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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 96 KB, 771x676, 1311207732844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3423446 No.3423446 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this the case, /sci/?

>> No.3423454

because it's not.

>> No.3423458

because building muscle takes work?
whereas not building muscle doesn't?

>> No.3423462
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>> No.3423465

Because your standards are fucked up by shitty tv-shows and bad cinema. That's why.

>> No.3423467

are you one of them retard people?

>> No.3423469

>implying women who aren't active at all but never eat actually look good
>implying men don't look good without well defined muscles

>> No.3423471


go live 200 years ago where fat men were atractive in spane

>> No.3423474

because you are a faggot

>> No.3423476

It's not.
A lot of women don't actually like muscular guys.
That's just a male fantasy that's probably got more to do with in the fact that muscular guys would be better at fighting other males.

>> No.3423477

The man to the right has an ugly, distorted body. Anorexic syndrom

>> No.3423483

the girl does not "look good", she is merely thin

to look good, she'd need at least a couple years of weightlifting... dance aerobics doesn't cut it

there are VERY FEW truly fit women in the real world

>> No.3423488

ITT: skinny mananons and fat femanons deny that there are universal attractive features which we recognise because of our genes.

have you any fucking clue about the animal kingdom?

oh of course, birds of paradise like flashy manbirds BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY SEE IN TRASHY MAGAZINES.

you people are fucking pathetic. you call yourself scientists but live lives of denial and/or total stupid.

>> No.3423489

>that Muscular guy.
Typical gay fantasy

>> No.3423493

Men look for the things that make a woman unique. Women look for the things that make a man better.

No amount of work can really make you more like his ideal woman. And no amount of work can make you better than every man she meets.

It sucks from both sides. The best you can hope for is that you both value intimacy, which only comes from companionship and mutual trust, more than passion, which one tends to get in abundance only at the start of a relationship. People who will give up the former for the latter are not worth investing time and effort into, though they are well worth casual interest.

>> No.3423494


Her hips make her look infertile.

I do not want.

>> No.3423500

she looks great!? women needing noticeable muscles is a bunch of typical propaganda BS preying on female insecurity to make money. no they don't, they just need a lack of flab, and that's achieved by a healthy diet.
are you genuinely a straight male?

>> No.3423507

holy shit, you are genuinely saying that there isn't a genetic component to attraction. i think i'm going to fucking die of laughter here.

>> No.3423511


Theres a genetic component to everything, bro. But your idea of "universal attractiveness" is like watching a homeopathy comercial.....Its just fucking silly.

I am not attracted to bodies like that.

>> No.3423518

women have it bad. men have it fine because women are less interested in pretty faces and more in social standing, which men can choose to improve.

>> No.3423522
File: 24 KB, 300x400, oh-you-kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read a lot of comics too?

>> No.3423523

like what? who and what are you talking about?
i'm not saying it's 100 genetic you douche, i'm saying it's not 0. nowhere near.

>> No.3423524

More like
>have genes that make you look like you have good genes
>do nothing

>> No.3423539


You are fucking stupid. Everything is 100% genetic because your actions and reactions to stimuli are guess what: Determined by your dna.

Please get the fuck out of /sci/, you lose, good day, sir.

>> No.3423541


And men have it bad because they can't be secure unless they can outperform every rival suitor.

If a woman is a five or higher, she is somebodies eight just because. If a man is a five or higher, with hard work and perseverance he can be an eight. That's the difference.

>> No.3423542



You're not that good at this...

>> No.3423547


Yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.3423549

>men, what do you think of overly muscular guys?
AWWW, man. Strong guys get all da pussy
>women, what do you think of overly muscular guys?
EWWWWW. What the fuck is wrong with that guy? He looks all swollen and unhealthy and disgusting.

>> No.3423550
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>have genes that make you look like you have good genes

>> No.3423555

>Everything is 100% genetic because your actions and reactions to stimuli are guess what: Determined by your dna.

Partly wrong. I think environmental pressure (stimulii) is the most important factor and that your reactions are based on your life experience and how you were raised. I think you overrestimate the influence of genes

>> No.3423563

This is what happens when people mistakenly conflate height with muscles. Height = genetic superiority. Muscles = Tryhard compensating for genetic failings

>> No.3423564


And I think you are not taking the time to examine what you're calling "you" as if dna is some kind of soul.....

That shit is for religion threads bro.

>> No.3423566

Get out you fucking idiot.

>> No.3423568
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>> No.3423576
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look at me being clever xD so random epic win

>> No.3423578
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone might have already stated it, but I can't be arsed to read the thread, so:

Contrary to popular belief being muscular doesn't make you fit in the evolutionary sense.
Muscles are sinkholes of energy. Your body is always trying to not make more than it needs too.

But for girls all they need to do is not eat excessively. Which I admit can be hard because, again evolutionary, are bodies are trying to keep fat. But girls actually have a higher percent of body fat when corrected for average height. It's because it usually goes to the breasts and gluteofemoral area.

>> No.3423580

To get a body like the girl on the left you actually have to work out.

>> No.3423582

lol i kno rite that guy got owned

>> No.3423588

Wow, umad

>> No.3423589

holy shit

it sure is same-fag in here

>> No.3423603

DNA is a blueprint for our organism, sure.
But our brain is plastic. it adapts, evolves, transform during all your life. So... I think genes have not so much to do with personality more than being confronted to Reality over times , memories, etc.
I can't agree with you .

>> No.3423606


That's true, but in a given day, men (on average) burn more calories than their female counterpart.

That is because women store more calories than men. So, technically, women should have to work harder at it then men.

>> No.3423637

Women don't really need to be thin to look good, they just need to stay the female shape - reasonably full hips and thighs, slim waist, not too much muscle definition. This eliminates "chubbies" and many weightlifters.

Men also don't need to do much, they just need to not have much excess fat, which is more of a female characteristic.

>> No.3423650

>That is because women store more calories than men


>> No.3423662
File: 122 KB, 780x629, 1288192563707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was a scientific study conducted a year or two ago that doesn't seem to have penetrated the conventional wisdom, as is the case with most facts about human attractiveness...

But anyway, basically it was found that the body weight of an individual was judged to be more attractive in a directly inverse proportion with the availability of food in that region.
That is to say:
Olden times Europe, Modern day Africa = Chubsters are ideal
Modern day America = skinny is ideal

>> No.3423669

Skinny men without muscle are not widely preferred over larger men that are lean.

>> No.3423683


Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that study just applied to women.

Yeah, the V-taper or men is pretty much universally found to be attractive. The shoulder to waist ratio of 1.618 actually was found to be the optimal measurement of what is actually called "the Adonis index".

>> No.3423712

Maybe YOUR brain is plastic you android nigger, but mines made of lipids and proteins.

>> No.3423733

Trolling score : 3/10
Ignoramus Scale : 7/10

>> No.3423744

> implying lipids and plastic aren't both hydrocarbons

>> No.3423747

that candy-ass with the abs is not nearly as attractive as my 8" penis

>> No.3423757

And yet if you're both put into a bar where you don't know anyone, with equal personalities, he will pick up more, hotter women on average.

>> No.3423765

you've never been laid, have you?

>> No.3423772

>have to look pretty and HOPE the guy she likes will approach her, if not tough shit
>not born hot? good luck trying to get anyone to notice you
>oh yeah, and you only have 30 years, after that your body goes to shit no matter how hot you are

>born as blank slates
>can improve their attractiveness via working out, learning to be confident and of course by making money or gaining power
>you want a girl? it's all about how much will power you're willing to put in. Even the ugliest man can find a way to score an attractive girlfriend
>men get more attractive with age, and it's not that uncommon for men as old as 60 to score hot 20-somethings.

>> No.3423781
File: 56 KB, 170x221, pinkermugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born as blank slates

protip: nobody is

>> No.3423783

Holy christ. You people think that a girl can get that thin body just by not eating a lot? Wow. Being thin like that also requires exercise. You don't sit on the couch all day and not eat anything and end up looking like that; it's about balance.

As for the guy, I'd only give him an 8/10. I don't like his facial features. I'd prefer someone taller, thinner and with a nicer nose.

>> No.3423786


lol I find the notion of steven pinker being incarcerated incredulous!

>> No.3423788

>You don't sit on the couch all day and not eat anything and end up looking like that

lots of people do

>> No.3423790

>Being thing requires a good diet and exercise

Genius detected.

>> No.3423795

i don't work out for shit and i'm skinny as fuck

you can't explain that

>> No.3423796
File: 28 KB, 465x441, 1309070221456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



but you have no idea how tall he actually is...
Are all women this retarded?

>> No.3423797


Its a double-edged sword. Women born beautiful will have rich men through themselves over them. But.... those women also tend to be gold digging whores. Women who are born out of the spotlight can often have a deeper personality, but do not receive the gawking the "hot" women get.

In the same way that men can work out, women can stay fit, and ffs they can even get breast implants and wear a lot of make-up (if that is the kind of men they want to attract).

>> No.3423799

>As for the guy, I'd only give him an 8/10. I don't like his facial features. I'd prefer someone taller, thinner and with a nicer nose.

Shut up, dumb whore. Not like you'll have a chance. You'll be raped (by me) some day anyway.

>> No.3423809

A woman who is typically active (walks around at her office job cardio bunny once a week) can get that body by eating a reasonable calorie load, not even a special diet.

And you don't know how tall that guy is

>> No.3423833

in this topic, losers who are too lazy to go to the gym try to convince themselves that having a body like in OP's photo isnt preferential to their own personal sack of fat

>> No.3423841
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>> No.3423848

let me begin my five point rebuttal by saying fuck you and 0/10

>> No.3423851


well, im not trolling... but i'm sure there will be a lot of people willing to troll themselves over what i said

>> No.3423867

wtf, the guy is totally right. hahaha how shit your life must be, you fat lazy fuck.

>> No.3423878

'Cause a human male is not supposed to look like that. It would take the same amount of work for the chick to get the same abs. And she should not.

>> No.3423880

Nah bro/sci/ neither one is necessary
I prefer both messy stoner chicks and /fit/girls to the girl in OP's picture likewise I'm not the most buff guy in the world (i work out occasionally and I'm skinny as a rail) but I'm constantly told I'm attractive by both men and women
It's all about personal preference and the OP's image just represents whats very popular in the media
I've met hot chicks who have a fetish for fat guys and I've seen male models who like older or bigger girls.

>> No.3423884

Citation needed.

Citation needed everywhere.

>> No.3423888

I didn't think you liked men, but if you want to rape me still...

>> No.3423895

I'm not gonna deny being a mushy fuck, but my gf has a body that good by lterally doing nothing but eating reasonably.


>> No.3423903

Why are you protecting abs-man?

>> No.3423928

its not hard to get fit. me and some guys from class started going to the gym every day after class. you only need to go for about an hour, just make sure you use every minute of that hour. plenty of people say "i spent 2 hours at the gym last night" and they spent most of that time sitting down and talking.

secondly, always push yourself. if its getting easier, it means its time to add more weight

thirdly, try to shake off the instant gratification youve been growing up with. it'll take a couple of weeks of hard work to see any improvement

i didnt use to have abs. now i do. my girlfriend kisses them. she's a pharmacist, and she's smarter than me. i dont care, but you do.

>> No.3423939

So you're confirming the right side of that picture then?

>> No.3423947

That doesn't make sense. If it were like that, women would be attracted to muscular legs, because that makes a man faster, and therefore, a more capable hunter, not muscular abs.

>> No.3423950


that you have to work hard? absolutely! especially as you get older. not uncommon for teenage guys to have abs (even without other muscles) but someone who's gone through 4 years of boozing at uni, and still has a decent body, can be proud of themselves. i'm 28 btw

as for girls, i have no idea. my gf goes for a run most mornings, she doesnt really go the gym, but she has a body similar to OP's pic (on the left, haha. ok shes not *as* hot). we're both fairly lax with what we eat. not health crazy but no fried chicken etc either

>> No.3423974

Not all hunting is exhaustion hunting, and defending from other tribes or savage beasts are all upper body activities.

There are guys who run and guys who are run from, the bigger the upper body the more you embody the latter

>> No.3424910

>muscular abs
>sign of good health

Not that different.

>> No.3424929

you obviously don't hang out with women often.

>> No.3424942

Im working on an invention that would make it so that men dont have to do anything either, if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.3424945

chloroform aerosol?

>> No.3424957

No, it actually makes men stronger. Its crazy clever, but I cant give too much away or people will steal it.

>> No.3425121

You're assuming that men and women consume the same number of calories there. Not always the case.

>> No.3425449
File: 60 KB, 299x450, 10701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read all of the posts but just like to point out for humans culture is far more dominant than genetics

example: fat was hot in the 16 hundreds, ref: the 'porn' paintings of the time (just google for a renaissance venus)

if you want a more recent example just compare movies and tv shows for the past 30 years: you'll see the rise and fall of overly large breasts

so your whole argument is just over a very narrow (in time) definition of beauty
also for men power, money and social status > physical appearence pic related bernie ecclestone

>> No.3425462

Explain how pretty boys like Bill Kaulitz are so popular with girls, then.

>> No.3425473

Americans and their shitty DNA.
Every girl is naturally like that in Europe.

>> No.3425501

Guys will fuck anyone who isn't hideous (any normal person)
Females will only fuck alpha males (the best of the best)
Because natural selection. The best game plan for a guy is to fuck like a wild jack rabbit. Because he can, and having a boat load of kids pretty much guarantees his genes are passes on. Where as females don't have that option. They are not able to reproduce as fast or easily as males, they have to make every child count. As such her best game plan is quality. Hence picking on the best males available.
In the wild its typical for the alpha male to be the only one allowed to mate, and he generally gets to fuck anyone he wants. If your second best you usually don't get jack shit.

>> No.3425508

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>> No.3425680

Dude, are you retarded?

Women have it much harder: They have a slower metabolism, less muscles (which burn calories) and have to work out and do sports so they can tone their muscles. Also women, on average, are more prone to bad skin. Its definitely not easier.

>> No.3425689

He isn't? I've never heard girls talk about him.

>> No.3425696

Because he's a celebrity, thus of high social status (which is often more attractive to women than looks alone).

Because he's in Germany.

>> No.3425732


>Also women, on average, are more prone to bad skin.

wat? Nope.jpg

>> No.3425744

PRO TIP: That man would be more attractive (to women) if his muscles were less defined.

PRO TIP 2: Women who just don't eat much but aren't fit are not attractive.

>> No.3425747

>Bill Kaulitz


>> No.3425757
File: 50 KB, 480x623, DONOTWANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A couple of years of weightlifting

>> No.3425766



>> No.3425768

If you want a woman with muscles I've got bad news for you...

>> No.3425777

steroid use accounts for the physique but why is she black?

>> No.3425781

actually to maintain a figure like that most girls need to keep active. most girls with figures like that who dont exercise are in high school. once they leave high school and they're no longer getting PE lessons or chasing boys in the playground, they will put weight on unless they exercise.

and most girls dont care for that amount of muscles on a guy. they want the same as the guys, ie. not a fucking pig-whale

>> No.3425786
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>> No.3425791
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>> No.3425821

this also goes along with the
"bigger is better" mentality in media
Big boobs, big muscles, hell even big packages in porn...all makes for a better picture and screen

>> No.3425852

I can, I can guarantee that you're eating less than your required calorie intake to maintain mass. For males I believe it's generally held to be 2700 or something like that. I used to think link you, that I was eating fucktons of food, but when I started becoming /fit/ and making sure I was eating 3000 calories...that's when I learnt how little I was eating really.

>> No.3425886

>I like short, anorexically thin, small breasted, dark haired girls...
>I'm incredibly thin, long and dark haired.

Well, this aint never gon werk.

>> No.3425892
File: 79 KB, 430x615, trollercoaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you guys posting ITT have actually tried talking to a girl?

>> No.3425901

>that feel when you're so physically attractive you could rape a woman and she would feel happy and satisfied for it
Feelsgoodman. Also it's all about value - add genetically superior traits with fruits of hard and smart work and you will get Master Race. Simples

>> No.3425924


Post this shit anywhere else than /sci/.

>> No.3425925

How do you know if you qualify as an Alpha male?

>> No.3425931

I have but never because I hope to enter into a sexual relationship. There's things so much more fun than sex.

>> No.3425940
File: 97 KB, 461x615, dsbgdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ here - I am what you can define as an alpha male. I value love, courage and living life to the fullest. I do not posses the emotions of anger, fear and doubt - these are the emotions of the weak.

>> No.3425949

Alpha male's don't wear women's jeans.

>> No.3425951
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>looking like a faggot


>> No.3425963

>implying that woman looks good.
>implying any woman looks good

>> No.3425973
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>engineer detected

>> No.3425997
File: 69 KB, 600x571, 1311015418714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're attractive you can get away with so many things

>> No.3426005
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>Thinks this is what women find attractive

>> No.3426029

>I award this 'Gayest comment of the Day'

That woman looks amazing

>> No.3426034

Alpha males don't look like giant fag­gots

>> No.3426205

Don't ever change /sci/, you bunch of pseudo-intellectual faggots. You crack me up.

>> No.3426278
File: 84 KB, 417x625, fi39ur823ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this woman looks amazing

>> No.3426280
File: 200 KB, 433x650, fi3hd88etr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this one too

>> No.3426302
File: 110 KB, 684x1024, fi5ijjt54tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is about the outer limits of what looks feminine, but this is a pro bodybuilder in a competition. she'd be not-so-ripped and have normal-colored skin most of the time


my favorite part of girls saying they won't lift weights is because "they're afraid of growing huge bulging muscles",,,, like it happens in a few weeks and they might not notice until it's too late.

it takes YEARS of lifting to look like that, ya dumb twats. get yer flabby ass on the machines, "too much muscles" is the least of your worries..... if it were that easy, every guy would have done it already

>> No.3426304

>photoshopped to hell, looks like a piece of plastic
>its a man baby

Women look good with >0% bodyfat.

>> No.3426331
File: 59 KB, 598x788, Michelle_Cagle_ru438ru3498r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photoshopped to hell, looks like a piece of plastic

Michelle Cagle
pic might be shooped a bit, but not much.....

>> No.3426336
File: 273 KB, 413x280, oh noes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i saw the bellybutton of the guy in OP's pic
>mfw i realized it wasn't on the midline

>> No.3426367
File: 143 KB, 276x274, 1277363097885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit... it looks like /fit/ rampaged in here and took a massive dump on this thread.

>> No.3426383
File: 8 KB, 236x234, 1301114481656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never in my life went to a gym or anything like it and I'm hot as fuck.

>> No.3426388


You probably have a fever

>> No.3426400

The woman in the pic could look a lot better than she does without looking like she's been on testosterone for three years. This is more an issue of societal standards, what this is saying is all a girl needs is a decent face reasonable boobs and to not be a fat ass.

>> No.3426401

All the bitches think I'm a model or some shit like that. Not even close. Not giving a fuck about apparences is the new sexy, and I'm exploiting it.

>> No.3426405

well i had to post pics of fit women, since so many guys apparently hadn't ever seen one (its not their fault, really)


speaking of massive dumps, when was the last good movie that Eddie Murphy was in?

and that voiceover shit in the Shrek series doesn't count

>> No.3426404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3426512

>slightly built
>nicely dressed with personal flair
>can into computers cuz on 4chan, so intelligent (probably)
>expresses opinion, ignores shitty trolling
>makes at least 3 faggot jelly
I could continue. This guy has his shit together