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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 96 KB, 940x515, african brain weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3446005 No.3446005 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys an ex-friend sent this to me recently and I was freaked out by it. I told him it can't be true but he insists that it is. Long story short I can't find any conclusive answer on-line and I don't really know the places to look.

And that's why I need your help.

>> No.3446021

Not sure if rumor, but Einsteins brain was supposedly lighter than the average.

>> No.3446022

probably true since whites reproduce so rarely and blacks so often that the average black american is 12 and the average white is 50.

>> No.3446025

Halp me /sci/!

>> No.3446027

An elaphent has a brain several times larger than any human....

>> No.3446031

okay that's not helpful but thanks for your opinion.

>> No.3446035

So what? That's unrelated.

>> No.3446046

Did your ex-friend also show the difference in size of the white and black penis? I'm sure this information is relevant

>> No.3446047


>doesn't even see the correlation the poster is making or is ignoring it and doesn't want to make an argument against it.

He's claiming that if brainsize did in fact matter, then elephants would be smarter than humans are.

>> No.3446052

That's not what I'm asking though, so it doesn't matter. Get over it and help answer the question I asked or shut up about it.

>> No.3446056

Not answering the question, facile assumptions.

>> No.3446070

Come on /sci/ this is either true or it isn't. There is no gray area (pun intended).

>> No.3446079

If not troll, I'll bite: Measuring brain weight and volume is especially difficult because of the conditions in which you get your hands on the brain. Usually, you cannot get the brain of a 25 year old at his peak. You will have to wait until whatever ripe old age the patient dies. The brain is atrophied due to the numerous effects of aging and possibly Alzheimer's, as well as many other diseases which can have neurodegenerative peripheral effects.

The "researcher" most likely cherry picked brains in the black/white groups, excluding the larger brains of the black group. It's reasonable that bias affected the results to schew the average by 160cc. But without a source, we are all only guessing.

>> No.3446082


eugenics: after biogenetic, a science, before biogenetic, in the same space from lamarkism, and.....synapse, think about...

if you are a troll....0,2/100

>> No.3446083

OP you could easily google the papers cited at the bottom of your pic.

I'll go ahead and do that for you.


It would appear that the brain size for black americans isn't accurate because african blacks were included in the sample, and they have significantly smaller brains than american blacks, due to slightly different gross morphology.

however the idea in your picture is supported to varying degrees. Blacks tend to have smaller brains than whites.

now correlating that to intelligence is going to be difficult given the problems with EQ.

>> No.3446087

The source is on the image, yet I find it frightening that you so quickly jump to the conclusion that the results MUST be skewed due to bias. Lets keep emotion and politics out of this where possible.

>> No.3446091


Brain size does matter, but more specifically it's the ratio of brain to body size.

Elephants are pretty smart as far as animals go, but they need to dedicate a lot more of their gray matter to control their nervous system and autonomous functions than we do.

>> No.3446095

You have got to be kidding me...

Blacks REALLY, REALLY have smaller brains? Like really, really?

>> No.3446101


On average. This doesn't necessarily lead to the conclusion you think it does, though.

>> No.3446106

haven't read any posts yet.
But I'll try to foresee them before I do.
It's their culture, everyone is equal. Humans can differ in every aspect escept brains etc.

>> No.3446109

Op here, thanks for the answers, let me make sure I am on the right page.

Blacks DO have smaller brains than whites, but this does not affect intelligence or cognitive ability. I will grudgingly apologize to my friend who sent me this image.

>> No.3446113

Well it means that they are a RACE of people who have a smaller brain than my RACE of people. This means that interbreeding with them will possibly result in SMALLER brains for my genetic line in the future.

>> No.3446116

>The source is on the image, yet I find it frightening that you so quickly jump to the conclusion that the results MUST be skewed due to bias. Lets keep emotion and politics out of this where possible.


You have no reading comprehension. Read the last sentence. I clearly implied that I was only speculating.

By the way, I wasn't "jumping" to the "conclusion" (even though it wasn't a conclusion, faggot) of bias. Bias in measuring skulls or brains across races is nothing new. Look up Morton's skulls and how he completely botched it in favor of whites by choosing more females in the black and native american samples.

>> No.3446118

what, you think morphology is blind?

you know there's differences between blacks and whites, otherwise we'd make no distinction.

was that the only point you wanted to make, troll?

>> No.3446119
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>> No.3446122

It's just really shocking to be fed pc bullshit about all of us being so similar and equal and all that. And then to find out that in fact there is this HUGE GLARING fact that is not taught or acknowledged. And when it IS acknowledged, the person bringing it up is a racist.

You guys actually hate ME for bringing this up, when I got this from a friend who I hated when he sent it to me.

>> No.3446127


do you have a race? oh, that's a new biological discovery, someone find this, we need to make exams

>> No.3446133

Yeah, apparently a race of humans with larger brains than others. Can you deny it now?

>> No.3446134

it is racist to assume brain size=intelligence.

it's also ignorant of the intelligence of children, dwarfs, women, giants, and retards to assume such.

however the fact is some people have smaller brains than others. women have smaller brains than men on average. women are more intelligent than men on average. so size doesn't much matter in that respect.

>> No.3446136


for the love of god can we stop with the capitals for emphasis.

Okay even if a certain race were by some chance obviously inferior to a different one the point of equality is that they are still inherently human...You missed the point of equality.

>> No.3446140

>obviously inferior to a different one the point of equality is that they are still inherently human...You missed the point of equality.

So you are literally telling me to make my genetic line worse for the benefit of another? That is your great human proposal, is it?

>> No.3446144

For the love of god can we stop saying for the love of god?

>> No.3446145


No one's making you breed with black people.

>> No.3446146

There is a group of people in Ecuador with a mutation causing them to have extremely small heads (and therefore brains). Guess what? They actually have better grades in school than their peers.

>> No.3446150
File: 628 KB, 762x719, Skeletal Crusader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are more intelligent than men on average

Must explain why everything field that requires hard logic such as science, engineering, and mathematics is full to the brink with men. CUZ THEY DUM!

>> No.3446156
File: 28 KB, 768x768, picardlolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even samefag, but he didn't even imply that. Fucking retard.

>> No.3446154


yes, females have smaller brains than males, biological fact, but talk this to your mother with same intention who you think about "race"

>> No.3446155

So in affect, quality is a ruse carried among adults to ensure tranquility. And this great lie is taught to all so that all may be confused?

>> No.3446157

Even if it was a proven scientific fact, what would it mean? Nothing

Are there blacks who are smarter than whites. Yes
If there exceptions to your hypothesis then it can't be a scientific fact or law.

It's okay to be racist but it's not okay to claim your beliefs are scientific laws.

>> No.3446158

why do you assume that a smaller brain is inferior? women have smaller brains than you, but they'd see the problems with your logic far more quickly than you do.

your larger brain strikes me as inferior, given the results.

>> No.3446160

No actually he really did. Equality is the DRIVING force behind mutli-culti race mixing.

And if equality is a big fat lie...

>> No.3446161
File: 93 KB, 688x549, 1307004565327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, it depends on your definition of human. Non-negros have a good percentage of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon mixture in their genetics.

What is the measure of a human, then? Negroids never interbred with either Cro-Magnons or Neanderthals.

>> No.3446164

Oh look, now I have a small brain. /sci/ience!

>> No.3446167

Could nutrition play a role? America's black population largely hasn't recovered from the centuries of oppression, so they have to consume "orange drink", instead of orange juice.

>> No.3446168

I'll give you a 5/10 for the creativity.

>> No.3446169

>Because they still are.
We still are all different...

>> No.3446175

>social darwinism, social darwinism everywhere

>> No.3446178

on average.

men tend to be either very smart or very dumb. women tend to be average to above average.

>> No.3446179


negroids? definition of human? sir, the XIX century is that way, turn left and go ahead

>> No.3446174
File: 332 KB, 1095x795, march-2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sound like a feminist trying to make every single topic related to how womyn are so uber amazing and cool.

Go do it in a corner.

>> No.3446181

Today on /sci/ I learned that black people have smaller brains than I do and that equality is a social lie. I also learned that saying so openly will get me branded a racist, instead of a truthful person.

>> No.3446184

The fact that there does exist a black man with a larger brain than a particular white man still leaves no distinguishable single trait that would leave us with separate races
There are still no races for humans today

>> No.3446187

They have smaller brains than we do. They are not like us.

>> No.3446192


>implying anyone called him a racist

>> No.3446195

Biology doesn't answer to peer review, just to political correctness.

>> No.3446197

How did you miss the point that blacks have smaller brains than whites? If you crack open a black skull and remove his brain, and put it next to a white one, it is smaller.

You're stuck in doublethink.

>> No.3446198
File: 1.97 MB, 362x369, 1311371607606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy. Here come the oppression fantasies.

The truth of the matter is that pure negros straight from Africa have brains even smaller than American Blacks. That is because blacks in the US are fairly mixed.

>> No.3446199


no, you don't learned. stay studing, you will be fine, i hope

>> No.3446200

of course equality is a lie... unless we're talking about some twins.

people are different, it's not racist to notice this. It's racist to think your differences make you better if they don't.

this one doesn't.

>> No.3446203

Are some of you trying to tell me that taller people smarter than those who are shorter?

>> No.3446206
File: 436 KB, 628x418, 554w5w56w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>310 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


Your doing a great job keep up the good work.

>> No.3446202

scroll through the thread you passive aggressive asshole

>> No.3446210

It means that I have literally more brains than blacks do. And it means that is a racial trait. If you consider more brains to be good, brainier, big brain, etc. then I am factually superior in that aspect.

>> No.3446215
File: 181 KB, 1159x671, 1303376192929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Do you honestly believe if you keep repeating something, it'll become true?

Do you whisper to yourself constantly that race doesn't it?

>> No.3446216

Am I? Are you telling me that there does not exist a single black man that has a larger brain than that of any white man?

Are you going to assure that for me?

If brain size is the distinguishable trait, and there was a white man that had a brain that was the "average" size for that of a black man, then how is the trait distinguishable?

try again

>> No.3446221

true, but you won't meet a biologist alive that actually believes that 2nd grade crap. brain size doesn't correlate well to intelligence.

it's fun though, isn't it?

>> No.3446223

Look, I came here to debunk a friend and ended up proving him right. Get over it, blacks have smaller brains than whites. It's just the truth.

>> No.3446227
File: 33 KB, 294x299, 11971492551933590036johnny_automatic_angry_moon.svg.med.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is racist to assume brain size=intelligence.

Why the fuck would anyone interested in fact, care if it's racist? I want cold hard documented fact. I do not want your emotional bullshit and your bawwwwwwwwwwwww.

This is a board about science. Science is not based on emotional opinions and blatant bullshit. If you want to study opinions, go into politics.

>> No.3446229

Well, I am holding to the fact that there is no single distinguishable trait or gene that can surely differentiate between what we perceive to be races.

If you want to give me another definition that I could use to classify humans under races, other an a definite distinguishable trait or gene, I will consider it, but be wary of just defining ethnicity.

>> No.3446235

I don't think you understood what I was saying

>> No.3446236
File: 555 KB, 1200x600, baltimore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you won't meet a biologist alive that actually admits

>> No.3446240

What was the brain back that American football players use? I'm not sure if it would help but it's a start.

>> No.3446241

Obviously not. Lets both give it a second try.

>> No.3446244

>herp derp

>> No.3446245


we agreed to that a while ago i think, unless youre also saying brain matter equates to intelligence, then no.

>> No.3446250

ok, facts.

whales and elephants have brains far larger than humans.

whales and elephants are noticeably less intelligent than humans.

women have smaller brains than men. women are more intelligent than men.

I probably have a smaller brain than you. I am demonstrably more intelligent than you.

etc. ad infinitum

>> No.3446251
File: 81 KB, 400x560, big_black_dick0_tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.3446255

So you're saying there are no racial differences at all? A bigger muscle does not mean strength? A taller height does not equal vertical reach?

>> No.3446256

I'm not denying that the report of the average brain size of blacks could be true. However, because there does exist a single white man, the same height as a black man, with a smaller brain than that specific black man (I think this is a pretty safe assumption), then the trait cannot be used to definitely distinguish between 'races.'

If brain size was the distinguishable trait, than the white man would be classified as black because of his brain size, but he is not.

>> No.3446260
File: 83 KB, 537x755, fieldguidemuhdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3446261


Holy shit, your entire post is just assumption after assumption. How is this supposed to be fact?

>women have smaller brains than men. women are more intelligent than men.

I think you're just trolling me now. Good job, you've succeeded in fucking annoying me.

>> No.3446262

brain size doesn't necessarily mean anything.

if you want proof of black inferiority, just read up on studies proving that IQ and personality traits are mostly genetic, and then show correlation between IQ and income. blacks with similar IQs to whites make about the same income, while the average black doesn't. so the average black is poorer.

>> No.3446263

this post has the same intellectual weight as the arguments going on in this thread. Not saying anyone's argument is wrong, just saying this has definitely turned into troll-debates.

>> No.3446264
File: 54 KB, 562x437, hahano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are more intelligent than men.

>> No.3446266

I'm not entertaining your speculation.

>> No.3446268


Elephants have large brains, they must be planning something...

>> No.3446269

oh pipe down there is plenty of discussion.

>> No.3446270



You're not doing your argument any justice.

>> No.3446271

I think my work is done here.

back to check in a few hours.

have fun guys, morphologist out.

>> No.3446273
File: 23 KB, 311x311, willy-wonka-wilder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know that that African immigrants make up over 40% of the black population at ivy league schools. Which completely contradicts his his assumptions.


>“Immigrant blacks,” who come from families who have emigrated from the West Indies or Africa, make up 41 percent of the black population of Ivy League schools, according to a 2007 study by Princeton and University of Pennsylvania researchers. In contrast, black immigrants only make up 13 percent of the black population of 18-19 year olds in the United States.

You came to the wrong board if you think you can get away with claiming your feelings are proven facts.

>> No.3446275

So you will say with assurance that every single black man has a smaller brain than every single white man with respectively similar height?

>> No.3446276

I am going to see the world in a whole new light. Like a chimpanzee sees other monkeys. Part of my species but fundamentally different from me.

>> No.3446284

Negroes have subjected whites to this for years. Don't pretend it's anything new.

>> No.3446286


You do realize that the only black immigrants from Africa, are the the very wealthy men and their families right? It's fairly obvious why they do better than the American blacks.

Just because the majority of negros are dumb, does not mean they all are. It's called percentages.

>> No.3446287

And this is why we hold that negroes are inferior.

>> No.3446291

Yeah seriously. We are getting the top of the top 1% here to go to school. So by your own logic, the best of the best black men can be a marginal white academically.

>> No.3446294

There is only one species of the common chimpanzee. The Bonobo is sometimes referred to as a type of chimpanzee, but it is a seperate species.

Chimpanzees cannot produce fertile offspring with other species of monkeys.

poor analogy

>> No.3446295


Pretty extreme bias there, to consider your one study authoritative while dismissing the countless studies that support the OP's position.

Do you really suppose immigrants qualified to get into an Ivy League school represent the average black?

>> No.3446296

Brain mass (speaking for just homo sapiens) does not correlate to smarter genetics. In fact, brain mass used to be measured by pebbles. They tried to compare brain mass in different races; from there scientists tried to compare the different sizes of brian mass between men and women. From there, all research on brain mass was halted and considered inconclusive.

>> No.3446297

Yeah but unfortunately my larger brained species can breed with the smaller brained ones, and they have a giant media industry to promote it!

>> No.3446302

do you know what a species is?

>> No.3446304

So let me get this straight, we're arguing whether or not blacks are less intelligent than whites, correct?

>> No.3446308

Anyone have "legitimate" studies on race/IQ besides The Bell Curve? Not trying to troll

>> No.3446310

Lol because no one wants to go against the paradigm and say that white men are smarter, more logical and critically thinking than women and blacks.

>> No.3446312

Yes. Do you?

Brain mass and body size ratios is the hypothetical method of measuring intelligence.

>> No.3446313

>A bigger muscle does not mean strength?

Additional water mass without a proportionate fibril increase would result in bigger muscles but actually make you weaker overall (this is what's commonly referred to as flabby muscle). Muscles can also be optimized for endurance rather than strength.

>A taller height does not equal vertical reach?

Not if you have shorter arms.

>> No.3446315


but also if it's genetic or environmental.

if it's environmental, liberals will use it to force whites to pay for niggers.

if it's genetic....well you know.

>> No.3446316

I'm starting to understand that is NOT what I have been told my whole life, considering it can be definitely proven that one TYPE of humans has a smaller brain than another.

>> No.3446318

whites are on average richer and thus have a better diet. blacks are on average poorer and have a poorer diet. brain size might be causally linked to that.

>> No.3446319
File: 301 KB, 1200x633, 1311106264950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who migrated out of Africa and interbred with other Hominid groups such as the Neanderthals and the Cro-Magnons, are genetically different.

To try and just blindly repeat that it does not exist, only makes you look like a fool. No matter how much you repeat your opinions, it will not make them fact.

>> No.3446323

keep reaching!

>> No.3446325

Even if it was true, there's really no advantage to shouting it. Just accept it or not and move on.

>> No.3446326


that'd make sense if poor whites weren't smarter than poor blacks.

>> No.3446328


Pretty much.

Also, it has been correlated that increased brain folds (more sulcus and gyres) shows a greater degree of intelligence

>> No.3446333


Now see, if there was no poor whites, you would be on to something. But poor whites do exist.

>> No.3446335


>Ad hominem

this is too entertaining, idiots who can't even think rationally.

>> No.3446337

>the neanderthal was superior in every aspect
>then he died

cool reasoning brah

>> No.3446341

Can you give me your own definition of a species that apparently seems to contradict that of all textbooks and scientists alike?

>> No.3446344

swing and a miss...

>> No.3446352

Oh don't get me started on textbooks. Some liberal asshole convinced me years ago that we were all equal. It's a lie, come to find out tonight. A big fat social scam and I'm the idiot who ignored my entire life of experience to believe it.

>> No.3446359

Can you please show me one definite distinguishable gene that we can use to differentiate between our percieved races? Apparently you have the answer that no one has been able to find since we mapped the human genome

>> No.3446360
File: 1.78 MB, 1500x2268, 1304839197975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Evolution does not favor the intelligent. It favored homo sapiens because they were able to breed much faster, and overtake their Hominid cousins.

Them interbreeding created the staggering difference between negros and non-negros that we see in our world today.

>> No.3446361

Wow, just wow. My head is exploding right now.

>> No.3446363

People have equal rights under law. No one said that men were literally equal. That's 1984 thinking.

>> No.3446366

Do you not have eyeballs? Do you not have a life time of experience?

Can you not see that they have smaller brains than us? That 4% makes a WORLD of difference in our current society. And we've been handicapping white men for decades!

>> No.3446367

Alright I'll just tell you. Only 2 members of a single species can produce fertile offspring.

>> No.3446375

>Some liberal...

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.3446376

Naw, man they've been telling us that my whole life! Blacks are not less intelligent than whites, it's the white man's own fault. For slavery! But it's not at all true and they try to hide it so much that when I saw this image tonight, I thought it had to be fake.

>> No.3446379

on average being the key word.
on average blacks are poorer than the average white. poor whites exist but are less in number. more poor blacks exist and drag down the average of blacks.

>> No.3446381

unless you're talking about fish... lots of fishes can breed with other species... or even genera... and produce fertile hybrids.

>> No.3446382
File: 138 KB, 800x600, Mantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are asking for specific genetic markers, just like creationists ask scientists to find every single fossil or every single missing link.

In general, the difference between a neanderthal and a homo-sapien is all genetic. Are you saying it was a social construct? That their entire body structure was different because of an abstract social construct?

Surely you understand how ridiculous that is, correct? Even if only something as minor as skin tone, due to melanin, was the only difference between hominid sub-species, it would still not be a social construct. Anything related to the structure of the physical body is genetic. It is not an abstract concept.

>> No.3446384

Okay. You go reveal your newfound discovery that there is a specific gene that can differentiate between our percieved races to geneticists worldwide. They would be extremely interested in hearing this news.

If I'm blind, they must be too. I really hope you uncover to the world your discovery of a definite distinguishable gene that differentiates between our percieved races, this would be groundbreaking. Please open our eyes

>> No.3446386

can you please show me the definite distinguishable trait that we can use to differentiate mountains and hills?
ponds and lakes?
lakes and seas?
seas and oceans?

no? does that mean they don't exist?

nice continuum fallacy you stupid fuck.

>> No.3446388

Neanderthals had definite distinguishable genes from humans. Many, actually.

>> No.3446390


>> No.3446393


maybe you meant a Homo sapiens?

>> No.3446396
File: 392 KB, 1675x839, Walkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sub-species can still reproduce with one another.

Different breeds of dogs still breed with eachother, even if they have completely different body structures and intellect capacity. Are you saying the canine species is a social construct?

>> No.3446397

oh lawdy stop and read the responses to your ignorance

>> No.3446399

>tldr /sci/ has a lot of liberals, and therefore OP's image is clearly falsified

>> No.3446402


Thank you for correcting my spelling mistake.

>> No.3446404

>Evolution does not favor the intelligent

cool reasoning brah.
intelligence is not relevant to procreative success? intradesting!

>> No.3446408

Op here, actually /sci/ has backed it up! Blacks have smaller brains than whites. They are a separate sub-species.

>> No.3446410


>>Okay. You go reveal your newfound discovery that there is a specific gene that can differentiate between our percieved races to geneticists worldwide. They would be extremely interested in hearing this news.

>>If I'm blind, they must be too. I really hope you uncover to the world your discovery of a definite distinguishable gene that differentiates between our percieved races, this would be groundbreaking. Please open our eyes

Uh, they already know.


"Racial Groupings Match Genetic Profiles, Stanford Study Finds.

This work comes on the heels of several contradictory studies about the genetic basis of race. Some found that race is a social construct with no genetic basis while others suggested that clear genetic differences exist between people of different races.
What makes the current study, published in the February issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics, more conclusive is its size. The study is by far the largest, consisting of 3,636 people who all identified themselves as either white, African-American, East Asian or Hispanic. Of these, only five individuals had DNA that matched an ethnic group different than the box they checked at the beginning of the study. That's an error rate of 0.14 percent"

>> No.3446411

species by definition cannot interbreed and produce fertile off-spring.

>> No.3446412


>> No.3446415

So blacks and whites are separate sub-species of humans.

>> No.3446416

why are people so keen on proving blacks are a different species?

you don't really need to. as many people in this thread have proven, blacks are inferior whether or not they're human.

>> No.3446418

false, but I doubt you're a taxonomist so I'll let it slide.

give me a minute, if you want I'll hunt down a paper on two distinct species of fish that breed and produce viable offspring.

there's actually hundreds of fish species that can.

>> No.3446420

when the difference between individuals of a group is greater than the difference between the average of two groups, it is not useful in any way to distinguish by group.

the average mountains difference compared to the average of lakes is greater than the difference of two individual mountains or two individual lakes.

great fallacy spotting where there aint one

>> No.3446421

No, I'm saying that they're members of the same species. Subspecies are part of the same species. They can produce fertile offspring.

Neanderthals were different from humans because there were definite distinguishable traits that we could use to differentiate them. There were many of them. If you looked at their genomes, you could easily tell with certainty the difference. There is no single gene that all blacks have, and no single gene that all whites have that we can use to differentiate them other than skin color itself, and skin color can vary so greatly in a tremendously different amount of shades. The skin color of a child from a certain race could look the same as that from a different. It's not social construct.

>> No.3446423
File: 12 KB, 250x383, skeptical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, this thread is dead. No science here, just trolling or supremacists trying be racionals, arguments based in emotions are not valids, and make correlations phenotypes=genotypes or eugenics are from XIX century. Good night

>> No.3446424
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>You are asking for specific genetic markers, just like creationists ask scientists to find every single fossil or every single missing link.

So it's concluded? Religious Creationists and Egalitarian Creationists are pretty much zealots in different shades of color? They act so very similar to eachother.

They claim things are true without any proof, and if you disagree with them using facts, they just using emotional and opinionated arguments to counter it.

Zealotry is not only limited to religion it would seem.

>> No.3446427

subspecies is another word for race

>> No.3446429

>when the difference between individuals of a group is greater than the difference between the average of two groups, it is not useful in any way to distinguish by group.

explain, because this doesn't make any sense as it doesn't take mode into account, which is the important average to take into consideration.

>> No.3446431


I'm glad we agree. I assumed you were one of those fools who say everything is a social construct. They make me want to hit something.

>> No.3446432

>Say blacks have smaller brains
>Racist hurr durr white supremacist
Anything but a truthful and honest man speaking out against decades of lies.

>> No.3446435

i really aint. the taxonomy into class i attended defined species as non-interbreedable among other attributes. by this system if they are phenotypically different but can interbreed, they belong to the same species but are of different sub-species.
by other taxonomic systems you might distinguish species by other attributes. it depends on your system of taxonomy.

>> No.3446436
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You're correct in part, but Mongoloids and Caucasians are pretty much part of the same sub-species, but are categorized as different races.

Race is fairly in tune with the word breed, used for organizing different groups of canines, cats, and other domesticated animals. Sub-species is similar, but there are still some differences between the two terms.

>> No.3446438

Same person here, I'm out, so don't expect a response if you want to reply to my post

>> No.3446440

To Answer OPs question, yes of course people in Africa will have smaller brains then people in Europe.

However its not genetic, twins have smaller brains then single born children and they have lower IQs, This is due to a lack of nutrients during brain development. Due to famine in Africa the people there are born with smaller brains, it has nothing to due with genetics.

>> No.3446443


By that logic, you have destroyed the entire field of animal genetics, and hell, basically genetics in general.


>> No.3446444

Species are defined by humans. Our definition is that a single species can produce fertile offspring only with each other. If we classified two fish as different species, but we find that they can produce fertile offspring, then we made a mistake, and they are in fact the same species.

It's all human definition

>> No.3446445

lol lies! it's not nutritional. All the foreign aid in the world will not make smarter africans, just more of them. Like the stray cat theory. If you feed stray cats you do not create a viable cat society, you create more stray cats dependent on your hand out.

>> No.3446446


I think people do not understand what genetics is...

Everything in your body is structured by genes, hence, if your brain exists, even if it's small or big, it's due to genetics. Not some mystical god who makes one person's brain big, and another's small.

>> No.3446447
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I honestly feel sorry for you guys, because you really don't know that Science is.

Psychology is not a real science, you and everyone else's assumptions about the black peoples inferiority is can only validated in psychology.

None of these assumptions about black intellectual inferiority have been proven in any scientific peer journals and research.

>> No.3446450


It's not just psychology. Every facet of reality is against Negros.

I guess you can just say,

>> No.3446451

Ummm no?

>> No.3446452

Except liberal media and social agendas.

>> No.3446455

you have two groups you compare by height.
A: 10m, 4m, 1m,
B: 10m, 5m, 1m,

on average group A is shorter. The difference between individuals of this group is greater than the differences of the averages of the groups.

Now, you cannot make any useful generalization from these groups. it is true that the average B is taller than A, but there is still 1/3 of A that is taller than 2/3 of B.

>> No.3446456
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>Psychology is not a real science

Ohhhhh boy. Here comes the train of asspain where this entire thread turns into an argument of whether or not psychology is a science.

I'll try and end it here with this definition.

>Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes.

It probably won't stop the thread derailment, but I tried.

>> No.3446461


You do realize you are arguing semantics, correct?

Are you seriously trying to state that height is a social construct not based on genetics? Are you fucking serious? I'm calling troll.

>> No.3446465

Naw, he's trying too hard to be a troll. Anyways op here, great thread /sci/ and I mean that. It all makes sense now...

>> No.3446467
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>Now, you cannot make any useful generalization from these groups

So derp it hurts.

If group A is on average genetically taller than Group B, that is a VERY USEFUL piece of data for anyone who studies biology.

I swear, with comments like these, I don't think I'm on a board for science sometimes.

>> No.3446468

>using tropical thunder memes in 2011
I seriously hope you people don't do this.

>> No.3446469



>> No.3446471
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>> No.3446473

Here's that paper on two species of fish that can breed and produce viable offspring.

like I mentioned, there's hundreds of fish species that can, but this is the only paper I've found that specifically states that the hybrids are both fertile and reproducing.

an interesting read. the breeding test for speciation isn't as firm as we like to pretend...


>> No.3446474


Your reaction image is a great response to my comment. I stand defeated.

>> No.3446477

the difference in brain size between races is not nutritional. you sir, are and idiot.

>> No.3446478

maybe you are a negro and do not understand more abstract concepts. are you the guy that spots fallacies where there aint one?

If you have 1/3 of blacks who are more intelligent than 2/3 of whites, the statement "blacks are stupider than whites" has no value at all. you cannot base policy decisions on it, you cannot base business decisions on it or anything else for that matter.

to make it more explicit:
the statement "blacks are on average dumber than whites" may be valid. additions like "because X" or "thus we should do Y" are bonkers.

>> No.3446483



>> No.3446487

Reality is a social construct.

>> No.3446488
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>> No.3446491

>There seems to be no difference among the ovaries, nor among the testes, of blue angelfishes, intermediates, and queen angelfishes. No excessive amounts of connective tissue, nor aberrant cells, were seen in the gonads of intermediates. Size and shape of the gonads were the same as those of gonads in the blue and the queen angelfishes.

>> No.3446492



>> No.3446496
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>> No.3446497


I don't get what you're trying to say. You're agreeing with us, yet you think you're not agreeing with us?


>> No.3446501
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>It's called percentages.

Its so painfully obvious that the average age of everyone in this board is 13.

>> No.3446504

i will never agree with racists, even when I do agree.

>> No.3446508

Oh yes, you are the sole bastion of logic, wisdom and intelligence and we're all stupid retarded children.

>> No.3446524


...Strange? I dunno. Has racist become such a thing, that even when they're right, they're wrong?

That's stupid.

>> No.3446529


Aren't you a special little flower.

What, you think your opinions are the most important? SCREW ERRYONE WHO DON'T AGREE, I SMART, I NO I SMART :D!

>> No.3446532

No, being racist and hating people because of their skin is wrong! Always! Nazi! You are a nazi for saying that black people have smaller brains!

>> No.3446537


I'm convinced you're just an idiot now. The effect of nutrition on the developing brain have been clearly studied, are you trying to refute this argument?


Or how about the fact that Africa is the least arable (populated) continent in the world.


>> No.3446540

Agreed. Poster confirmed for unique and beautiful snowflake.

>> No.3446542

you stupid fucking idiot. seriously keep on digging that hole...

>> No.3446548

But.... seriously, nutrition is not the case here. I mean, you're just wrong.

>> No.3446552

>Or how about the fact that Africa is the least arable (populated) continent in the world.

Arable land needs to be developed. Africans are driving their entire continent to a resource deficit with overpopulation. Deforestation has destroyed more of their jungles and forests. They're all starving, yet they keep having more children, and it's making it worse. They're not acting logically.

Do you think Europeans or East Asians just magically ended up with Arable land? They developed it for centuries. Agriculture is a very old field.

>> No.3446554


[Citation needed]

>> No.3446565

Do you have any idea what happened in South Africa? Rhodesia? The Afrikaaners created the best society on earth for black africans. They created wealth and plenty! But then, the blacks began kicking the whites out and actually began a genocidal war on them.

Now? South Africa is a war-torn starving shithole after three decades of black rule.


>> No.3446570

Read the thread! We just went into all this and I'm not repeating it for your ignorant self.

>> No.3446575

New poster, this post alone confirms with decent certainty you're a troll.

>> No.3446576


That map shows the land that can be potentially used to grow food, it has nothing to do with people developing anything

>> No.3446579

so the malthusian trap is their fault?
when europe was stuck in it, where they of as low intelligence as the blacks are now? thats barely 150 years ago. in these 150 years whites have genetically developed a higher IQ? intradesting!

>> No.3446582

Well luckily for me I don't care what you think. I'll live.

>> No.3446587

>implying 150 years is capable of altering genetics

>> No.3446588
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>Now? South Africa is a war-torn starving shithole after three decades of black rule.

Atleast apartheid is gone. That's all that matters... right? Right?!?!

>> No.3446599
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>That map shows the land that can be potentially used to grow food, it has nothing to do with people developing anything

What? That's completely incorrect. Arable land is...

>In geography, arable land (from Latin arare, to plough) is an agricultural term, meaning land that can be used for growing crops.

Such land has to be developed. It does not mean potential land that can be used for growing crops. That's something completely different.

>It includes all land under temporary crops (double-cropped areas are counted only once), temporary meadows for mowing or pasture, land under market and kitchen gardens and land temporarily fallow (less than five years). The abandoned land resulting from shifting cultivation is not included in this category. Data for arable land are not meant to indicate the amount of land that is potentially cultivable.
>Data for arable land are not meant to indicate the amount of land that is potentially cultivable.

I can see where you might have been misled though.

>> No.3446600

History will show the truth. Whites world wide are becoming more and more race conscious. This is referred to by some as the awakening. As white numbers are dwindling across the globe, more and more white societies are being invaded and whites are literally being bred out of existence.

If current birth trends continue, very soon whites will pass the tipping point and actually become an endangered species.

>> No.3446606

>growing food
Wtf? It just has to be farmed by organized and skilled farmers. White afrikaaners have been farming there for generations until recently.

>> No.3446608

whites aren't a species.

we are endangered, but only because we like to fuck people of any color.

>> No.3446609
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>That map shows the land that can be potentially used to grow food

The wikipedia link you showed us, states the exact opposite. Picture related.

>> No.3446612

Oh there are many, many reasons for this.

>> No.3446613

If Africans are so equal, and that nutrition is the only thing holding them back, why are they the only continent where nutrition is an issue?

And don't give a b.s. answer like europians screwed em over, because if they were so equal back then, how did their whole manage to get taken over.

And don't give a b.s. answer to that like "africans are equal, but europians had better technology" because that doesn't explain why china and eastern lands weren't taken over. And yes, Europe has known about Africa since before the days of the roman empire.

also, I agree that nutrition does effect brain size, however, even with that taken into account, the brains of blacks are not as big as whites.

>> No.3446621

do you think we'll be killed off?

I'm white, I have a white kid and a brown kid. personally I like brown girls, but I realize everyone's different.

>> No.3446623


You have to develop the land before you can grow anything. This is basic agriculture man.

This is why when negros took the farming land from whites in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, the country started starving to death. Negros could not keep the land fit for creating food, and so it became useless.

The same thing is happening in South Africa.

>> No.3446633
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Only whites are so blindingly altruistic. Europeans/Whites are the only ones who follow this whole ERRYONE IS EQUAL, PEACE AND LOVEEE bullshit. When we become a minority, we aren't getting any minority rights.

Our sheer idiocy will make us go extinct.

>> No.3446640

maybe. I think we'll fuck ourselves into extinction first. That's what I'm working on anyways.

>> No.3446642


That was never the point of my argument, The fact is that there is food scarcity in Africa and it is effecting the brain size of the people living there, this can be scientifically proven.

Saying that Africans have a smaller brain size due to genetics is not scientifically proven and is nothing more then conjecture (the way most people on here are saying it, make them look raciest also)

>> No.3446647

You mean blindly altruistic I think, but I agree with what you say. At the risk of being b& I give you this:


>> No.3446648

>(the way most people on here are saying it, make them look raciest also)

>> No.3446649
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>Church dogma handled the case of the extraordinary Realizer from Nazareth in a very ingenious way, using all the powers of rationality to prop up the myth. It was true, they granted, that Jesus was one with God (or, as they would later put it, God is one substance with three Persons – Tertullian's trinitas – and the Person of Jesus has two Natures: Divine and Human). But let the causal-level Ascension stop there. No other person shall be allowed this Realization, even though, as everybody plainly knew at the time, Jesus never made a single remark suggesting that he alone had or could have this Realization, and he explicitly forbade his followers to use the term "Messiah" in reference to him.

It's funny i was just reading this before seeing this thread. It pretty much sums what all these types of threads are about.

Very poor attempts at using rationality to prop up myths derived from personal feelings and emotions. Retards trolling retards, it's like an almost perfect circle jerk.

>> No.3446656

All that shit about Africans can't feed themselves sounds like an African problem and has nothing to do with me. Don't tell me whites haven't tried. We have spent decades wasting our time trying.

>> No.3446657

actually I think the explanation is genetic.

climate related rather than nutritional.

scroll up through the thread to the wikipedia link on the subject, it links to papers. People in warmer climates evolve smaller heads...

not the anon you're arguing with, nor am I saying smaller brain=inferior....

>> No.3446658

>That was never the point of my argument, The fact is that there is food scarcity in Africa and it is effecting the brain size of the people living there, this can be scientifically proven.

So the brains of Europeans were super small when we didn't have advanced methods of agriculture? Who helped us get out of it?

We did it ourselves.

>> No.3446662

But Blacks really do have smaller brains that Whites. It's really, really true anonymous and no amount of liberal brainwashing will change that.

>> No.3446665

> south africa starving
check again. flourishing country.

its not even funny how wrong you are.

>If Africans are so equal, and that nutrition is the >only thing holding them back, why are they the >only continent where nutrition is an issue?

india and central asia have the same problem alleviated by the fact that they are politically attached to richer regions.

>that doesn't explain why china and eastern lands weren't taken over.

they were. check your history.

> And yes, Europe has known about Africa since before the days of the roman empire.

thats why the roman empire had colonies there. at least in the north. the south was protected by an enormous desert.

>also, I agree that nutrition does effect brain size, however, even with that taken into account, the brains of blacks are not as big as whites.

[citation needed]
aggregate studies of brain size across countries usually do not account for nutritional effects over 2 generations. its not that they dont want to but they cant due to lack of data.
even if blacks end up to have smaller brains in relation to body weight, it still doesnt follow that they are less intelligent.
even then, if they are on average less intelligent it still doesnt follow that any meaningful decision can be made for that group that does not create inefficiencies and thus detrimental effects for society because individual traits are ignored.

>> No.3446675


Wow I cant believe the assumption people are making . I never said anything about what whites should do or about foreign aid. All I'm doing is explaining why a test like the one done in the op would show Africans having a smaller brain seize the white Americans

>> No.3446678

if you want to believe that africans have smaller brains because of nutrition, it's your moonbat right to do so. i will no longer argue with you.

>> No.3446680

larger brain produces more heat
smaller brain produces less heat

people in hot places have smaller brain
people in cold places have larger brain

people in any places vary in intelligence

>> No.3446688

This explains why Iceland is so clearly superior to damn near everywhere else.

>> No.3446694


Greenland > Iceland

>> No.3446695

Still, I find that it makes more sense that blacks would have a different sized brain than other races. Not necessarily smaller mind you, but different for sure. Due to evolution and being geographically isolated for tens of thousands of years. And the fact that they tend to do worse would make me think that it is more likely that their brains are smaller rather than larger.

Even without hard scientific data, it just makes more sense and explains more that they are dumber. Considering that the only possible way that they would be equal is if people just stopped evolving over the last 20 thousand years.

But that would be a poor argument considering that intellectual evolution would have sped up as society started to take form because intelligence would become much more valued, and mass killings that someone had a better chance of surviving by being more intelligent, like wars, fires ect.

So just from a logical standpoint, any isolated race being of the same average intellect as another race would be pure coincidence.

Really, the unverified conjecture without evidence is that all races have the same intellect.

>> No.3446698

well it isnt your right to spout bullshit uncontested.

you have a right to your own opinion but no right to your own facts.

>> No.3446700

Brain weight has a tenuous correlation with intelligence at best. Incidentally, the fact that this thread has over 200 replies is extremely depressing.

>> No.3446707

it's actually a pretty good troll since /sci/ mostly physics and maths, and doesn't much biology and morphology.

I'd guess a few anons were surprised. and look how happy our resident /new/fags are.

>> No.3446719

It's true to you, but its' not true to a lot of people and when you die they will still be people mainly science that don't believe it's true. And no amount of Klan brainwashing will ever change that.

If you ever grow up someday you might learn to think beyond mythic rationality but sadly, it looks like you'll never be able to get beyond that stage.

>> No.3446725

Folding of the neocortex is much more important in intellect than sheer volume.

>> No.3446727

No you fucking brainwashed tool, read the whole thread! It is made clear early on what he facts are. No really! The fact that you HATE me for bringing this up is hilarious though, and indicative of your commitment to the great lie.

>> No.3446728

ah, truth determined via vote.

that's done us a lot of good. By that method god is watching you when you fap and your perfectly equal brain get's only a 10% usage.

>> No.3446734



>> No.3446735

It looks like you have not researched this at all and are just being ignorant on-line.

I'll go ahead and do that for you.


It would appear that the brain size for black americans isn't accurate because african blacks were included in the sample, and they have significantly smaller brains than american blacks, due to slightly different gross morphology.

however the idea in your picture is supported to varying degrees. Blacks tend to have smaller brains than whites.

now correlating that to intelligence is going to be difficult given the problems with EQ.

>> No.3446736

its funny how you repeat "read the whole thread" where anything that was put forward to prop up the "blacks are dumber" statements was disproven by actual data (and lots of wikipedia).

you sir, suffer from tunneling.

>> No.3446737

The science of race is too heavily politicized. It can't be trusted.

However, all hard evidence suggests whites really are more intelligent than the other races, while blacks are the least intelligent... on average.

What this does not mean is that it is okay to judge others based on skin color. At best, it's a generalization, and to judge an individual based on their group's average is ridiculous.

>> No.3446739

It looks like you still have not found where in the thread to find the data.

I'll go ahead and do that for you.


It would appear that the brain size for black americans isn't accurate because african blacks were included in the sample, and they have significantly smaller brains than american blacks, due to slightly different gross morphology.

however the idea in your picture is supported to varying degrees. Blacks tend to have smaller brains than whites.

now correlating that to intelligence is going to be difficult given the problems with EQ.

>> No.3446742

you stole my post.

I don't know if I'm honored or pissed.

>> No.3446744

Before you criticize people who say that not all races are the same intellectually, let me ask you this. What scientific proof, scientific support, or even chain of logic leads you to think that all races are the same?

>> No.3446745

Be honored. This is an eye-opening night for me but I'm not hard on the science of it yet. All I know for sure is that blacks have smaller brains but I'm not supposed to think that implies anything regarding intelligence.

>> No.3446752

Aren't whale brains supposed to be as large as a basketball...

>> No.3446755

I'll be honored then.

it doesn't really imply anything about intelligence.

not saying blacks aren't on average less intelligent than whites, just that brain size probably has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3446756

God this board is a cesspool. Sage, reported, called the police

>> No.3446758

lol fucking behavior dictators

you hurpa durp the facts are there. the thread is valid. why am i wrong for posting the truth?

>> No.3446760

Because it isn't the truth as our glorious politicians want it to be, or taught us how it is in the schools.

>> No.3446761

There isn't any. It's wishful thinking. It's denial of the harshness of reality.

In nature, there is no distinction between mind and body. Where there are differences in the body, there are almost certainly differences in the mind. The chance of any race being intellectually identical on average to any other race is virtually nonexistent.

>> No.3446766
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You can rage all you want but there isn't a single ounce of evidence in this thread that can't be disproven.

Any real scientist would laugh the so called evidence in this thread. So keep it at it because you're not convincing anyone but your fellow retards.

>> No.3446767

Anyone interested in the long term outcome of this?


>> No.3446773


many people on these boards tend to vastly overestimate the effects of a relatively small difference in the brain structure of races. 125,000 years is a small amount of time and significant evolution is not able to take place.

>> No.3446778

Or is this the result of being untruthful about the intellectual differences in races?
Having people believe in something even more outlandish than what was being covered up to begin with.

>> No.3446784


You forgot the part where we interbred with neanderthals and cro-magnons. Homo-sapiens who stayed in Africa, did not. Now they're called negros.

>> No.3446792




>> No.3446793

Possibly. All I know is that I feel isolated and attacked constantly by the culture I was raised in. I live in California, and during the last local elections an anchorwoman actually said "As long as it's not a white man" about the politicians in the race.

I was in the air force and I was told to my face that I would never make rank because I was not a minority or a woman. I am confronted on all sides with supposedly beneficial mutli-culturalism, but in reality all this means is my town is filled with surly and unfriendly people I can't talk to.

These are not scientific findings, these are the accumulated grievances (only a small portion) of my life events. Whites are threatened as a racial group, this is not up to debate.

So it becomes easy to dream of a place, a promised land where I can just live with people who are like me.

>> No.3446796

Significant evolution can take place in the span of a single generation if enough people die off without leaving children. 150,000 years is far more than enough time to create many thousands of species under the right circumstances.

>> No.3446800
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>Sage, reported, called the police
>called the police

>> No.3446805

Normally I would just say [citation needed]
but instead, im just going to call you out on this because it is just plain wrong.

You're false assumption is based on the fact that since evolution is generally a slow process, you assume evolution happens at a fixed rate.

However, with the creation of society, the rate at which evolution happens has basically been put on steroids. In fact, even in the last 20,000 years incredible advances in the evolution of the brain have happened. There's even gene that produces an enzyme in the brain that was non-existent more than 10,000 years ago, but now exists in about 30% of the worlds population. Here's some sources


Now would be a good time to re-evaluate your logic as to why all races should be the same intellectually rather than different.

>> No.3446813
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um no are you just spouting this crap of the top of your head? were in the fossil record is there a single new species that developed in 150,000 years.

>> No.3446819

Jesus. You really don't have a clue. Please kill yourself for the good of the world.

>> No.3446822

the fossil record gives a resolution of ~2m.y. throughout almost its entirety.

just sayen. if a new species popped up in that amount of time we wouldn't know it from fossils.

however genetic evidence strongly indicates that speciation works much more quickly than that in some cases.

>> No.3446828


lol citation from you own article

"To accomplish so much in so little evolutionary time - a few tens of millions of years - requires a selective process that is perhaps categorically different from the typical processes of acquiring new biological traits."

Sorry your still a idiot and 150,000 years is nothing in evolutionary science.

>> No.3446830

If it really means that much to you, then move to northern europe where all this political correctness bullshit is non-issue.

personally I don't care what race someone is, the part that gets me is because people assume the averages of all races are the same, dumber people are getting higher positions because they belong to a dumber race.

>> No.3446831
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>This thread
>Legitimate biology
>Not politicised pseudo-science

I seriously hope you don't believe this.

>> No.3446833 [DELETED] 

This thread examines some of my fears, that this is calculated. Obviously replace DOT with a .


>> No.3446835

morphometrics is legitimate science. A bit like stamp collecting, but legit.

inferring behavior and capacity from morphology is pretty weak though.

>> No.3446837
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>> No.3446845

it isn't much in evolutionary science, but it really depends on what you are talking about being evolved.
I mean seriously, you can't think that evolution happens at a constant rate for all species in all areas.

If you actually read the articles, you would find the the human brain is one of the fastest evolving things to ever exist, and while 150,000 years in evolutionary time is generally not too much, for the human brain, and humans in general, it is a shit-ton.

only an idiot would deny that nothing noticeable has happened evolutionarily over the past 150,000 years regarding humans.

>> No.3446854


>I dun like it so it not science lol, fucking bigots thinking they kno more than me, DON'T THEY KNOW I'M A SPECIAL FLOWER!?!?