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3423353 No.3423353 [Reply] [Original]

So my thread was deleted because a bunch of atheist evolutionists tried censoring me when they realized they couldn't answer my questions and I and another poster cornered them.
1. If we evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?
2. Why are there no transitional fossils? Artists renditions and fake skeletons made out of concrete don't count.
3. why do people still have faith in macro evolution, knowing that there is no direct evidence for it, and that all the so-called "evidence" for macro (not micro) evolution is bogus?

>> No.3423359
File: 65 KB, 500x437, monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't blame you kids for believing in evolution; you've only been spoon-fed it your entire government school run lives, and taught to immediately dismiss any evidence to the contrary.

look at all the evidence. the evidence presented in this thread took 5 minutes to refute. no, it's not a walking whale, it's a dinosaur. no, that fish didn't walk on its fins, it used them to hunt prey in the water. no, man and ape do not share a common ancestor, as there is no common ancestor, only the thought that there should be, if evolution is right.

it is not right. you have to have faith in it. it begs for your faith. you have to believe that the universe spontaneously generated itself somehow, or by gravity, and you have to believe you are the product of random chance.

so your life is meaningless, in that it only has the meaning you ascribe to it.

no loving God. no angels. no devil. no heaven. no hell. just a short, brief, painful life and then a dirt nap.

the universe does not operate like that, and no amount of belief in evolution will ever change God.

>> No.3423383

They banned me and tried to censor me, just like they censored Kent Hovind by arresting him on false charges and chased VenomFangX off youtube with bogus legal threats.
Why can't evolutionists actually discuss anything? Why do they always sink to censorship? Is it because they have something to hide? I think so

>> No.3423392
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You evolved the ability to write correctly in only a few posts. Isn't that proof enough of evolution?

Sorry for this reaction. I just wanted to say: Don't feed the troll.

>> No.3423407

you just loaded 3 questions. But i don't see a target. Are you going to shoot these loaded questions at people or something?

>> No.3423420

You can't answer them can you? Thought so.
Come on, at least try. Even if it sounds stupid I'll try not to make fun of you too much

>> No.3423423

was that after venomfangx sued for false dmca or after he stole from charity money or after he lied about another charity or after he was forced to close his YT account by his parents due to his lies?

Hovind isn't even a real doctor, his uni isn't accredited. I'm sure he's having fun with bubba in prison though because of his tax fraud (stealing money from every american citizen at once)
Did you even read his dissertation? Lol!

Inb4 troll, pretending to be retarded isn't trolling, it's just pretending to be a retard.

>> No.3423437

Oh Hovind, his stuff if rich.
"You can make a whole person out of a single chromosome"
"The comet froze the wholly mammoths standing up"
Hey wait, wasn't there an actual tripfag who tried to claim that comets worked like freezerays awhile back?

>> No.3423448

1. If ice is made of water, why is there still water?

2. why can't I understand that all organisms, even fossil ones, are transitional?

3. Why do people believe their senses?

>> No.3423459
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>> No.3423463

>2. why can't I understand that all organisms, even fossil ones, are transitional?
That's just an excuse. Where are the missing links you evolutionists always talk about?

>> No.3423470

1. We didn't evolve from apes currently on earth, humans and other primates share a common ancestor. There's lots of evidence for this: really similar DNA, chromosomes and especially how our chromosome 2 is a result of a fusion between 2 ape chromosomes (the chromosome has vestigial centro and telomeres plus the genes match up). There are still apes because the common ancestor we share with other primates spread out and every population adapted differently causing different evolutionary paths.
2. Every fossil is a transitional fossil but if you want a specific example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiktaalik
There are many more like this one but I cannot list them all in this post.
3. Microevolution = changes to a population of a species that still allow breeding with feasible (fertile) offspring. EG dog breeds
Macroevolution = changes to a population of a species that don't allow breeding with feasible offspring. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_transitional_fossils for examples

Inb4 wikipedia, they have a good list and it is very well-sourced.

>no, that fish didn't walk on its fins
google lungfish
>man and ape do not share a common ancestor
explain dna difference, second genome plz.

Also evolution by means of natural selection has nothing to do with abiogenesis, origin of the universe.

>> No.3423472

forgive me for not using the correct scientific term, but to answer the first, basically evolution is not simply a species transforming as a whole. Sometimes a mutation occurs, that reproduces, but the original species is still intact. Unless some virus comes around that kills one of the two, there will still be both species living together. Unfortunately AIDS is killing both in this case.

>> No.3423473


Those are good questions to make OP think, the thing is, judging by his questions, he clearly didn't go to school, or at least didn't pay attention, so it's all for nothing...

>> No.3423478
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The soil ate them and they never got over that. Sad really.

>> No.3423480
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>if we evolved from mammals, why are there still mammals?

>> No.3423479


Hurhur Wikipedia, look at the sources at the bottom.

>> No.3423484
File: 32 KB, 243x312, 1289813062145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are called missing links because we have yet to find fossil records of them.

>> No.3423487

I gave you a list of found links. Asking where MISSING links are is retarded and you should see why.

Don't forget "you can cover the earth in one drop of water, you just gotta spread it real thin"
Hovind, refuting atomic theory one drop of water at a time.

>> No.3423490

>AIDS is killing both in this case

Not really, descendants of the people who survived the black plague have a higher immunity toward HIV.

>> No.3423491

In reference to 3;

Changes on a micro scale directly translate into macro scale. A microscopic change in dna can translate into a huge change, one wrongly placed amino acid can mean your arm will be coming out of your back.

So this thread actually achieves something, any biologists want to confirm this or tell me where I'm wrong? I have very little knowledge of biology

>> No.3423497

(This is the part where OP, although using wikipedia for almost every argument he ever has, decides that wikipedia is not a good resource and therefore cannot accept the argument given)

Sometimes religious people can be just as bad as 9/11 conspirators, they bitch the same three questions, yet when a legitimate reply is made, they plug their ears. And when any evolution question is properly answered, religious people will use big bang to discredit it. That's like me saying humans were not spontaneously created because cellular death makes it impossible for Jesus to be a zombie.

And I'm not athiest, I'm a Jew with his head out of his ass. inb4 antisemitic reply instead of a legitimate argument

>> No.3423502

macroevolution doesn't mean 'macro scale'. Hell, different dog breeds is microevolution and they are pretty visible, those changes! Macro-evolution means seperation of gene pools. EG: no fertile babies. Those changes may be almost invisible from the outside but seperate the gene pools.

>> No.3423504

Sounds okay.
I doubt a single amino acid would do that. Maybe a collection of mutations in a homeobox gene would cause something similar. There are cases of mammals born with limbs on their backs.

>> No.3423505

eh, I just was trying to explain natural selection like it was to a 6 year old, and AIDS jokes usually get them to warm up to you

>> No.3423513

addendum: your mutation causing an arm to grow from the back is micro-evolution UNLESS it causes speciation.

>> No.3423512

1. And how come there is no fossilized evidence of this ancestor? Is it because it doesn't exist? I think so
2. Who cares about the lungfish? Unless you think the lungfish is a transitional fossil. The thing you linked was just another fish, not a transitional form of any sort.
3. I'm talking about animals turning into different KINDS of animals, moron.

>> No.3423516

>separation of gene pools
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't this been observed in fruit flies or something?

Cheers. I do have a tendency to exaggerate

>> No.3423528

So just to clarify, a ring species like those salamanders in oregon would be macro-evolution, even though there's not a huge visual change, where was different breeds of dogs are still micro-evolution?

>> No.3423529

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tiktaalik_belgium.JPG
2. tiktaalik has both fish and tetrapod (something with 4 feet) traits. This means it's an example of a transition between fish and tetrapod.
3. Define a 'kind'.

>> No.3423530

It is observable in a fuck ton of species.


>> No.3423540

Speciation happens all the time mate.

Yep, you got it! Please share the knowledge so we don't get this misunderstanding again. Big visual changes don't necessarily mean macro-evolution.

>> No.3423556 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 1310695721103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) We did not evolve from apes. We evolved from a mix between what we know today as apes and another type of simian;

2) Every fossil you see is a transitional fossil;

3) It's not a matter of faith, just look at the data. Look at the fossil records.

That is all.

Just googe, attend a science class, visit a museum, etc.

And the reason why you have been banned is most likely because you guys are a pain in the ass. You come here only to start a fight, refuse to listen and simply ignore everything the data says.

Remember true science is asking, testing and peer review what the results you arrive at with your testing. If something goes wrong... go back to the drawing board and start again. THAT'S how science is made.

But I don't care... well, have fun.

>> No.3423554

Religion threads aren't all bad, people are learning. I bet the OP is spinning in his grave

>> No.3423562

The best thing you can do in a troll thread is teach.

>> No.3423575
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 1310695721103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not an expert on evolution, so take what I say with a grain a salt and the peeps in this thread just peer review me if I say anything stupid. I'll be thankful if you do.

1) We did not evolve from apes. We evolved from a mix between what we know today as apes and another type of simian;

2) Every fossil you see is a transitional fossil;

3) It's not a matter of faith, just look at the data. Look at the fossil records.

That is all.

Just google, attend a science class, visit a museum, etc.

And the reason why you have been banned is most likely because you ID guys are a pain in the ass. You come here only to start a fight, refuse to listen and simply ignore everything the data says.

Remember true science is asking, testing and peer review what the results you arrive at with your testing. If something goes wrong... go back to the drawing board and start again. THAT'S how science is made.

But I don't care... well, have fun.

>> No.3423625
File: 21 KB, 300x391, 1232184838833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr transitional mutations
watch this vid OP. enlightenment awaits you...


the whole series is rather good for that matter

>> No.3423657

does he... have his cranium up his rectum?

>> No.3423667
File: 51 KB, 460x500, 1118818734284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. clearly evolution afforded him an extremely supple spine and a large spincter

>> No.3423674

If dinosaurs lived MULLIONS AND MULLIONS OF YEARS AGO, then why do some ancient people have cave paintings of dinosaurs?
Because people and dinosaurs lived together, obviously.

>> No.3423676

Are there any transitional fossils? I'm intrigued in the evolutionary path towards this.

>> No.3423677

Hello troll! I'm bored so I'll answer
>1. If we evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?

Because we didn't evolve from apes.
We evolved from monkeys apes are our cousins they also evolved from monkeys (think of it like this you and your siblings are close relatives and probably look alike but your siblings didn't give birth to you your parents did) also before you ask why there is still monkeys... first: we did not evolve from the same species of monkeys that are around today and second: when a new species is born the previous ones don't just instantly die off there is always a time where a species and it's predecessors share the earth.

>2. Why are there no transitional fossils? Artists renditions and fake skeletons made out of concrete
don't count.
All fossils are transitional they each represent one of the many many lifeforms that existed and if looked at in a timeline of when theses species lived you can see the gradual changes that took place over millions of years.
also those artist renderings and fossil castings are representations of fossils that are also at the museums next time you visit your local museum of natural history ask a curator if you can look at the original fossils they will more than likely offer you a guided tour (they only keep the originals out of the way to avoid damage)

>> No.3423678

How did an old patriarch named Noah manage to build an ark out of wood that had to be big enough to house every single animal species for 40 days?

You can't answer that can you? Thought so.
Come on, at least try. Even if it sounds stupid I'll try not to make fun of you too much

>> No.3423682

>3. why do people still have faith in macro evolution, knowing that there is no direct evidence for it, and that all the so-called "evidence" for macro (not micro) evolution is bogus?

Because dear Anon no one except batshit creationists ever claimed evolution takes place instantaneously in the first place
What you call "micro evolution" is the only kind of evolution that exists and it's observable through not only the fossil record but even in everyday life (Have you ever made a family tree before? if so look at the physical traits of your ancestors and how they were passed on through your family) the process of one species becoming another one takes a very long time and therefore is not as easily observed but we know it happens because we observe the transitions in the fossil record and have performed extensive DNA testing and genome mapping that proves shared relation between species.

Now that I've answered your questions I have one for you kind of similar to your third question actually
What evidence do you have for the existence of a deity? and not circumstancial fluff evidence like "I believe therefore he exists" or "well i don't think the universe could exist without a creator" I want "MACRO" evidence like do you have any god fossils?

>> No.3423686

>god fossils

You just made my day.

>> No.3423687

>We evolved from monkeys apes are our cousins they also evolved from monkeys
Wrong, our common ancestor was with great apes, not "monkeys"
The rest of your post seems accurate though.

>> No.3423688

>What you call "micro evolution" is the only kind of evolution that exists
Untrue, some mutations cause gene pool seperation and that is macro evolution

>> No.3423693
File: 14 KB, 144x224, 101340-uzumaki-denshi-kaikihen-wonderswan-screenshot-shuichi-s-father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a transitional form, leading towards this

>> No.3423716

define "transitional fossils". you'll answer your own question

>> No.3423720

Hang on, I'm trying to put my head up my anus to check for a relation

>> No.3423737

>implying your heads not already up your ass

>> No.3423739

>Implying I'm not eating my own shit right now
I'm a living perpetuum mobile