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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3442614 No.3442614 [Reply] [Original]

It's time.

Template will follow in next post.

>> No.3442620
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>> No.3442637


>> No.3442646
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>> No.3442648
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Man was I pissed off. I was hoping for something easy and liberal artsy that I could fart my way through and end up with a doctorate. Next thing I know I'm doing maths every other lecture and an assload of neurobiology shit.

You lied to me /sci/.

>> No.3442661

>You lied to me /sci/.
Well, that wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.3442667
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>> No.3442678

not sure if trolling, but apparently you had a gaybuttsex.jpg saved already.

>> No.3442681

true dat.

>> No.3442689
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>> No.3442692
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I used the term "gay rape" in query, but thanks for trying.

>> No.3442696


>> No.3442698

enjoy your google search history

>> No.3442707


>> No.3442703


>implying i don't use a virtual machine

>> No.3442719

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

>> No.3442722
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>> No.3442726
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>> No.3442750
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Fixed that for you.

>> No.3442755

why would you?

>> No.3442759
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>> No.3442764
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>> No.3442775
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>> No.3442807

By posting, I am bumping this thread back to the top of the main page.

>> No.3442820

What i am studying.. Pharmaceutical Sciences...
What i expected... Wait, i have no time, i have to go back to learn...

(Still loving it btw)

>> No.3442829
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>> No.3442832
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>> No.3442839
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>> No.3442840


at least you know how to make meth now

>> No.3442854
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Feels okay I guess

>> No.3442869


>> No.3442873

In theory yes.
2 years, and i'm JUST NOW getting the first actual organic lab.
2 years of Quantum mechanics and Thermodynamics

>> No.3442879


>> No.3442882
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>> No.3442881

man, I don't know how you expect something exciting out of pharmacy.

>> No.3442884

Yeah, unless you want to do something useless(liberal arts) or boring(law/medicine) you're gonna do allot of math at uni.

>> No.3442887

I spent 6 years in undergrad and grad school learning finance, accounting, and taxation.

Get a job and all I do is look at people's and company's tax returns.

Wtf was the point of all that?

>> No.3442892
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fuck you /sci/

>> No.3442896

trolled like a motherfucker

>> No.3442897
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Shit is just math

>> No.3442898


welcome to the modern age, where you need at least a bachelor's degree to get a job where a few weeks of training are all you need

>> No.3442902
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Dem ho's are crazy dere

>> No.3442899
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Not everything.

>> No.3442913


i used to work at lockheed martin.

i got tasked with doing safety/compliance audits for our labs, all 143 of them

fucking asshole would leave dangerous chemicals out in the open unmarked containers all throughout their lab

>> No.3442915


>> No.3442923


licensing and liability are the real reason companies hire engineers/accountants with degrees

>> No.3442928

We do math to those tubes you know.

>> No.3442937
File: 40 KB, 500x364, chemeng_en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those tubes aren't looking so boring now are they?

>> No.3442939

Do strip clubs have in house statisticians? I'd hire one if i owned a strip club.

>> No.3442940

Just wondering, do you pharmacology courses actually differ from the pharmacy courses? Help a student pick his course. Brit fag if that changes anything?

>> No.3442942


oh. i'm studying for the CPA exams. after looking at the work of my co-workers (apparently people with a decade+ of experience) i surprised the regulators haven't eaten us alive.

does no one know what the fuck they're doing?

>> No.3442950
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>> No.3442954
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>> No.3442981


I had to go to an ethics lecture that claimed that 70% of KPMG employees, when anonymously polled, admitted that they break the rules.... or something like that.

>> No.3442987
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>> No.3442995
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Gel after gel after gel after gel after gel after gel...Mmm, Jell-o.

>> No.3442997
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>> No.3442998


i had an interview with goldman sachs.

they pretty much beat around the bush, but wanted to know if i would "be a good soldier and follow orders to the bitter end"

no wonder our financial system is in such awesome shape

>> No.3443006 [DELETED] 


no faggot you don't know wtf you're doing. I see hot shot faggots like you come into the oil field to work all the time. You think knowing the integral of e^x means shit at work? nope its about getting the job done not how much book shit you know. You might sign the off on the liability but its the field engineers like myself who actually get the job done. Once in while we get a few school engies who are quick learners and good workers but most of time they would be better of majoring in math or some other none applied bullshit.

>> No.3443005

i'm thinking of going into that

What's worst about education is (in US) it's so costly, that I just feel like i have to settle in for something. I may enjoy something like physics or chemistry and particularly music and film a lot better and would get much more out of it, but I don't feel like i can try them/or will make any money from them to justify a college education. I was a sociology major for about a semester (after my liberal arts 2 A.S) and realised that was somewhat a waste of time (i enjoyed what i learned, a little bit).

So i'm just settling into accountant and economy becuase, it doesn't bore me and i don't mind it that much. I figure if you arn't going to be doing something you love you may as well make a decent living off of it. I also kind of think when it comes to it 90% of jobs are beauracracy shit. Feels bad man.

Question: Do you get decent hours and do you have to take work home with you? From what i'm hoping is for a job with decent hours and no take home work. Doing my hobbies (music, art) in my freetime.

My dream is to open a movie theater in a college town and show artsy/old movies and have kung fu film festivals and maybe a smoke shop. I don't really think it's profitable at all at the best i'll be able to keep it running, so i'd need to have a good savings beforehand.

>> No.3443012
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>> No.3443015


no faggot you don't know wtf you're doing. I see hot shot faggots like you come into the oil field to work all the time. You think knowing the integral of e^x means shit at work? nope its about getting the job done not how much book shit you know. You might sign off on the liability but its the field engineers like myself who actually get the job done. Once in while we get a few school engies who are quick learners and good workers but most of time they would be better of majoring in math or some other none applied bullshit.

>> No.3443023


Pahaha... Oh my god... thats funny..


I know you didnt ask me, but my father is a CPA, and him like all accountants Ive met have to work a lot. I dont think its possible to be a part time accountant. My father works 80 hours a week.


no faggot you don't know wtf you're doing. I see hot shot faggots like you come into the oil field to work all the time. You think knowing the integral of e^x means shit at work? nope its about getting the job done not how much book shit you know. You might sign the off on the liability but its the field engineers like myself who actually get the job done. Once in while we get a few school engies who are quick learners and good workers but most of time they would be better of majoring in math or some other none applied bullshit.

>> No.3443031


>> No.3443028

> Implying integration of e^x is not shit tier high school level.

>> No.3443050


I love science, math, engineering, et cetera. I wanted to go into one of those fields but I looked at the big picture. The scientists, et al. do their jobs well, but there is shitty direction at the top. Politicians and business leaders have fucked up priorities that are holding us back, and I felt that by going into business (banking where I'm currently employed) that I could make a change. That's a long shot, but who knows.

Anyway, I did a double major in finance and accounting, got my masters in accounting and a masters in taxation (it was 5 extra classes on top of the MSA), and my MBA. I had a full ride all the way from undergrad through grad school or I would have stopped with my bachelor's.

Anyway, I don't think I learned much that applies to my actual work duties. I work as a credit analyst in a bank, and the job is kind of stressful, but not too bad. There's a lot of work and we can't make a single mistake since we have regulators in here several times a year. I didn't have much training, I was just thrown into the fray unlike my coworkers whom had a full one-year official training program, but that was when they got into the industry over a decade ago.

In essence, I think you choice is good but you need to focus on something specific and get a masters since people don't really look much at bachelor's degrees anymore unless it's a top school. Network and for the love of god GET GOOD INTERNSHIPS! Work experience is valued above all else.

Also, I do like 60 hours of work each week since I'm still new and trying to get up to speed. It isn't fair to my co-workers that they need to pick up slack caused by me.

>> No.3443054

Huh, didn't know he was a mathematician. The More You Know*

>> No.3443058

80 hours a week seems sort of insane. I'm not saying i want to be part time, but I'm thinking like 36-40 hours.

>> No.3443066

>deleting posts despite green-oval

>> No.3443071
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Well, that was a waste of time.... Will talk politics for money anyone?

>> No.3443076


To add on this. I didn't get a good paid internship until grad school, that's why I went since the undergrad internships were just shitty resume padding and the actual duties were more like being a glorified secretary.

Learn excel on your own and be an excel/access master. We used a lot of pivot tables at Lockheed Martin and Disney (don't work for the rat, they fucking suck). One trick is making a good and complex excel system that people use and that only you know how to work.

>> No.3443083


Well. I dont know, maybe you could do it. It just seems like the whole culture of accountants is to work a lot.

Im an economics major, and Ive had to take 2 accounting classes. It was worth it.

>> No.3443088


Also, expect older incompetent co-workers that barely know how to use a computer, let alone do anything except basic math in excel.

>> No.3443093

sort of the same. The way i see it though is that i would get experience to run my own business (movie theater ect). I'm pretty much for the world is fucked, the only hope to change for the better is from a local perspective.

Also what i like is that pretty much every business and organization needs accountants and economists, so it really kind of gives you freedom to go wherever you want.

>> No.3443096


Engineer Status

not told []

told [x]

>> No.3443102


Do you plan on double-majoring or majoring in one and minoring in the other?

I ask since from the people I've spoken too, you need at least a master's in economics to get ahead in the profession, but a Ph.D is preferable.

Maybe our economist friend can clarify.

>> No.3443106

i like economics more than accounting, but from what i understand the job market looks better for accountants. I may be wrong.

>> No.3443123

I don't really know what i'm planning. For know I know that it will be at least 2 more years at Suny Geneseo. To be honest i havn't even changed my major yet (I'm still a sociology major), i'm just taking all the pre-req cources next semester and will then switch. So far I only took Intro to Microeconomics, really enjoyed it, got a B+ (It was all multiple choice) understood sociology was a shit major, and decided to move on.

>> No.3443126


I dont really know. Accountants definitely are required for a business. So accountants have a very steady source of employment.

Economics is a bit vaguer in its application. You need people who understand economics, but you dont need "an economist", versus you absolutely need an accountant regardless of how well your employees understand accounting.

But its not like economists are all going homeless. Ive seen lots of internships and openings for economics majors.

>> No.3443132


That's good. I've taken online courses and read books on reading body language, sociology, and psychology to help me in my dealings. Have good social skills is a big plus. I'm introverted, so I have to work at it at times.

>> No.3443174
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>> No.3443184


>> No.3443195

>Iron Man
>math and no women in classes