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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3448224 No.3448224 [Reply] [Original]

Prove us you're a scientist, write something awfully complicated that an average person would confuse for random babbling but scientists would understand!

>> No.3448228

OP is a fag

>> No.3448234

Non-scientist detected

>> No.3448238

If we assume evoked potentials can be explained by event related phase resetting of ongoing neural oscillatory dynamics, one needs to perform a current source density transformation to the continuous time series electroencephalography data in order to dissociate single deep current generators from multiple cortical sources.

>> No.3448235

I would, OP, but you see the confounded microdot indexer is on the framix again and I simply can't be bothered with your infantile blather.

>> No.3448246


I always wondered if TMS directly affects EEG readings, and by that I mean even if the cap weren't on someone's head how does the magnetic force not mess with the sensors on the EEG?

>> No.3448249

Original Poster is unaware that most of his thread patrons provoke advanced wordplay to showcase his lack of heterosexuality.

>> No.3448252
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<div class="math">x_1,x_2 = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}</div>

>> No.3448255

Just post a pic of your timestamped labcoat and access card conveniently blurred!

>> No.3448267

Economics and sociology are sciences just like physics and chemistry.

>> No.3448269

It does. The artifacts are very brief however (+- 3ms) and can be filtered out by simply high-pass filtering.

>> No.3448279


Ah, thank you.

>> No.3448280

Fuck, sorry, low-pass filtering.

>> No.3448340


They absolutely are. The argument against is fucking retarded.

The economy (more specifically the stock market) oscillates, grows, shrinks, reacts to psychology (resistance levels are usually round numbers based on buyer's "feelings").

It's 100% scientific. Hell, most investing firms that dabble in technical market analysis hire engineers, mathematicians and physicists because of the high level of math involved in technical analysis.

>> No.3448356
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To add a WinForms control to my WPF application, I first add a xmlns attribute to my Window class, including a reference to the assembly containing it. Then, inside a WindowsFormsHost element, I can add my control using this newly defined namespace, either editing the XAML or programmatically, in the code-behind.

>> No.3448365


>> No.3448366

Using layman's terms, you use an immensely powerful rotating magnetic field to focus a narrow beam of gravitons, which in turn fold-space time consistent with Weyl tensor dynamics until the space curvature becomes infinitely large and you produce a singularity.

>> No.3448370


C is easy: void (*(*f[])())() defines f as an array of unspecified size, of pointers to functions that return pointers to functions that return void.

>> No.3448377

The set of cycles <span class="math">S = \{(12), (123...n)\}[/spoiler] generates the symmetric group <span class="math">S_n<span class="math">.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.3448384

This picture should have never been compressed in jpeg because by heavily quantifying the discrete cosine transform terms of 8*8 blocks this type of compression assumes that high 2D frequencies are rare in the image. Although this is the case for photographies of the real world, logos and drawings typically do have high 2D frequencies because of the sharp edges. Either the user will choose a low compression rate and stay with a large image file or those high frequencies will be truncated, thus creating ringing artifacts. A gif compression would enable a better quality/compression rate trade-off by quantifying and indexing directly the colors, which in this case would be very successful since there are very few distinct colors.

>> No.3448388

sounds useful
going to implement it in my 2d turn based game

>> No.3448396

Videos speaks thousands of words.


Now prove that YOU are a scientist, OP.

>> No.3448406

Hello every.9999999999999999999

who's 12.5663706 ?

>> No.3448440

If you're really a scientist, you should be able to explain awfully complicated things that an average person would confuse for random babbling, so that an average person would be able to comprehend it.

>> No.3448476

In that spirit, I might as well dump a little bit and science this thread up in the process.

. I’ll be posting a bunch of different techniques that all exploit the principle of magnetic resonance, but first I’ll explain the basics a bit. (note that it’s considerably more complex than explained below, but this is 4chan after all, so hopefully everyone can understand the principles).

So basically the idea is that particles like protons have nuclear spin. When a very strong magnetic field (called the B0 field) is applied, the axis of spin can be aligned with- or a against the field. Because this is a quantum effect, there are no intermediate alignments. The balance between particles aligned with and aligned against is dependent on the strength of the magnetic field. The two types of alignment differ in their energy state, so with an increasing B0 field strength the net energy difference between the total aligned particles also increases.

It is possible to stimulate the nuclei using electromagnetic radiation with a frequency that is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field (the Lamor frequency, which is radiofrequency in magnetic resonance imaging). This adds energy to the particles in the lowest energy state, so that they flip their alignment temporarily. After a very short period of time they flip back, emitting electromagnetic radiation.

>> No.3448483

In order to get spatial information of where this electromagnetic radiation is coming from, three gradient magnetic fields are sequentially applied, so that space is divided up in blocks (voxels) with their own field strength. Remember that the excitation of the atomic nuclei is dependent on the strength of the magnetic field, so particles within each voxel are stimulated to a different extent, and consequentially emit electromagnetic radiation of a different frequency when the excitation decays. This makes it possible to measure the amount of specific molecules that have magnetic resonance properties (such as protons) within living tissue.

In the next few posts I’ll explain a bunch of different ways of how we can exploit this.

>> No.3448484

An explanation would be nice along that video, all I see is something is rotating.

>> No.3448487

Because the decay of excitation is dependent upon the surroundings of the nuclei, different types of tissue show a different speed of decay. This makes it possible to image these tissue types. Depending on the pulse sequence and the contrast used (what these terms mean exactly are a bit too complicated to explain here), different tissue types have different grayscale intensities. A T1 contrast image, typically shows white matter as white, gray matter as gray, and cerebrospinal fluid as black.

This makes it possible to measure tissue type specific volumes. A technique that’s used to index gray matter volume is called voxel based morphometry (VBM). It provides a measure of cortical volume.

>> No.3448490

Because the molecules within the measured space obviously don’t sit still while they’re being measured (they diffuse), the decay signal changes with diffusion not precisely aligned with the gradient field (remember that decay properties are dependent on the magnetic field?). In a space of unrestricted diffusion (such as the ocean), motion is isotropic in all directions. However when diffusion space is restricted (such as in the fibers of white matter) diffusion is relatively anisotropic in one direction. That means signal decay is less strong when the gradient magnetic field is aligned with the fiber tract.

We can exploit this principle by sequentially applying a whole bunch of gradient fields with different directions, and measuring anisotropic diffusion. The data can be used to (probabilistically) reconstruct white matter tracts and their level of coherence. This technique is called diffusion tensor imaging.

>> No.3448500

Protons are the most readily used types of particles that have magnetic resonance properties. However, there are many more types, and every type has its own specific emitted EM spectrum signature. Somewhat recently a number of molecules which have paramagnetic properties have been developed to bind to individual neurotransmitters. Injecting these substances can enables the imaging of specific neurotransmitter function (such as GABA, pic related), with a spatial and temporal resolution which is greater than that of other such techniques, such as positron emission tomography.

That's it.

>> No.3448497

The Set Theory is useful when examining a Comsat without the interference of Polyrytmi. If that however is the case one must take a Tensor within the Transmission/Intermission device or else the Refraction 1.33 could end up to high.

Talking about high, the Exosphere is one of the only places, along with the Central Plain where Photosynthesis happens at triple rate considering the Proton/Electron ratio is at its peak from about 20 Minutes until Right Where It Ends.

Anyhow the Vortex within this stream of matter could be traceable from the Abiogenesis of any specific planetary system, as the one MOS 6581.
Any human being there will end up having their Neurotransmitters removed due to Decompression.

Oh Im getting all Euphotic over this, this will even Supersede the theory of M.

>> No.3448495

Remember that the decay of excitation is dependent upon the surroundings. The decay can be caused by spin-spin interactions, but also by local inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. One element that causes such inhomogeneities in particular is iron. It just so happens, the complex which carries oxygen in our blood (hemoglobin) has four iron atoms in it. When oxygen is bound to it, these four iron atoms are bent inwards of the molecule. When oxygen is used (in neural tissue for instance) they are directed outwards, causing a distortion in the local magnetic field, and thus affect the decay properties of the surrounding protons.

We can exploit this principle by measuring not just spin-spin interaction decay, but also decay due to inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. From this we can reconstruct the relative proportion of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. This can serve as a measure of neural activity, and thus be used to image in vivo brain function, which is why it is sometimes referred to as functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI in short. Actually BOLD-MRI is a subset of fMRI, which will be explained in the next post.

>> No.3448508

That doesn't make sense. And not because of the overly complicated wording.

>> No.3448511

>So basically the idea is that particles like protons have nuclear spin.
you lost me

>> No.3448534

Not that guy, but these particles have an inherent magnetic moment. This is related to their "spin", a type of angular momentum they possess.

>> No.3448537

niggers niggers niggers

>> No.3448543

>Because this is a quantum effect, there are no intermediate alignments.
Fuck I'm lost again.

>> No.3448594

>implying I was doing as you commanded
ego much?

knowledge ≠ intelligence, if I wrote a random number on a piece of paper that doesn't make me superior to everyone else in the world for knowing what the number is, if you can't define something in layman's terms you're not a scientist, you're an obscurant.

>> No.3448613
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>> No.3448615

The locus of all points equidistant from a given point is a circle.

basic shit, but i guarantee 90% of people you say that to would just stare blankly

>> No.3448625

So this forum isn't about scientists preoccupied with advancing technology, it's about pseudo-scientists masturbating their egos.

>> No.3448632
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>> No.3448633

Quantum wave collapse can be dependent on future events. I won't actually go into the experiment that showed this, because it's quite complicated, but this is true.

>> No.3448653

I think you grossly underestimate most people.

>> No.3448659

God does not exsist

>> No.3448656

He isn't. Most people don't know what locus means, and quite a few wouldn't know the word equidistant.

>> No.3448687

/b/ Is the best it's ever been!

>> No.3448703

A simple way to create billboards is to find the center point of a rectangular texture and then normalize the four coordinates of the texture (calculated from the central point) with the view matrix.

>> No.3448724

How could you show that? It seems to me in order to be able to demonstrate a causal relation between 'future events' and waveform collapse the independent variable (i.e. the experimental manipulation) would have to be the future event. How is that possible.

>> No.3448738


>> No.3448767
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1+1 = one on a bun
try and figure this one out dumb people
protip: you can't because you're all inferior

>> No.3449047


In that video, what you see is a new LED system. It rotates and in theory cuts down the power required to light the same area by half for horticultural purposes. Behind it you see a system using static bars.

I also have some tech for growing certain things without light.


>> No.3449494


Anything sounds scientific if it has the word quantum.

>> No.3449613


>> No.3449623
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>> No.3449624
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even electronic brain pancake crystal elderly

>> No.3449630

A physics professor and his assistant are working on liberating negatively charged hydroxyl ions, when all of a sudden, the assistant says, "Wait, Professor! What if the salicylic acids do not accept the hydroxyl ions?" And the professor responds, "That's no hydroxyl ion! That's my wife!"

>> No.3449644

>treating science as a secret language

The faggotry is palpable.

>> No.3449645
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Barkeep tells him to leave

>> No.3449654

rule 34 on science