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3443639 No.3443639 [Reply] [Original]

took this to /fit/ but as i assumed they were a bunch of brainwashed health nazis spitting up a bunch of bullshit propaganda and rhetoric they were told by their 7th grade health teachers. so i employ you /sci/ to answer my question.

what are the benefits of smoking marijuana?

i'm 25 and i just started (for about a month now) smoking weed every single day.

throughout my life i have smoked it off and on, and smoked every day for a year or 2 when i was in college.

but is this really bad in any way?

i noticed i am no longer stressed, barely at all, i have a calm and more pleasant demeanor and a calmer look at life.

should i stop?

>> No.3443646

People get stressed for a reason. It isnt inherently bad.

>> No.3443652

>smokingi weed
>getting drunk

>> No.3443660

I don't get why people need these other substances to numb themselves, instead of learning how to deal with these problems and becoming a stronger person overall.

>> No.3443665

That just makes you stupid. I don't smoke weed or drink myself but at least I am able to understand why people choose to do it!

>> No.3443667

Very objectively judge your performance in life.
Are you performing well? Are there tasks that need your attention and are not being done?

Weed typically makes you forget things.. I smoke but very occasionally .. for that reason and I cannot do math while stoned.

>> No.3443679

ive smoked weed i enjoyed it, im certain thats the only good thing about it like smoking a cigarette.

>> No.3443684


in terms of objectivity i am extremely happy. i achieved a master of science degree last year. decided to not work in corporate america, had a calling to live a more natural and of earth life style. dropped my whole old life moved 3 thousand miles away and i'm pursuing what my true intrinsic passions are rather than the preconceived notions of what success and happiness is dictated by society.

i can say i'm surprised at the decisions and moves i've made in life but my concern is that i might be hurting myself by smoking every day i'm not too sure.

>> No.3443689
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>> No.3443691


and on a side note i eat healthily, i'm active and i never ever smoke cigarettes. so my only physiological concern and psychological concerns are in regards to marijuana

>> No.3443724


i suppose part of my concern aside from the side effects of marijuana is if overall i made a poor choice in leaving everyone and everything i know 3000 miles away to go on a vision quest basically.

it's sort of unnerving that i dont know where i'm going. there is no intended destination or desired goal out of how i'm living right now other than to enjoy and experience life and nature, and to snowboard/hike/mountain bike and work on my photography.

but i dont know if i will regret this in the future.

what do you guys think?

>> No.3443733

That's the thing. Are you willing to put your brain on the line, and subject it to that, if there is a risk of psychosis? I personally can't do that.

>> No.3443766


Well, as far as many studies tell us, it's completely safe even beneficial (physically that is).

Psychologically, it seems to depend a lot on individual factors.

Best i could say, continued use of cannabis will result in greatly decreased chance of developing a cancer or brain degenerative diseases (dementia, alzheimers etc.). Other than that, only time will tell.

>> No.3443785
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Side effects of marijuana:
>Increased appetite.
>Increased heart rate.
>Decreased blood pressure.
>Decreased short-term memory.
>Impaired motor skills.
>Anxiety/paranoia in some people.

Marijuana has also been shown in some cases to cause the growth of new neurons. However, it also impairs learning and working memory. As such, it's not a good idea to go to class or attempt otherwise intellectually demanding tasks while under the influence. Because it slows reaction time and impairs motor skills, operating heavy machinery (AKA driving) is also a bad idea. In some cases (mostly in minors and those with a family history) it can lead to or exacerbate schizophrenia.

Basically, if you're a healthy adult smoking it in your free time, you're completely fine. The smoke might irritate your lungs and lead to a cough, and if you overeat (IE munch the fuck out) it can also lead to weight gain, but those are both relatively minor issues that can be easily avoided.

>> No.3443797

[citation needed]

>> No.3443799


yeah idk. i mean i am constantly reading stuff and trying to learn new things so i know i'm keeping an edge over someone who is smoking every day and just watching tv and being lazy.


i have developed a small cough in the mornings. any suggestions? should i smoke it differently only out of water pipes or something?

>> No.3443817

Here are your citations:

>> No.3443824


Get a vaporizer if it bothers you that much. Bongs/water pipes help too, since the water cools the smoke and filters out a lot of the bad stuff.


I know that burden of proof is on me, but I really don't care enough to bother right now. I got my information from several fairly reliable sources, and I'm sure if you do some googling you can find them yourself.

>> No.3443831


good to know. vaporizers are expensive though. i suppose just massive bongs with cold water.

how does the water actually improve the smoke over all though?

>> No.3443840

You're going to get 2 types of answers here or anywhere else.

1. From smokers of weed who are predetermined to give you an answer that favors smoking weed because they themselves need to justify it.

2. actual scientific responses.

Good luck separating the two. Being a smoker, I imagine you're only looking for #1 type responses and if any from #2 conflict with your predetermined belief you'll simply ignore them.

Good luck.

>> No.3443860


you also negate to realize that there are people who are intrinsically against it and are moralfags that regardless of the truth are going to demote the use of it.

which i assume you yourself are.

your post is meaningless

>> No.3443878

mostly agree small changes
#1 super pro stoner will not mention negatives will make new or over state the positives may cite sources like potisgood.com hightimes.com ect

#2 SCIENCE! will list both negative and positives will cite medical and psychological journals

#3 super anti pot/trolls (indistinguishable) will only list negative will create fake negative "proof" will cite sources such as someonethinkofthechildren.com foxnews.com ect

>> No.3443889

I'm sure greenpassion is a completely unbiased source, right?

>> No.3443914


here, read this.

>> No.3443918

There are 2 kinds of people that smoke weed:

1. burnouts who choose to smoke to forget their shitty lives and how they squandered every opportunity they had

2. and smart people who want to explore consciousness and reality to explore the mind and figure how our concept of reality can be altered, these people are using weed as a tool to hinder the mind so they can see the world in a new light

>> No.3443942


Read this. I don't know why you are asking 4chan about this, google studies on marijuana, go to scientific websites you can trust, and find out for yourself. Stop being so lazy. Personally I am an occasional user.

>> No.3443954

ITT: Samefags praise OP and his successful marijuana-filled life.

>> No.3443957

Click the link you tit, it's a link to fucktons of peer reviewed studies.

>> No.3443960

When did I ever say that scientific responses would obviously clash with his predetermined beliefs. I even said

>if any from #2 conflict with your predetermined beliefs

>if any
>if any
>if any

Dear lord, way to put words into my mouth then wholeheartedly ignore what I saying.

I am pointing out that OP is obviously only looking for information that agrees with his predetermined beliefs so there's no point in him asking the question.

>> No.3443972

Which doesn't matter, because the obvious bias of the source implies that the data was cherry-picked. Go back to high school.

>> No.3443988

>i noticed i am no longer stressed, barely at all, i have a calm and more pleasant demeanor and a calmer look at life.

If this is true, then for jeebus's sake, don't stop.

>> No.3444701

Here's the truth guys:

First of all, there is no evidence that marijuana use will cause any permanent detrimental effects to cognition or intelligence (I believe another anon has already posted an article itt which will testify to this statement).

Many prominent universities and health surveys have substantiated the claim that even frequent, long-term marijuana use will not permanently impair cognition.

Second, the effects of cannabis will vary from person to person. I've known people who have told me that smoking marijuana has "destroyed their brains derp", but in reality, everyone I heard this from never was the sharpest tool in the shed to begin with.

>> No.3444707


Personally, I've found that moderate use of marijuana has opened up a new world for me.

It enhances creativity, sensory perception, and abstract reasoning very significantly. It's also important to note that I've invested in a costly vaporizer, and thus do not "smoke marijuana".

The high one gets from smoking weed and from vaporizing it are completely different; the former gives one most of the beneficial qualities of marijuana: euphoria, enhanced creativity, peacefulness, etc,

and the latter (smoking) brings about more of the confusion, mental impairment, etc and the majority of marijuana users fall into the smoking category.

For example, I'm high as fuck right now and I still seem to have no trouble relaying my thoughts (although how precisely, I'm not entirely sure.)

Most important thing to remember is that marijuana, like all drugs, effects different people differently.

I think I might just be lucky in that marijuana use makes everything magical to me.

For example, I've never been good at right-brained subjects such as english, "think pieces", analysis of metaphors or whatever, but when I used cannabis to help me write the term papers for an upper-division literature course at UCLA, the result was that I received an A- in the class and the professor called one of my papers "brilliant".

I've never had any teacher make such a comment on any english, history, etc paper I've written before. Ever. feels goodman

>> No.3444721

"herp derp living with stress makes u stronger person"

Nope. Lots of evidence exists which shows that chronic stress leads to an array of psychological, physical and emotional impairments.

But I only wonder if the people who take up such arguments also hold up a flag for the idea that african children who live their lives suffering will someday benefit from their hardship.

Honestly, all you fags do is hate on the "pseudo-sciences" such as psychology, bio, etc (and I'm not saying I completely disagree with you where your contempt for these fields is concerned), but at the same time, it doesn't take a genius to find who the true pseudo-intellectuals are.

>> No.3444733

I came to grips with the complex number system on pot. I might smoke twice a year, if that. Really abstract scientific and mathematical concepts can come to you stoned, at least in my case. I do it when I'm looking for an intuitive understanding of something completely bonkers. This won't work if you aren't doing the legwork down though.

>smoke weed erryday
How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.3444795

You are a fucking hippie. I hate you more then any words could express.

>> No.3444829

I always wondered: why would smoking weed everyday be any better than smoking tobacco everyday? I know the nicotine is addictive, but assuming you get the same amount of particulates, partially combusted products, etc. in your lungs, why would the health effect be different between the two (or smoking anything, for that matter)?

>> No.3444835

Plants aren't covered in tar

>> No.3444842

>What are the benefits of smoking marijuana?
None what makes you think inhaling burning plant matter with mind altering properties is good for you?
If you have problems with stress how about you deal with them instead of meddling with your brain chemistry.

>> No.3444844


>> No.3444893

are you saying marijuana doesn't have tars? cause it totally does

>> No.3444909

Are you saying that Zoloft is better for human consumption than marijuana is?
>Zoloft is blamed for birth defects.

>> No.3444911

i did this for six months. trust me. stop. you will start to feel constantly allergenic and stop getting high, only feeling like you are damaging your lungs but obsessively chasing the dragon.

>> No.3444922

Nicotine at high temperatures will decompose into pyrollidine, a potent lung toxin.

>> No.3444932

>so is marijuana (repiratory _ if used while pregnant)

>> No.3444944

Everything in moderation. On weekends or after work a couple times a week is fine. Every day is excessive and tolerance makes the habit expensive.

The only real negative effects are _temporary_ cognitive impairment which has been proven to be repaired after about one month of abstinence regardless of length of use. And lung irritation which can be solved with vaporizing or only using edibles.

>> No.3444955

>The only real negative effects are _temporary_ cognitive impairment which has been proven to be repaired after about one month of abstinence regardless of length of use.
>cognitive impairment which has been proven to be repaired after about one month of abstinence regardless of length of use.
>has been proven to be repaired after about one month of abstinence

>> No.3444957

why don't you smoke or drink?

>> No.3444968

Scientifically I advise you to smoke. Weed. Errday.

>> No.3444969

Ok, but I thought the most potent and abundant toxins were the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which both plants produce when burnt (or when any organic material under goes partial combustion for that matter).

>> No.3444981

We as humans have a tolerance to them. They're in most of our food from cooking, even some of the baddies like napthalene. However very few plants produce pyrollidine compounds because they are unstable as far as organic compounds go, and are reactive, and thus toxic.

>> No.3444989

Where the fuck did I say anything even remotely close to that?

I didn't mention zoloft or any other drugs in fact I specifically implied that taking mind altering substances is a bad idea.

>> No.3444992

It isnt really hazardous in any way, except that this calm ur feeling can go a bit too far, til the point that you dont care about ANYTHING at all. So I would recommend you stopped smoking it every day.
Oh and also Ive heard it lowers your abillity to concentrate if used to much. Just dont do it too often and there wont be a problem.

>> No.3445034

I know that not all PAHs are dangerous, but many are extremely carcinogenic. And I mean, there's a difference between cooking food and combusting something and breathing the products (at least, for most people).

Are you saying that if we could just filter out pyrrolidine most of the health problems associated with smoking tobacco would go away? Some googling is suggesting it's a pretty common ring in natural alkaloids.

>> No.3445490

Consistently altering your brain chemistry over longer periods of time has no benefits.

>> No.3447005

Weed has significantly more tar then tabacco, however this is countered by the fact that thc/cannabidiol have an anti-tumor effect, that is they stop the growth and proliferation of tumors from forming in the lung.
Primarily why there is no discernable link between weed and lung cancer.

>> No.3447718 [DELETED] 
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smoked weed for a year, makes things that werent that cool, cool

then you quit, potheads get mad, then your brain goes back to normal

u mad?

>> No.3447724

Everyone talks about the danger of doing drugs, but nobody talks about the dangers of not doing them.

Humans have been finding ways to chemically alter their consciousness since the dawn of history (and probably long before). It's a fundamental part of being human. Keep being human, OP.

>> No.3447739

good point, ill do cocaine

>> No.3447746

Cocaine is refined. Go natural, maaaaan.