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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 201 KB, 640x360, infinitebenders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3459096 No.3459096 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate? What does it mean?

>> No.3459103

You can just remove 2^n?

>> No.3459102

Nothing, necessarily.

>> No.3459105

It means M = infinity

>> No.3459104
File: 36 KB, 400x395, shit_hits_the_fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it doesn't converge

>> No.3459106


>> No.3459108

Unless M0 = 0

>> No.3459109

M=sigma(0,infinity) 2^n*[Mo / (2^n(n+1)]
M=sigma(0,infinity) *[Mo / ( (n+1)]
M=sigma(0,infinity) Mo /(n+1)
M=sigma(0,infinity) Mo/(n+1)
M= integrate(0,infinity) Mo/(n+1)
M = Mo/(infinity+1) - Mo/ (0+1)
M= 0 - Mo

Thus stupid gibberish to make non maths go ZOMG's

>> No.3459110

A robot that reproduces into two versions of himself that's 60% it's size, and those robots reproduce into two versions of themselves about 60% of their size, etc.

>> No.3459111

I meant -Mo

>> No.3459114

>expecting a cartoon to produce actual math
full retard

>> No.3459125

>Thinks that the equation displayed is not mathematically valid.

>> No.3459128

it's from a cartoon, thus invalid

>> No.3459130


>> No.3459134

Wrong episode, idiot.

>> No.3459138

I didn't specify what episode it was, ass.

>> No.3459140

M = Mo * (Harmonic series) = infinity

>> No.3459149
File: 391 KB, 1280x720, benderama opisafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the wrong fucking episode, you retard.

>> No.3459154

Yes you did, >>3459130

>> No.3459166

I think that he's just trying to show that not all cartoon maths is nonsensical.

>> No.3459171

Well he's an idiot for choosing the wrong episodes for it, the dumbfuck.

>> No.3459192

Not really, that episode introduced a new theorem that was actually proved by one of the writer's on the show.

>> No.3459196

[citation needed] or pic as proof, or you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.3459213

No I didn't, dick
I provided it as context
I didn't say it was from the episode OP's screencap was from

>> No.3459214

You cited the wrong episdoe, you are an idiot for doing so.

>> No.3459222

The links already in the thread.


Google it.

>> No.3459235
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, futurama-proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the proof.

>> No.3459241

It's wrong, all of it.

>> No.3459251

see >>3459138
We've been over this.

>> No.3459258

You're still a retard for citing the wrong episode. You're probably a psychology major too.

>> No.3459264

Physics undergrad. See
for a good explanation of why you're wrong.

>> No.3459262

He cited the episode to show that not all equations in cartoons are gibberish. Not to indicate what episode OP pulled the screencap from.
Ipso facto you are retarded and butthurt.

>> No.3459265

It's still wrong.

It's still wrong. You're too stupid to be a major in any science.

>> No.3459272

That's not very nice
look at this post, it should clear things up:

>> No.3459276

It's still fucking wrong you psychfag retard. You probably think the placebo effect exists too.

>> No.3459277

surely it's just <span class="math"> M = M_{0} \sum_{n=0}^{\infinity} \frac{1}{n+1} [/spoiler] ?

>> No.3459278

Is everyone aware of the trolling going on or is everyone an asshat, I truly can't tell.

>> No.3459279


>> No.3459282

<span class="math">M = M_{0} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n+1} [/spoiler]

>> No.3459287

It does, look:

>> No.3459289

we know. I'm just bored. It's been obvious since

>> No.3459290



You are being very generous here friend.

>Using the word stupid excessively
>Talking out of his ass
>Argues like a five year old
>Admits he is not an undergraduate

What we have here is a high school kid visiting here for the summer, he will most likely major in economics.

>inb4 Math PhD 4.5 GPA and 700k salary

>> No.3459297

Actually Ph.D in maths 300K starting, gonna minor in physics.
Explanation of my position re: plausibility:

>> No.3459306

No it doesn't, there's no proof or explanation of it, it's just psychfag propaganda made to give off the illusion your shitty field is legitimate. It's wrong, like the democraps and republicunts.

>> No.3459319

Not sure if troll but, http://www.geekosystem.com/futurama-prisoner-of-benda-theory/

>To work out the ridiculous brain switching plot line from last night’s hilarious episode, writer Ken Keeler (who also just happens to have a PhD in mathematics) ended up writing and proving an entirely new theorem. This is probably the most impressive bit of side work from a TV writer since a writer of Desperate Housewives discovered a new species or the staff of Full House developed a vaccine for a specific strain of syphilis.

>> No.3459324

>web-site called "geekosystem"

>> No.3459335

>board called /sci/ on a website called 4chan
>people claim to be intelligent and rational.
Sounds totally legit

>> No.3459363

The proof is easy enough to understand.

>> No.3459376

On a site with "geek" in the title. Bullshit.

>> No.3459387

I'm talking about the proof posted in this thread here.

>> No.3459393

>proof from a cartoon and web-site with a stupid title
>legitimate math

>> No.3459402

Why so mad butthurt?
Careful your geek is showing.

>> No.3459417

>implying some futurama writers dont have PhDs in math

>> No.3459419

They're cartoonists, so they don't. And if they did, it's not valid, BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING CARTOONISTS.

>> No.3459441


>> No.3459442


PhD in "Applied Mathematics." As if that is truly any form of real mathematics. May as well have gotten a BA in literature or something.

>> No.3459444

athiests 0 christians 100

>> No.3459451

autist detected

>> No.3459453

>it's useful therefore it's useless
Butthurt highschool math club member detected.

>> No.3459457

>fluid mechanics
>not math

>> No.3459576


So let me get this straight.

>makes statement

>you demand proof

>Proof is provided

>you make another statement
>no proof
>No explanation for why its wrong

I wish I could hate you to death, you disgrace the biological constants that gave you life simply by thinking.

>> No.3459595


Science is the objective investigation of the world, and so far you've done nothing but rely on appeals to authority, social bias and personal attacks, all while having the sheer gall to demand that OTHERS live up to the principles of objectivity.

Do you know what the word "hypocrite" means? You're worse than the damn fundies, at least they're representing something that's already false. You're just a phony.