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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3414783 No.3414783 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, please put forth to me a valid argument as to why Christianity is bullshit. My friend is trying to 'convert' me, and I am seriously getting pissed off. I am currently agnostic, and I do not wish to subscribe to any specific religion. Just give me several valid reasons why you feel as though Christianity is a pointless road which no 'sane' being should venture down.

>> No.3414787

Faith can be proven to be a shitty system.

>> No.3414790

>waaaaaay more than thousands of years bro

>> No.3414799

you seem to have it pretty covered. Based on what you wrote you have 0 faith so just say what you feel.

if he really is trying to convert you you need to rethink your
since he is not going to listen to reason.

>> No.3414809

Occam's razor

>> No.3414810

>doesn't realize it's an summary of his actions assuming the bible is true, hence using the timeline presented therein bro

>> No.3414816
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>> No.3414818
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>> No.3414819
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>> No.3414821
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>> No.3414824
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>> No.3414829

Souls do not exist. We know this because every function they were supposed to have is performed by the human brain. Except bring people back to life. That doesn't happen.

Furthermore, prayers don't get answered with a probability higher than random chance and natural explanations have always prevailed against supernatural ones.

>> No.3414842 [DELETED] 


which function of the human brain goes to heaven when you die?

>> No.3414844


which function of the human brain goes to heaven when you die?

Also what brain function produces a conscience and free will?

>> No.3414845



>Except bring people back to life. That doesn't happen.

>> No.3414847


>believes that free will exists in the classical sense

Hello mr Dualist.

>> No.3414849

Ask him why he thinks belief in Thor or Flying spaghetti monster is bullshit. Then tell him the same reason is why Chriistianity is bullshit.

>> No.3414860

>which function of the human brain goes to heaven when you die?
This doesn't happen.

>Also what brain function produces a conscience
The entire brain

>free will
lol what

>> No.3414877

Out of nothing, nothing comes. I recently dropped my believe in creatio ex nihilo, even though this concept has been around for a long time. After looking through the bible passages concerning this, I have found that the idea is not based directly on scripture, but on ideas read into it.

I now hold to creatio ex deo, meaning created out of the being of God. This is consistent and supports my presuppositional apologetic on God. Where God is a being whose nature can be derived by the necessary axioms needed to account for the reality we see. The most important and overlooked truth being the personal nature needed to create the universe. Without this personal nature nothing could have be set into motion.

>> No.3414882
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>> No.3414884

christianity is a human sacrifice cult

is there any valid argument that aliens haven't implanted a chip in the crazy homeless guys leg?

they're both ludicrous delusions that only make sense to those with mental illness

>> No.3414888

>Is trying to change who you are and what you believe in
Tell them to just shut up and fuck off.

>> No.3414901

How do you account for universal logical principles?
They just are.
How do you account for morality?
It just is.
Where did the energy in the universe come from?
It always existed.
How do you account for uniformity in the universe?
It's nature does not change.
Did we come from nothing or everything?
Was the universe created from a personal or impersonal force?
Personal, else nothing would be put into motion.

String all your axioms together, can it account for the totality of reality you see right now, including the formation of the universe, the matter/energy that exists, knowledge, morality, etc.? If not then you are missing pieces of the puzzle.

This is what God is, that unchanging, infinite existence.

>> No.3414908
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>> No.3414910


I was just pointing out that the post about souls was complete bullshit >>3414829

The function of the soul is to go to heaven, have a conscience, and enforce your free will... none of which is a part of the brain because none of it is real, so the brain can not possibly encapsulate a soul.

>> No.3414911


Nope, that's the property of existence, not god.

One is a property, the other is a fairytale boogeyman. The definitions are quite different.

>> No.3414912
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Agnosticism is the active belief that God exists but is fundamentally unknowable, there is no such thing as an agnostic atheist(what would that even mean?, you disbelieve in an unknowable god?)

>> No.3414913



>not real

>> No.3414914
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>See image

>> No.3414917

lol asking the wrong questions
Are you aware how obnoxious that is?

>> No.3414921

>Except bring people back to life. That doesn't happen.
Tell that to the people who were clinically dead for about a minute, and still came back perfectly fine.

>> No.3414926
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>> No.3414930

somebody fucking archive this thread, and show it to newfags, whenever they try to discuss religion -.-

>> No.3414931

No good. It's just atheist chestbeating.

They're not even addressing any religion but Christianity...

>> No.3414932


After the 'wave of death' in which neurons lose their ability to transmit signals, there is no coming back.

Heart stoppage isn't death.

>> No.3414936

Please read
And gtfo

>> No.3414940
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>> No.3414942
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>> No.3414958
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Except it's not. He's right, you're being a fucking idiot with your whole organization.

>> No.3414967

most 'agnostics' I know just don't give a damn.

>> No.3414969


That's wrong. Jahve is jewish, not christian. Christian god had no name.

>> No.3414971

You cannot provide a valid argument against Christianity.

Explain why the bible says something false? "Lol no it's not literal".
They will literally make shit up.

>> No.3414975

If you ever have Jehova's Witnesses knock on your door, you should tell them this.

>> No.3414985


>Agnosticism is the active belief that God exists but is fundamentally unknowable

its not you faggot.

>> No.3414988

>Book of Leviticus
>Search it

that's the best thing I've ever read, and he isn't even trolling

>> No.3414996


The Christian god is the fucking Jewish god you gigantic retard.

>> No.3415001


This is fucking delicious.

>> No.3415002

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.3415011

while on the topic of religion.... what do you /sci/tard's think happens after we die? is there an afterlife?

>> No.3415018


>> No.3415039

Of course not sillybuns

>> No.3415048


/sci/ - Science & Math
All science and math related topics welcome.
Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
No "religion vs. science" threads.

>> No.3415060
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>No "religion vs. science" threads.

Yes, you really are a cool and edgy hipster for rebelling against your soccer mom for making you go to sunday school all those years, but this is a forum about science not teen angst butthurt.

Try here instead,


or maybe put a deep quote on your facebook status, whatever, anything is fine, just not here.

>> No.3415068
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>> No.3415104


define "afterlife".

>> No.3415107

Question for curiosity's sake - what about a thread regarding "religion in science"? i.e. scientists who still harbor some semblance of spirituality, not necessarily Christianity, but still the belief in a higher power?

>> No.3415120


>> No.3415143 [DELETED] 

the 'wait thousands of years' part is most significant.

christians have concocted this thread for why everything exists. (because god did it). what they've done though, is complete disregard millions of creatures and other humans who lived prior to god's supposed intervention in the middle east. These people would have lived barely into their 20s. They were hardly even given a chance.

It all becomes very pathetic when religious apologists try to offset their guilt from this arrogance and naivety by insisting that christ's sacrifice and entry into heaven is retroactive. It's a convenient yet lame excuse and is hardly any consolation for those people who were constrained to very meager circumstances.

>> No.3415141

Agreed, since it's banned in the rules, there should be no threads about it.

However, if that weren't there, I would say they're very related.

>> No.3415147

the 'wait thousands of years' part is most significant.

christians have concocted this theory for why everything exists. (because god did it). what they've done though, is complete disregard millions of creatures and other humans who lived prior to god's supposed intervention in the middle east. These people would have lived barely into their 20s. They were hardly even given a chance.

It all becomes very pathetic when religious apologists try to offset their guilt from this arrogance and naivety by insisting that christ's sacrifice and entry into heaven is retroactive. It's a convenient yet lame excuse and is hardly any consolation for those people who were constrained to very meagre circumstances.