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3451455 No.3451455 [Reply] [Original]

It's extremely hard for me to focus on anything. It's hard for my to finish movies in one sitting, it's close to impossible for me to finish books even if I'm interested, and I never finish any songs I start recording.

I got prescribed Vyvanse from my doctor but it kept me up for 3 days straight. Then I got Strattera and it made me fall asleep and didn't help me focus at all.

What do I do? I hate this shit. I'm thinking about trying another stimulant but it seems like they all kind of have the same side effects.

>> No.3451480

get more excercise, teach yourself to not worry so much and relax.

Get more excercise. One of the best things you can do is go for a 4K, pace yourself for the first 2 or 3 KM and then go as hard as you can for as long as you can. If you do shit like this and combine it with a good diet and perhaps a trip to the gym, your problems will dissappear.

>> No.3451488

Some may get on my about this.

But meditate. It helps if you do it right.

>> No.3451489

Adderal and a physical fitness regiment.

>> No.3451494



>> No.3451498


>Thinking meditation is anything but a shitty placebo.

>> No.3451513

You can call it whatever, but it does increase attention span.

But once again i state if done right. Most people don't do it right.

>> No.3451527

It works to enhance attention. Why? Nothing mystical. Meditation itself is simply concentrating for long periods of time (if you're doing it right). Naturally, practice concentrating --> better at concentrating.

>> No.3451536


I guess this is where I'm getting a little confused. Your basically saying that the correct solution for helping OP concentrate is telling him to concentrate harder.

Studying... meditating... require concentration. If he can't concentrate on studying, how is he supposed to concentrate enough for meditation.

>> No.3451550

So does everything else you do in the world. Especially exercising like a few other people said.

I just gave a choice doesn't mean he can do it. For all i care he can go take drugs and then be dependent on them to be able to stay focused, or he can try exercising or meditating, or both.

>> No.3451667

try actual meth. no joke, thats how my brother got through high school and college. hes still on it, and hes a regional manager for home depot now.

>> No.3451679

OP, are you Huey Lewis? Because I know you want a new drug!

>> No.3451744

take ayahuasca.

it will fix something in your brain

>> No.3451918

Boards of Canada actually makes great study music

>> No.3452291

Me: 28 now, recently tested for ADHD comprehensively, showed mild signs.

I've done:
Excercise (HS and college athlete)
Meditation (occassionally ~15-25)
Strattera (recently)
Vyvanse (currently)

If the stim makes you jittery and keeps you up, it's not what you should be taking. If the thing works right, it calms you down.

A VERY interesting study (written about here: http://www.grist.org/article/2011-03-28-adhd-its-the-food-stupid)) says diet can make a huge change for a large fraction of people diagnosed with ADHD.

A number of other things can also be misdiagnosed as ADHD - being chronically underslept, having sleep apnea, etc. Excercise helps for some people, meditation can be good for learning impulse control via letting go of them instead of saying no to them.

Try other shit.
Try changing your diet, pick some shit, and cut it out, e.g. random chemicals in soda, random shit in candy. It can be hard, but if it makes you able to focus, it's worth it. If you don't excercise, try that.

If your 'rents are springing, maybe check out the study (about diet), talk about it with your psychiatrist, and consider seeing a nutritionalist.

For me, nothing has really worked that well, but it all has worked well enough where I am currently in a PhD program.