intelligence).

>> No.3463036
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.3463037

also, i was 1 point off of gryffindor.

>> No.3463039
File: 6 KB, 256x106, HP-Hufflepuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I wanted to get Hufflepuff...
But oh well Gryffindor is good too!

>> No.3463048


I know nothing about Potter. I got the same picture as you.

Gryffindor - 12
Ravenclaw - 12
Hufflepuff - 10
Slytherin - 10


Saying something does not make it true. I think you will agree.

>> No.3463057

I will. Saying that all socialists are fascists does not make that the case, especially when evidence- such as some socialists not being fascists- is present. You've made a mistake, please just own up to it so we can move on. I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

>> No.3463060

why don't you stop replying to him?

"i feel sorry for you" isn't going to ruin his day i don't think.

>> No.3463061

these questions are terrible, and often leading.

just one lame question:

>Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all.


and no, I don't mean you are retarded if you put x answer, I mean you are retarded if you think this question makes sense.

and I am not that arty

>> No.3463065

Because I'm not trying to win, I'm trying to help. It's pretty clear he's got a nasty confirmation bias/problem admitting he's made mistakes, and I'd rather help him if at all possible.

>> No.3463066

Dammit, I guess where both Brave, Chivalrous, and Courageous...
I still wish I had been Hufflepuff...

>> No.3463068


Saying you are not a fascist does not make it so. You are taking their word for it, without question, which is silly.

>> No.3463070

stop lying.

>> No.3463073

I don't believe you're a neo-conservative. Saying you're one does not make it so. You will, however, agree that you are one.

>> No.3463076

I'm not. I genuinely do not give a fuck about winning on the internet, though this might surprise you.

>> No.3463077


Good, I'm not.

>> No.3463078

What are you?

>> No.3463080


A person that supports Liberty of course.

>> No.3463081
File: 6 KB, 256x106, HP-Ravenclaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>3462880.

Took the sorting quiz. Pic related.

>> No.3463083

No you're not.

>> No.3463084
File: 3 KB, 128x128, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job!

>> No.3463085


I disagree.

>> No.3463088

No, you don't.

>> No.3463089

since it hasn't worked, will you stop saying things like "i feel sorry for you"?

because i knew it wouldn't work. and i'm sure if i knew, you knew.

>> No.3463090


Are you sure?

>> No.3463093

How would you respond to that question in my situation?

>> No.3463096

Liberty is either an American Libertarian or classical liberalism (Free Market) supporter.

>> No.3463098

why are you putting effort into stopping me? I'm not going to until I need to disconnect.

>> No.3463103

because i'm doing what you were doing. i'm acting like i care when actually i'm just being an ass.

>> No.3463107

I think you actually care, even if the fact that you care is only manifesting itself as some kind of unfortunate need for superiority.

>> No.3463110

How did you get extreme bottom right?

I got about in the middle of of the purple box, and I'm an anarcho-capitalist.

how did you avoid the odd questions?

>> No.3463115
File: 9 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the sake of science I collaborated all the "results" posted. I did this by layering all the graphs and removing the graph and leaving the dot.

The most interesting aspect were at least two of the test results were doctored images. I knew this from the dots not being identical to the others. Of these images the results were doctored to the left side of the graph.

Is 4chan too lazy to take the test or afraid not to be left?

>> No.3463121


I would have never put myself into that situation.

>> No.3463122

>even if the fact that you care is only manifesting itself as some kind of unfortunate need for superiority

you're probably right.

were you trying to help by pointing this out? it's a bit blunt. in doing so, you come off as an uncaring ass.

>> No.3463123

I think the test is biased against authoritarian positions.

I've tried my hardest to answer like stalin, and it still says I'm ghandi.

>> No.3463124

Economic Left/Right: 1.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.77

>> No.3463128


I am not sure which hard to answer questions helped me towards that position.

>> No.3463129

Well, shit.
Are you sure I'm not a socialist?
You're on a science board, and you're on 4chan. Don't expect kindness for the sake of it.

>> No.3463139
File: 68 KB, 807x607, american politics in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

libertarian socialism is the best, my friends

>> No.3463145
File: 86 KB, 552x461, marx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we could be friends.

>> No.3463148

Why are you trying to prove to Liberty that you are not a fascist?
That is only an accusation that is thrown around both by the left and the right against one another.

Any political system can be called fascist, even democracy.

Was it not fascist of us to Impose democracy on the Iraqi and Afghani people?

! you should be confident with your Socialist position and not worry about being called a fascist for it, criticize Liberties views, not his taunts.

>> No.3463153


>> No.3463155
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do have a chip on my shoulder from growing up poor

>> No.3463157

>Why are you trying to prove to Liberty that you are not a fascist?
I'm not. I'm trying to make him admit he's wrong, because he seems to be unable to do so. As soon as he does I'll probably go to sleep.

>> No.3463163

You are literally telling him what you want from him.
So if he is just trolling you, you will be here all night.

>> No.3463168

I'm an insomniac, and I have all of tommorow to sleep.

>> No.3463173
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

independent thinker

>> No.3463175

hating people for being born into money is like hating someone for being born tall.

trying to cut someone's legs off to level the playing field is dumb.

>> No.3463181


Hating people who give their children unfair advantages, on the other hand

>> No.3463184

>equating a rich person being stripped of money to any other person being stripped of the use of their legs

>> No.3463187

both are something you're born into. one is just a lot less dangerous to give up.

>> No.3463215


One of mine was like three years old, and had an old dot. It wasnt doctored, but I also see you didnt include it.

>> No.3463238

Ah that might explain it. I got a couple that looked like they were made in MS paint lol. But yeah I didn't include any of them that looked off. Not that anything of these dumb tests on 4chan is accurate on anything.

>> No.3463256


Yeah, these tests are kind of flimsy. It would be really interesting to see how the various boards of 4chan compare.

>> No.3463263

nah. almost all users are in the green.

>> No.3463289
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng[1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very high IQ and 99th percentile test scores on basically any standardized test I've ever taken.

>> No.3463299
File: 3 KB, 480x400, PoliticalCompassGraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left-leaning centrist? I'm seeing a trend here.

>> No.3463356

i think we've finally gathered enough evidence proving that anarcho-socialism is the way to go folks.

>> No.3463367
File: 3 KB, 480x400, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'm not surprised, though I really donut care.

>> No.3463375
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>> No.3463382

welcome to the club. we're the few and the proud.

>> No.3463391
File: 8 KB, 541x427, dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3463398
File: 60 KB, 600x398, 0131-ATEAPARTY-TEA-PARTY-TAXES_full_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tea Party.

>> No.3463402

good god no.

>> No.3463435

And with the sorting quiz, Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaw - 14
Hufflepuff - 13
Gryffindor - 11
Slytherin - 8

>> No.3463475
File: 38 KB, 600x447, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggas are alright.

>> No.3463711
File: 3 KB, 480x400, guys...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...master race?