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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3439995 No.3439995 [Reply] [Original]

Being /sci/entists,

Do you enjoy arts? Do you enjoy the company of artistic types of people? Do you like, or are you, creative?

Or do you consider arts to be separate?

>> No.3439998

Art is bullshit and helps no one.
- What every scientist thinks but is too afraid to say IRL

>> No.3440008

If we were ever to meet other sentient and advanced races I believe that art and music would be our only separation from their race. Art yields emotion and emotion can be great in the best of times, bad in the worst of times.

>> No.3440017


>> No.3440024

Morons take everything seriously (philosophers, people who watch tv), scientists take the world seriously, artists take nothing seriously.

Horay absurdism!

>> No.3440027


bullshit is subjective. "helps noone". Guess it doesnt help emotion and/or the creative part of humanity, huh? You dont listen to music?


So, any other sentient beings in the universe, you think will be like Vulcans?

>> No.3440039


No. Maths and ambition for understanding the universe will eventually equalize between our races and we'll have only our histories (including art and music) to discern what really defined our races.

>> No.3440049

The division of art and science is a symptom of our decay as a civilization. Look at any other civilisation in history, and our own in the past, and you'll see that the greatest philosophers, the greatest artists were also often great natural scientists. Our compartmentalization of knowledge is making us increasingly petty-minded, incapable of grasping the big picture, and fundamentally ignorant.

>> No.3440060



>> No.3440062
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I love you.

no homo if you're a guy

>> No.3440078


I'm inclined to agree with you.

Is not imagination and creativity NEEDED for science?

If it were not, would we just simply be gathering data?

>> No.3440080

God you guys are fucking stupid, you can be scientific and artistic if you just broaden your horizons. I'm great at math & sci yet play piano, guitar, and flute as well as singing. I can sketch (favorite things to sketch being plants and my naked girlfriend). People often come to me for aesthetic questions and I find I lightly decorate everything of mine. I have very fancy handwriting (studied fancy fonts till I could duplicate them exactly) and love fancy stuff with language: poetry, rhetoric, metaphor, rhyme..

"The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art." -Leonardo da Vinci

>> No.3440085

I enjoy humanities as much as I enjoy science.

>> No.3440084


No doubt da Vinci was a bro, and your message is legit, but you kinda just sound like a douchebag.

>> No.3440096

I only consider high art such as victorian style realism to be true art.

>Except I don't really because i'm not brain dead

>> No.3440101
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your post is semantically null...

>> No.3440103

I think that once the singularity happens and we're a technocracy and everything is free, art will be the only thing worth anything. Being able to make money traditionally won't work, so if you want to be popular, you'll need to be very creative.

I suppose it's already happening. Look at American Idol

>> No.3440111

the problem with art is its subjectivity which can be taken as an excuse to fake intellectualism and take up snobbishness
also many artist, no matter how bright, due to scientific illiteracy, believe some really retarded shit

>> No.3440133

I can appreciate art, although not all of it is readily accepted as such since an appropriate filter needs to be in place before it attains some sense.

Beyond that, I really enjoy and admire the creative and imaginative process, regardless of their ultimate goals. For anyone studying the sciences to say otherwise is nothing more than a narrowminded drone who thinks that repetition and emulation of mathematical procedures testifies to "pure thought", while, ironically, being all the opposite. In fact, for those people, those who don't have imagination of creativity, to engage in science is simply to have them do a process n times until a favorable result is obtained because nothing else can be expected of them; These type of people are hardly those that have gained Nobel prizes, or indeed, have contributed much to their field. A little research shows many of those people have eclectic tastes which go far beyond their particular field.

A true thinking mind sees no boundaries, but an endless ground for exploration. Of course art, its driving principles, are necessary and indeed, have been at the core of human progress. Don't let petty high schoolers fool you otherwise because it happens to not be their favorite major.

>> No.3440141

I don't know, but I went to a showing of Abstract Expressionist paintings and came to the realization that the message those kinds of artists was trying to send implied that art is unnecessary. In some kind of ironic twist I think we have tried to make art too sophisticated and compartmentalized when the point is to express an emotion or convey a concept or experience we hold close to ourselves. Considering this, I think art should be the compliment of a given emotion, idea, or experience - not the main event.

>> No.3440158

>the problem with art is its subjectivity

>> No.3440163

Most people who consider themselves "artistic" aren't good at art.

>> No.3440177

And those who think one needs to be "good" at their artistic medium to be considered an artistic person generally don't know much about art.

>> No.3440178

whatever "good" means.

>> No.3440182


Not who you're talking to, but that should be the aim.

The only excuse for claiming to be an artistic person and producing shitty art is inexperience.

Otherwise you're just a hipster douchebag.

>> No.3440185

I want to be an artist

Then again

I want to be a scientist.

I've used Blender a little, I frequent /3/.

I'd like to learn to draw, I need like years of practice though cause I'm shit, and it's like, if I'm going to invest years of practice in some art, it's going to be at least vector art on a tablet or something so I can reproduce or do other stuff with my work more easily than pen/paper.

What is a art OP? I've seen some pretty neat looking things programming wise, and I've seen beautiful examples of examples of human functioning. Are those arts?

Also, gotta love them animus and mangos.

>> No.3440188

There's no such thing as better or worse art. You can be a better painter or sculpter, but not a better artist.

>> No.3440192
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>> No.3440211
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I'm currently a graduate student in mechanical engineering. Which is something I love and could not see myself *not* doing at this point in my life. But it wasn't my first route.

My first year of post-secondary education was in art school, where I was studying sculpture. I didn't leave because I was bad, or because I didn't enjoy it; I didn't see the career in it. I've continued to do it as a hobby, working with metal mostly, some wood, some paper. I sell some things to help fund my school. Most of the decorations around my apartment are things I've made myself; sculptures, photographs, drawings, and actually a number of old robotics and other mechanical projects as well.

I think art is a fundamental part of the human experience. I don't think any life is without art, although being conscious of it is another story. I typically relate to artistic people quite well, but also very technical people as well. And I don't think science is separate from art; science is often seen in our society as justified in its own right, without further explanation, and if that isn't art I don't know what is. But so is engineering, not in the same sense, but holding a cult-like fascination and reference for a specific aesthetic (elegance), really is very telling about the mind of an engineer, if they care for it or not. The idea of a platonic 'rightness' in method or execution, or conjuring a mechanism from the mind, its all art.

Pic related; its a photo of mine

>> No.3440225

I'm an artist and new here.

>> No.3440243
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Art is awesome. I've found that (film) photography is an interesting combination of art and science (mostly chemistry).

Picture semirelated, it's some sketches richard feynman drew on some notes

>> No.3440251

I for one, appreciate good art.

>> No.3440254

Art is pointless and subjective.

>implying that learning how hack the brains of the smartest beings in existence is simple just because it's difficult to explain how to do it

>> No.3440253

Looks like Kurt Cobain or something

>> No.3440842

I enjoy and appreciate the arts; I LOATHE listening to the pompous gasbaggery of those who seek to analyse/criticise it. Artistic interpretation/criticism is not a science and it should not masquerade as one.

>> No.3442261

Whoever has gone up in front of you to say that art interpretation is a science? I doubt that's ever happened.

>> No.3442284

>Be scientist
>Enjoy music

What's the topic again?

>> No.3442307

i know nothing about science or art.

i don't even know why i'm here.

and my ass is sore.

>> No.3442312

are you trying to say that /mu/ is full of assholes?

>> No.3442313

Love arts, music is what keeps me sane

>> No.3443035

I love musicc. Music is my life! I thought I was going to DIE when my Ipod broek :(

>> No.3443057

Physics/astro grad here. I love art, and I hope to persue more of it. I don't think they're (or, I don't think they have to be) entirely seperate.

The arts seem to get too much hate. Shame.

>> No.3443075
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