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3454859 No.3454859 [Reply] [Original]

So I remember my Psychology teacher in high school telling me that the more intelligent the person is the more unsociable they are and lack common sense like looking both ways before crossing the street.
Is this true?

>> No.3454866

this is what we call 'folk psychology'.

>> No.3454864

its very unscientific to make such generalisations.

thats psychology for ya huh guys?

>> No.3454873

The unsociable thing might be true, many people on /sci/ are forever alone. You all know this is true.

lacking common sense? I doubt it.

>> No.3454874

it seems fitting that bullshit like this came from a psychology teacher

>> No.3454876


btw, if you want to count /sci/ as "highly intelligent"

>> No.3454878

>more unsociable they are
seems possible

>> No.3454879

>The unsociable thing might be true, many people on /sci/ are forever alone.
>implying a/sci/pies are intelligent

>> No.3454882


Yea that's why I posted >>3454876

>> No.3454906

That is retarded. Your teacher needs to go back to college and stop spreading her shit observations.

>> No.3454921

given one has an immense intelligence, the notion of being oblivious to certain things is entirely plausible. take paul erdos for example. perhaps he was simply austistic, but he was quite peculiar. he was so involved with mathematics that he had forgone nearly every other aspect of his life, so much so that he even flat out stated he attains no pleasure from sex or even the touch of a woman. what is the limit of this disregard for social norms? perhaps when he was crossing the street, he was too busy contemplating tremendously complex concepts to notice the red LED hand telling him to stop walking.

but the sheer genius of one cannot be attributed to anyone outside of that intelligence realm. normal, every day people whom we deem as "more intelligent" are grounded to the realistic aspects of every day life, and as such, are much more well-rounded than someone who is of purer intelligence; that is to say, they will look twice as they cross the street, they will have crushes on attractive girls, and they will do other nit-picky things we deem as "common sense."

tldr psychology is a pile of shit and speculation

>> No.3454930
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what your teacher was misinterpretting was the autistic scale. It seems that very intelligent people lack the social skills of people at near average intelligence

This is called aspergers in the case of mild social symptoms and austism in the extreme cases

The common sense thing is only true in the case of severe autism. Most common sense is as rational as it is social

>> No.3454935

i hated high school psychology. so fuckin stupid.

>> No.3454938

there's a reason why he teaches high school psychology

>> No.3454943

Autistic people usually have a below average intelligence. Only an insignificant fraction of them are savants.

>> No.3454954

>implying aspies are "very intelligent"
>implying lacking social skills means you're autistic

>> No.3454968


She. and she had a dat ass.

>> No.3455340

im like that but i have obsesive compulsive disorder

>> No.3455356

actually people with high intelligence are often out going and good at sports

the more you know

>> No.3455372


Lol no.

>> No.3455390

>so much so that he even flat out stated he attains no pleasure from sex or even the touch of a woman
>implying he didn't have a physical disorder causing erections to hurt
SPOILER: he did

>> No.3455398

just a positive correlation observed by every single person that ever lived close to people doing academia

>> No.3455431
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>the more intelligent the person is the more unsociable they are

I think there is an existing correlation between intelligence and introversion. If you realize how idiotic most people are in society, you'll most likely want to separate yourself from that idiocy.

> lack common sense like looking both ways before crossing the street.

I don't know about common sense like looking both ways, but more so not knowing how to be empathetic with people.

>> No.3455439
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Made me lol

>> No.3455462

>I think there is an existing correlation between intelligence and introversion.

I'm guessing this is probably true, but still, [citation needed].

>I don't know about common sense like looking both ways, but more so not knowing how to be empathetic with people.

That I don't agree with. It might be harder to socially relate, but that doesn't = less empathy.

I can totally buy the not looking both ways, thing, though. Not because of a lack of "common sense," but because of absent-mindedness, i.e. they are absorbed in thinking about other things.

...or I might be totally wrong. Anecdotes!

>> No.3455521
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>I think there is an existing correlation between intelligence and introversion.
>an existing correlation between intelligence and introversion
>correlation between intelligence and introversion

>> No.3455525

meant >>3455431

>> No.3455541

Intelligence is hard to define, but if you have social issues while having interest in the culture/crowd around you, you are absolutely NOT intelligent. Psychology is generally accurate, but if you misinterpret everything to satisfy your own wishful thinking then it's useless. Looking both ways? Common sense? Irrelevant to intelligence, we all do stupid shit sometimes. It's far too complex an issue when you're talking about being distracted or emotionally involved/detached during a "common sense" situation. But coming back to sociability, if you are more intelligent than the people around you, it's rather easy to fit in (unless you look like a swamp creature, and THOSE guys, while typically nerds, are by no means intelligent by the accepted definitions). The problem is when your interests or standards are beyond what your peers can comprehend or pay attention to, and you either learn to deal with it or dive passionately into your field/hobby of choice, possibly with an intelligent friend or two. It's very rare that you're a complete loser if you are in any shape or form "intelligent" because you'd also have to have a laundry list of problems to fail at simple communication.

>> No.3455558
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>> No.3455571

I've heard Hubble was pretty extroverted and gregarious. Not sure how true that is though.

Though I have wondered before why more intelligent people tend to be more reserved. Maybe it's that they have no social life therefore have more time for science.