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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 744x919, humans_get_your_ass_to_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3427928 No.3427928 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ baww thread

>> No.3427957

Thanks, Obama!

>> No.3427968

Private industry will pick up the slack big time, we'll have space hotels in the next decade, at least small ones

Moon mining and colonies within the following 20 years.
NASA can focus on a Mars mission exclusively, using private space for in orbit assembly

Stop whining

>> No.3427978

The space shuttle was a fucking gimmick right from the start. It's pretty sad that so many people died just to please moronic policymakers.

>> No.3427981

lol Call me when they get a full crew up there.

>> No.3427998

Obama doesn't own the United States.

Obama was just the messenger of the bad news.

>> No.3428002

Shoot the messenger.

>> No.3428012


reported for death threats

>> No.3428029
File: 67 KB, 640x400, 4432082580_80fccfddc4_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay... we're still exploring the universe, we're just focusing on the little stuff right now, like genetics. Astronomy will come back though, and then we'll go to mars!

>> No.3428043 [DELETED] 


>>Thanks, Obama!

Obama increased NASA's budget back in 2009. Republicans cut NASA's budget recently, forcing (among other things) the cancellation of the James Webb Space Telescope.

Why are people so eager to hate on niggers that they blame the wrong people entirely for shit like this?

>> No.3428048

You know how those seem like huge steps from each other?

Well compared to from the moon to anywhere else in this fucking solar system, that's <span class="math">chump[/spoiler] <span class="math">change[/spoiler].

>> No.3428061


>moon colonies within next 20 years


>> No.3428072

actually this is true