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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3452721 No.3452721 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /sci/, I have a serious physics question for you. WHY does FTL imply time travel? I never understood that.
pic semirelated.

>> No.3452733

Go read Einstein's paper. No short answer will do it enough justice.

>> No.3452738

Because moving in space implies moving in time. That's why Einstein described the universe as being composed of "space time."

short enough for you?

>> No.3452739

Can you give me a link to a proper english variant of it?

>> No.3452743

> Lorentz transformations.
because special relativity.

>> No.3452751

Erm, I think that it's not it.
Could you explain it in more details and not just spewing out names?

>> No.3452752

go to your library tomorrow
Seriously, they ought to have something on it that einstein wrote himself. he wrote a bunch of books, donchaknow?

>> No.3452756

Eh well, I'll check for it when I go outside next time.

>> No.3453770

I remember reading about this one test. There were 2 extremely precise clocks that were COMPLETELY synched up. They put one of them in a jet and it went for a cruise. When the plane landed, the clock in the jet was behind the clock that stayed outside.

Time moves slower the faster you go. Although, I wouldn't argue that you could go backwards through time with it. Just slow it down.

Which is also why if we ever did get FTL travel down, we could actually live long enough to make it to the nearest star. But only because that 100 light years would not feel like 100 years to the people inside the ship. However... all of your loved ones will be long dead, and in all honesty, earth will probably be gone. You would be like one way colonists.

>> No.3453780


right, so which fucking book? or should i just read every book ever written by einstein?

>> No.3453783


>> No.3453793

>right, so which fucking book?
