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File: 254 KB, 1280x1024, wallpaper tiger roar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3439428 No.3439428 [Reply] [Original]

why did the human kind evolve nothing cool?
- we have no claws, wings, fangs, etc
- we cant roar, growl, purr,...
- we have no badass fur
- we have no impressive muscles (without roids)
- boring eye shapes

how can we call ourself predators if we can't barley kill a goat without a weapon?
pic related. it's a tiger.

>> No.3439431

fuck off, furry

>> No.3439432
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>> No.3439433

We are the best endurance runners on the planet.

Also, the smarts alone is sufficient to kill a lion.

>> No.3439438

yeah, but that's boring

>> No.3439439

Actually, humans are very good at running long distances. There are tribes that hunt by chasing deer/antelope until the animal collapses from exhaustion

>> No.3439440

All perceptive and subjective.

Personally, I think we've evolved into pretty badass creatures.

>> No.3439446

we're only predators in the exaptative sense.

there's little point in trying to compare and classify a unique and novel strategy. we ascend from omnivores, and not even particularly successful ones at that.

>> No.3439448


All other animals are dead

>> No.3439452
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we are the most bad ass species bro.

>> No.3439461

we aren't impressive without our technology.

>> No.3439466

we also aren't human without our technology.

>> No.3439473

Technology is an adaption just like claws or venom.

>> No.3439476

We have a badass homicidal instinct and superior intellect. Isn't that good enough?

>> No.3439477

we have more wit than other animals. We're smarter. And technology/tools users are found in nature too, not just humans. So I'd say that it's way more badass than claws or wings, cause we can just make that shit. So


>> No.3439481

primitive man/old school man was more bad ass though i think.

He had no technology to rely on, but still managed to slay dinosaurs and learn magic and shit.

>> No.3439483
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well, check mate
I agree with you as soon we can improve our bodies with our technology. (robot arm inc.) that will be pretty impressive.

>> No.3439485
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>PhD in endurance
>any zebra I want
>300lbs starting

>> No.3439486

>>how can we call ourself predators if we can't barley kill a goat without a weapon?

I've held this contention for as long as I've known what a predator was.

It's a situation where we were only allowed into the Predators Club grudgingly because we fulfilled the base requirements.

>> No.3439505

>implying intelligence isn't cool

>> No.3439514

Thumbs, brain, and walking upright was all our species needed to conquer the world.

>> No.3439515

would be much cooler if other species would be as intelligent as we are.
making contact with aliens will be the greatest moment in the human history.

>> No.3439517

Agreed, Op. That's why I'm scared to go hiking. All the brainpower won't save me from a mountain lion.

>> No.3439519


Humans are the most versatile animals on the planet - we're out-matched in individual categories at times, but excel in all - we can swim, think, run, be physically strong, endure starvation (survive), subsist on a crazy variety of foods, and use tools like a motherfucker. We are the rightful owners of the top position on the food chain - the world's apex predator and survivor.

Also, both sexes can enjoy the act of procreation, which I can massively appreciate, as I spend a lot of time studying other animals who often don't.

I really wish that we had short soft fur though, like housecats, and I fucking swear I'm not a furry - I just feel like clothes are stupid.

>> No.3439521

We are one of the only animals that have sex for pleasure too, Dolphins fuck for fun too. Dolphins are also intelligent.

>> No.3439524

we have the highest eq.
we are able to modify our environment to be more suitable to ourselves.
we have the capacity to create and properly utilize tools.
we have an extremely complex means for communication.
communication + tools = superpredators.
show me any species of animal (microorganisms excluded) that can hold its own against us (alone or in groups) when a group of us mobilizes against it with tools, and i will consider us a weak, uninteresting, nonpredator species.

>> No.3439526


>> No.3439527

It will if you use that brainpower to buy a large caliber handgun.

>> No.3439529

>how can we call ourself predators if we can't barley kill a goat without a weapon?

Its not that other animals don't need weapons, but that they can't use weapons. Using tools crafted by our own intelligence isn't cheating. We are just the best at killing.

>> No.3439530


Add another evolutionary boost to that list - humans can work in concert. We are amazed when other animals do it, like Orcas, but working together may be the most powerful method humans used to reach the top of the heap on Earth, probably a lot more than just tools.

>> No.3439540

We also have thumbs, very important.

>> No.3439548

You'd rather have fangs, fur, claws, etc. than be intelligent?

Oh, nevermind. I forgot what website I'm on.

You are aware that our species invented various high powered means for protection, right?

>> No.3439554

It is insane that in a few thousand years we went from bare subsistence and grunting in caves to analyzing the light spectrum emanating from millions of light years away to identify water vapor and the mass of other planets. Holy shit.

>> No.3439561

>I just feel like clothes are stupid.
I'm sure the fleas agree.

>> No.3439565

I think the sex thing is pretty cool. We have the highest drive and it is recreational, no other animal gets that. Our faces also look more interesting, as they tend to follow different shapes based on phi and pi

>> No.3439577


Other animals have recreational sex, but it is rarely mutually enjoyable. So guys who don't help their partner get off are mal-evolved assholes. It's science! The unsatisfied partner, in the interest of passing on the most advanced, sophisticated genes, should find a someone who gives them the most possible pleasure.

>> No.3439580

i think bonobos and dolphins get it on for fun too... i could be wrong though.

>> No.3439584

when petting dolphins the trainers instruct you not to pet below the waist. otherwise the dolphins think you are making advances on them.

Then the rape begins.

>> No.3439600
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>It's a situation where we were only allowed into the Predators Club grudgingly because we fulfilled the base requirements.
We're unsurpassed endurance runners, which is incredibly useful predation strategy against large herd herbivorous.

>> No.3439643

The op is a moron, and probably physically useless. Luckily for the human race, he's less likely to pass on his genes, thanks to both his physical and mental shortcomings. We will continue to survive and thrive.

>> No.3439748

i biggest dream is to modify the human body to be able to punch bears to death. no robotics, a person must be able to have a child that has the same bear punching qualities that he has.

>> No.3439756

Abstract thought is pretty cool.

>> No.3439769

Daily, we kill more animals than all other species combined. I'd say that was pretty effective predation.

>> No.3439773

probably a few hundred thousands years, but yeah, it's pretty cool.

>> No.3439800

oh god thats depressing

>> No.3439804

Holy fucking shit, that sounds awesome. Do it.

>> No.3439806
File: 200 KB, 510x627, BEARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think humans have turned out pretty badass, especially if one is to equip a human with a flamethrower. I think humans are second only to bears, which are Godless Mankilling Beasts

>> No.3439840

How bout that prefrontal cortex?

We beat every fucking animal alive with that

>> No.3439879


>we ascend from omnivores, and not even particularly successful ones at that.

>Implying success means anything other than surviving long enough to produce offspring that go on to produce more offspring.

We're doing far better than anything else out there right now.

>> No.3439913

>Capable of killing absolute anything on this planet
>Even gone so far as to completely wipe several species off the face of Earth
>Several species of animal only still exist because we eat them
>Not a predator

>> No.3439978

>we have no claws, wings, fangs, etc
Canine teeth mofo

>we cant roar, growl, purr,...
Natural language > any of that shit

>we have no badass fur
Don't need that shit. As others have already said, we are endurance runners. We're so good at temperature regulation we're capable of walking other animals down until they die. Then we eat them

>we have no impressive muscles (without roids)
See above

>why did the human kind evolve nothing cool?
How about hands for tool use and superior brains?

>> No.3439990
File: 68 KB, 256x256, eff08mb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are Gods.
The human race has achieved heights and become something greater than the world has ever seen.

Not only we're the most efficient killing machines and rulers of the world, we're also the most resilient species that accel in any physical and mental aspect imaginable.
We can fucking fly and we don't even need wings to do it.
We can kill any organism with just light motion of our finger (guns).
We can destroy the planet if we wanted to the same way. (nukes)

We've also went from cavemen with bare subsistence to analyzing the entire light spectrum emanating from millions of light years away to identify water vapor and the mass of other planets, along with mapping and acknowledging our entire universe.
We can even become immortal if we wanted to (eternal youth by genetic engineering to prevent the telomare restoration gene from being disabled during our early life, or the alternative less efficient cloning body parts and replacing worn out organs).
And all of this in only a few thousand years.

Imagine how great we will be in 500 million years. It will be beyond imagination.

Like I said. We are gods. Toss away your bible books and fairy tales, because we're living our dreams.

>> No.3440010

Gods... lol not until we can understand what makes the universe tick.
You need to know everything to understand everything.

Either way I'd prefer to be a bisexual anthromorphic dog and live the life of a human than be a human...

>> No.3440018



>> No.3440023

well said sir

>> No.3440026

We already know that.
Time and space make the universe tick.
We also know how it ticks, what rules must be followed, and why things are the way they are.
Laws of physics, math, chemistry.
I don't think there is a question we cannot answer.

I repeat, we are Gods.

>> No.3440029

nvm found it



>> No.3440040

If we're gods then make me a furry.

>> No.3440048


I refuse. It's possible, though.
Requesting that bizarre half-man-half-dog face with the sown on mouth, ears, and fur.

>> No.3440053
File: 30 KB, 395x400, Barley[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to barley kill a goat! I want to see someone barley kill a goat.

Pic related.
It's barley.

>> No.3440118

I was waiting for this post for a long time.

>> No.3440122
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>> No.3440161


>We're doing far better than anything else out there right now.

hello fullretard self-appointed human. in term of biomass and/or number of gene, you are no match for the common cockroach.

now stop thinking you are the apex of evolution

>> No.3440165

>not the coolest thing ever
pick 1

>> No.3440170
File: 1.95 MB, 250x250, neuhgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I hate that picture with the entirety of my being.

>> No.3440212

it's crazier we went from wheel and the fire to that in like 6000 years

>> No.3440215
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>> No.3440216

>eternal youth by genetic engineering to prevent the telomare restoration gene from being disabled during our early life
does this mean everyone alive right now can't get this?

>> No.3440219


You're forgetting that humans are also the most efficient eaters as well. Most of the time, we only need 3 pounds of food everyday at max (disregarding overweight and landwhales). Compared to other animals who need to constantly eat and eat just to gain nutrition.

As well, the human body's muscle groupings allow for many muscle groups to produce high forces that exceed many animal's abilities. Hell, boxers average around 850 to 1050 psi per punch. The human muscle groupings are so powerful that if replaced with denser muscle found in other primates boxers would be able to produce easily 2300 psi per punch.

We are pinnacles of evolution, we just need to tap into our potential.

>> No.3440222

at least humans have dicks

>> No.3440223
File: 950 KB, 1280x720, Broken_Steel_power_armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure as fuck boring, furfag.

>> No.3440228


>creature with intelligence considering intelligence as the coolest thing ever
>implying you're not someone who thinks your race is the master race

>> No.3440233

intelligence is objectively the coolest since it made us apex predators

we went from being hunted to pushing the limits of physical laws being only limited by what is fundamentally possible to exist or not exist

>> No.3440244

yep, they can't get it.
sorry, enjoy your no-existing afterlife.

>> No.3440248

>but but....we're unsurpassed endurance runners

only by training every day, which is only possible due to our intelligence (no other animal would run just to become better at it)

also that's like...less than 1% of the population who can run for more than 10 minutes straight, most of us would fucking collapse from exhaustian trying to chase down an amptilope

>> No.3440255

that's irrelevent since fundamentally the only thing you have to preserve is the brain and the reason that dies isn't telomare

>> No.3440261

Who cares, back in the days that was only a concern because berrga and his tribe didn't know about spear or rocks.
Now days we don't even need that shit, we're so good we farm animals.
d/w it furry

>> No.3440263

You only consider it not cool because you've had it since you were born.
Does the tiger go around saying "Look at my kick ass claws" unless it's actually using them?

>> No.3440264

We killed those shits by WALKING nigga. Most animals can run quickly for like 100 yards, at best. We're the only species on the planet that can not only incredibly efficiently walk, we can do it for hours and hours.

We didn't run down animals to exhaustion, we fucking walked.

>> No.3440277

-intelligence kills a lot better than most body parts
-we can talk
-we don't need it
-we do, just not the way you're thinking. Endurance muscles. Humans are the best long-distance runners
-I'm guessing you mean pupil shape. That might evolve later but for now there's no reason for it to change

It was also possible when people lived in the wilderness and did nothing but find food, run from animals, and have sex. But either way we still kick their asses.

>> No.3440286
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>> No.3440292

why am i now imagining millions of years of human endurance hunters just doing the haters gonna hate strut while animals slowly ran themselves to death

>> No.3440303

Human's would be nothing without guns. And 99.999% of the population would be unable to create a gun by themselves from scratch. So pretty much the only thing keeping us at the top of the food chain is that 1 person/company making guns for the rest of us.

>> No.3440307

It is now my life goal to kill a zebra by running at it.

>> No.3440321

Humans are so badass, a wild lion's first instinct when it sees a human is to run. That's right, we fucking make the king of the jungle run away like a little pussy.

If you, yes YOU, were to go to africa and encounter a lion he would fucking bolt in the other direction. That's the same animal that would fight an elephant

>> No.3440349


>> No.3440365 [DELETED] 


you'd be scared shitless of humans too if your only contact with them was crazy nigger tribes and poachers

>> No.3440372
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>> No.3440377

>Best endurance runners on the planet

Sauce on this?

>> No.3440378

>Why don't humans get anything cool?
>We're just the most technologically advanced civilization to have ever walked the Earth, capable of engineering feats the likes of which Nature itself is incapable! We don't have any of the interesting traits of the entire species we control like sock puppets, training and caging in zoos without so much as a second thought!
>Why is being the single most powerful breed of animal to have ever existed so boooooring?

Fuck you and everything you stand for.

>> No.3440386

We got the coolest feature of all. Super intelligence (compared to any other animal). We can use our brains to make tools and mimic any features an animal has.

>> No.3440397

ok that's pretty awesome

>> No.3440401

but is it actually true, i find it hard to believe a lion would run from a human being

>> No.3440407

Because you're not prepared for that shit like our ancestors were. Hell even as far back as a thousand years ago, hunting parties, and lone wanders at least knew a way to to to fight/flight/kill from a more basic predator.

>> No.3440413

ive seen gifs of bears being chased off by a fucking cat. They run on instinct, if they are in stalking mode and they get caught its usually like OHFUCKTHISIMOUT.dll

not always, but mostly.

>> No.3440417

any anthropology introductory class in any community college/University even High Schools.

>> No.3440424

but we were the top predators before the gun came about... nigga u dumb.

>> No.3440425

Don't really think this still applies though. 99% of humans wouldn't be able to run for 2-5 hours in 40 degree Celsius heat.

>> No.3440436

Sigh okay, let me go pull out my old anthro notes...
Its not that most humans cant, but we are built for long term running. It has to do with how our legs, hips feet all put out and return energy. How our circulrtoty system and muscles use and deliver oxygen and how its brken down. We have the most cost effective stride way of walking. Any human can run, or train to run. Ever see the boston marathon? A few of them had to be former fatasses. Hell even my fatass can run two miles straight without stopping..(I.e. I am trying to not be a fatass anymore.)

>> No.3440439

Thankfully, 99.99% will never have to.

We've conquered the planet that thoroughly.

>> No.3440446

This is modern humans. Nature-surviving humans would have no problem, society's desk jockies can't (and don't need to).

>> No.3440455

We only advanced so far because we pass down things

some octopus that are forced to hunt in groups are actually learning from the older generation instead of discovering it themselves and work together to take down larger animals

>> No.3440464

And neither can today's land predators.

>> No.3440465

>not pussys

>> No.3440482




>> No.3440490

>black bear
I'd like to see her try that with a brown bear or god forbid a polar bear.

>> No.3440491

It was chimps, and the behavior came from looking for tools/ food in dirt. While the chimp would take a handfull of dirt and earth and throw it in the water. It didn't know that seeds floated, only that the floating things were food.

>> No.3440494

-the human ear is better in pinpointing sound sources than most animals, except bats
-human vision is exceptionally good at spotting patterns in backgrounds and predicting movement
-when you turn your head you still have an idea of the space behind you, most animals don't

>> No.3440504

OP, if you ran and hunted all your life for survival, you'd be able to kill a tiger with your bare hands in a face-off because not only would you have a predator's muscles and reflexes, you'd have human brains as well.

Stop being a retarded faggot and go yiff in hell.

>> No.3440516

how do the guys that run down deers and shit get the meat back to the village? They'd be ages away after all that running.

>> No.3440536


If our muscles are so great why are big cats and bears and shit stronger than us?

>> No.3440537
File: 8 KB, 201x250, 1297892239211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That actually really fucking fascinating.

My thought process on the whole thing goes like this:

"Alright Kunta and his pals are about to wreck some lions with human technology... OH SHIT! They just walked up in there like a boss and KS'd those lions! -scientist mode- Hmmm... perhaps our brains afford us the ability to understand that tactically those lions have the numbers and strength to defeat us, but the lions are in fact not as empathetic, cooperative and able to conceptualize the possibilities leading to success and failure leaving the only optimal strategy for prolonged reproductive ability is ensuring one's own personal safety above all else."

Interesting shit no doubt. Makes me wonder if perhaps our cooperation is the reason for becoming as successful a species as we are today....

>> No.3440543

We aren't gods, go infect yourself with ebola somewhere in the sticks.


We are still pretty fucking apexing it on the scale of predators.

Abstract thought and language, opposable thumbs, bipedal, etc.

Take a mouse, for example, they'll forever walk into traps, cause they can't say : Yo guys, avoid this shit, it's a trap.

We can.

>> No.3440549 [DELETED] 
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>mfw imaging an admiral ackbar mouse

>> No.3440577

They run back.

>> No.3440580


awww that makes me want to pet him

>> No.3440590

>So pretty much the only thing keeping us at the top of the food chain is that 1 person/company making guns for the rest of us
Slings, chucking rocks, spears, bow and arrow, that shoehorn like spear launcher, blowguns, etc.

Also, traps, etc
Also, cunning and guile.

Granted, that was a gun kill, but we fucking call animals, exploit their instincts, that hunter, if experienced enough, could have shot that coyote with a bow, too.

>> No.3440595

humans are nature's ultimate killing machine, within 5000 years we went from being able to hunt animals via endurance to being capable of wiping 99% of the life of an ENTIRE BIOSPHERE to nothing via thermonuclear weapons + Cobalt salting

not to mention standard weapons and hell, kinetic kill vehicles dropped from outerspace or pinpoint accuracy missiles

>> No.3440602

not to mention hypothetically being able to produce non-micro black holes which annhilate entire planets

that's the very top end of scifi weaponry right there

>> No.3440605

I hope you meant 50k or more.

Egyptians didn't endurance hunt faggot.

>> No.3440610

Aw... that coyote was so cute when it thought there was another one around

>> No.3440615


They are beautiful animals, but also a pest.

>> No.3440622

Humans are the most badass animal to have ever existed. Unlike other animals, we didn't increase our strength, grow claws, or develop venom. Instead of competing, we did something no other animal had done before: we became smarter.
What good does that do? It fundamentally changes motherfucking EVERYTHING. obviously didn't haPpen all at once, but we became the only animal to plan. Yes, we could remember, and learn, and do many things far better than any animal, but being able to plan attacks, use of traps, coordinate with other humans, including the use of tools, made us not only the most efficient killer on the planet, it made us one of the best survivors. Other animals didn't know summer was coming, and that we'd need water to survive. We did.
Today, our collective knowledge makes us absolutely dominant over every animal on the planet. We make entire species go extinct on a regular basis... Without even trying. We have no natural predators. Most animals run the fuck away when they see one of us. The ONLY threat to our continued existence? OTHER FUCKING HUMANS.

>> No.3440627
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>> No.3440629


Posting the once upon a time series for oldfags and fortunate youngfags who got to see this.
Fellow Doitschbags will probably recognize this show before anyone else.

Good times, should be a mandatory watch for everyone, cheesy as hell but damn if I didn't learn something from it.

Osmosis Joe and the like can go fuck itself, I don't need no ADHD style narration.

>> No.3440632

weird how hunters back in the past were honorable but in the days of rednecks using guns it's not. nothing wrong with it but it's a joke and there's no game no challenge

>> No.3440635



lolololololol canadians

>> No.3440639

I'm not sure if that is sarcasm now, as in, reflecting the views of all those negative youtube comments, or your own view, seeing this as not really hunting, but more like just herpa derping guns around and shooting shit.

If its the latter:
Toting a gun and shooting it isn't the same as knowing how to oblique shoot and all that jazz that ensures quick, painless kills.
even with guns there is a skill progression.

But if you mean, it should be as hard as the early humans had it...then why?
We already have the tech and knowledge, re-inventing the wheel is just for fun, not mandatory.

If this man has a license and actual knowledge and training of culling animal numbers, then he did nothing wrong or dishonorable.

And I'm not even American.

>> No.3440645

case in point, he didn't even hit the damn thing.

>> No.3440657

i lol'd.

>> No.3440664


>> No.3440706

that was badass.

>> No.3440737
File: 32 KB, 500x377, hahahaohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the brain isn't our strongest weapon

>> No.3440877

While it's minor compared to the other stuff that has been mentioned, humans also have comparatively big dicks that are nicely shaped for mutual enjoyment of the user and recipient. If the human penis was more specialized with crazy barbs and shit, there'd be far fewer creative and entertaining choices for where to stick it...