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3424714 No.3424714 [Reply] [Original]

NASAtv on Ustream

Launching 4 rockets into the atmosphere, to spray aerosol. in an attempt to judge how chemicals affect the currents in the atmosphere, and other meteorological patterns....

Broadcast starts at 7:30AM EST

Watch it live!

>> No.3424834

They're only launching two rockets.

>> No.3424953

If it were Al-Queda would you be worried?

>> No.3425065

not really, oddly enough.

I just think its funny, that NASA is actually referring to the experiment with terms like "chemtrails", a hot topic for conspiracy nuts.

Now that the shuttle program is over, ive gotta be exited about something. So rockets it is.

>> No.3425144

I guess the World forgot it's actually America's atmosphere...
No need to ask anyone...

>> No.3425166

As if NASA is an american organisation lulz. it was funded and initiated by Nazi's. Who knows who the hell is calling the shots over at NASA. Hitlers brain is probably hooked up to a computer somewhere deep underground. Thats where the orders are coming from. And reptilian aliens are protecting him from the power of jesus!!!!

It all makes sense.

>> No.3425215

I dont not believe this.

oh the irony would be sweet.

>> No.3425221


I'll just assume they are actually being honest then...

Don't we already know the atmosphere doesn't like aerosols?

Or Isn't climate change happening fast enough? Here in Aus we are just getting Carbon Tax organized.... Doesn't it seem a little pointless atm? UncoOrdinated at the least?

>> No.3425238

Obama is working on his own carbon taxes. Of course, hes just a spokesperson, the real laws are being written by lobbyists and
"special interest groups". Im sure its the same way in Austrailia too. Gotta invest in that green energy. And make sure you dont breathe too much, it might harm the trees. And you can only use your air conditioning in the winter. .....its winter in austrailia right now, right? =P

>> No.3425240

what a shitty waste of money, u atheist libs sickenme.

>> No.3425241

what kind of green energy company can afford decent lobbyists?

>> No.3425255

i dont know, maybe the kind that obama is giving free money to for no reason.... so the kind of lobbyist that invest in China.