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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3435071 No.3435071 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening /sci/

As some of you may have noticed, it's really fucking hot and humid out there. According to psychologists people are more likely to believe that global warming is real when the weather is like this, so in a blatant attempt to manipulate your feelings I have compiled a collection of books and articles on that subject.

Here is the standalone readme:


Part 1: textbooks, popsci books, review articles, and historical articles


Part 2: articles on the science, impacts, and solutions to global warming, plus links to data


>> No.3435080

good evening OP.

I don't need any convincing, I was studying this crap in the '80's ffs.

carry on.

>> No.3435114

>mfw its 67 degrees outside right now.

>> No.3435118
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Very good sir, but this thread is aimed at the curious and the misinformed

Half of /sci/ honestly believes that global warming is some kind of natural fluctuation or that the temperature is going to drop suddenly

>> No.3435131

>Half of /sci/ honestly believes that global warming is some kind of natural fluctuation or that the temperature is going to drop suddenly

I sincerely doubt that.
I've detected no more than about 2 denialists to ~15 geologists in any given climate troll here.

>> No.3435138
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Lucky you

>> No.3435142


>> No.3435144


Maybe they're just loud and persistent, and I overestimated their numbers

A lot of them are quite subtle, saying things like "I think global warming is real, and humans play a role, but that role is exaggerated and Climategate proves scientists are in it for the money"

>> No.3435178

climatologists are rare, geologists not so much.

climatologists are geologists, all geologists study some climatology, but not all geologists go on to be climatologists.

ftfy back.

>> No.3435186

that didn't strike me as subtle.

I've never met anyone in any academic community that thinks 'climategate' proves anything- except academic community.

>> No.3435192


Refutes all the deniers (and shows how stupid monckton's followers are), acknowledges true skeptics

>> No.3435218
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>Sunny and 75˜F

>> No.3435225


Maybe it's more of my experience IRL rather than /sci/, a lot of otherwise reasonable people seem to have bought into the whole Climategate story, or they think Al Gore is a scumbag and do the whole guilt-by-association thing

>> No.3435233

indeed. probably well over half of americans, and who knows how many in other countries.

an average american won't last 5 minutes on this board without being labeled and dismissed though.

after that if they stick around they're probably trolling, not learning. If I want to talk to laymen about climate I head over to where they hang out. Newsvine has a lot of well-meaning imbeciles.

>> No.3435238


Americans are by far the worst. Anglophone countries in general tend to be prone to skepticism/denialism of global warming. Must be the Protestant Ethic or something

>> No.3435255

Potholer54 series on climate change.

This sets the record straight. The guy does the research, unlike the idiotic sceptics.


>> No.3435256

preventing it does seem to go against the grain of the whole "god's gonna step in and save us" thing.

though by that reasoning we should be causing all kinds of disasters for god to fix for us... like having tons of kids and starting wars with anyone that doesn't think like us...

>> No.3435264

>using stereotypes on /sci/
>not very scientific

>> No.3435270

They don't have to worry since the stereotype is usually true.

>> No.3435281

I'm using polls. don't ask for citations, you can google global warming denial before and after climategate as well as I can.

and of course anecdotal evidence since I'm an american living in a fairly conservative and religious area.

>> No.3435292


It's not a stereotype. You won't find any country with as strong a denial movement as in the US.




And who are the most prominent skeptics? Nearly all of them American scientists, American news anchormen, or American think tanks. Then you've got Ezra Levant and Steve McIntyre in Canada, Christopher Monckton of the UK, and Ian Plimer from Austrialia. And only in these countries (except maybe Canada, although some suspicious persons dressed as IT personnel tried to break into Andy Weaver's office) do climate scientists get bombarded with death threats on a regular basis.

>> No.3435388

It is a stereotype if you consider all Americans to be deniers. I'm American and I know global warming is one hundred percent fact.

>> No.3435397

No one except you said all, using 'Americans' without using 'all' implies 'in general'.

>> No.3435438

Stereotypes are a form of generalization, and saying "all Americans" is still the same as saying "Americans". When one says "Americans" they mean the American people as a collective, not as the various groups or individuals or even the people you apply the stereotype to.

>> No.3435445

Went to grandmother's house today, she was playing NPR and buying into the global warming hype. My constant attempts to assure her that it is only incidental and weather does this all the time did not work. Since we live on the gulf coast, I used the analogy that after Ivan and Katrina people assumed there would be a major hurricane every year for the rest of time, yet we haven't had one since. That seemed to work.

>> No.3435505
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I can't believe you'd be willing gamble the safety of your own grandmother on bullshit analogies, so I hope you're a troll. If you aren't, well:


