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File: 49 KB, 1024x768, Sarah-Michelle-Gellar-163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3446652 No.3446652 [Reply] [Original]

Your looks on a scale out of 10 and how women perceive you:

10-8 You're good looking and she wants to fuck you. She'll be friendly and flirty.
7-5 You're not hideous but she doesn't want to fuck you. She thinks you probably have an inflated self image and think you might have a chance to fuck her. To make sure you understand she'll completely ignore you or even be outright mean and rude.
5-0 You are no longer a threat when you're this ugly. She knows you are aware of how unattractive you are so she'll be friends with you and appreciate your company.

There is no such thing as a friend zone. You never had a chance.

>> No.3446660

10-8 master race reporting in.

>> No.3446666


>> No.3446670

5-0 here, at least that's where my self-esteem is at. I'm pretty sure I'm ugly though

>> No.3446667

Money = instant 10 no matter how you look.

>> No.3447551
File: 37 KB, 251x239, 1310944454792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3447559

Why do you reverse your numbers? Should be 8-10, 5-7, and 1-5. Also, what happens to 7.5? And to exactly 5?

>> No.3447567

4ish. OP is actually fairly correct,

Top fucking percent

>> No.3447572

5-0, and glad of it.

>> No.3447578

My self esteem its a 2. But after being told I would be really handsome if I lost weight, i realized that meant they already actually thought I looked good, even fat. I went from megavirgin "I love women so much I stay away from them!" to smooth(er) talking guy who, despite being fat (out at least really chubby, considering I also have a wide frame, like a wall,) who actually gets laid on occasion, and has pulled at least three eights, and one I claim a ten, though my friends say nine. Fuck them. She was Puerto Rican and literally fixed me a sandwich and ice water after sex because I told her to.

So I guess I'm a 7.5?

>> No.3447586

OP is not remotely correct.
this is how female 10s perceive you.
if the woman is not a 10 the entire thing is BS.

>> No.3447592

hah, this is funny. You guys know most girls have their judgment coded by the fact that, even though their instinct disagrees, they want a nice guy, right?

A guy who its not an asshole, and not a wallflower, can easily jump the scale.

>> No.3447597


>> No.3447603

>hah, this is funny. You guys know most girls have their judgment coded by the fact that, even though their instinct disagrees, they want a nice guy, right?

classic /sci/ virgin, you funny man.

Women dont start wanting a 'nice guy' till they're mid 30s-40s. By 'nice guy' they mean a shmuck who has money and will stupidly take care of them while they bang their fitness instructor on the side.

Women DO NOT like nice guys. They like attractive assholes with confidence spraying out of their ass.

>> No.3447611

>yfw I'm a nice guy happily married to a gorgeous woman

>> No.3447614

>implying this isn't a contraindication for visiting /sci/

>> No.3447624

>mfw she's doing the fitness instructor on the side
>yfw you find out, and stay with her

>> No.3447623

another classic /sci/ virgin, misogynist faget

women want confidence, yes, but they have no preference for nice confidence or asshole confidence. if they are discerning enough, which most of them aren't, they go for the former. but there are plenty of girls smart enough not to date a douchebag. you're just confusing your lack of douchebaggery with your lack of confidence.

>> No.3447635

How is this relevant when I'm not looking for a mate in the first place?

>> No.3447640

It totally ain't.

Obviously your sagely wisdom is based on one of three reasonings:
>1. Experience exclusively with sluts, never met a worthwhile female
>2. No experience at all, but backed up with lots of misogyny
>3. Your own cuckold fantasies

While 1 seems rather unlikely, I'm not sure which of the other two you lean towards more... though I guess they aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.3447641

7-5 based on the logic solely

>> No.3447644

>>3447578 here
You are absolutely right. Women don't want assholes, they want men of action. It just so happens that most men of action are assholes acting without thinking. Most nice guys think, and don't act. But these aren't rules. You can think, and then act. It's completely possible to be a nice guy and get women.

The other guy was right too, women don't judge as harshly on looks as most guys do.

>> No.3447652
File: 1.45 MB, 925x3026, How to get laid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a girl? Pic related.

Never seen a more exact and correct breakdown of the female animal

>> No.3447655


>> No.3447657 [DELETED] 

>receding hairline
>lool thirty at 22
>low, commanding baritone

>mfw females (albeit with SERIOUS mommy issues) still flock to me

>> No.3447656

>in denial

>> No.3447660

... Um, you mean daddy issues?

>> No.3447661

>receding hairline
>lool thirty at 22
>low, commanding baritone

>mfw females (albeit with SERIOUS daddy issues) still flock to me



>> No.3447675

haha, quite alright. I like the chicks with daddy issues.

>> No.3447677

>There is no such thing as a friend zone.


>You never had a chance.


>> No.3447679

>including 5 in two brackets
it should be
7 - 5
4 - 0
7 - 6
5 - 0

otherwise it's ambiguous

also i'd say i'm about a 2

>> No.3447683

i hear tons of foreign women will have sex with me for a green card

>> No.3447688

> you're just confusing your lack of douchebaggery with your lack of confidence.

Fucking this. I'm so tired of butthurt misogynists complaining about women not liking "nice guys." Yes, they do like nice guys. That's not the reason women don't like you. Hell, you're not even nice. The reason women aren't interested is because you're a pussy.

>> No.3447705


I get a lot of flirting no matter where I go, but I wouldn't say I have movie star looks by any stretch.

>> No.3447720

I'm probably about a 3. Smart girls of all levels of attractiveness are usually into me, because I'm smart, funny, confident, and - yes - a nice guy. That's what women are actually attracted to. At least the ones who are actually worthwhile (of which there are many).

>> No.3447737

That hatred when a girl assumes you want to fuck her

>> No.3447815


a lot of attraction has to do with how you perceive yourself. I catch girls looking at me often enough, and I can get laid if I want to, but I'm a bit stubborn and have high standards so I've only slept with a few girls, though I've fooled around with many. although >>3447652 is really elaborate so much of it is conjecture and theory, and in the field things are never going to work your way 100% (variables and unpredictable events/situations ruining your chances). +1 to the notion that it doesn't matter if they have a boyfriend/husband etc though, I've had a few drunken escapades end in "don't let this get around so my boyfriend finds out, because I took his virginity and he really loves me blah blah".

now, finding and attracting a girl that's relationship material, that's a real challenge

>> No.3447838


>> No.3447871


First, we're talking about basal attraction. Personality has nothing to do with it.

Second, it's true. I'm about a 7.5 and I still only get mild attention from ladies. At least I can admit the truth.

>> No.3447887

You lack confidence though, and confidence is a major part of personality.

Pasty white betas bitchin'.

>> No.3447896


Why the fuck would you think that I lack confidence?

>> No.3447903

Because you're a 7.5 that doesn't get laid.

>> No.3447910


I got laid just last weekend. I just said that they don't give me too much of their attention. I usually have to initiate.

>> No.3447917

And that's supposed to prove that personality has nothing to do with it?

>> No.3447919


No. The point is OP is not mentioning personality because it doesn't enter into the equation. This is how women perceive you when just looking.

>> No.3447974
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1302486409320s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3448003

>how women perceive you
>based on how you look
This might interest you fags...
First experiment is kinda dumb but last half of the video is quite telling...

Bitches just want your money.

>> No.3448024
File: 116 KB, 624x832, david statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being a perfect 10

I seriously hope you guys don't look like mere mortals instead of a greek god like me.

>pic related, it's a close approximation of how I look

>> No.3448030

>Greek God
>Pic related
>Picture of David

>> No.3448039

meme-literate =/= culturally- literate

>> No.3448044

I've been told I look like a Greek God. Maybe we look similar

>> No.3448045
File: 17 KB, 300x274, 1307773695617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3448064
File: 1.53 MB, 3888x2592, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the 5-0

>> No.3448089
File: 71 KB, 762x554, 1dwellerrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8.8 reporting in, feels good man

>> No.3448096

4.5 to 6.5 depending on three things... my mood, if I present my humor, and am I carrying my d20. d20s reduce dateability by 10% unless the girl plays DnD or other RPG in which it increases by 25%.

>> No.3448309

So you have a 3 inch dick like David?

>> No.3448325


When flaccid.

>> No.3448333

11-13 Master race reporting in.

And I don't mean rating by 11-13, I mean that's how old dem bitches be when they get their first poonslayin.

>> No.3448336

I must be 0-5 because women are usually friendly to me and I never have sex.

>> No.3448349

Sorry bro, that picture has a one inch dick flaccid.

>> No.3448350

7 I guess.

>> No.3448354

>Still not practicing superior arranged marriages.

I seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.3448363

Enjoy your 3/10 bride from a bankrupt noble family.

>> No.3448369

>thinking OP's advice is worth having
Really /sci/?

>> No.3448419

I never attempted to establish romantic relationship with a woman. Well, once, because she was obviously asking for it (asked me out all the time, flirted, was trying to stay close to me and cuddle, bought me a present for Valentine's (some retarded little statue of an angel)...) so I went out with her once, alone, without the rest of our group.
It was boring. I couldn't maintain an interesting conversation with her and her interests were mundane and shallow. So I sat there, laughed at her stupid jokes and acted all nice like a true gentleman. Afterwards, in front of her house, she was leaning towards me strangely. I thought she was drunk (we didn't drink much but I was uncertain of how much she can take). Later I figured she might wanted a kiss. I found that thought disgusting. After this experience I acted as cold as I was capable of towards her and after a week or so, she finally understood.

I generally dislike the idea of human partnership and the fact it is somehow considered to be a measurement of success in life. Also, these numbered charts of physical appearance is laughable.
The only measurement of my success that can be reduced to single number I'm interested in is number of citations of my papers.

I'm writing this because the desperation from my code segfaulting forces me to reflect upon my inner self.

>> No.3448443


Ok... And mine is 3 inches when flaccid... are you retarded?

Additionally, I said "close approximation" not exact replica.

>> No.3448445
File: 81 KB, 370x370, sheldon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo, my good man. Evolution bids you adieu.

>> No.3448455

There is very little chance that I would have smart kids because I would be a terrible father. I plan to donate sperm though...

>> No.3448474


I hate people who sage. Enjoy the taste of your futile resistance at the hands of my intentionally malicious bump.

>> No.3448504

It should be obvious that I don't sage thread, since the thread is active (has recent posts). You should know that nothing as 'sage the thread' is possible. I sage my posts. This way only the people who are in thread and for some wicked reason are interested in the posts posted there will notice my post. Without sage I would be showing my words down everyone's throats by bumping it to the top of page 1. I don't want to do that. I always post with sage. Always. With proper browser-side extensions it is also just as convenient as to post with noko.

>> No.3448512


Alright, you get a pass.

>> No.3448519

should have just told her nicely you didn't feel any chemistry instead of being an asshole.
and she bought you a valentine's present and that makes her a contemptible retard?
thank god you've eliminated yourself from the gene pool, you're a complete dickwad.

>> No.3448592

Have you been checked for Asperger's?
Seriously, go to the doctor and ask.