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File: 199 KB, 1000x630, 000 Say No To Social Retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3436256 No.3436256 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3436262

my parents tried that
I almost killed them.

>> No.3436265

> no such thing as autism
> hurr


Stop trying to be edgy.

>> No.3436266
File: 56 KB, 170x221, pinkermugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they exist, retard. some things are genetic and/or otherwise biological, no matter how much you want to believe we are shaped by our environment.

>> No.3436271

Prove they aren't just making it up to sell drugs and to have an excuse to be a social retard.

>> No.3436286


First prove to us that you're not a raving, loony, cunt-bag. You're the one making the outlandish claims. You provide the proof first.

>> No.3436288

Implying asperger's syndrome and autism are treated with medication.

>> No.3436297

>prove the motives of hundreds of disparate scientists over the past several decades who contributed to the characterization of these psychiatric disorders

Scientists are not "out to sell drugs;" that's for the drug companies and their marketing. Adderall/Prozac/Ritalin/Viagra's effectiveness has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the diseases they are intended to treat.

There are clear neurobiological differences between the brains of autistic people and normal people. This is not something made up. Just look in any psychiatry journal. It's fucking real.

>> No.3436302

Autism is the new Restless Legs Syndrome.

>> No.3436304
File: 85 KB, 300x307, 1298413978099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pretty clever of those damn kids to manipulate their brainwave patterns to look different, right?

>> No.3436309

For fuck's sake.
Human intelligence is not plasticine. That's also why blacks will always have lower IQs no matter how rich they are.
I have one good way of raising autistic children: don't let them be children. Due to their aversion to change, they'll be forever like how they were in early years. Don't buy them toys, don't make them watch TV (they won't get things like Schadenfreude, sarcasm or any kind of humor), just raise them as adults with responsibilities straight away.

>> No.3436314


>> No.3436327

True autistic right here.

A normal person would calmly discuss matters.

>> No.3436328


That article, and by association, that lady, is retarded.

Her argument is because brain scans reveal things that could be discovered otherwise or that appear to be common sense the brain scans are pointless?

That's idiotic for many reasons, but the biggest reason is that the brain scans aren't really to find out these higher level ideas. They were conducted to find the neural correlates. The reason that isn't explicitly stated everywhere is because 99% of articles are geared toward the layman, and "Neuroscientists Yukosaki and Svenbard Pinpoint the Neural Correlates of X and Y Localized Primarily in the Cingulate Cortex." doesn't really make for a good headline.

I don't know why I even wasted my time typing that. I'm probably being trolled.

>> No.3436331




>> No.3436333

fucking nigger

>> No.3436338

fuck you, nigger!

>> No.3436341

your a nigger

>> No.3436342


God damn worthless african.

You weren't freed from slavery, you were all FIRED!

>> No.3436345
File: 57 KB, 660x726, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fuckkking hate u, u nigger

>pic related: its u

>> No.3436347


Shitskin detected.

Target acquired.

Autolock initiated.
Firing main cannon.

>> No.3436350
File: 19 KB, 389x437, 1307353763534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3436362

I like the article. Improbable is one of by must read pages. If you are a FMRI fan then maybe this will help you understand why brain scans are often worthless.
Also I found the "Brain Scans Prove That The Brain Does Stuff" article illuminating.

>> No.3436371
File: 23 KB, 420x598, 763-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah brainscans was a meh thing, I would not partake a second time.

>> No.3436421

. . .

>> No.3436737

I actually agree with this. Most of the 'add/hyperactive' kids I know are just spoiled little brats. "awww, he broke half of your house, he has add, he's so cure, what do you mean he should learn to behave, he has ADD you insensitive cunt, he cant help being a spoiled brat every one of us would be if our parents havent disciplined us"

For fucks sake, I understand retards, they are born that way, but ADD is a imagined syndrome for motherfucking soccer moms and lazy adults.

>> No.3436742

ADD adults are ridiculous as well. None of them have any problems focusing on things they are interested in but it's ADD card whenever they need to do something that's not pure joy.

>> No.3436818

I can't help but notice that the full retard OP hasn't replied yet.

>> No.3436823


Btw, autism isn't treated with medication, and the onset of autism starts when one is a toddler. But you so far you've made yourself look like a fucking idiot by not replying to other posts that state this, so I guess i'm wasting my time.

>> No.3436830

IT doesn't mean it's not legit. Just because you're jealous of their "exit door" doesn't mean they're frauds.

At least we can know for sure that you are interested in an excuse for your own inaptitude.
Or maybe you're really inapt too

>> No.3436839

my dad used to beat the shit out of me as a kid.

I started to build myself up at age 15 and learned martial arts ... when I turned 21 I beat the living fuck out of him .. he's terrified of me now.

yeah beating your kids up is not a good idea. you create psychopaths, like me.

>> No.3436845

Dude, the autistic spectrum is a pretty well documented and researched area. How would you explain autistic savants?

>> No.3436850

Violence is never a solution. This is a short term solution to a deeper problem. It doesn't adress the problem, it just scares the person-(s) at the center of it.

>> No.3436900


A psychopath is someone who views people as objects for their own satisfaction, without exception. You might just be a violent person.

>> No.3436926

ADD is not as common as people on the east coast of the US think it is though it likely does exist in a more rare rate of occurrence.

>> No.3436929

No a psychopath entails other psychological disorders such as hallucinations, you're thinking of a sociopath.

>> No.3436947

I'd have to disagree. Psychopathy and sociopathy are essentially the same thing known in the DSM-IV-TR as the antisocial personnality. Psychopathy isn't a psychosis, thus it doesn't concern hallucinations or other loss of contact with reality.

Psychopathy and psychosis are not related.

>> No.3437030

Holy crap what an edgy guy, he's a psychopath, we better run.
Do the hare psychopath checklist revised and give me your score. Then I'll remove 10% of your exaggeration and get normal value score.

You are now aware that the very definition of psychopath removes any doubt of psychosis or hallucination present in the subject.

>> No.3437048

I made a reply to your post explaining (in best manner I can) why I find the ADD syndrome imaginary, or at the very best, extremely rare. Luckily, I'm getting a "Part of your reply could not be posted :(", so I'd appreciate to know what does the site block so I can remove it.

>> No.3437054

You must still be 14 with some image issues because you tret to look edgy and yet you give away the fact that you're underage

>> No.3437069

>has adhd
>gets f's in class
>takes pills
>gets a's

i know its not some kind of placebo effect.

watch the movie ADAM.
its about aspergers.