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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 398x332, Nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3422429 No.3422429 [Reply] [Original]

DO NOT cancel funding for the James Webb Space Telescope


sign and pass it on /sci/

>> No.3422447

facebook ---> SaveJWST

>> No.3422454 [DELETED] 



>> No.3422451

Online petitions do a lot. Really.

>> No.3422456


They can barely get a public school to unban a book, how the hell could they reallocate huge amounts of government funding!?

>> No.3422486

bump for science

contact your representatives idiots

>> No.3422489

I live in the UK.

Wat do?

>> No.3422503

Join me In building more unreliable space rovers

It's traditional, any British product with Rover in the title breaks faster than you can build it

>> No.3422510


>> No.3422524

fucking amerifats wake up

>> No.3422551
File: 71 KB, 484x362, 261607_10150239389788193_697073192_7464074_1648475_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move your grassy ass pathetic scumm science needs us

>> No.3422580

can't believe the americans people actitude to the government they just won't do anything, fuck you

>> No.3422639

dude, we're broke. the science club is going to have to cancel its science fair. sorry.

>> No.3422676


dude, hope China rape your fucking asshole fat mcdonalds jesusland bullshit

>> No.3422691

>implying China is doing just fine, and not being inscrutable as usual.

>> No.3422862
File: 108 KB, 200x318, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck science

>> No.3423079

The thought of JWST and Hubble like projects gives me a raging hard on and I hate to see science funding cut when there is so much we need to learn but...

Seriously, this thing is SOOOOOOO over budget and is filled with cherry picked data and estimates that are outright lies.

NASA is too fucking top heavy and wasteful, just like the government it is run by, it would be best to restructure the command and fire some of the useless assholes who don't produce results, IE 95% of the people in charge of money management and auditing.

>> No.3423087

>trying to run a successful campaign on a social network currently closed to outsiders

>> No.3423107

>Seriously, this thing is SOOOOOOO over budget
Agreed. It's so easily affordable though.
>And is filled with cherry picked data
[citation needed]
>And estimates that are outright lies.
[citation needed]
If you cite when you're making the original claim you look smart as fuck. People genuinely assume you're making a stronger argument, because you probably are.