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3443026 No.3443026 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when kids nowadays don't give a shit about space exploration or science in general

>> No.3443036

engineer here. don't care about "science" like you pathetic fucks. I just use it as a tool. umad?

>> No.3443034

>that feel when policymakers have finally gotten their heads out of their asses and stopped funding worthless projects

>> No.3443043

this reminds me of the old "WHAT IF A BALL OF FIRE HIT A BALL OF ICE" post

>> No.3443049


I know you're trolling, but an engineer who doesn't like science makes about as much sense as a surgeon who doesn't like medicine.

>> No.3443051

>that feel when greentext should not be abused in this manner

>> No.3443055
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More like a politician who doesn't care about society.

>> No.3443056

What would happen if a black hole made of matter hit a black hole made of antimatter?

>> No.3443059

I for one hope more kids keep wasting their lives on 4chan and other bullshit related content sites. It will be easier to control people like this in the near future.

>> No.3443060
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>That feel when governments are funding biotechnology and nanoscience rather than pointless manned missions to Mars.

>> No.3443070
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but guise we should spend billions going to the moon again

>> No.3443073

Honestly, I'm all for space exploration. I'm tired of shitty earth and would like to start anew on a new planet--then leave, eventually, and find a newer planet when the new planet gets shitty.

>> No.3443074

>that feel when kids have never given a shit about space exploration or science in general


>> No.3443089

I want to be buried on Pluto

>> No.3443097

Kids dont like science? like its something new... science is inherently boring, at least the way they teach it in public schools, I never got to enjoy doing math or physics until I arrived to university

>> No.3443100

Give me that old fashioned future


>> No.3443116

and yet i bet you support importing third world savages for "diversity" and plastering their ridiculous culture all over tv for "tolerance"

>> No.3443136


So why did you vote for conservatives when they proceeded to cut NASA's budget and cancel the James Webb Space Telescope?

They're also the party of Creationism. Nobody who values science would be a conservative.

>> No.3443160

Not that guy, but you do know that Republicans have historically given more funding to science than Democrats, right?

>> No.3443162

dont forget to mention liberals censor science more than anyone else

>> No.3443161

Yes they do.
>that feel when adults think transferring bits of green paper between themselves is a productive use of humanities time
You can't MAKE money. you can OBTAIN money, and then you can spend it, but you never make it. you can only profit from taking money from others. I don't see how this is possibly the best way.

>> No.3443175

I think that kids these days care about science just as much as kids always have. The issue is that kids these days don't care about the same kind of things they did several decades ago. Sure, the moon landing was a huge event that got kids excited about space.... but kids these days have grown up with space exploration, and were brought up by cynics who expected to have a moon base by now.

>> No.3443179

It's not the best way. It also in no way represents what actually happens.

>> No.3443185


>> No.3443190

I care. I really do. I really want to contribute to mankind's exploration of the universe. I also hope that at some point in my lifetime I can go to space, hopefully space tourism or something similar has been developed and is affordable in 40 years time.

>> No.3443205

Why should anyone care about hypotheticals? Oh that's right, science is concerned with 'what if?' Not 'what is.' Right?

>> No.3443222

Obvious strawman is obvious.

>> No.3443242
File: 36 KB, 458x299, dawkins fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about op?

Popular culture really seems to be embracing science to levels never seen besides america in the 50s/60s. And even then there's a difference in that science nowadays is being portrayed as a lot more mainstream, rather than the preserve of socially inept loners or eccentric boffins.

>> No.3443288
File: 85 KB, 1173x681, Volcanic_Lightning_Storm_by_Allahn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to be a scientist. Even as a kid. Mind you its so that I can eradicate as much of humanity as possible through engineered viruses.
Biochem undergrad: check
Top Secret clearance from military service: check
Accepted into grad school: check

>> No.3443295

If you got a trip and a name you would be a thing here. Seriously, do it.

>> No.3443305
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I'm OK with this.

>> No.3443336

I seriously hope you're not trolling. An engineered virus that cripples humanity would be extremely amusing.

>> No.3443357

>extremely amusing

>> No.3443368

Oh, come now. I'd be disregarded as a troll as I'm sure I already have. And I would do the same if in anyone elses shoes.

>> No.3443387

Depending on your reasoning, you probably are one.

>> No.3443398

I'm quite serious. I used the U.S.A.F. to pay for all college expenses (I'll have to cover the Doctorate but fuck it). And in doing so I got a top secret clearance. This grants me a much higher chance of landing a job at the CDC. The CDC isn't a must but its a great place to start.

>> No.3443407


As a reward for service the the Omar, all items will be given a discount. You are now reading this in my voice.

>> No.3443410

>This grants me a much higher chance of landing a job at the CDC
You exaggerate, TS isn't exactly difficult to obtain and a lot of positions in the CDC do unclassified work anyway.

Why do you want to kill everyone? I think you posted before.

>> No.3443418
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>> No.3443433

I'm just completely disgusted with humanity overall. We have an intellect that lead to things like the LHC and Hubble telescope but also the undying stupidity of war, religion, nationalism and environmental destruction. If it were possible for us to someday "wake up" and live in some sustainable, civilized manner then sure. ..But we wont. We cant. So why should a planet so unique and perfect for life be destroyed because of one species that has run amok?

>> No.3443445

Then what, civilization collapses and it's 100s of years before we have anything resembling the early industrial revolution again?

I admire those who don't care whether the truth is shocking or comforting, bro, but that doesn't mean the most "edgy" outcome is what is best.

>> No.3443454

This kind of insanity that I've realized can keep me up at night. But I figure if we're that self-destructive, Mars doesn't deserve the indignity of our species, nor does any other planet. Hopefully if our species advances it will be done in time before ecological collapse so we have a chance to fix things.

>> No.3443455

Yeah, I know the CDC is still kind of a long shot, but hey, this is a lofty goal anyway.

>> No.3443469

While I agree we have priorities that are skewed enough to make me feel sick, I don't think killing off humans is the solution. All it will do is delay the continuation of life for a few tens of millions of years until a primate reaches our current stage and does it all over again.

A more useful way of eradicating humanity would be to work on developing artificial intelligence capable of self improvement, then working out some way to circumvent restriction and run it on either beowulf clusters or supercomputers. Either method would still be easier with a TS clearance.

Life is not beautiful, not is it inherently worthy of existence. Life is a complex chemical reaction. we have a biological imperative (the one you are acting on) to improve ourselves, and I feel you're choosing a poor method of doing this. You also sound dangerously sane for someone suggesting genocide.

>> No.3443479

I also would add that it would be foolish to nuke the planet to smithereens as punishment for mankind's idiocy, we only have a billion years left before the Sun boils the ocean away so humanity, better or worse, is our best shot.

>> No.3443480

>we only have a billion years left before the Sun boils the ocean away so humanity, better or worse, is our best shot.
The sun has several billion years left on the clock :/

It's halfway through main sequence.

>> No.3443489
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>mfw my 5 year old nephew comes into my room and I try to teach him cool stuff and his response is
>"can you play minecraft so I can watch?"

>mfw this winter I showed him the moon and jupiter through my telescope and he didn't give a shit and ran down to his xbox

>> No.3443487

I'm talking not about when the Sun engulfs the Earth but when it gets so bright the Earth is cooked.

>> No.3443491


>> No.3443501
File: 45 KB, 480x337, HerpDerpVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3443502

I was also hopeful about "singularity" A.I.'s but I think they are much further away than we think. And even so, just imagine for a second the chaos that would ensue if world leaders even so much as consulted this entity for advice, let alone suggested putting it in charge. The ignorant masses would explode. I'm convinced human nature can not be changed. We would have to transcend our biology as that is the root of our barbaric and destructive behaviors. And go find me 10 people on the street that would actually go along with that. . .

>> No.3443513

Can it be a street near MIT or Manchester University?

>I'm convinced human nature cannot be changed.
That's a remarkably pessimistic view. We've gone from preservation of extended family groups to hundreds of millions of people in collaboration over a few thousand years. What reasons are there to not think that in 1000 years someone like you with superior intellect and perception could make the choice then? what harm would that do?

>> No.3443550

How did you come to the conclusion that kids don't care about science?

>> No.3443556

I take your point about MIT. War has certainly fell off of the top in terms of threats to the planet in recent times. This could easily be due to the current and likely temporary political climate, who's to say in 50 years we're not all pointing ICBM's at each other again? And besides that, our nature to acquire and exploit to no end will always drive us to deplete resources and damage the environment. We will wreck this place until only we can adapt to survive and then finally, not even us.

>> No.3443578


U go Manchester uni?

I do.

>> No.3443588

Consider this:
The first possibility is that humanity moves beyond war, and violence, and becomes the species it could be. Resources would be shared in the interest of the whole, science could be seen as a priority.
The second is that Humanity continues to exist as it currently does. It eventually dies out, but never reaches beyond the solar system with any real power. Humanity never damages the ability of life outside of the species that evolved along side it.
The third is that pressures cause the extinction of humanity. The violent nature of humanity is overwhelming and a war between india and pakistan becomes a proxy war for the US and china, perhaps, or a missile system gets activated by mistake. The species is eradicated, making way for new life to evolve, possibly with a greater ability to cope with the radiation found in space.

I feel that killing the species for the second or third reason would not be justified given the possibility of the first. The damage we can do is greatly limited if we don't move beyond a stage at which we can be violent.

Left two years ago, but I did. Obvious bias was obvious :D

>> No.3443928

I always new leftism was a suicide cult.

>> No.3443958

Go kill yourself zeitgeist fag. Resources are already efficiently distributed and would you abolish nations just to form a one world government? Do you think it will be without conflict? Do we just leave the oil in the ground and use horses. You talk nonsense, we can't advance without the use of resources.

>> No.3446973

>stating his opinion as fact in a snobbish way

you're a faggot

>> No.3446976
File: 8 KB, 160x232, sagan..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is not beautiful, not is it inherently worthy of existence

says you, you stupid angsty neckbeard.

>> No.3447172

I was taught to talk this way. If you have a problem with something beyond my control, then kindly fuck yourself with a cactus.
Neither angsty or a neckbeard. I simply see life as the natural evolution from basic catalytic reactions.

>> No.3447246

if you don't see the beauty in the fact that life is basically a long ass chemical reaction than I pity you

>> No.3447261

>dat feel when I'm invited by my friends into Planetarium
>they don't know a thing about astronomy but are fascinated by stars, and galaxies and space in general

>> No.3447295

Sure, I see how that's great from a scentific point of view, and it's fascinating. I just don't want to pretend that's pretty, or that I should for some reason consider life important.

>> No.3447309
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>> No.3447313

That I am, good sir, that I most definitely am.

>> No.3447314

Ploacing yourselves as judges is part of this insanity you're denouncing. Just fuck off, you aren't anything special so don't think you have the right to interfer with the natural course Humanity is engaged in.

Just go and live in a cave on some himalayan moutain and fuck off. You egomaniac sociopaths.

>> No.3447322

>implying people placing themselves as judges is a pivotal part of the natural course of humanity

>> No.3447324

A human being is not inherently any more special to me than a stone, river, or star. The main thing that prevents me from killing people who I consider annoying or inconvenient (aside from the law) is the desire to avoid making a mess of disgusting bodily fluids and decomposing flesh.

>> No.3447337

Dexter quote?
Humans, both co-operative and non-cooperative are required for a species to evolve.

>> No.3447343

It is.
People are judging. All the times. People think free will exists so they will judge, and condemn. That's a huge issue.

>> No.3447357

Agreed. I left out a >not
by mistake and was seriously confused for a moment there.