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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 34 KB, 480x317, vegetarian-protein.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3415058 No.3415058 [Reply] [Original]

1) Good for humanity
Modern meat production causes prodigious damage to the environment, and reduces our total food supply, thus contributing to world hunger.

2) Good for animals
There is no way to justify the treatment dealt to farm animals born to be slaughtered. Imagine living your entire life in ankle deep in your own shit, consuming food you cannot properly digest. This is to say nothing of the "humane" and "swift" deaths they're eventually subjected to, which are known to cause minutes of anguish and agony because of worker apathy and soft regulations. There are usually other forms of torture (like workers filmed while beating animals) that are plant-specific.

Suggesting that we shouldn't be concerned with the welfare of animals "because they aren't people" is an arbitrary and void moral position. Whatever argument you use to condemn those that harm humans can, and must, be used to condemn those that act against animals because animals can suffer as well. It is reminiscent of crusaders arguing that the ten commandments applied only to Christians. Hopefully you and I are intelligent enough to reason that whatever justification exists for acting morally towards Christians would apply to all humans.

And claiming that you don't support meat production standards, but still purchase meat because "eating meat in la-la-land where animals are treated well would be morally permissible" is idiotic for reasons I hope I don't need to elaborate upon.

3) Good for yourself
We eat way too much red meat. In the quantities we consume it in, and considering how fat it is compared to more natural meat, meat is causing us to be fat and is poisoning our bodies. Protein is easy to get from other sources. Iron is more difficult, but supplements are easy to find and are pretty cheap.

>in b4 "why should I be moral" derp

>> No.3415064

wat the fuck am I reading?
eating fat does not make you fat.

>> No.3415065

Why should I be moral?

>> No.3415066

Also, why is killing inferior creatures immoral?

>> No.3415067

1) It's fucking tasty

>> No.3415069

2) B-4 and B-8 vitamins are vital for humans and can't be gotten from plants.

>> No.3415070

No, because this is not scientific.

I'm going to go cook 10 pounds of meat, then add 3 cups of sour cream and maple syrup, then use that as a dip for 6 pounds of crispy thick-cut bacon.

Right fucking now.

>> No.3415071

1: Go tell Mongol nomads, Polynesian fishing villages and African cattle herders to politely starve to death. Not all land/sea is fit for crops. Idiot.
2: They're not sapient, maybe chimps and dolphins have some level of consciousness but we don't eat them anyway.
3: Vitamin B12 deficiency, loss of choice, loss of liberty, loss of economic flexibility, higher prices, loss of delicious food, loss of the best source of protein (protein is not fat, your comic is retarded and most people instantly realize why it is retarded). How is any of this good for me?

>> No.3415073

1 - Steak

>> No.3415074

Our moral stances should not be predicated upon species-classification, but upon the capacity to suffer.

>> No.3415075

Why should we care about some cows suffering?

>> No.3415077

if we:
1) work on creating more efficient animal harvesting methods.
2) genetically engineer animals so that they don't have any brain power above that of a tree
3) eat in moderation.

would vegetarian/vegan still try to convert others?

>> No.3415083

OP, these are reasons to not buy corporate meat, but have nothing to do with meat in general.

Also, there are no reasons listed supporting veganism.

If this isn't a troll, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.3415087

This would lower the incentive to go vegan which would mean that the remaining vegans would be members of kool aid drinking cults and various other crackpots, so yes.

>> No.3415089

>Go tell Mongol nomads, Polynesian fishing villages and African cattle herders to politely starve to death. Not all land/sea is fit for crops. Idiot.
I'm not. If you need to eat meat to survive, then isn't immoral. I'm assuming that a typical 4chan audience, however, is from the west where eating meat isn't necessary for survival.
They're not sapient, maybe chimps and dolphins have some level of consciousness but we don't eat them anyway
So? They can still experience suffering.

>Vitamin B12 deficiency, loss of choice, loss of liberty, loss of economic flexibility, higher prices, loss of delicious food, loss of the best source of protein (protein is not fat, your comic is retarded and most people instantly realize why it is retarded). How is any of this good for me?

Complaining about loss of choice and liberty is like a child molester complaining that anti-child molestation laws are restricting his liberty. Loss of delicious food is a problem. I never said protein is fat. But meat is fattier. And as I said, protein isn't hard to get from natural sources, like nuts.

>> No.3415090

I wouldn't.

>> No.3415091

1. Creating food reduces food supply, you heard it here first folks!

2. We are quite capable of killing animals painlessly. I don't care if it's a horrible thing to kill an animal.

3. I don't eat way too much red meat.

>> No.3415093

So it's ok if I kill an animal swiftly, so it doesn't feel pain?

>> No.3415094


No argument with the rest of the post, but

>higher prices

Even the cheapest, nastiest meat is four times as expensive as pinto beans and something like 10 times as expensive as oatmeal.

In fact, I eat nothing but those two things.

>> No.3415099

If you can find alternative sources of meat, then good for you. This is an argument for veganism if you just replace "meat" with "animal products" (except perhaps with the last argument, because there are deleterious health effects associated with veganism).

>> No.3415101

The animal will have to be raised properly too.

>> No.3415102

1) So does bio-diesel. Not eating meat is not a good solution to increase the food supply, as low food prices drive farmers in cities, contributing to lower farm yields. Eating meat drives food prices up. The true issue here is the import tariffs + local farmer subsidies put up by the US, EU and other countries.
2) The only reason the animals even lived was because I need steaks.
3) This is not an argument to not eat meat, it is an argument to eat healthier. You can eat healthy and still enjoy a steak once every while. And you can eat unhealthy without ever touching meat (french fries, pizza, cola, etc).

>> No.3415103

My wife wanted to become a vegetarian to save more animals.

I told her if she did, I'd eat 3-4x as much meat, to make up for her, and then some. She eats meat happily knowing she's saved animals from me.

>> No.3415106

I'm talking about hunting, a sport I enjoy. I wouldn't know what its life has been like before I decided to kill it.

>> No.3415110

>1. Creating food reduces food supply, you heard it here first folks
Dude, think before you post. You need to feed the animals, and you waste far more food than you get back.

>2. We are quite capable of killing animals painlessly. I don't care if it's a horrible thing to kill an animal.
But we don't. So why do you still support immoral institutions? Stop ignoring reality.

>3. I don't eat way too much red meat.
I don't know your food habits, but you should realize that recommendations from the food pyramid you see in school are way too high. Incidentally, those food group pyramid things were first designed by meat companies.

>> No.3415114

>I don't know your food habits, but you should realize that recommendations from the food pyramid you see in school are way too high. Incidentally, those food group pyramid things were first designed by meat companies.
[citation needed]

>> No.3415115
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>> No.3415124

>1) So does bio-diesel
lol when did I recommend bio-fuels. They're retarded.

>The true issue here is the import tariffs + local farmer subsidies put up by the US, EU and other countries.
That may be true, but you're still ignoring that by purchasing meat, you're increasing corporate profit, allowing them to continue with their practices. Your actions are what you should be concerned with.

>> No.3415127

personally , i just want to eat kangaroo
i fucking love eating kangaroo's

i love their meat

>> No.3415137

>You need to feed the animals
1.The animals are still going to eat if we don't kill them.
2. The majority of what animals eat isn't food that humans eat, Unless you wanted that grass?

>But we don't.
So force them to, this isn't a reason to stop eating meat, this is a reason to change the companies that don't comply.

>I don't know your food habits...
It doesn't matter anyway, what people eat is up to them, everyone knows how to fix themselves if they become overweight, however...

>those food group pyramid things were first designed by meat companies.
I do agree that people should be properly informed by impartial sources.

>> No.3415138

> implying cows would even exist as a species were it not for farming
> implying farm animals would be alive in the first place if they weren't desired for consumption
> implying farm animals would be let free to roam the countryside

>> No.3415145
File: 384 KB, 500x358, OP is massive phaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3415146

<implying I am not a very healthy person who has eaten mostly meat all his life

Yeah, I never eat pasta or bread and some other bullshit that does is not from nature.
Yeah, I eat vegs and fruits but I've read lots of cool researches on why all the carb in vegs and fruits is terrible for you.

Fuck bitches, get money, eat meat all day.

>> No.3415150

> The majority of what animals eat isn't food that humans eat, Unless you wanted that grass?
>implying animals each grass
Do you think that the pretty pastures on the bacon packaging are real?? Having animals eat grass requires large open areas, which is expensive. It's cheaper to cram animals into small farm factories where they're ankle-deep in their own shit. No room for grass. They're fed corn.

>> No.3415151

>their practices
What are you talking about, filthy hippie?
"The corporations" are not doing anything wrong.
The problem is that, if I don't buy my (local) meat, my (local) cattlefarmer will stop importing his foodsupply. The farmers in 3rd world countries will see a decline in their profits for animal food. By definition, the farmers producing animal food make more money then other farmers, since if they do not more money, they would switch. Since we no longer accept food for animals, the farmers must switch, and hence make less money. The capital of the farmers in the 3rd world decreases, forcing them to move to the city, or starve to death. In effect _decreasing_ the food supply in the 3rd world.
The lie that the earth cannot produce enough food to keep up with western standards is a result of taking the average land output. The food output per square kilometer of an industrialized nation is much larger than that of a developing country. The solution is to increase the rewards of farming (hence allowing them in investing in increasing their output), not to decrease them.

>> No.3415152

>So force them to, this isn't a reason to stop eating meat, this is a reason to change the companies that don't comply.
Yeah, by buying their products you're really bringing about change, kiddo. No, you're definitely not supporting their practices in any way.

>> No.3415156
File: 274 KB, 1440x810, 1310028514432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The approved food pyramid was actually created under pressure from grain farmers (hence grains being the thing at the bottom of the pyramid)
2. Fat doesn't make you fat.
3. I don't care whether the animals that I eat suffer. Now what? Your morality is just as stupid and arbitrary.
4. Meat per se is very good for you. Maybe chicken nuggets aren't, but that's not what we're talking about

>> No.3415157

>Having animals eat grass requires large open areas
I can't speak for where you live, but where I live (New Zealand), that's exactly what they have.

>> No.3415162

I hate it when people spout bullshit about companies, simply because they are companies.
All companies are lead by people. Get that in your head, before you spout bullshit about them being unethical. How about politicians and leaders being unethical?

>> No.3415163

I don't have to stop buying their products, I can get petitions going, have people contact their governers or mp's or whatever political figure they have.

>> No.3415164

Should people eat crickets instead?

Easy to raise.
No zoning / permits required to keep them.
~50% protein.
May or may not feel pain.

Potentially devastating to the local ecosystem if one person improperly contained them (since likely a few hundred would need to be kept in order to sustain one person).

>> No.3415165

>"The corporations" are not doing anything wrong.

>The farmers in 3rd world countries will see a decline in their profits for animal food [if they don't export]
That's the problem. We don't want 3rd world farmers exporting their food, because that reduces food supplies for 3rd world populations.

>> No.3415166

>Fat doesn't make you fat.
wtf am i reading

>> No.3415170

But you're not. You're sitting on 4chan and buying meat.

>> No.3415172

Storing fat makes you fat. Not all fat you eat is stored.

>> No.3415173

I didn't say I am, I said I can.

>> No.3415174

Excess calories make you fat. Eating fatty foods doesn't make you fat.

>> No.3415176

>dem open fields

>> No.3415177

>3. I don't care whether the animals that I eat suffer. Now what? Your morality is just as stupid and arbitrary.

if we establish that eating meat is not necessary, and that animals suffer in the procution and distribution of meats and you're ok with that morally. then you are also have no problem with kicking a dog in the face for fun, for example, right?

>> No.3415178

I really like meat OP, I really want to try whale meat. They have that japan you know?, I'm going to go there one day and eat those whales.


>> No.3415180

Nutrition means nothing? Where your calories comes from matters.

>> No.3415181


>And as I said, protein isn't hard to get from natural sources, like nuts.

Meat is not a natural source?

The bioavailability of plant based protein is shit, as is the amino acid profile. Sure, you can combine different sources to get a complete profile, but eating meat is just so much easier, and you don't have to worry about overeating carbs. Also, B12.

And no, I'm not a ketofag.

>> No.3415182

>We don't want 3rd world farmers exporting their food,
We DO want 3rd world famers exporting their food.
For the sake of the countries themselves.
Nearly all 3rd world countries are food exporters. Have you seen what trade embargos (= stop importing their food) do to those countries? Exactly, they cause starvation.
Us importing their food is what keeps farming cost-effictive. If we stop importing their food, their farmers will stop farming, because they don't make enough money. Then they all die. It happened, several times.

>> No.3415184

It's claimed coconut oil increases metabolism and burns fat.

>> No.3415186

Being absolutely vegan i.e. no milk and eggs is, according to me, pretty retarded and useless. However, I've decided to cut my meat consumption ten folds, and i don't feel starved or anything; i just don't feel the need to eat crappy industrial processed meat. I don't buy the emotional arguments about animals suffering or anything since that is part of nature. But it is definitely more rational to eat less meat; for each unit of meat produced, a hundred units of grain are used by the animals, making the ecological impact enormous. The huge meat consumption of the US is largely provided by brazilian farms expanding at the expense of the most important rain forest; the US and EU-grown meat benefits from HUGE governmental subventions keeping the prices artificially lower than they ought to be. The average north american diet contains too much of meet to really be healthy.
And your argument about tastyness doesn't hold when you know how to cook. The average veggie food DOES taste like nothing with bits of grass over it, but if you cook indian food with a fuckton of spices, you don't feel like you're missing something.
TLDR. Eat less meat, but good meat. It's better for the planet, and for society, and for animals if you happen to care, and vegetables don't necessarely taste like shit.

>> No.3415189

>meat isn't natural?
The whole point is that you eat nutritionally without harming animals.

>> No.3415191

To be honest I was thinking of cows, sheep etc...
But obviously, every country has terrible farms like that, and they need to be changed or shut down.

Way to pick out one of the very few bad ones.

>> No.3415193


It's also "claimed" that diet soda "makes" you fat. Just today my local newspaper devoted an entire page to that drivel.

>> No.3415194

Of course it does. You're moving the goal posts. You asserted that meat is unhealthy because it can be fatty, which isn't true. Meat is filled with plenty of other good nutrients, some of which you can't get elsewhere, it is nutritious.

I think it's pretty stupid and I'd hate for somebody to kick my dog in the face. You can be selective you know... I can care for my dog and not a cow or a chicken that I'll eat.

Everything isn't black & white like harry potter.

>> No.3415199

OP's first point is actually accurate.

After that though I can only barely salvage his third point by saying that people do indeed eat too much meat, at least in America.

As for the detractors...
>not filling any nutrional gaps with supplements

>> No.3415201

>Have you seen what trade embargos do
When did I talk about a trade embargo? By not purchasing their food and 3rd world domestic food production, global access to food will increase. They won't magically stop farming.

>> No.3415202

So you admit that your distinctions are arbitrary? And they're not based on any actual reasoning or logic?
Then you have no place on /sci/.

>> No.3415210

Watch this and tell me if you empathetic /sci/


>> No.3415216

>You asserted that meat is unhealthy because it can be fatty, which isn't true. Meat is filled with plenty of other good nutrients, some of which you can't get elsewhere, it is nutritious.
What are you talking about, meat IS fatty. And while it is true that meat has things that are hard to find elsewhere (ie iron), it can be adequately compensated for by supplements. The argument for avoiding meat is that, if done properly, less harm is done to humanity, animals, and yourself.

And moral decisions shouldn't be based on cuteness.

>> No.3415221

Trade embargo was an example you fuckhead.
If we stop importing food from a 3rd world country (for example, because of a trade embargo), the farmers WILL magically stop farming, and move to the city.

>> No.3415225

My reasoning for eating meat is mainly that it is good for me and I like it. Your reasoning is that we shouldn't eat meat because animals suffer, and that matters to you because... YOU have no place on /sci/.

>> No.3415227

Sure, trade embargo is ONE way of reducing food imports. Am I supporting it? No, because it'd be retarded. Another way is to just cut our demand for food imports.

>> No.3415231

Why does harming humans matter but not animals?

>> No.3415234

The cause of the import-halt doesn't matter. Jezus, are you really this dense?

>> No.3415238

I didn't even mention human suffering. Why don't you respond to my actual post? All living things are in exactly the same boat.

>> No.3415241

Because we are humans. We care what happens to us.

>> No.3415249

There were always be omnivores and carnivores. Animals will always suffer for the masses. Deal with it. Good day to you sir.

>> No.3415253


>> No.3415260

If you believe in any practically any other moral principle, like that we shouldn't summarily sterilize the earth, then suffering is one of many variables of morality, and a minor one. This was obvious to everyone till about 50 years ago. I really don't know what happened to make people so ignorant.

Ethical vegetarianism is a crock of shit. You cause exactly as much suffering as every other citizen of an industrialized country and just can't face it.


>> No.3415262

Sigh, I see both sides.

Is it ok to eat meat if I whip myself at night in private to repent?

>> No.3415267

>The cause of the import-halt doesn't matter
...do you know what a trade embargo is?

>> No.3415269

>Nearly all 3rd world countries are food exporters. Have you seen what trade embargos (= stop importing their food) do to those countries? Exactly, they cause starvation.

Wait they starve because they can't get rid of their food? Fucking economics what have you done this time.

>> No.3415285

the problem with a lot of Vegetarian/Vegans is that they are pompous, self-righteous assholes, not really that different than other Religious Fanatics. You don't eat meat because you trying to be healthier? good for you! Now STFU!!!

>> No.3415322

OP I'm surprised you didn't just point out how inefficient meat production is

it uses an absolute shitton of water and land compared to farming crops, plus releasing shitloads of pollution/greenhouse gases... that's pretty much the main reason I would consider cutting back on meat

>> No.3415355

You know the 9th and 10th highest suppliers of B12 are cheese and eggs.... right?

newfag here, does /sci/ never actually look up statistics?

>> No.3415365
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are alplying to humanity and humanity only
deal with it already faggot

>> No.3415384

Pro Tip: Its actually the bread

>> No.3415399

/sci/ tends to argue what they feel is right, /sci/entists will also almost always counter anything they disagree with with something which is easily solved

>> No.3415412

all animals produce greenhouse gases and always have done.
let's fucking kill everything, shall we?
this argument is one of the most fucktarded i've ever heard. shows a typical brainwashed envirofag ignorance of hugely advanced stuff like, uh, the carbon cycle. greenhouse gases are not sin in material form for fuck's sake, they are a natural part of the atmosphere and without them almost everything would be dead.

>> No.3415413

I'm ovo-lacto-vegetarian; I eat eggs, drink milk and eat fish. However, I believe it is completely ok to eat meat; if they don't suffer through the process of course.

Don't eating meat for moral reasons is silly, I don't eat red meat because I know that it is better for my being.

>> No.3415417

>is an arbitrary and void moral position
All morals are arbitrary. Your argument is void.

I actually agree that animal suffering should be minimized as much as possible. I agree that the modern system of mass-producing animals for slaughter causes unnecessary suffering. I agree that worker apathy is a real problem.

I don't agree that a faulty implementation necessarily means that the plan itself can never work.

If you believe that it is "wrong" to eat other animals, then you must believe that all carnivores are somehow morally reprehensible. You have a distorted view of the natural order because you are too far removed from it.

>> No.3415424

What's the point of this thread?

>> No.3415425


We can raise happy cows and kill them painlessly. There's nothing morally wrong with eating meat.

>> No.3415428

OP is butthurt, someone made fun of him.

lame vegans

>> No.3415431

To refute bullshit ideas surrounding vegetarianism.

I think it's fine if you want to do it, but saying that eating meat is somehow morally wrong is bizarre.

Sure, minimize animal suffering. But that's got little to do with eating meat.

And if we start running out of farmland at some point? Meat gets expensive, we eat less of it and grow crops instead, problem solved.

>> No.3415436

op, your pic is exactly why i think vegetarians are mentally deficient

all the fat chicks at school are vegetarians
explain that....

>> No.3415437

Still believing in lipid hypothesis dogma.

>> No.3415440

Vitamin B4: adenine, a nucleobase, is synthesized by the human body.

Vitamin B8: adenosine monophosphate, or alternately myo-inositol, is synthesized by the human body.

Neither plants nor animals are independently capable of constructing vitamin B12. Only bacteria have the enzymes required for its synthesis

mfw people dont know what they are talking about

>> No.3415444

hahhahah lol'd
>eating meat is so wrong!! eat tons of greasy chips!

>> No.3415460
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mfw armchair physician

>> No.3415464

#1 and #2 are right, #3 is a complete lie.

>> No.3415465
File: 34 KB, 487x415, enoughbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still peddling the same shit here?
Propaganda works in other places, a bit, but this is /sci/ and we have been over this.

At least make corrections to your propaganda campaign. You still have no sources, not even any examples of these farms where animals are living their "entire life in ankle deep in their own shit, consuming food they cannot properly digest".
At this point your argument is a pathetic repetition of a broken argument.

If you know of people that are treating animals this way, boycott their products and make your government enforce proper standards.

You still fail to understand what ethics are and how moral standards must operate.
You still have no proper argument against eating meat.
You are still barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.3415475


don't worry op, the more you evangelize your cause, the more noble and intellegent it becomes...

also, all or nothing fag


understand that

your medicines were tested on something....

>> No.3415496

In a perfect diet there wouldn't be any meat yes.
But if you lack the brains to eat the things that can replace meat you will become a skinny faggot, and unhealthy.
Also meat tastes to good to leave alone, and a near perfect diet is also good.(Not like a perfect diet would be good for the economy if they all become very old)
Same goes for smoking, unhealthy.
But good for the economy.
Also happiness>being healthy.

>> No.3415522
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The man pictured is a lifelong vegetarian and world-class athlete.

>> No.3415525

>In a perfect diet there wouldn't be any meat yes.

>> No.3415528

Religion, veganism or paladins everywhere. If it's not one shit it's the other.

>> No.3415534
File: 40 KB, 560x432, haha_oh_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.3415565
File: 468 KB, 1600x1200, science_fiction_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual vegetarian here. Been one for about seven years.

I do it not because I like animals, the environment, or think that it's "healthy." I do it because I realize the moral consequences of evolutionary science. Most animals are sentient beings who experience life--including suffering--not entirely unlike we do. There is no reason to believe that equivalent suffering of livestock animals is inferior to human experience of suffering (at varying levels of course; it would probably take the death of ~20 hamsters to equal the suffering of 1 human death). You may disagree with me or come up with some cliched retorts, but you can fuck yourself.

If "in vitro meat" ever comes online, I would gladly eat that. I'm not primarily concerned with neither positive nor adverse personal health effects. I take a multivitamin with B12 in it like every person in the developed world should. The environment is another thing I could give less of a shit about. I do it for teh pigs.

>> No.3415581

>>all animals produce greenhouse gases and always have done.
>>let's fucking kill everything, shall we?

thank you for ignoring every part of my argument except one, which you then proceed to turn into an oversimplified strawman instead

I really do appreciate that

>> No.3415590

Plants are living organisms as well. So, you're still killing living organisms. In other words, 7/10.

>> No.3415628


>> No.3415645

ITT: rationalization, evangelization, propaganda, skepticism

oh yeah, and a metric fuckton of illogic and "morals"

>> No.3415652
File: 1.79 MB, 211x173, billy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to me when you've exterminated all the carnivores minus those kept in zoos and fed only tofu and yeast extracts.

>> No.3415658


Rofl that gif is horrible, fucking turtles are scary man

>> No.3415659


A lot of livestock don't suffer. They have quick, painless deaths after having a life of being well-fed and taken care of.

So under your logic, it would be okay to eat those animals?

>> No.3415664


You're a vegetarian? The animal products that you use have more suffering involved than meat. Your argument makes no sense.

>> No.3415667

so is this like the new troll for /sci/

>> No.3415675

Something like that is happening right now to literally millions of vertebrates across the world.

>> No.3415705

>eating less red meat
>eating less meat
full retard

>> No.3415707
File: 17 KB, 210x180, frysquinting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The animal products that you use have more suffering involved than meat.

Elmer's glue and other products with animal-derived reagents are only sourced from slaughterhouses because usually they would be thrown away otherwise, since they serve no dietary purpose. If the world suddenly stopped eating meat, it would only make economic sense to use synthetic leather rather than raise a cow solely for its skin only to throw away the edible meat.

>> No.3415723


I'm primarily talking about eggs. A lot of vegetarians use eggs and then talk about how they won't eat meat because of the "suffering."

>> No.3415725
File: 50 KB, 300x274, 1310918616174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can not be a faggot and eat both plants and animals.

Besides, if you were a wild animal; would you rather go weeks with out eating or, would you rather have a guaranteed meal every day? On top of that, you'd have protection from predators.

If you ask me the animals we eat have it pretty good. We take care of them; and they give us food.

>> No.3415765

The pain involved in producing eggs or milk is really negligible. Only in the absolute worst and irresponsible of farming practices would the experience of hens amount to what is involved in depriving a pig of its life. With dairy and eggs, we are basically hijacking a biological process that really would have happened anyway. I do eat eggs or dairy products occasionally; I'm not fanatical. That said, in logical consistency, it would still be _ideal_ to avoid dairy and eggs as well.

>> No.3415774


You obviously aren't aware of how they treat the chickens in the egg industry. I find it amusing that you call it "negligible" since you yourself eat eggs. That help you sleep at night?

>> No.3415795

>be 12 years old
>only read first sentence of post
>miss seeing that I already addressed what you said:

>>it would still be _ideal_ to avoid dairy and eggs as well.
I never implied that what I personally was doing was perfect. I can admit to my own shortcomings. Why can't you?

This whole "eggs" thing is just a red herring. The real question is whether slaughtering animals is right or wrong. You would be hard pressed to find evidence showing slaughter to be worse than harvesting eggs, no matter how crowded the chickens are.

>> No.3415826


I tried going Vege OP but it's really hard on my stomach.

I can't simply eat junk cereals and shit carbs all day to get my calories or nuts.

I get most of my calories from meat protein and meat fat and eggs.

What is a Vege diet like if one doesn't resort to eating shit carbs all day?

>> No.3415828

I'd eat dolphin or chimp.

Fuck, I'd eat human if someone prepared it in a way that looked appetizing.

>> No.3415829


>> No.3415832


My acne gets really bad on a vegetarian diet because its so full of carbs and sugars.

I feel like shit and my workouts suffer. I have to eat meat/meat protein/meat fat.

>> No.3415840

Why even bother with grass?

Healthy, processed nutrient bars for all meals!

>> No.3415853
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughingwhores1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gets acne
inferior genes detected

>> No.3415861


>> No.3415885

slaughtering other animals for food is not wrong, having them suffer for it is.
Most animals here in ireland are reasonably well treated, especially anything free range, I think britain is similar, that's what we should be doing, not running away from the meat indutry because it treats animals poorly, we should be moving it towards proper care of the animals.

>> No.3415932

Because I'm a broke motherfucker, I'm currently living with my father who is a vegan. Which means I am, essentially, a vegan as well. Cutting meat and dairy out of my diet helped me lose a LOT of weight, really fast.

However, now I'm exercising and want to get rid of my last little bit of belly fat and start putting on muscle. On a vegan diet that's damn near impossible.

tl;dr if you're going to be lazy, might as well be animal-free. If not, you have earned the right to eat meat.

>> No.3415974

On the upside, I'm not sure there are any real animals in a hot-pocket, so I think I might be safe here.

>> No.3415996

what does "wrong" mean in this context

it's wrong to eat meat, what does this mean? how do you know it's wrong...